[PDF]Composting and peat-free gardening

[PDF]Composting and peat-free gardening

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Composting and
peat-free gardening


the organic

v ^ F>IOM pecvc^ ny

working today
for nature tomorrow

Composting and
peat-free gardening

Compost is made up of decayed plant material and can be used in a
variety of ways in gardening and horticulture. This leaflet gives
advice on the different types of compost, where and how to use it,
and how to make your own. At present, peat is heavily used in
domestic and commercial horticulture. However peat comes from a
declining resource and its extraction causes damage to rare habitats
in the UK and abroad. This leaflet sets out ways to avoid using peat,
listing alternatives. Firstly some of the commonly used terms are
explained opposite.

Organic garden at Birmingham Botanical Gardens.

Soil improvers are added to the soil
to improve texture and structure.
Adding garden compost or leaf
mould will help enrich your soil.

Mulch is a layer of material placed
on top of the soil to keep down
weeds, conserve moisture or insulate
the soil.

Growing medium is what you grow
your plants in. If your existing
garden soil is not suitable for your
needs, you may want to use specialist
products such as potting mixes or
seed compost.

Garden compost is made from
recycled kitchen and garden waste.
It is best used as a soil improver to
feed and condition soil. Apply in the
spring and summer, either dig into
the top 15-20cms of soil or apply as a
surface mulch. You can also top up
tubs and planters with a layer of
compost. Best of all use compost in
vegetable beds particularly for
potatoes, tomatoes brassicas and
other leafy crops. A compost mulch
applied every three years is enough
for most shrubs and herbaceous
perennials but you will not need it for
annual flowers. Use as a mulch for
fruit crops every three to five years
depending on the type of fruit. Use
for herbs such as chives, parsley and
mint, which need a good supply of
food and water. If you want to use
garden compost for raising seeds or
potting plants you will need to dilute
it by adding other ingredients to

make a growing medium (for
example two parts compost, one part
loam/good soil and one part leaf
mould or coir).

Green Waste Compost Lots of
councils are now recycling local
garden and commercial waste to
make peat free compost which they
use in local parks and gardens.
They often sell it to the public for
use in their own gardens and
allotments. The Government is
trying to reduce waste produce sent
to landfill sites and increase the
amount of recycling. Green waste
compost helps deliver against these
Government targets as well as
producing a useful by-product.
Check what they sell to see what it
can best be used for.

Multi-purpose compost is what
you commonly see for sale in
garden centres. It is often a mixture
of materials used for raising
seedlings and growing plants in
pots (ie as a growing medium).
Many of us, often unknowingly, buy
peat-based composts. Products are
not always clearly labelled for their
content. There are many good
peat-free products on the market.
Always ask if the compost you have
picked is peat free and encourage
garden centres to label products

Leaf mould is made up of old rotted
leaves and is great as a soil improver,
lawn conditioner or mulch.

Composting and peat-free gardening

Round-leaved sundew - a common inhabitant of peat bogs. Peter Roworth/English Nature 22,852.

What is peat?

Peat forms in waterlogged conditions
where a lack of oxygen prevents dead
plants from decaying fully. Each
year new plants such as sphagnum
mosses, bog cotton and heathers
grow and die, and layers of plant
material gradually accumulate over
hundreds and thousands of years to
form peat.

Peat bogs form some of England's
most scarce habitat and provide a
unique home for a wealth of plants,
animals and insects. They also
provide an important feeding and
stopping-off point for native and
migrating birds. Because peat bogs

can be thousands of years old (and
pre-date our Stone Age ancestors!)
they contain layers of historical data.
By examining a section of peat,
scientists can tell what our landscape
was like, what type of animals
colonised the area, and what weather
conditions prevailed.

Peat has been very popular in
gardening as a growing medium.
Some people also use it as a soil
improver or mulch but there are
much more suitable products for
these purposes such as well rotted
manure and garden compost as soil
improvers and wood chip as a mulch.
At present 66% of all peat harvested
in the UK is used by domestic

gardeners. Increasingly peat is being
imported from other countries such
as Ireland and the Baltic. If we
continue to destroy these peat habitats
we will ruin a vital part of our natural
heritage, lose dozens of rare plants,
animals and insects and miss out on
the chance to look into the past.
We don't need to keep destroying our

own and others' wildlife. There are
lots of peat-free products on the
market and the quality has improved
markedly in recent years. Specialist
products have been developed for
raising seedlings etc. What can you
do to protect wildlife sites in England
and other countries? Check out the
Action Plan below.

