[PDF]Business Week 1954: Volume None, Issue Index.Digitized from IA1566413-06.Previous issue: sim_business-week_1954-08-28_1304.Next issue: sim_business-week_1954-09-04_1305.
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~ How to Use this Index
Every article appearing in Business Week during
the first six months of 1954 is comprehensively
indexed in this volume. All articles are indexed
alphabetically by subject and by the names of
individuals, private businesses and government
agencies in all cases where such were either the
subject of the story reported or had a primary
relationship to the topic covered. The following
paragraphs are offered as a guide to the index.
Business Organizations. industries are in-
dexed under their simple designations such as:
“Aviation,” “Shipbuilding,” “Textiles,” etc, In
addition, all articles having reference to a private
company, will be found under that company's
Labor. General labor news is indexed under
such broad headings as “Wages,” “Employ-
ment," “Labor,” and the like. References should
aiso be made to the various government labor
agencies and to individual companies. Because
the full names of many trade uniotis are not gen-
erally well known, trade union items are indexed
by parent organizations, under ‘American Feder-
ation of Labor," “Congress of Industrial Organ-
izations,"" or “Independent Unions,’ and then in
turn under subheads by the trade or industry in
which they operate. There is one exception: the
railroad brotherhoods are indexed only under
“Railroads — Labor."
Government. The permanently established
departments of the Federal Government will be
found under "'D," “Department of the Treasury,”
“Department of War," and “Department of the
Independent Commissions and Specia!
Emergency Agencies. These will be found ar-
ranged alphabetically by their established names.
In addition, they are aiso indexed under their
field of acfivity.
index. This section includes al!
advertisers which have appeared in Business
Week during the first six months of 1954. Ar-
ranged alphabetically, this information gives the
dates of every insertion. For page numbers, refer
to issue indicated.
Reference Dept. Many individual headings
suggest other entries ("See also . . ."") which may
be consulted in looking for specific articles. if,
however, you cannot find a specific article, or you
would like any general information about moteria!
which Business Week has published, do not hesi-
tate to make direct inquiry by mail or telephone to
Business Week Library, 330 West 42nd Street,
New York 36, N. Y.; telephone LOngacre 4-3900,
extension 8297.
See Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.
ACF-BRILL Motors Co.
Makes new light-
pg yh wg
ACF Industries, Inc.
New name for American Car & Foundry Co.
p28, Jun.5
“tor the: Tals Talgo ie,
for industrial
Island places an ‘order
AD-X2 on the griddle again # p36, Mar.27
Epatege Regents The Wadating SGament ys,
ABBOTT Laboratories
Offers radio-active iodine in capsule f
pa. Mar.20 baat
See Labor-Absenteeism
Purposeful Accident (illus) p99, Jan.23
threat to life of a child # ples, Feb20
It Pays to Be Safe (Trend) p192, Apr.i0
Readers Report: Built-In Safety? p8, May 1
J s Accident Fund Grows on Schedule
pé4, Jun.5
ACHESON, Mrs. Lila
Report B. Vous welt name Mrs. Acheson
a director of the N. ¥. Central # p36, Mar.27
ACME Breweries
i Move Wi Liebmann follows
ogg Ay mat
Price war in
the offing # p128,
seninliateliie to on
Raytheon: New Markets for Elec-
tronics (with illus) pll4, May 15
Raytheon’s Charles Adams, Sell
aie aaes eee eee
See also Germany
Fences in Greece and Turkey
ae aagrere te be in
(with illus)
a ae Sey eats nite adhesive
awe of installing clay tile #
ae es) ot ee SS
Announces new
Cuts prices on
it size pa Sy model.
# p66, Jun.19
Printed circuits will be used in its 1955 line
of TV sets # pll6é, Jun.19
See . . . =
also Newspaper; Magazines; Radio; Tele
Readers Report: Penny-Wise pl2, Jan.2
cited, Reon. Magazine, “Adgertnng
# Short news item
January-June, 1954
|. Editorial Contents
Soap denkerp in the Clear: FTC backs *
erates Gee Byard pane
holds Duane Jones sult pi, Sante
‘4! Prospects a Laggard? (with
Readers Report: Wrong Slice of Pie pl2,
Feb.20 .
