[PDF]contractfor50hpengine18870517 $ pe Make sure not done for money

[PDF] $ pe  Make sure not done ofr money 

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RG104 E-1 Box 145 Apr-May 1887


Civil Engineer

Civil Engmeer & Archt


<7 ee pgina eh, Lie, Yl

Wh Jef) Cecteets Af,
Lp, tay fehe ui May — 7th 1887,

Hon. Daniel M, Fox, Supt.,
United States Mint, .
Dear Sir:

Enclosed please find letter dated April 29th, explan-
atory of the results of a certain conference at the mint sn April
28th. This letter your Clerk returned to us by some errors We
therefore, send it back to you.

You will also find three copies in blank, of a contract for
the 50 Horse power engine with the Kensington Engine Works, Lim-
ited, as well as cover for the fourth copy. This copy is now
Balauhn Mr. H. F. Francis of the Kensington Engine Works, Limited.

Under date of May 5th, we informed the Kensington Engine
Works, Limited, that the Secretary of the Treasury would approve
contract with them for this engine, and informed them that we would
draw up contract for the work. Sader date of May 10th, we in-
formed them that we had drawn up four copies of Gaia before
mentioned, and requested that they should have the officers of
their Company pass such resolution as was necessary to authorize

the execution of the contract. On the same ay we gayo =————————~—

(D. Me Fe 2)
Mr. H. F. Francis a copy of the contract, and until to-day, have
heard nothing from the Kensington easing, Workex Limited. Mr. Wn.
Francis, of the Kensington Engine Works, Limited, has just left
here, and has informed us that the Company have passed the nec-
essary resolution, and that as soon as his brother, Mr. H. F.
Francis, returns ve the city, he will bring the papers to your
office aaa have the atret siene
You will notice that we have not inserted in the contract
the amount of money required for penalty, inasmuch as our judg=
Ment was, that this matter should be deventnee by yourself. We
think ‘ite taking everything into consideration, $100 per day
would be enough to demand in this instance; |
The Proposal attached to the Contract, should be carefully
compared with the original which you have 3i your office.
Respectfully yours,
A aa


NARA RG104, Entry 1, Box 145

Wilson Brothers & Co.

Civil Engineers and Architects,
Philadelphia, Pa.,

May 17, 1887

Hon. Daniel M. Fox, Supt.,
United States Mint,

Dear Sir:

Enclosed please find letter dated April 29th, explanatory of the results of a certain
conference at the mint on April 28th. This letter your Clerk returned to us by some error. We
therefore, send it back to you.

You will also find three copies in blank, of a contract for the 50 Horse power engine with
the Kensington Engine Works, Limited, as well as cover for the fourth copy. This copy is now
held by Mr. H.F. Francis of the Kensington Engine Works, Limited.

Under date of May 5th, we informed the Kensington Engine Works, Limited, that the
Secretary of the Treasury would approve contract with them for this engine, and inform them
that we would draw up contract for the work. Under date of May 10th, we informed them that we
had drawn up four copies of contract before mentioned, and requested that they should have the
officers of their Company pass such resolution as was necessary to authorize the execution of the
contract. On the same day we gave Mr. H.F. Francis a copy of the contract, and until to-day,
have heard nothing from the Kensington Engine Works, Limited. Mr. Wm. Francis, of the
Kensington Engine Works, Limited, has just left here, and has informed us that the Company
have passed the necessary resolution, and that as soon as his brother, Mr. H.F. Francis, returns to
the city, he will bring the papers to your office and have the contract signed.

You will notice that we have not inserted in the contract the amount of money required
for penalty, inasmuch, as our judgement was, that this matter should be determined by yourself.
We think that taking everything into consideration, $100 per day would be enough to demand in
this instance.

The Proposal attached to the Contract, should be carefully compared with the original
which you have at your office.

Respectfully yours,
Wilson Bro. & Co.


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