[PDF]Your first 100 million

[PDF]Your first 100 million Dan Pena

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ЖЕШ o. Pera,



Your First 100 Million


In the book you're about to read, I talk about the importance of mentors as
a Quantum Leap to wisdom. Years ago, as a young hot shot in the corporate world,
I learned the secrets of super success from three gentlemen who mentored me at
critical times in my life.

Constantine "Costa" Gratsos had made his fortune as a lifelong associate of
shipping icon Aristotle Onassis. He took a liking to me, became my first mentor, and
showed me how to swim in the deep, dangerous waters of business.

Jim Newman, the business visionary who created the term "comfort zone"
showed me how to expand my horizons. Thanks to Jim, after I attended one of his
PACE Seminars in 1978, I moved out of my comfort zone at Bear Stearns and became
a super successful oilman.

Jerry Ormand was already a legendary Texas oilman when I met him. Yet
he took the time to introduce me to the fine points of the oil business, and how to
survive and prosper amid the chaos of a rough-and-tumble industry.

/ Jerry... Jim... "Costa"... this book is gratefully dedicated to you.





Your First
100 Million


Daniel S. Pefia, Sr.


Your First 100 Million

H їр.


Your First 100 Million
Daniel S. Рейа, Sr.

| All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any

means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording or by any information storage
or retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher.

Guthrie Castle Ltd.
Guthrie Castle

Scotland DD8 2TP
United Kingdom

2nd Edition 2009

The National Library Cataloguing Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the National Library, Manila, Philippines

ISBN 978-971-94218-2-5

Printed by: AM Cleofe Prints, #75 Visayas Avenue, Brgy. VASRA, Quezon City, Philippines

DISCLAIMER: Seminar presentations, newsletters, books, QLA products and other communications are
not intended to convey legal, accounting, tax appraisal or other professional or investment advice which is
expressly disclaimed. You are expected to use your own due diligence and consult your own professional
advisors before taking action or making decisions, and comply with all applicable laws. Remember:
“Investigate before you invest!" I can’t do that for you! No presentation or communication and nothing
in this book shall expressly or implicitly bind any person or entity to any contract, agreement or course of
conduct, or waive any part of this disclaimer.








Your rirst 100 мшпоп


Table of Contents

Prologue.... 1
Foreword T 2
Introduction: Your Quantum Leap Advantage............... 3
1. Super Success - Not for the Touchy-Feely................... 6
2. The Barrio - and the Castle... 18
3. Conventional Wisdom - the Loser's Crutch................. 29
4. Getting Comfortable with High Performance............... 42
5. Building Perception to Become Reality...................... 56
6. Creating Your Dream Team............ 66
7. 11 Steps That Make the Deal................... eene 86
8. The Plan with No Escape............... РК К ЛУГ, 101

9. Offering Lenders the Chance to Finance Your Dream.. 136

10. More Capital Ideas for Financing Your Deal........... 153

11. Acquisitions - the Secret Of Quantum Growth......... 167
12. Your Grand Exit - Dying or $еЇйпр........................ 185
13. Take Action Now! - or Меуег.......................... wes 195
Appendices................ аоокск дев васе ге анов FREE TEES 206
A. 11 Steps from an Idea to its Execution..... 206
B. Quantum Leap Advantage Action War Plan............. 208




C. The Business Investment “Red Flag" Checklist.........

D. Words to Help You Make Your Millions - Peíia-isms...

E. Your Own Natural Resources for Success
F. Once or Twice in A Lifetime - Knock! Knock! ..........
G. Charlie Soladay's Eulogy................ ee eee ee eere ee eren e
H. A Profile of Daniel S. Peña, Sr..................... ES

I. You Can't Do That!..

J. Proud Moments - and Sad Опев.............................
К. What People and the Press Have to Say about Dan Рейа....
L. You're Right, Dan. This Stuff Really Works!................

