[PDF]NYSERDA New York State Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2016
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New York State Greenhouse
Gas Inventory: 1990—2016
Final Report | July 2019
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and objective information so New Yorkers can
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Mission Statement:
Advance innovative energy solutions in ways that improve New York’s economy and environment.
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NYSERDA Record of Revision
Document Title
New York State Greenhouse Gas Inventory:
Revision Date Description of Changes Revision on Page(s)
Add Date Original Issue Original Issue
9/10/19 Updated Figure Pg. S-11
9/10/19 Updated Table Data Pg. 29
New York State Greenhouse Gas Inventory:
Final Report
Prepared by:
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
Albany, NY
In collaboration with:
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Albany, NY
July 2019
Table of Contents
List of FIG ures sucinta id ed siae v
DSU OF Tablada a A A A Se Saale a vi
Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Selected DefinitionNS.........oooocccccoccnnnnncnnnncccnnoncnonnnnnnnnenennnnnnnns vii
A NN S-1
Bi A A A A NN 1
1.1 Fossil, Fuel:Combustion. 2 ror d oer E ae dee ape ie 2
1.1.1 Electricity Generation and Net Imports ...0ccoconccccnnnoccconononocinononc cono non ccn cnn rc carr nrr cc 2
AO VIEW A A A E 2 Emissions Inventory Data and Methodol0gy.....oooococcccccnonococinonocacnnonon nano nano nan r nano cnn rro rca 2
Led TG RESUNS x: a ia EI 3
1.1.2 On-Site Fuel Use from the Residential, Industrial, and Commercial Sectors .............:::08 8
We 2: AVOVOINIGW A a 8 Emissions Inventory Data and Methodol0gy......ooocicccccccnnccocinonococnnonanoncnn nono cnn r nano nn rra nana 8
14.2: 3 RESUMO AEE taste AE paced Geeta titi EA 9
1.1.3 ANS POMAVON eet ier esate tees alee deg E T E oedeee pi dates dag aa antag pied ees 15
VTS LOVON ON a: oc5. 45 A ee ee ee 15 Emissions Inventory and Methodology ....ooccccococcccnonociccnononcncnanancnc cano ncnc cano nc nrnnna narran rn 16
VARESE A A A ds 18
1.2 Incineration Of Waste ecards torcida tesa sad senbansatavsacetcansaues Delta rias 19
1.2.1 SO E E dated Til he aid eed, Aandi iaie! bi aad eb dana ad es 19
1.2.2 Emissions Inventory Data and Methodol0g9y.....coooocccnnnnncocinnnococnnononancnn nano ncnrnnnn rca rro narran 20
1.2.3 Res usina nadaa 20
1.3 Oil and Natural Gas SySteMS ...ooocconnoccccnonocccccononcnccanoncnc nano ieni ireanii aAa AEE ENAERE EAA rra 21
1.3.1 OVEPVÍEW naiiai d redia s dar i dads aed ess 21
1.3.2 Emissions Inventory Data and Methodol0g9yY....ooocoionnccconnnncocinnnocacnnononancnn nana nano nano na nn nano narran 21
1.3.3 ResuUl Suit id A ae ad ee 22
2 Industrial Process and Product US€....oonnnnnnnnnnnnnnncccccccccccnncnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnononenonon 24
2.1 OV OIM Wii set EF oon Sede A is 24
2.1.1 Sources of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) EMISSIONS....ooocononcccnonocicccononnnccnnancnn cnn cnn r cano nn r cana nn 24
2.1.2 Sources of Perfluorocarbon (PFC) EMISSIONS ...ooooonoccccnnnociccconoccccnanancnc nano nan rnnno nar cnno rca 25
2.1.3 Sources of Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) EMISSIONS ...ooooocccnociccnnnoccccnanancnnonno cnn r cano cnn r cana rca 25
