[PDF]piping inventory
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Piping/Project Engineer, Islamabad, Pakistan
Supply Chain
How to reduce piping inventory
Piping represents a significant part of
the plant cost; ranging from \S%-2S%}
Materials stored in warehouses or stor¬
age facilities cost companies in terms of
personnel; materials; time; space; insur¬
ance; risk; etc. This article proposes cost¬
saving strategies for inventory reduction.
Further; it emphasizes consistent naming
conventions to avoid creating duplicate/
redundant items.
Piping inventories can be reduced con¬
siderably in the following three categories.
1. Small-sized (< 3 in.) flangeS;
flanged fittings/valves and
spiral-wound gaskets
2. Reinforced branch connection/
olets (weldoletS; threadoletS;
3. Ring-type joint gaskets.
Category 1 has the biggest potential
for considerable cost savings and will be
discussed in detail. Some operator com¬
panies will be familiar with Categories 2
and 3; these will be discussed briefly for
the benefit of knowledge-sharing in the
oil and gas industry.
Small-sized (< 3-in.) flanges, valves
and gaskets. Many operator companies
maintain separate inventory for ASME
Class 300 and Class 600 flangeS; flanged
valves and gaskets for 0.5-in.-3-in. pipes.
It is proposed to use only class 600 flang¬
es; flanged valves and gaskets for 0.5-in.-
3-in. pipes This can be considered an
"over-design;” but there is a minimal fi¬
nancial or delivery impact of this change
due to the small size.
Reason/rationale: For 0.5-in.-3-in.
pipeS; the pitch circle diameter (PCD);
number and size of hole diameter exactly
match for Class 300 and Class 600 flanges.
See Examples 1 and 2 in TABLE 1. Please
note that the cost difference of $120 in
Example 2 (even with a 33% higher price)
is insignificant/minor for refinery or pet¬
rochemical plants in an emergency/shut¬
down situation. If holding (or carrying)
cost; ordering cost and minimum stock
level of each class are considered; it is ad¬
visable/ recommended to maintain inven¬
tory of single (Class 600) flanges/valveS;
which are suitable for both situations.
As seen from TABLE 1 and FIG. 1, Class
300 and Class 600 flanges/flanged valves
are dimensionally similar (except for
flange thickness or valve face-to-face di¬
mensions; which require a longer bolt).
So; Class 300 flanges/valves can be re¬
placed by Class 600 flanges/valves in rele¬
vant piping material classes. This concept
can be extended to other flanged com¬
ponents; such as nipoflangeS; spectacle
blinds and y-strainers.
Caution: This concept is not appli¬
cable to existing plants (or tie-in loca¬
tions); where separate inventories are
maintained for Class 300 and Class 600
flanges. For example; a Class 300 valve
cannot be replaced by a Class 600 valve
due to longer face-to-face dimensions.
However; for major modification projects
where new equipment/piping is installed
A5/AE Flanges
Weidneck flange Kf SchS^P
r. C
7/Z- /
mld7%eck 600^ Pf 5c^t-5TP
SfWJ!5^ Siaa : 5/^^" O^^C {or Lott^ J S iize \ i/t<€ [or /V&D) ^ m Btf 5
]fJsldneck Fttivg* WMdneck
Kf -
SW ^
5" ,
^00# 'r
PF -
ASMB 6J0 Ftci'Tiged Ualdes I A5/^B 0 f ^ J 0 l/alves
f ft/7." pfcLTijeci {^tdi ?00# KF
; f f /z-" ^p5 pUnject ^00# pp
VdvB Wei^ ' a7.P0tg
I c
Ifl/agfit pti 'CtTOCrsit' taU wJya r hissed trv 'Cs.tiwi'Pti' hidi
flanged \/cd\/e ^
5 DO#
tft/z" -
FIG. 1. Comparison of Class 300 and Class 600 flanges and valves.^
Hydrocarbon Processing | SEPTEMBER 2020 23
Supply Chain
TABLE 1. Comparison of Class 300 and Class 600 flanges and valves
Example 1
Example 2
3-in. Class 300
WN flange RF
3-in. Class 600
WN flange RF
1.5-in. Class 300
ball valve RF
1.5-in. Class 600
ball valve RF
Matl: A-105
Matl: A-105
Matl: A352 LCC
Matl: A352 LCC
PCD, mm
Number of holes
Bolt size, in. x mm
0.75 X 110
0.75 X 125
0.75 X 90
0.75 X 110
Spiral-wound gasket
(ID/OD), mm
Flange raised face
thickness, mm
Valve dimensions
face-to-face, mm
Weight, kg
Price, $U.S.
