[PDF]Business Week 1957: Index

[PDF]Business Week 1957: Volume None, Issue Index.Digitized from IA1566413-07.Previous issue: sim_business-week_1956-12-29_1426.Next issue: sim_business-week_1957-01-05_1427.Note:No volume number found

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How to Use this Index

Every article appearing in Business Week during
the first six months of 1957 is comprehensively
indexed in this volume. Alli articles are indexed
alphabetically by subject and by the names of
individuals, private businesses and government
agencies in all cases where such were either the
subject of the story reported or had a primary
relationship to the topic covered. The following
paragraphs are offered as a guide to the index.

Business Organizations. Industries are in-
dexed under their simple designations such as:
“Aviation,” ‘Shipbuilding,"’ “Textiles,” etc. In
addition, all articles having reference to a pri-
vate company, will be found under that com-
pany's name,

Labor. General labor news is indexed under
such broad headings as “Wages,” ‘“Employ-
ment,” ‘‘Labor,"’ and the like. Reference should
also be made to the various government labor
agencies and to individual companies. Because
the full names of many trade unions are not
generally well known, trade union items are
indexed by parent organization, under “AFL-
ClO,"" or “Independent Unions,’ and then in
turn under subheads by the trade or industry in

which they operate. There is one exception: the
railroad brotherhoods are indexed only under

Government. The permanently established
departments of the Federal Government will be
found under “'D,"’ “Department of the Trea-
sury,"' “Department of Defense,” and ‘Post
Office Department.” ’

Independent Commissions and Special
Emergency Agencies. These will be found ar-
ranged alphabetically by their established
names. In addition, they are also indexed un-
der their field of activity.

Reference Dept. Many individual headings
suggest other entries (See also . . .) which may
be consulted in looking for specific articles. If,
however, you cannot find a specific article, or
you would like any general information about
material which Business Week has published, do
not hesitate to make direct inquiry by mail or
telephone to Business Week Library, 330 West
42nd Street, New York 36, N. Y.; telephone
LOngacre 4-3000, extension 8297.





See also Independent Unions; Labor; cov, © of
Labor; National Labor Relations Board;
ployment; Wages; Supplementary ~~
ment Benefits

Andrew J. Biemiller is new director of Dept.
of Legislation + p76, Jan.12

New Strategy: Organize Piecemeal. AFL-CIO
shifts its tactics p65, Jan.12

Do Suits Threaten Unions? A study made at
union expénse raises the question p72, Jan.19

End of Hotel Strike May Bring AFL-CIO
Convention to Miami Beach p104, Jan.26

There’s trouble within the merged AFL-CIO.
Reuther accuses George Meany # p42, Jan.26

Fuss in the New AFL-CIO Family: The
honeymoon over, unified labor talks over its
internal troubles p109, Feb.2

AFL-CIO Is Grouping Around Two Rivals:
Reuther, as leader of industrial unions, is
pitted against the Teamsters’ Hoffa, who is
championing the craft unions (with 2 illus)
p159, Feb.9

Senate Investigating Committee Roster Causes
New Worries for Union Leaders p169, Feb.9

Showdown in Jurisdiction Tiff; May end boy-
cott of sheet metal makers p160, Feb.16

White-Collar, Dixie Organizing Drives Set,
+ WF eee Expects No Miracles p169,

AFL-CIO’s IUD Adds New Members, But
Face Defection by Teamsters p147, Mar.2

Racketeers Face the Music: But by cooperat-
ing, AFL-CIO hopes to prove that the alleged
corruption is limited pl41, Mar.2

“Reform” Law Lies Far Ahead for Labor
p157, Apr.6

AFL-CIO Blames Senate Hearings For Organ-
izing Flops in Tennessee pl61, Apr.20

AFL-CIO Urged to Set Up Union For Drive
in Nonferrous Field p161, Apr.27

A Presidential Spur for Labor Reforms: AFL-
CIO's clean-up drive is heading into legal
roadblecks p157, Apr.27

Committee on Political Education opens a
two-month circuit of regional meetings +
p155, May 4

Opposes toll TV # pl45, May 4

Unions Ask NLRB to Eliminate. Jurisdictional
“No Man's Land” pl161, May 11

Top AFL-CIO Grow oy Plans aed Rules
Over Union Funds pl63, May 18

AFL-CIO Unions in Hawaii Kiss and Make
Up With ILWU pl63, May 25

a Labor Doctrine: Beck scandal is con-
Sa ae. - ‘principle of autonomy
ified make way for strong

canteel authority (with illus) pi54, May 25

Plans to Intensify Civil Rights Program in
South p137, Jun.1 . .