2.1.4 Sources of Sulfur Hexafluoride (SFe) EMISSIONS. .............cccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenaeeeeeenaeeeeeeaas 25
2.2 Emissions Inventory Data and Methodol09y.....oooooococonnnncccinnnocccnnnnonancnnnnno nan n nono nc nr nono nn rnnnn rca 26
2.2.1 Sources: of COs EMISSION Sci cto 26
2.2.2 Sources ot PEC: EMISSIONS iii dis 27
2.2.3 Sources of HEC’ EMISSIONS riren iea EAEE AA io din 27
2.2.4 Sources: of SFe EMISSIONS A a ee RA as 28
2.3 RRESUItS 4.2525 A E a 28
2.3.1 Sources Of CO2 EMISSIONS aniran ie ia ATA E N Ser AAA A iera 30
2.3.2 Sources of PFC EMISSIONS .....1......cc:ccccsesecceeeeetceeetedeceeeeeenseeenesaceeeseshsecenedaceceensnsecenedeceeeeesnes 31
2.3.3 sources of HFG EMISSIONS moninai a lea 31
2.3.4 Sources Of SFe EMISSIONS esrin aa ea da IAA AT RE DAEA AEA a AAE A RTS 31
3- "AQUI sosise aeaa a a EEA EEEE SEEDA 32
3.1 OVA Wicca eii aia dd avant desde dae i 32
3.1.1 Livestock iii A ii eae ieee vena 32
3.1.2 Agricultural Sol... ccoo dd da 33
3.2 Emissions Inventory Data and MethodolOg9y......ooooooocinnnnccccnnnococnnononancnnonnnncnn nono cnn ronca narnia nn 33
3.2.1 LIVESTOCK al id 33
3.2.2 Agricultural: SONS ic. cicciraici dad ici dio tacita idol EAE dedos 34
3.3 A ON 34
A A NN 36
4.1 ONOIR N e e ar T a T T naa oes 36
4.1.1 Eite i Ea A E E es E E 36
4.1.2 Municipal Wastewater ManageMent..ooncccccnnncccconnoncccnonono nano nono cnn nn nn nn nr nnnnnnnrrnnn rn rra 36
4.2 Emissions Inventory Data and Methodol09y.....cooooccconnnnccccnnnocccnnnnnnannnn nono nano nnnn narran nn rro rca 36
4.2.1 Lal iS et i ea i int ene 36
4.2.2 Wastewater Management .........cccccceeecccceeeeecceeeeeaceceeeeecceeedecaeeeeneaaeeeedeaceceseeaaeeeedeceeetendtanenedes 37
4.3 Results A sand AAAA ahs Aa EANA AEAEE idee eects 37
5: ~- References ira AAA AAA AAA A A a 39
APpendiCA ET T T E A E E A sed sieperadesesaineetenccacceusiaxens A-1
Appendix Binion andae ahe er til B-1
ENOMOUGS iii ii EN-1
List of Figures
Figure 1. 2016 Energy Related GHG Emissions by Sector ..oooocococccccnccccccnnononnncnnnnccnnnnannnnccnnnns 1
Figure 2. Proportion of New York State Electricity Generation and Net Imports by Source
Categöry A den wae retan Gere cascededas a ia stead a Satna mica tute serena 3
Figure 3. Proportion of Electricity Sector GHG Emissions from by Source Category, 2016........ 4
Figure 4. New York State Electricity Generation and Net Imports of Electricity by Source
Category (MMtCO2ze), 1990-2016 coocooococccconococcncoonnnccnconnncnnnonnnnnnncnnnnn cnn cn nannnn rca nannnnninnnns 5
Figure 5. Primary Fossil Fuel Energy Use at New York State Power Stations by Fuel Type....... 6
Figure 6. GHG Emissions from Electric Generation by Source Category (MMtCOze), 1990-2016
A a O O O Oe 7
Figure 7. Residential Sector GHG Emissions from Fuel Combustion and Electricity, 1990-2016
O eats ie et eee den A E dortvatdatuies 10
Figure 8. Residential Sector Heating Demand and GHG Emissions, 1990—2016........... eee 11
Figure 9. Commercial Sector GHG Emissions from Fuel Combustion and Electricity (MMtCOze),
TIO O ii a Geena eterno 12
Figure 10. Industrial Sector GHG Emissions from Fuel Combustion and Electricity (MMtCOze),
O a e Aken cette 14
Figure 11. Transportation GHG Emissions by Fuel, 1990-2016 ..000occcccoccccoccooocoonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnns 18