TABLE 2. Suggested nomenclature notes to reduce Inventory 1
Incorrect description
Correct description
Oval ring gasket, 1-in. Class 1500, R16
Oval ring gasket R16 (for 1-in. Class 3/6/9/1500 and
0.75-in. Class 2500 ASME flange)
Oval ring gasket 2-in. Class 900, R24
Oval ring gasket R24 (for 2-in. Class 9/1500 ASME
flange and 2yi6-in. 3/5000 psi API Type 6B flange)
Oval ring gasket 3-in. Class 1500, R35
Oval ring gasket R35 (for 3-in. Class 1500 ASME flange
and 31/8 in. 5000 psi API Type 6B flange)
in a separate area with a clear physical
boundary (e.g.^ a compression project)^
this concept of utilizing Class 600 flang¬
es/valves seems feasible if an addenda is
issued to existing piping material classes
and the client is made fully aware of this
change. In offshore installations^ this con¬
cept should be used with caution due to
space and weight constraints.
Recommendation: ASME Class 600
(in place of Class 300) flanges^ flanged
fittings/valves and spiral-wound gaskets
may/should be used for size range 0.5 in.-
3 in. This decision must be made during
the front-end engineering design (FEED)
stage to extract the full advantage of in¬
ventory reduction.
Reinforced branch connection/
olets.^ Olets are self-reinforced branch
fittings that are used whenever branch
connections are required in sizes where
reducing tees are unavailable^ when the
branch connections are of smaller size as
compared to header size^ or when a tee
cannot be accommodated in the piping
header. One advantage in using olets over
other branch fittings (tees^ stub-in^ etc.) is
that for a particular outlet size^ the same
fitting can be used on different run pipe
sizes without affecting pressure integrity
or triggering safety concerns.
Reason/rationale: Olet fittings pro¬
duced by reputable manufacturers are in¬
terchangeable. Each olet fitting is designed
to fit a number of run pipe sizes (e.g.^ an
8-3 X 0.5 3000# threadolet will fit 3-in.;
3.5-in.; 4-in.; 5-in.; 6-in. and 8-in. run pipes.
When this 0.5-in. fitting is placed on a 3-in.
run pipe; it will fit perfectly. When placed
on an 8-in. run pipe; there will be a maxi¬
mum gap of 0.8 mm between the top of the
run pipe and the base of the fitting at the
crotch. This gap is negligible when weld¬
ing. Similarly an 18-12 x 2 STD weldolet
is suitable for a 12-in.-18-in. run pipe.
Note/caution: Consistent nomencla¬
ture must be established for bill of material
(in piping isometric); Piping MTO (ma¬
terial take off); material requisition and
material catalogue/master inventory list.
For example; as stated above; 3 ^ Vi 3000#
threadolet is dimensionally similar to 8 x
Vi 3000# threadolet. The correct descrip¬
tion would be 8-3 x 1/2 3000# threadolet
for these two duplicate items. Young pip¬
ing engineers/warehouse staff must be
educated to avoid creating duplicate SAP
material numbers. Every new SAP mate¬
rial number must be thoroughly checked
and reviewed by the lead piping engineer
or engineering manager.
Recommendation: It is proposed and
highly recommended to use consolidated
olet sizes to substantially reduce ware¬
house inventory.
Ring-type joint gaskets. The most
widely used type of metallic gasket in the
process industries is the ring-type joint;
which can be used at elevated pressures and
temperatures. Ring-joint gaskets are manu¬
factured to ASME B 16.20 and API Speci¬
fication 6A.^ The cross-section of the ring
can be either oval or octagonal. The follow¬
ing suggested nomenclature notes reduce
inventory by removing redundant/dupli-
cate items in a warehouse or storage facility.
Reason/rationale: Ring-type gaskets
should be specified by ring number only—
rather than size; rating and ring number—
as particular ring numbers are a suitable/
fit inside various flange ratings. For clar¬
ity and information purpose; additional
details can be mentioned under remarks
or a long description column/heading; as
shown in TABLE 2.
Caution: None.
Recommendation: Consistent or¬
dering nomenclature/convention must
be established to avoid creating duplicate
items/SAP material numbers.
Takeaway. Piping represents a significant
portion of plant costs. Considerable piping
inventory can be reduced in the aforemen¬
tioned three categories; in the order of de¬
creasing cost saving potential: small-sized
flanges and valves (maximum savings); re¬
inforced branch connections and ring-type
gaskets (minimum savings). Further; con¬
sistent ordering nomenclature/conven¬
tion must be established to avoid creating
duplicate items/SAP material numbers.
This reduces piping inventory minimizes
duplication and facilitates quick sorting of
piping component(s) in the field. HP
Complete literature cited available online at
JAMSHAID ABID is a Piping/Project
Engineer with more than 16 yr
of experience in project design,
engineering, instaiiation and
commissioning for onshore oii
and gas (greenfieid and brownfieid
deveiopments) and ammonia-urea
piants in Iraq, Pakistan, the UAE and Yemen. He hoids a
BE degree in mechanicai engineering from the University
of Engineering and Technoiogy in Taxiia, Pakistan.
24 SEPTEMBER 2020 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com