AFL-CIO Order in Boycott Case Fails to Ease
Squeeze on Burt pl61, Jun.8

Federation's ny Pact Called “Highl
Satisfactory"; 122 Cases Processed p159, Jun.22

Merging of AFL and CIO Units Completed in
the 48 States p159, Jun.22

New . ~Y Racket Drive: George Meany
orders mob-run locals that
an GS ican workers in small New
bay (with illus) p149, Jun.29

# Short News Item

January-June, 1957

|. Editorial Contents


Kohler Co. announces hourl pay boosts for
factory and office workers p76, Jan.12

Dissident Skilled Auto Workers To Set Up
Nucleus for Craft Unions p104, Jan.26

UAW'’s Bid to Engineers Wins Response From
Honeywell Union pll7, Feb.2

Labor Board Reverses Aide, Orders Kohler
Case Decided on Its Merits p169, Feb.16

UAW Girds Anew to Organize Aircraft Tech-
nicians, Professionals , Feb.23

Decertification of Honeywell Engineers Sought
by Foes of Marriage to UAW pl171, Mar.9

Weinberg, Shaper of SUB Plan for UAW, To
Map Out Other Long-Range Goals pi71,


UAW Test Case: Auto Workers must stand
trial on char; rges of using union's dues to sup-
port political candidates p159, Mar.16

UAW to Protect Rights Of Displaced Workers
p96, Mar.23

New SUB Demands Loom: Severance pay Js is
the next goal of Auto Workers p156,

Boycott of Kohler Bars Donations To Outfits
That Use Its Products p161, Apr.6

Preview of 1958 Bar; : UAW convention
will outline union’s plans for next year’s con-
tract negotiations (with illus) p153, Apr.6

ESA Enters the Lists Against UAW Engineers’
Local pl65, Apr.13

UAW Gets Tough: Threat to end overtime at
Chrysler, and to authorize strike, points to a
bitter showdown p157, Apr.13

UAW's Goal Is Cold Cash: The union's key
aim in 1958 will be —— up level of wages
in auto industry (with ash p155, Apr.1

Next Big Labor Issue: Shorter Work Week.
Auto workers have kicked off a battle to
rank those over nsions and the annual
wage (with 3 ch and illus) p41, Apr.20

UAW's Quiet Transformation: In a_ break
with its past, UAW is becoming a collection
of craft unions p153, Apr.20

Chrysler can schedule overtime work again
now that a five-week strike at Los Angeles
plant has been settled + piel, ‘aprat

UAW Wins One Labor Board Vote of Craft
Group, But Loses Another p161, Apr.27

Chrysler files a $5-million
Local 212 in Detroit # p54,

UAW Opens . shorter week ompetgn with
bid for “study” talks pl154, May 1

UAW Works Out Plan With Ford For Re-
training Unskilled Men pl161, May 11

Engineers Hand UAW a Rebuff: Anti-union
= ae UAW white collar hopes back p159,

Last-Gasp Truce at Chrysler: Colbert gets to-

—_ against

gether with Reuther to avert UA strike
p160, May 18
Stellato Wins: Landslide vote sweeps an old

ae, a Reuther’s back into office p157,
May 18

Auto Union to Bargain For Retired Workers:
It is earmarking funds for them (with illus)
p130, Jun.1
The Court - civil liberties in a
series of Fy p152, Jun.22


NLRB Asks Court to Bar Picketing of Trade
Shows by Barbers Union p61, Apr.20


Dunlop Doffs Toga of Umpire In Building
Trades Disputes p169, Feb.9

T-H Changes for Suating Trades —— Back-
ing From Administration p163, Mar.1

AFL-CIO is Wary on C nters: Fifth

Amendment plea “4 union’s president is a

real threat to labor solidarity p154, Jun.15

Protecting More Lives: Latest to join the

group insurance parade is the Bell System

(wi chart) p34, Feb.9

Phone Strike Close to Peace: Negotiators in

mae Ohio, can see the end p68,


Ohio Consolidated Telephone is blamed for
violence during 228-day strike # p161, Apr.27