Ad Agencies Had Another Record Year (with
table) aed, Mar.6
Rix Soe Deae
1 yo pe wl ryt, al a by tears by plugaing
iy ads in the Post will
kuch off Hardware Week # p157, 20
Read »s Report: Co-op Advertising p12, Mar.27
American Medical Assn. Blasts Kent Ads
pi34, Apr.10
ag f-Purchase eee Pans: she Final Assault
. ie Customer (wii us) pl22, Apr.10
ale Tp electrical ad
display “alana Yorks tani ae aives e
p72, Apr.17
Printer’s Ink and magazines report
advertising is still strong # p54, Apr.24
Social colons yersese and Lg A in ad-
at the Gaiversity. of Se eichigan # pil Apr.24
Service T pa Pian Raises City's Dander (with
illus) pa, May 1
Letting By Word ». Too: O-I
was los’ its divisions
develo; (with 2 illus) en & Jun.12
Smokey and Sparky p73, Jun.12
Admen Soft-Pedal Health: Cigarette Ads
praapeea te aggeutagesy
4 Gideon and slanting products "and
slanting Bese and Fi a =o
toward @ the Jun.19
GM Tries to Wall Street Journal
Ges Tries | Discipline
AERATION Products of Columbus
Makes a kite for mili use
pile bars Po eae
AETNA Life Insurance Co.
Union Plows Back Refund Into Medical Re-
ee ee
65-year old maker of long underwear closes
# plist, Mar.20
AFFILIATED Gas Equipment, Inc.
Bryant Heate
pig 8 — EB ey
Zhe tutuse of the mow Canton’ Afstoen toGen-
tion may be at stake on the copperbelt #
p156, Jan.16
Will the Come Down (with map
and illus) onis, games :
Northern Rhodesia looms in the free
world’s industrial future # pli6, Jan.30
The South subsi of American
Cyenaraid’ is buliding a plant a Witbank #
A big row is blowing between Britain and
the “Guion of South Africa # plas, Apr.17
Full-scale commercial ction of petro-
leurn aoal wi start this sum-
pert the Union of South Africa # p85
ee Dept of Spiouieare; Dairy In-
Farmers hold back sale of hog. until the new
tax rates' go into effect # p Jano
[mR | Load for Congress: Farm Prices p27,
Farm Prices rose 1.9% in the month ended
Jan, 15 # p36, Feb6é
ay | water rea gob is
farm votes and cut
comptes pi th illus) 148, Feb.20
Iowa State (oye Re surve shows corn farmers
in reat orem wi ith 90% supports #
Legislation by Eisenhower and
mean lower prices to farmers
see this issue a chance to line up
farmer # p38, Mar.20
me danger signals are FOS Be Beer’ flex-
Lensmen ad a Farm Jackpct (with
3 iilus) pos. May 8
geri papports will be voted,
despite Eisenhower’ lar to cut them # p38,
Farms Dry pt ag I a A Farmers Stay Put
ad goal of a project
Surpluses: U. 5S. maps
fo formers are practically
now # } pis, Mar
(with chart
Presidential down, on farm
Slane ke te econ Bee. May 29
peng oe Ral oy the ma frp: It's a fierce,
Benson and ngs are still apart on farm
policy # p40, Jun.5
tho Adpinistestion and are further
pio. yuna ever on (Eg ey price supports #
fe bon is still inclined toward a law extend-
ES ee reais. Eisenhower is prittening
to veto such a law # p37, Jun
ee oe will be a compromise, but one
yw peey
that price aw. must be flexible
What Is Right (Trend) p180, Jun.26
AIR Conditioning
hrm Heater announces price cuts # p79,
Air Conditioner-Heater (with illus) pl43,
ee is entering the air conditioning field
zg ' Jana 0 1
ix Corp.: Farming Out the Sales End p86,
Line i be, a big thing in air-
Fume Absorber (illus) p80, Feb. 6
room air conditioners
2 plo, Feb oo
New door permits air flow between
cant Tooms # pll0, Feb.20
ane ong BA one at gg when air
your home
Auto Air Condit : It's Bloving Up a
Summer Push (with lus) p190, Mar .
