[PDF]Bruce G Mc Carthy Theocratic Money Vs Democratic Money

[PDF]Bruce G Mc Carthy Theocratic Money Vs Democratic Money

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Never in America’s history have so many serious
problems confronted her people, accompanied by so few
clear and Biblically sound solutions. |

Farmers are separated from their land, sometimes
forcibly, amidst a foreclosure phenomena which has be-
come almost epidemic; most urban Americans seemingly
oblivious to the struggle.

Businesses are bought out and consolidated in a credit
induced frenzy, while alien imports now dominate a
market formerly secured to Western culture - with no
alternatives to reverse American’s de-industrialization
and "third-world" destiny.

The Federal "snout" probes the hidden recesses of our
most personal affairs, having become an accepted part of
the local landscape by a once free and self-governing
people - with little discussion allowed to show the many
how they were so cunningly enslaved by the few.

Foreign aid flows freely to our bitterest enemies
who’ve sworn to our destruction; the American flag is
burned and her people despised - while America lies
supine and inert, gazing into the electronic campfire, sur-

2 Theocratic vs Democratic Money... NR 7 ር |

rounded by the debris of fast-food "foam" purveyed ከሃ the
locally operated "remotely-controlled" franchise feed lot.

These, and a host of related woes, find a common
"thread" in today’s system of credit. Without access to
credit even the best ideas are almost sure to fail, while an
open checkbook guarantees eventual s success to the most
absurd endeavors.

There are people who are favorably disposed to
enslave their neighbors, and there is a system by which
slavery is propagated rapidly in times of peace. Credit is
that system, the bankers its purveyor - and the globe their

The decline of the West from liberty to "contract
bondage" is the result of our moral and spiritual decay.
We ought not be surprised, therefore, to find parallels in
the realm of both politics and economics. The religion
which glorifies the men who play god is manifest in the
political arena - and made altogether possible by an in-
fusion of man-made credit.

Today’s warped and degenerate political scene sug-
gests a marked departure from the statesmanship of a
bygone era, while economics has blossomed into a con-
voluted science orchestrated to conceal a colossal fraud
perpetrated upon an unsuspecting public.

Indeed, our modern sociopolitical and economic sys-
tem retains only the form or outer shell of its original
substance, these gradual changes reflecting a more subtle
transformation - we abandoned the Faith of our Fathers.

It was, after all, the religious convictions of our
European ancestors which produced the political climate
so necessary for the free and decentralized economic
system we’ve since discarded. Politics is the administra-

Theocratic vs Democratic Money... 3

tion of a nation’s spiritual tenets, and our’s certainly differ
from the Biblical precepts which formerly guided our ship
of state.

A nation whose foundation is the Bible naturally es-
tablishes a political system to administer the laws of God,
and in the area of economics these would cover: just
weights and measures, usury, etc. to provide essential
safeguards for protecting life, liberty and property. —

By contrast, totalitarian government oversees: the for-
cible redistribution of wealth, aborticide, licensing of fun-
damental rights, etc., inspired by [the state is god] secular
humanism. The "lifeblood" of all tyranny is legal plunder:

"When plunder has become a way of life for a group of men
living together in society, they create for themselves in the
course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral
code that glorifies it." -Bastiat.


There are two sources of religion and corresponding
law, each forming the basis for one of two counterpoised
economic systems: One free and decentralized, the other
regulated and centralized. Either the GOD of Israel will
govern in the affairs of men - or a few "illuminated" men
will play god.

Greek. theos + krateein =God + make the rules


Greek. demos + krateein = Man + make the rules

Man-made rules, while not "law" per se, attain the
force of law by way of public consent, either expressed (as
by vote or referendum) or implied (as when we ignore
evil). To acquiesce, unfortunately, is tantamount to a vote

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4 Theocratic vs Democratic Money... | |

of approval and by this method, evil has spread swiftly |
among the silent majority.

Man, while unable to make law in the common or
general sense, engages in a limited form of "law-making"
to govern the grant of privileges (Lat. privius + lex =
private law) whereby bonds of law arise out of contract or-
consent. Signature of an applicant is thus essential to
prove that he agrees to abide by statutes which may run
counter to Law. Common (to all Israel) Law originates —
with GOD and is binding without our signature or consent.

The proliferation of government privileges (licenses,
welfare, corporate charters, etc.) and bank credit all
originate with the Civil (Lat. civilus = citizen) Law and
not Law itself. You do not have an "inalienable right’ At
Law to go in debt, for example. |

"Jus civile est quod sibi populus constituit. The civil law is what
a people establishes for itself." - Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 3rd
rev.,vol.2, citing Inst. 1.2.1; 1 Johns [NY] 424,426.