Action Plan

Don't buy peat!

This will help prevent destruction of rare bog
habitats in England and other countries.

Buy peat-free seed
and potting

Increasingly quality peat-free compost products
are available for specialist purposes. Try them out,
or give them another go if you tried a few years

Make leaf mould

This is free and a great way to tidy away those
autumn leaves!

Buy green waste

Many councils now sell green compost made from
locally recycled waste.

Make your own

This is fun and a great way to slim you bin!

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Some councils have a free bin scheme.

Use shredded
as a mulch

This helps reduce waste and can cut down on
transport costs to the local landfill site.

Only buy pot and
bedding plants
which are grown in
peat-free compost

Ask you garden centre to stock more plants grown
in peat free medium.

Check out www.peateringout.com/plant.html for a
list of places already stocking them.

Ask your garden
centre to clearly
label the peat
content of products

Asking retailers to label products properly helps us
know what we are buying. Some labels say the
peat is from a sustainable source, this still results
in destruction of a natural habitat.

Composting and peat-free gardening

Making your own compost

Do I have to be an expert to make
my own compost?

No. Composting just happens - it is
nature's way of keeping our planet
clean. Making compost can be as
easy as putting a few weeds and
vegetable scraps onto a compost heap
- or you can put a lot of effort into it.
It's up to you.

One method is outlined opposite.

What can I compost?

If it can rot, it will compost. Some
things, like grass mowings and soft
young weeds, rot quickly. They work
as 'activators' or 'hotter rotters',
getting the composting started, but on
their own will decay to a smelly
mess. Older and tougher plant
material is slower to rot but gives
body to the finished compost - and

usually makes up the bulk of a
compost heap. Woody items decay
very slowly; they are best chopped or
shredded first, where appropriate.
For best results, use a mixture of
types of ingredient. Avoid using
meat and fish, newspaper, coal and
coke ash, dog or cat litter, disposable
nappies or glossy magazines.

When the ingredients you have put in
your container have turned into a
dark brown, earthy smelling
material, the composting process is
complete. It is then best left for a
month or two to 'mature' before it is
used. Don't worry if your compost is
not fine and crumbly. Even if it is
lumpy, sticky or stringy, with bits of
twig and eggshell still obvious, it is
quite usable. The method shown
opposite will take a year or more.
If you are able to put in more effort,
you can make it quicker. Check out
the internet for more information.

1 Collect together a batch of
compost materials. Try if
possible, to get enough to
make a layer of at least
30cm or more in the
compost bin. Weed the
garden, mow the lawn,
empty the kitchen bucket!
Aim for a mix of soft

and tough items. It may
help if you place a few
woody plant stems or small
twigs on the bottom first,
especially if using a plastic
bin, as this will improve the
air circulation and drainage.

2 Start filling the bin. Spread
the ingredients out to the
edges and firm down gently.
Alternate soft and tough
items, or mix them together
first. Unless items are
already wet, water well
every 30cm - 60cm.

Continue to fill the container.
Items can be added individually,
but a bigger batch is preferable.
If most of what you compost is
kitchen waste, mix it with egg
boxes, kitchen paper, toilet roll
middles and similar paper
products to create a better balance.

When the container is full - which
it may never be as the contents
will sink as it composts - or when
you decide to, stop adding any
more. Then just leave it to finish
composting or go to step 5.