Worthington . makes an air conditioner-
heater comb: # ple2, Apr.i7
Yok out binati
Corp. one oa. las ion heating
Study of Home Air Conditioning p60, May 22
gpa nag lagged
for a long roasting summer p62, Jun 19
AIR Coordinating Committee
Caaehe... >
} mee p3i, Jun.5
AM Filters
air filter has been put on
marker by American Air Wilter # pas, Jurrae
AIR Pollution
Aluminum Co. of America installs new
a at its Vancouver plant # p06,
; be one result of the
palley vf subsidy with-
Diseo Co. uses an oll spray to reduce
pollution around a coal processing plant
pss, 24
A $225,000 air “poy poe Bs
en e
te , Jun.5
AIR Reduction Co,
Southern Natural Gas bu
pany _— Allied ical
p52, Jun.1
AIRCRAFT Industries Assn. of America
Guided missile research and development is
the government $300-million a
missile teas another $700-mi
Fo108. May 22
supreme Cows Syms oy wt challenging
Cireuit Court Judge declares state's textbook
law unconstitutional p132, May 22
Salmon ind will st agreeing
Sa eT Aca
with labor unions # p54, Apr.24
Ww and jer behavior relations will
be studied “inthe Juneau lee helt pon
Missing Link p190, Jun.12
ALCO Gravure Co,
Rotofin te said to sir
3 ore May ib plify gravure printing
eaege neeonep el
The Drunk: 's Menagement’s Baby
table) p103, Maris . ‘—
a ee ee eee
Readers Report: Problem Child p10, Apr.17
: Get the Health Habit Instead
259,000 shares of
& Dye #
. with the people in the lab
plo, May
RAY Se Napean
North, South:
(with’@ flue) poo" Juns
ma tse-ypou 2. geen
Do Business at the Club
An It refinery into production
i 7 eg ot Hanilion Ds Ind. # p74, Jan.30
Sy a
Who's the ith 2
ees Boss of Chessie Now (w maps)
# Short news item
propogal for
to holders of
may have to take
‘ shares it once sold
§-minus p61, Apr.10
A More Food (with 2 Illus)
ad -
~* Leader in the House (illus) p29,
Sold 250,000 shares of Air Reduction to
Southern Natural Gas Co. # p52, Jun.19
ALLIED Stores Corp.
Plans to a Jordan Marsh store in San
Diego # p56, Jan.30
oat et at af ee a , Mar.
ALLING & Cory Co.
WwW it Co. will with
Miller $ i Pee aT merge
apenas tiny gt
Plans addition floor space of its Terre
Haute Plant # wim Jan.16
Will embark on $50-million of new financing,
if stockholders approve # pi24. At Apr.3
Farmers Watch Demonstration As _ Allis-
Chalmers Takes Its Wares to the Field (with
2 psc p64, Jun.12
production of vacuum-melted
Pg cert alloys is under way # p13,
See eter lew alloy may replace
Halnless. steel ps4, Maris
ALLSTATE Insurance Co.
75-million in premiums in 1953 #
pil4, wii’ ganas
Pee Scie Be Memenee om Svein and
their contents in Illinois # p72, Mar
ALLYN Sales Co.
Hobbies: Realism Is What Sells (with illus)
p59, Feb.27
ALTON, tl.
Floating Traffic Jam (with illus) pi34, Jan.16
Will Pick One See, Stes Se
pape By BB
Aluminum Berit: | Kennecott Copper follows
Anaconda p60, Jan.2
25, Senteee Welder (with illus) p92,
Producers for defense use 20% less
eonleun tthe Cee cates ve May 8
for th li
avnhion © nein taay 1s or the military are
New process for aluminum coated
wire has been # p7l, May 15
ment wil ee a eT aed the TE nse ae"
ALUMINUM Co, of America
a a> OF hydro in North-
west tay not peta Mat turndown
from Ottawa pad.