M. Sample Letters....

N. Consolidation — the Strategy of Consolidation:
The Secret of Exponential Growth......... TEE













The Price of Fear... the Reward of Courage

As this book goes to press, the financial world is free falling through the worst economic crisi
since the Great Depression. Men of wealth and presumed integrity in the financial world have committe
treachery on a scale of uncounted billions of dollars, affecting millions of “ordinary people” around th

Bernie Madoff is the most despicable of these “pirates in pinstripe,” committing fraud of som
$50 billion, deceiving even his closest associates and oldest friends. By March 2009, Bernie was in custod
while lawyers bickered over the bones of his frozen assets, and he awaited his turn to plead guilty in cour
“So what?” say his victims. “Our life savings have vanished.”

We cannot change the past, only recover from it. And perhaps learn its cruel lessons. The first lesso
is this: the paralysis of fear can cost dearly; while the rewards of determined courage are incalculable.

In the meantime, concealed amid the carnage of financial ruin, are some stocks that dare to offe
the prospect of profit. B2C, our own investing group, for example, is engaged more in “contravesting” tha
investing — looking for stocks anywhere in the world that are undervalued, mostly paying dividends. We thin
this period of bear market is an excellent opportunity to reach boldly for the bargains that are out there.

Our advice, as you seek to venture into the heady whitewaters of business acquisition, drean
team building and Quantum Leap expansion, is to take courage. Grasp chaos. Force change. And follow th
methodologies you’re about to read. One day, sooner than you could have imagined, the financial nightmar
of the first decade of this millennium will be a harsh but fading memory.

And you'll have survived to be the super success you knew you could be.


Your First 100 Million

| аг


By Dr Klaus Kleinfeld
Former CEO of Siemens, AG.

Congratulations! You have chosen an extraordinary book that describes a step-by-step framework
and methodology for building a super successful business from scratch, while attaining the skill sets of a high
performance person. The precepts described in this book are straight forward, yet very powerful. The author,
Daniel S. Peña, has put into simple words how he achieved success at the highest level starting with nothing
more than a dream and the passion to succeed. I strongly recommend “Your First Hundred Million” for those
who have a dream, little or no capital, and desire a road map to build a significant net worth and achieve the
life of a high performance person.

It is written in a style that will ingratiate you to the author, because he tells it exactly like it is,
with no varnish or hesitation. At times you may even be shocked by how he describes what it takes to be
a high performance person and achieve your dreams in today’s rough and tumble ever changing business
environment. He calls his precepts and methodology QLA, or Quantum Leap Advantage and it’s based on
his almost 40-year personal worldwide track record of success.

Over many years Dan has become a very good friend. I know Dan’s comments might often raise
your eyebrow with his candor. However you will truly enjoy hearing what it takes to succeed from someone
who has really lived it. And you can tell this isn’t theory, because he gives you real examples from his life
and those that he has coached and mentored. Dan has operated in the same real world you do every day
and succeeded against all odds. But more importantly, countless devotees have used QLA successfully and
achieved their dreams and goals!

Read this book and I know it can be the first step towards the realization of your dreams and being
a successful high performance person.

All the very best,
Klaus Kleinfeld


Your Quantum Leap Advantage

*Always try to go into business with an unfair advantage. "

You will never have read a business book like this one.

Because you hold this special edition, you may have heard me speak. You may have even been ti
my castle; you might even be a business partner. So you'll realize immediately this book is written the wa:
I talk to audiences at my “Quantum Leap Advantage" seminars. You'll also understand it's not a book fo
everybody, because success (and the wealth it brings) isn't for everybody. But I know you'll profit from it
because it captures under one cover - all the Quantum Leap strategies I've been pounding into people's head
for several years now.

The Business sections of bookstores and libraries across America, the UK and Europe are packet
with books that tell you how to become a successful entrepreneur. Some of them are written by men and womei
who have achieved a respectable level of success. Others are written by professors who understand busines
as a theory, but have never had their own business. These books typically take the reader through the step-by
step mechanics of starting, growing and ultimately selling a business. Others are manuals that cover taking :
company public, tax issues, raising capital and other topics an entry-level entrepreneur needs to know. The:
include checklists, graphs and formats for business plans and letters of intent. There are probably nuggets o
“how-to” information in these books. But I've found most of them to be as flat and lifeless as road-kill.

But more to the point, none of these books tells you how to prepare your mind for being supe
successful. They skip over how to adjust your perspective just slightly, so you can take what I call a Quantum
Leap...make millions of dollars...and do it over and over again!