CWA Chief Downs Rival natty In Latest
Test of Union Brass p155, Jun.29

Distillery Workers
Action Within ye! Workers May Set
Pattern for Union ousecleaning” p161,
Two Erring AFL-CIO Unions Accept Proba-
tionary Status for a Year plé61, Jun.8

Supreme Court Will Settle Issue of License
Fees for Union Organizers p76, Jan.19

Tax on Organizing: Supreme Court will rule
on case of Georgia town p102, Jan.26

Union Wins in Antitrust Case p101, Jan.26
Readers Report: A Matter of Definition p10,

Clothing Union Foregoes Pay Hike In a Move
to Stem High Prices p161, r.20

Clothing Union Aims Drive At
dressed” Males p155, May 4

ILGWU Makes Full Report on Welfare and
Pension Funds pi61, Jun.8

Dubinsky Clamps Down on ILGWU Aide Who
Got a Job in Trade Group p155, Jun.29


Hatters Union Loses Fight to Bar Transfer
of Work p137, Jun.i


Laundry Mess: Union's drive to clear itself

is set back by disclosures about its president
p164, Mar.9

| ee suspends Laundry Workers # p135,

AFL-CIO suspends union because it did not
comply with cleanup orders # p161, Jun.8

Bodioal care and health needs of some

members of union will get o close
study a4 x4 pakvecsity School of Pub-
lic Feb.23

Machinists scien Teamsters And Lo-
cal Lodge Is Suspended p163, Mar.16

Machinists Find That Convair Grabs Its
Bright Young Men—for Promotion p161, Apr.6

Unions Press Old Sailors: uabble between
NMU and SIU sends ancient mariners back

to sea p156, Apr.20


Office Employees
Stalled Drives: Two unions that seek to or-
ganize white-collarites convene in frustration
p152, Jun.29
Oil, Chemical & Atomic

How to Take That Extra Day: Union_ polls
ae on how they'd like it pl64, Feb.16

Petroleum Workers Sign Contract Over Pro-
tests of Other Unions p95, Mar.23

Oil Workers Blame Poll Defeat on Beck
(with illus) pi58, May 25

Quick pag a Action Halts Atomic Plant
Strike p163, May

Workers Will Lend 10% of Pay to Beleaguered
Detroit Pork Packer pl69, Feb.16

Painters & Decorators
Painters Open Fire on Groups Seeking to
Bar Highway Signs pl71, Mar.9


First eB AFL-CIO Union Merger Due in
March—If All Goes Well p76, Jan.19

Paper Workers Unite in First Labor Merger
Since 1955 pl63, Mar.16

Independents Brace for Survival As Merged
AFL-CIO Sets Up Its Targets p95, Mar.23
Retail Clerks
Union, Too, Would Like to Get Teenagers Out
of Presley Garb p163, May 18

Rubber Workers Set Their 1957 ts On
ee Wage Boosts, Other da pl6l,

Rubber Tries to Bounce On Top: URW aims
for pay hike that exceeds automatic increases
won by other unions (with table) p147, Jun.15
Unions Press Old Sailors: Squabble between
NMU and SIU sends ancient mariners back to
sea pl56, Apr.20

Arbitrator Rules Company Can't Get Janitor
Service From Outside Firm p104, Jan.26

Job: Pres. McDonald wins re-
~~ &. (with illus) pl62, Feb.16

McDonald's Blast at Steel Prices Doesn't
Show New pier by Union pl61, Apr.6

USW Ends Its Long Strike Against Wood-
ward Iron on pl61, Apr.20

USW Wins Anti-Boycott Order: AFL-CIO rul-
ing also benefits Mfg. Co. p158, Apr.20

USW's Rebuff to Its President: McDonald's
mere 2-1 victory reveals the weakness of his
position (with illus) pl53, Apr.27
Defeated USW t Now Has Political
Woes piéi, or


Teamsters Local Eases GAW Claim
for 67 Dropped by Rice-Stix p76, Jan.12

Teamsters’ Hoffa Puts on et As O'Rourke
Gets New York Post p76, J:

Senate tlight On Labor Rackets: McClellan
Reg fire on some union ts,

—- o — Teamster soaters (with 6 illus)
p%, Jan.26

AFL-CIO’s IUD Adds New Members, But
Faces Defection by Teamsters pl47, Mar.2

Racketeers Face the Music: Initial hearings

of indicate that

# Short News Item

Teamsters Due on Another Carpet: Senate
disclusures spur AFL-CIO ‘notion p163, Mar.9

A Healthy Approach (Trend) p204, Mar.16
Why Pick on the Teamsters? Senate investi-
ating committee has reasons for train-

guns on the nation’s biggest union
p155, Mar.16

Labor Probe’s Ripples Reach Far into AFL-

CIO leadership and Teamsters’ ranks p§8l,

Senate's Harsh t Falls on Lurid poe
of the Teamsters (with 9 illus) p42, Mar.23

What Next for Dave Beck? The head of the
Teamsters becomes the focal int of anti-
racketeering drive p158, Mar.