Figure 12. GHG Emissions from the Incineration of Waste (MMtCOze), 1990-2016 ................ 20
Figure 13. GHG Emissions from Natural Gas Systems (MMtCOze), 1990-2016................0000 22
Figure 14. GHG Emissions from Industrial Process and Product Use (MMtCOze), 1990-2016 .29
Figure 15. GHG Emissions from Agriculture (MMtCOze), 1990—2016 .............ceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeteees 35
Figure 16. GHG Emissions from Waste Management (MMtCOze), 1990—2016................ccceeeee 37
List of Tables
Table 1. Electric Generation (GWh) and Annual Average Growth Rates by Fuel Type............... 5
Table 2. GHG Emissions from Electric Generation by Source Category, 1990-2016 (MMtCOze)
intra tala liinda. 7
Table 3. Electricity Sector Proportions of Total Emissions by Fuel Type, 1990-2016 (%) ........... 7
Table 4. Residential Sector Emissions Inventory, 1990-2016 (MMtCO28) ...oooccccccccccocccoccccncncnn 10
Table 5. Residential Sector Proportions of Total Emissions by Fuel Type, 1990-2016 (%)....... 10
Table 6. Commercial Sector Emissions Inventory, 1990-2016 (MMtCO28) .....cccccccccnccccooccccnnnoo: 12
Table 7. Commercial Sector Proportions of Total Emissions by Fuel Type (%) ...oooonincnncccccccco.. 13
Table 8. Industrial Sector Emissions Inventory, 1990-2016 (MMtCO28) .00ooooocccccccccococononcccnnnonos 14
Table 9. Industrial Sector Proportions of Total Emissions by Fuel Type (%)......oooocccincccnccccccccns. 14
Table 10. New York State VMT by Vehicle Type (million Miles) .........oooonnnnninccnnnndinnnnccccccccnnnnn 17
Table 11. Transportation Sector Emissions Inventory, 1990-2016 (MMtCO28) ..ooccccnccococcccccnnos. 19
Table 12. Transportation Sector Proportions of Total Emissions by Fuel Type, 1990-2016 (%)19
Table 13. GHG Emissions from Incineration of Waste (MMtCOze), 1990-2016 ...ocooccocccccnconcnos. 21
Table 14. GHG Emissions from Natural Gas Systems (MMtCOze), 1990-2016 ..oococnnccccccccccccco 23
Table 15. GHG Emissions from Industrial Process and Product Use (MMtCOe), 1990-2016 ..29
Table 16. Industrial Processes and Product Use Sector Proportions of Total Emissions by Fuel
Type; 1990=20 16 (J)re ia iba ia dd eat 30
Table 17. GHG Emissions from Agriculture, 1990-2016 (MMtCO28)...cccooooooooccccccccccnnconancnnnnnnoos 35
Table 18. Agriculture Sector Proportions of Total Emissions by Category, 1990-2016 (%)....... 35
Table 19. GHG Emissions from Waste Management (MMtCOze), 1990-2016 ...oooccococcccccccccccos 38
Table 20. Waste Management Residential Sector Proportions of Total Emissions by Category
by Fuel Type, 1990-2016 (A) 00d dida 38
Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Selected Definitions
British thermal units
carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide equivalent, a common metric used to measure the radiative
forcing impact (i.e., climate impact) of various greenhouse gases as relative to
carbon dioxide (e.g., a gas with a CO2e of 25, is 25 times more potent than CO).
carbon dioxide from fossil fuel combustion
Energy Information Administration
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Federal Highways Administration
gross state product
greenhouse gas, a gas that acts as a heat-trapping agent in the atmosphere,
increasing the amount of heat energy in the climate system.