These two principle divisions of jurisprudence, Law
and Civil Law, adjudicate matters in controversy with

respect to their own jurisdictions, including their correla- - | >
tive economic systems. Law governs the realny of. sub- ..

stance (e.g., gold/silver) created by God [John I:1 -ሻ]፡ Civil
Law regulates intangible bank "credit" (Lat. credere = to
believe) created by the stroke of a pen.

| Theocratic vs Democratic Money... 5

"Whatever their other errors, a long line of financial heretics
have been right in speaking of ‘fountain pen money’ - money
created by the stroke of the bank president’s pen when he
approves a loan and credits the proceeds to the borrower’s
checking account." Readings in Money, National Income and
Stabilization Policy, "Commercial Banks as Creators of
Money" by Prof. James Tobin, p. 156. |

Gold and silver have been used as money from antiq-
uity, our father Abraham possessing them [Genesis 13:2]
in abundance. Thus a convenient unit of weight was
needed to express them; the shekel of old later giving way
to the troy ounce of today. Americans, however, officially
adopted the decimal system for weighing gold and silver,
the "dollar" being the primary unit of measure. Yet virtual-
ly no one recognizes it as such, erroneously believing that
a dollar is a tangible thing.

Nevertheless, just as concrete is measured in cubic
yards, salt is denominated in pounds, and milk is expressed
in quarts, so too, silver and gold were weighed in dollars.
Since no tangible entity answers to a concrete cubic yard,
salt pound, or milk quart - it stands to reason no tangible
commodity could answer to a gold or silver dollar. Intan-
gible units of measure are not fashioned from tangible


The first recorded real estate transaction [Genesis
23:16] was consummated in silver, while later [Exodus 25:3
& 35:5] the LORD commanded gold, silver and brass to
be received as offerings in the tabernacle. Godly traits
were even compared to silver and gold [Psalms 119:72 and
Proverbs 3:13 & 14] and the Ark of the Covenant [Exodus
25:11-18] was overlaid with the yellow metal. Evidently,
the LORD [YHWH] did not find gold or silver objec-
tionable, nor did our forefathers:

6 Theocratic vs Democratic Money...

"No State shall...make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a
Tender in Payment of Debts..." - Article J, Section 10, U.S.
Constitution [1787].

Value estimations [Leviticus 27:3] were reckoned in
silver. This is a principle function of money, namely the
"pricing" of goods and services. Therefore we ought not
be surprised to find the Old Testament Hebrew word for
both silver and money, almost without exception, was one
and the same - "Keceph."

Occasionally the Bible is used to justify the condem-
nation of gold and silver. Ezekiel 7:19 is sometimes
quoted since it is here we find them being "thrown into the
streets" as evidence of their worthlessness. However, it is
their improper use which creates the problem, not the
metals themselves. Proper use does not imply trust in
silver or gold any more than Noah’s ark symbolized his
faith in wood. But Noah believed God, whose command-
ment he obeyed [Hebrews 11:7] by works of faith.

Accurate or lawful delivery (payment) of a substance
requires three principle elements, each of them found in
Genesis 23:16 where Abraham purchased land with silver,

(1) Quantity symbol - 400
(2) Unit of measure - shekel
(3) Substance - silver

Theocratic vs Democratic Money... 7


Likewise, America’s monetary system, which con-
sisted of gold and silver coins, provided us with that third
essential element - substance - in direct proportion to the
quantity symbol stamped on the coin.

Omitting either the quantity symbol, or its accompany-
ing unit of measure, reduces accuracy in measure and
delivery to the level of absurdity. Failure to identify the
substance being weighed or measured, however,
precludes payment altogether.

Consider the confusion for a merchant being asked to
sell "five Swiss cheese." Five what? Ounces, pounds, or
pieces? He must know the unit of measure.

An order for "quarts of milk" is also difficult to fill
accurately. A clue as to how many quarts (the quantity
symbol in other words) might be handy to know.


But what about a failure to identify the substance?
Well, try ordering "five pounds, thin sliced" next time you

visit the deli and see for yourself. Cashiers, on the other

hand, will think nothing of an expression like "Ten dollars"
- even after being asked "Ten dollars of WHAT?" .

The coins depicted on the next page leave little doubt
as to what substance [gold] was being weighed or
measured in the decimal [dollar/cent] system. Just
weights and measures, so necessary for what we’ll call

"Theocratic Money", were almost evident at first glance.