Remove the container, or
everything from the container.
If the lower layers have
composted, use this on the
garden. Mix everything else
together well; add water if it is
dry, or dry material if it is soggy.
Replace in the bin and leave to

Composting and peat-free gardening

Making your own leaf mould

Leaf mould is a humus-rich
substance which will add bulk and
organic matter to the soil, improving
its structure. It also makes a good
seed compost and can be mixed in
with potting compost. It is slower to
make than ordinary garden compost
but a good use of all those autumn
leaves. Just pile them up in a wire
mesh enclosure or in bags with holes
punched in the sides. Deciduous
leaves are best, but if you want acid

compost for acid loving plants,
evergreens can be used. If it is dry
when you collect them add a bit of
water to get things going. A year on
will provide you with well rotted
leaves but you can leave them
longer. Use on your vegetable patch
for winter cover, as a mulch on
container plants in the autumn or as
a mulch for the fruit garden.

Year-old leaf-mould can be sieved to
give a fine compost to add to potting

Making leaf mould.

Compost bins.

Choosing a compost bin

There are lots of different types of
compost bin on the market. You do
not need a fancy or expensive
container. Compost can be made
using a simple heap on the ground
covered with plastic or old carpet to
keep it moist. If you want to make
your own bin, an easy option is an
old dustbin with the bottom cut out.
You can also make a simple bin by
driving four posts into the ground
and stapling wire around them,
leaving one side easy to open for
access. Line with cardboard and
top with a square of carpet or a
plastic sack. Another type of sturdy
bin can be made by building three
sides from breeze blocks with a
wooden removable front. There are a
wide range of recycled plastic bins
on the market. Choose one which

will suit your garden. Things to bear
in mind are: how sturdy is it? It will
have to be able to withstand
battering with forks and spades as
you fill and empty it. The top
opening should be large enough to
take a fork full of green waste
comfortably, so remember to make
sure its not too high for you to use.
Also check it is not too heavy if you
want to be able to lift the container
off the compost to get it out to use.
A minimum recommended volume is
700 litres (0.7 cubic metres or one
cubic yard). Pick one you feel
you can fill from your waste.
Whatever you choose, make sure you
have easy access and space around
to use the compost heap. Its best to
site it straight on the ground as
opposed to a concrete or hard
surface, allowing for drainage and
worm access.

Composting and peat-free gardening

How to make
your own garden
compost box

These instructions show how to
make a 75cm square, moveable,
wooden box, consisting of
identical interlocking sections,
stacked one on top of the other.
These dimensions can be
adjusted to suit your
requirements and the materials
available, which makes it ideal
for using reclaimed timber such
as floorboards or pallets. We
would not recommend a smaller
box. As the compost decreases
in volume, the top sections can
be taken off and used to start
building up a new container.
Make a few extra sections and
you will have a very flexible
composting system. Keep the
rain out with a wooden lid or
square of old carpet or

Building the box

1 Cut two boards, each 75cm long.

2 Cut two boards, each 72cm long.

3 Cut four lengths of 5.5cm from
the 5cm x 5cm timber. These
will make the corner blocks.

4 Take one of the two shorter
boards and place it in position
on two of the corner blocks.
The ends of the board should
be flush with the blocks; the
blocks should be offset so that
they project 2cm beyond the
edge of the board.

5 Hold the board in position on
the blocks. Drill three holes,
3cm deep at one end of the

Materials and equipment

• 2 of 75cm wooden boards, 7.5cm wide*, minimum 1.5cm thick.

• 2 of 72cm wooden boards, 7.5cm wide*, minimum 1.5cm thick.

• 4 of 5cm x 5cm wooden corner blocks, 5.5cm long*.

• 20 of 3.6cm screws, size number 8.

• 1 screwdriver, 1 drill, and 1 saw.

Total materials for 10 sections: 30m of 7.5cm x 1.5cm timber; 2.2m of 5x5cm
timber; 220 of 3.6cm number 8 screws.

• wider or slightly narrower boards may be used, as long as the size of the corner blocks
is adjusted to suit. There is no need to keep to the same width for each section if the
timber available is variable. Length and thickness should be constant.

board, through the board and Ensure that the ends of the

into the block below. Fasten longer board are flush with the

with three screws. outer edges of the vertical


6 Repeat steps four and five at the
other end of the board.

7 Now repeat steps 4-6 with the
second shorter (72cm) board.
For the next stage you may
need someone to help hold the
pieces while you fix them

8 Stand the two shorter boards
(with blocks attached) on their
ends, approximately 75cm

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