Labor's ~ A Perspective. The Teamsters’
— points up—but didn’t create—the cur-

predicament of the union movement
(with Fils) p50, Apr.6

Supreme Court Upholds Lockout To Preserve
Multi. Employer Bargaining pl61, Apr.6

“Hot Cargo” provision heads for courts p156,

U. s. Supreme Court Adds to Teamsters’ Woes
p162, Apr.13

Teamsters Challenge Right to Oust Dave Beck
p154, Apr.20

A Presidential Spur for Labor Reforms: AFL-
CIO’s clean-up drive is heading into legal
roadblocks p157, Apr.27

Union has cut its per capita monthly y-
ments to AFL-CIO Industrial Unions Bent.
# pi55, May 4

Scandals Slow Teamsters’ Drive To Organize
in Philadelphia Area pl61, May 11

Teamsters’ ame. Is a Must: And it has to
cut deep, or AFL-CIO will oust union (with
illus) nisT, * May 11

Union Employer Case Is Thrown Back to
NLRB pi59, May 11

Looki at Beck’s Business Deals (with illus)
p153, y 18

New Labor Doctrine: Beck scandal is con-
Linney I unions the sk tae as of autonomy
must modified pl

Teamsters’ V-P O’Brien Heads Anti-Beck
Drive (with illus) p161, May 25

Supreme Court U, be = Appeals

From Tennessee Sosy p137, Jun.1

Teamsters Are Given a Chance: But more

than Beck will have to go p135, Jun.1

Textile Workers Seek Shorter Work-Week To
Offset Jobs Lost in Decade p95, Mar.23

Problem of Penalt

NLRB Faces Against a
Liquidated Company p163, May 18

AMF Atomics, Inc.

Gets order for a research reactor from the
Greek government # pl69, Jan.26

Atomic aged Take a Partner: Reactor
manufacturers aming up with foreign
companies in internetional inathets p75, Apr.6
AP Parts Corp.

Makes an auto muffler that lasts up to 25%
longer than others # p86, Jan.19

ABBOTT Laboratories

Health Returns to Drug Stocks (with table)
p95, Mar.30 .

ABE, Kojiro

Japan’s Textile Giant Finds Itself Fenced In
(with illus) p130, Mar.9

ABITIBI Power & Paper Co.

Newsprint prices are boosted $4 a ton # p38,

The Price Crest Sweeps Higher: In newsprint,
other Canadian producers are expected to
follow Abitibi lead p29, Jan.12


See also Safety

Probe of Traffic Troubles in Air Launched
After Two New Disasters p137, Feb.9

Odds against your d ying in an atomic acci-
dent are 50-million to 1 in any given year =
p92, Apr.13

A Personal Reminder to Slow Down (with
illus) p105, Apr.27

A few things to k in mind in case you
should have an accident while driving out-
of-state + p170, May 25

How They Try to Cut Deaths. —_ eer-
ing, education, enforcement with ina pi19gl,
May 25


Road Service for Just One Dime: That’s what
Thruway driver + for voucher that covers
him for assort troubles p95, Jun.1

Angee! Macy's Victory In Suit for
LiFo ran fund p38, Feb.9

SEC ous - od ruling for public accountants
+ p96, Apr

Account Firm Starts 15-Day Suspension
by SEC on Old Audit Charges p52, May 4

Eisenhower's Doctrine for the Middle East
runs into opposition. Democrats bring out
their own resolution, said =. be drafted by
Dean Acheson # p137, Jan.1

ACONIC Mining Corp.

Montreal pen of will srenee St. Lawrence
for Iron Ore p84, Jan.1

ACRILAN See Textiles-Fibers


Portable Scaffold for Up-in-Air Jobs (with
illus) p66, Jun.1

ADAM Consolidated Industries

Canada Dry Wins Entree to Japan pl44,

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