—— started at new
fea po ape pis, Febé
wash system at its V.
vient a los. F Feb.20 a
Lift trucks use two-way radios # p95, Apr.3
: on Alcoa’s
makes little change p30, May
The Sponsor's Dilemma (Trend) pi60, May 1
New aluminum eneiiing os. is first to use
electric er genera urning process-
ed # ps0, May 8
Is using tiny radiactive tracers to evaluate
lubricants, alloy development, metal flow
during the extrusion process # p60, May 29
Tapered aluminum sheet is being produced at
Davenport Works # p83, Jun.12
The Bond Market Cheers Up: Big new Alcoa
issue sold well pi54, Jun.19
More Financing for its
Capita a. So It Borrowed $100- Minion
chart) p94, Jun.26
discontinuing production of magnesium
Bheot at its Kensington plant # p78, Jun.26
pam ty ogy Be me Metals makes an aluminum foil that
can be inserted between rows of vegetables
# + 93,
AMEDEE Prouvost & Sons
Announces planst to build a mill in South
Carolina # 194, Mar.13
AMERICAN Air Filter Co.
An electronic air filter has been put on the
market # p82, Jan.30
‘eng on Airlines, Ine.
io Fury Like a Woman Scorned: Company
felt the sting when it tried to drop 32-year-
old stewardesses (with illus) p50 At pr.3
AMERICAN Assn. for the Advancement of
Looking for the Big New Break: Physical
scien meeting in Boston and economists
in Washington showed a similar restlessness
p90, Jan.9
Scientists Look at the Living Cell (with 4
illus) p100, Jan.9
AMERICAN Assn. of Advertising Agencies
New board chairman is William R. Baker, Jr.
# p56, May 1
AMERICAN Assn. of Nurserymen
Industrial landscaping awards ar:
five companies # p99, Jan.16
given to
AMERICAN Bankers Assn.
Bankers Blast Cumulative Voting p50, May 15
AMERICAN Broadcasting Co.
Itself on Television (with
Industry Sees
us) p72, Feb.27
United Steelworkers won a 15¢ wage increase
# pi56, Feb.20
Canned Soda Spreads p60, May 22
AMERICAN Cancer Society
Cigarettes Get It Again p24, Jun.26
AMERICAN Car & Foundry Co
new electronics division. J.
Gilman Reid. Jr., will be head man # p80
Big-seale diversification is in the wind for
company. May change its name to ACF In-
dustries # p47, Feb.27
Retreat from Railway Cars: Char
to ACF Industries p28, Jun.5
AMERICAN Chain & Cable Co
Announces new process on to aki
coated wire # prt. May 1
AMERICAN Cotton Manufacturers Institute
Harassed Millis Talk of Brotherhood (with
chart) p41, Jun.26
AMERICAN Cyanamid Co.
AFL's International Chemical Wo
AFL's Machinists with raiding + ;
Sees Itself on Tel:
5 illus) p ‘eb.27
South African subsidiary is bui!di:
cyanamide plant # pl47, Maré
ves its name
ig aluminum
kers charge
160, Feb.20
vision (with
g a calcium
Develops a wrinkle resistant finish for cotton
fabrics # pl04, May 1 ne
Seeeee ate viet ot Savannah will be
completed by the summer of 1955 # p190,
May 22
AMERICAN Distilling Co.
ct eSgany na’ Sea 38, Sia
AMERICAN Economic Assn.
~e agR Economists at their
almost unanimous in
their predictio'a (with illus) p32, Jan9
Se fe Bie Row Sree: Physical
me in Boston and eonncanists
anys Washing’ on a similar rest
common stock
raith Stood U
A “ory (with 5
wae ee oe
. ey {0 bids piss, ek p53, Feb. aes
pO Postale
See also Dept. of Labor; Labor Con
Ind astrial Independent
National Labor Relations Board; inapleyment
Private club for union officials in Washington
is being considered # p67, Jan.2
pe © Up on Wage-Hour: AFL council
minimum pli2, Feb.6
How Unions Made Out in NLRB Elections
(with chart and 2 tables) pl16, Feb.6
rote the way, for ne + ledo plants as part a
of joint move to ik, F p1is,
Labor unity is falling apart # p40, Feb.13
Labor Peace: AFL leaders
To Economists Clob-
jus) p92, Jan.9
eo -
oe a A agreement ffecti
no- efiective
ae Feb.20
tracts # pis6, Mi Mar.6
ue, way Sey SS eee ents in
under plantwide CIO con-
sinite We-Reting Warts: Dashes
s hopes for a truce and possi AFL-
CIO unity 150,” Mat.6 “
James McDevitt tells AFL
at ee campaigns # p58, Apr.3
ll Layoffs Hit The Unions? (with chart)