gigawatt hours
global warming potential, a metric used to express the climate impacts of various
greenhouse gases relative to carbon dioxide over a specific timescale (e.g., 100
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
liquified petroleum gas
million metric tons
municipal solid waste
nitrous oxide
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
New York State Department of Transportation
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
ozone depleting substances
residential, commercial, industrial
State Energy Data System
sulfur hexafluoride
State Inventory Tool, EPA tool for developing state-level GHG inventories
transmission and distribution
vehicle miles traveled
S.1 Introduction
Unequivocal warming of the earth over the past century is documented by observations that include
increases in global average temperatures, rapid melting of mountain glaciers and land ice sheets, and
higher global average sea levels. In the northeastern United States, mean temperature and precipitation
have increased, as have the frequency and duration of extreme events, such as heat waves, drought,
and flooding. Intense and damaging storms like Sandy and Irene are occurring more often. The changing
climate affects human health, society, and the economy both directly and indirectly, through its disruptive
effects on ecosystems, coastal infrastructures, agriculture, fisheries, and other natural resources. The rate
and extent of climate change depend on the amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) present in, and delivered
to, the atmosphere.
This report provides a detailed account of anthropogenic GHG emissions in New York State from
1990-2016. The report identifies the emissions associated with different sectors and sources as broadly
outlined in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines.' Each section describes
sector-specific calculation methodologies and provides a detailed view of emission contributions
from various sources. Accordingly, the sections correspond to the different sectors and are organized
as follows:
e Section 1: Energy?
e Section 2: Industrial Process and Product Use
e Section 3: Agriculture
e Section 4: Waste
The report looks systematically at six primary GHGs: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous
oxide (N20), hydrofluorocarbon (HFC), perfluorocarbon (PFC), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF). Emissions
of these six GHGs are converted to CO) equivalent (CO2e), representing the quantity of CO, that would
have the same impact on the global climate over a period of 100 years.* The emissions of these different
GHGs can then be combined and presented in equivalent terms (see appendix A).
This report, which is updated periodically, tracks New York State GHG emissions over time, from
1990-2016. As a new inventory is developed, updates to activity data sources and methodological
improvements are applied to all relevant years in the time series. Therefore, it is possible that estimates
of GHG emissions presented in a report may differ from values presented in previous iterations of the
New York State Greenhouse Gas Inventory for the same year.
In this Summary, New York State’s current GHG emissions profile is presented, broken down, and
discussed from a variety of perspectives, followed by a discussion of statewide emissions over time.
S.2. New York State GHG Emissions Profile
S.2.1 Current GHG Emissions by Source
The New York State Greenhouse Gas Inventory: 1990-2016 is based on the United States Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) production-based methodology‘ and tailored to estimate current emissions
produced within the State’s boundaries. By adopting EPA protocols for identified emissions, New
York State aims for consistency with international conventions for GHG emissions inventories. A
summary of GHG emissions estimated for the State by sector and gas in 2016, the most recent year
for which historical data are available, is provided in Table S-1.
Table S-1. 2016 New York State Greenhouse Gas Inventory (MMtCOze)
Energy 172.80
Fossil Fuel Combustion 167.28
Fossil Fuel Combustion
(excl. net imports) 163.47
Electricity 27.72
Net Imports 3.82
Residential 30.89
Commercial 20.66
Industrial 10.23
Transportation 73.98
Incineration of Waste 2.79
Oil 8 Gas Systems - 2.81
Industrial Processes and
Product Use 0.34 9.48 é 11.15
Aluminum Production 0.20 - 0.38
Cement Production - - 0.26
Electricity Transmission
and Distribution ¿ 0.17
Iron & Steel Production 0.15
Limestone Use 0.44
ODS Substitutes 9.48
Manufacturing : 0.14
Soda Ash Use ; 0.13
Agriculture 8.86
Agricultural Animals 3.57
Agricultural Soil
Management 4.02
Manure Management 1.27
Waste 12.80
Landfills 10.61
Municipal Wastewater - - - - 2.20
Total (inc. Net Imports of
Electricity) 170.00 0.34 9.48 0.17 205.61
% of Total Emissions 83% <1% 5% <1% 100%
Total (excluded Net Imports of
Electricity) 166.20 $ 0.34 9.48 0.17 201.80
- MMtCO2e = million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent; CO2 = carbon dioxide; CH4 = methane; N20 =
nitrous oxide; PFC = perfluorocarbon; HFC = hydrofluorocarbon; SF6 = sulfur hexafluoride.