8 Theocratic ys Democratic Money... |


Unit of Measure Substance
Decimal System 90% pure |
(Troy System) gold

dollar/$ “በቄ
(grains) 8. 1889 .1





10 $
(258.0) (grains)

20 $
(516.0) (grains)

Theocratic vs Democratic Money... 9

Pre-1965 silver coins of the U.S. (and pre-1935 "dol-
lar" coins) demonstrated harmony, one with another,
similar to the gold coins. Both were akin to a full set of
measuring cups found in ma’s kitchen.

However, silver was weighed in a different decimal
system than was used for measuring gold. This created
confusion: a dollar of silver weighed sixteen times more
than a dollar of gold.

As a "bonus," Congress introduced another error, [in
1853] specifically relating to silver. The "half dollar" and
smaller coins were debased slightly. Consequently, the
dollar coin came to weigh more than two "halves," four
"quarters" or ten "dimes" of silver.

While most of us knew the large coin (see next page) as
a "silver dollar," this is incorrect. Silver and gold were to
be "as money within the United States", the money then to
be "expressed in dollars" - our principle unit for measuring
money and, unfortunately, credit instruments as well.

A unit of measure [e.g., ounce, gallon, or dollar] cannot
replace or become the "thing" for which it is the mere unit.
There are no gold ounces, water gallons, or silver dollars.
Nor can we reasonably expect to find an ounce of "ounces,"
gallon of "gallons" or a dollar of "dollars."

However, economists occasionally suggest "dollars are
both the money and the measure of it!" Rightly did Jesus
say that when the blind leadeth the blind, "both shall fall
- into the ditch."

10 Theocratic vs Democratic Money... |


Quanity Unit of Measure Substance
Decimal System 90% pure
(Troy System) silver
.05 dollar/$
(19.2) (grains)
10 $
(38.4) (grains)
25 $
(96.0) (grains)
50 $
(192.0) | (grains)
1.00 $

(412.5) (grains)

ETE ው aa OE a n RT

Theocratic vs Democratic Money... 11


Using two decimal systems violated the Law. A dollar
of silver or gold should have been the same amount of
metal, just as a pound of salt equals one pound of sugar.

Better still, this problem could have been avoided by
weighing the coins in ounces (either troy or avoirdupois)
in lieu of dollars, assuming the public could not have been
conned into accepting heavy ounces of silver and light
ounces of gold. This would have simply required payment
of sixteen silver coins to equal the value of one gold coin.

The dollar of
silver weighed
412.5 grains...

While the
dollar of
gold weighed
25.8 grains

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Bind Gor we a aN

Unfortunately, transactions formerly made using gold
or silver coins seldom identified either metal as a result of

their "equalization" by unjust weights and measures. Con-

sequently, an error crept into our daily communication by
way of a glaring omission. The quantity and the unit of
measure were stated - but not the monetary substance!

12 Theocratic vs Democratic Money...

(1) Quantity symbol - "Ten"
(2) Unit of measure - "Dollars"
(3) Substance - "???"

Ten dollars of WHAT? Had we obeyed the law of just
weights and measures, that question would have been
answered! Violation of this law is ultimately responsible
for a world full of marks, yens, francs and dollars - but no


Popular delusion insists that "dollars" are both the
money and the measure of it! Consequently a $10.00
weight of gold (or silver) deposited in your bank account
would result ina deposit receipt [10.00] with no dollar sign.
If you withdraw your gold or silver you’ll receive a piece
of paper! This is legal plunder, compliments of the Civil

"For what is the commodity which a banker deals in and makes
a profit by? He opens his business and ከ85 88 array of clerks
with their desks, ledgers, etc. He then gives notice that he is
ready to buy gold from anyone who has it to sell. And what is
the commodity with which he buys the gold - what does he give
in exchange for it? His own credit." -A History of Banking in all
the Leading Nations, vol. 2, "A History of banking in Great
Britain," by Henry Dunning Macleod, p. 210 [1896].

Violating one simple law set the stage for removing
gold and silver from circulation - almost unnoticed and
unopposed. We still have "dollars," you see, In fact, there
are more dollars now than ever before. There’s just no
money to accompany them! Dollars now measure intan-
gible credit - not substantive money!

"And you recall, the Federal Reserve System works only with

credit." - Keeping Our Money Healthy, Federal Reserve Bank of
NY [FRB], እ. 12 [rev. April 77].

Theocratic vs Democratic Money... 13


Credit needs no system of just weights and measures.
How would you weigh it? What color is it? Can you drop
credit and hear it strike the floor?

Now, examine your property tax, bank and sales
receipts. Is there a dollar [$] sign? Or do they resemble

If any reader can identify the money (expressed in
dollars) banks lend and governments collect, spend, or

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