What if you had access to the secrets of a man who has the strength, skills and self-confidence t
make one Quantum Leap after another, even make them simultaneously, and knows he will ultimately becomt
a billionaire before he quits? What if you could receive, in his own words, the wisdom of this active multi
millionaire - not one of those “real estate rich” morons or some silk-suited seminar mooches - but a man wh
took his own energy corporation from an $820 investment to an incredible $400 million in market capitalizatior
in just eight short years!

That's what this book is all about.



Your First 100 Million

It’s about achieving the mental toughness and laser-beam focus you need to make a ton of money. |

I’ve packed this book from beginning to end with the same strategies I’ve been thundering across the financial
capitals of five continents, But I've left most of the detailed checklists to that pedantic crowd of pedestrian
business people and dusty professors who write those *how to" books.

Putting it another way, most business writers give you some weapons, or at least a weapon's
manual, and send you out to face the realities of business. Through my Quantum Leap methodology, I show
you how to prepare and focus your mind and spirit for executive battle - against entrenched institutions ...
vicious corporate assassins... and those nay-savers of success, the purveyors of conventional wisdom. Don't
let anyone tell you, ‘You can ї do that!’ Because you can! That's the Quantum Leap difference.

They used to call me crazy...and worse. They'd say, ‘Dan, you can t do that!’ And, by God, I'd do it.
Then, when I made my first few million dollars, they started calling me “controversial.” A London newspaper
labeled me “the most controversial man in London in the Eighties.” (A public figure is “controversial” when
he’s got too much money and influence to be called crazy. Besides, he might be crazy enough to sue you into
oblivion.) My British advisors would shiver and say, ‘Dan, you can t do that!" So I'd do it. Now, in my
early fifties, I'm mellowing into “eccentric.”

I thought I would stay retired - I sure as hell don’t have to work - but then I realized what poor
advice most people are being fed about success by “feel good” frauds in the personal development field.
You've seen them grinning and charming on TV. You know who I'm talking about.

I have become a business success coach to a selected group of entrepreneurs who I feel have
seemingly boundless energy and determination to become super successful, I also conduct seminars in the
U.S., the United Kingdom and the E.U. - and at my 15" Century home, Guthrie Castle, near the North Sea
above Edinburgh, Scotland.

Through my U.K. enterprise, the Quantum Leap Organisation, my associates and | identify
entrepreneurs, and nurture them along in pursuit of their dream. The success stories coming to fruition in |
| Scotland and England are proving what I've said all along - that Quantum Leap strategies are universal in
| their application. You can sell a solicitor, a proper “City gent” in London, on your dream as easily as you can
a lawyer in the United States, and you can take £500,000 from the Bank of Scotland as smoothly as you can
from a Second Vice President of Citi Corp.

I call my basic seminar “The Quantum Leap Advantage,” and I deliver others as well on more
specific entrepreneurial topics. They are all hard-hitting, no-nonsense seminars, packed with the brutal truth
about making big money and are delivered “in you face.” One attendee wrote on his critique sheet, “Dan
L Peña is a bulldozer of knowledge...” - I like that! "





I get continuously, “Dan, you've said so much in three days. Do you have something I сап take home anc
read?" 1 do have such a book, written in the late Nineties. The QLA strategies and methodologies — how tc
make your first 100 million — are as relevant today as they were then. Like any good recipe, the QLA recipe
for high-performance and super success never goes out-of-date.

This book, in content and tone, is an extension of those seminars. It is my answer to the questior

But since our first publication, so much has happened in the world, the global economy and thc
business community. So I decided to update the book in time for the second decade of this century and for ғ
new generation of passionate, fired up entrepreneurial achievers. Maybe like you.

Bear in mind that I didn't write this book to make you feel good inside or to stroke your self:
esteem. Instead, I give you the unvarnished truth you deserve about how corporate business really works
and how you need to think, feel, train and be prepared to make the system work for you, so you can take yow
first Quantum Leap.

And begin building your own dream.



Your First 100 Million


Chapter One

Super-Success - Not for the Touchy-Feely

‘Super success is not for the wishy washy. Victory in business,
like war, comes to the toughest son-of-a-bitch in the valley.’

This is a book about making money.

I don’t mean a few extra bucks in your spare time, Any moron can do that. I don’t mean increasing

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