- In the 2016 New York State Energy Plan (SEP) energy-related emissions were defined to include Fossil Fuel
Combustion, Net Imports of Electricity, Incineration of Waste, Oil & Gas Systems, and Electricity Transmission and
Distribution sources. Note that this definition differs slightly from the Energy source category in this report, which
follows IPCC source categorization guidelines and therefore excludes Electricity Transmission and Distribution.
- Methane emissions would increase to 57.11 MMtCO2e were this report to account for emissions using 20-year
Global Warming Potential factors derived in the IPCC AR4, rather than the 100-year GWP presented above.
As shown in Table S-1, New York State accounted for approximately 206 million metric tons of carbon
dioxide equivalent (MMtCO e) emissions in 2016, an average of 10 metric tons of CO2e for each State
resident.’ At these levels, per capita GHG emissions were approximately half the U.S. average. The
great majority of the State’s GHG emissions came from fuel combustion, which primarily represents the
burning of fossil fuels (e.g., coal, natural gas, petroleum products) as an energy source to support various
economic activities, including transportation, electric power generation, and heating and hot water needs
for homes and businesses.
Figure S-1 provides a sectoral breakdown of New York State’s 2016 economy-wide GHG emissions
from all sources. The largest contributor of all GHG emissions in the State is vehicle fuel combustion in
the transportation sector (36%) followed closely by on-site combustion in the residential, commercial,
and industrial sectors (30%). Fuel combustion for electricity generation (including net imports) represents
15% and non-combustion sources (e.g., industrial process, agriculture, and waste) make up 19% of
statewide emissions.
Figure S-1. 2016 GHG Emissions by Sector
Notes: "Other Energy" includes the following emission sources in the Energy source category that are not
associated with fossil fuel combustion: Incineration of Waste and Natural Gas Systems.
COze = carbon dioxide equivalent GHG = greenhouse gas
Total Economy-Wide CO2e: 206 Million Metric Tons
Other Energy 3% Percent of Economy-Wide CO,e Emissions
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Million Metric Tons of CO2e
OTransportation Combustion GOn-Site Combustion
Glndustrial Process and Product Use mElectricity Generation
ONet Imports of Electricity BAgriculture
OWaste Other Energy
Figure S-2 provides a breakdown of New York State’s 2016 GHG emissions by gas. Even when
considering the contributions of the six primary GHG emissions on a COse basis, this figure shows
that CO, contributes the majority (83%) of all GHG emissions in the State.
Figure S-2. Percentage of GHG Emissions by Gas and Source
COze = carbon dioxide equivalent GHG = greenhouse gas
Total CO2e from Greenhouse Gases: 206 Million
Metric Tons Percent of Total GHG Emissions
Perfluorocarbons | <1% 19% ye
F Non-Fuel Combustion Sources
Sulfur Hexafluoride | <1% (38 Million Metric Tons)
: : a
Nitrous Oxide 3% Lise >
Hydrofluorocarbons 5% Fuel Combustion (167 Million
Metric Tons)
Carbon Dioxide 83%
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Million Metric Tons of CO2 Equivalent
Fuel Combustion @Non-Fuel Combustion Sources
S.2.2 Focus: Current GHG Emissions from Fuel Combustion
S.2.2.1 Emissions by End Use Sector
The transportation sector accounted for approximately 44% of CO» emissions from fuel combustion
in 2016 (shown in Figure S-3). The residential and commercial sectors were responsible for roughly