[PDF]Business Week 1971: Volume None, Issue Index.Digitized from IA1566407-05.Previous issue: sim_business-week_1970-12-26_2156.Next issue: sim_business-week_1971-01-02_2157.
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Business Week
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How to Use this Index
Every article appearing in Business Week during
the first six months of 1971 is comprehen-
sively indexed in this volume. All articles are
indexed alphabetically by subjects and by the
names of individuals, private businesses and
government agencies in all cases where such
were either the subject of the story reported or
had a primary relationship to the topic covered.
The following paragraphs are offered as a
guide to the index.
Business Organizations. Industries are in-
dexed under their simple designations such as:
“Aviation,"’ “Shipbuilding,” ‘Textiles,"’ etc. In
addition, all articles having reference to a pri-
vate company will be found under that com-
pany's name.
Labor. General labor news is indexed under
such broad headings as ‘‘Wages,"’ ‘‘Employ-
ment,'' ‘‘Labor,"’ and the like. References should
also be made to the various government labor
agencies and to Individual companies. Because
the full names of many trade unions are not
generally well known, trade union items are
indexed by parent organization, under ‘'AFL-
CIO,"’ or “Independent Unions,"’ and then in
turn under subheads by the trade or industry in
which they operate. There is one exception: the
railroad brotherhoods are indexed only under
Government. The permanently established
departments of the Federal Government will be
found under “D,” “Department of the Trea-
sury,"" ‘Department of Defense,” and ‘Post
Office Department.”
Independent Commissions and Special
Emergency Agencies. These will be found ar-
ranged alphabetically by their established
names. In addition, they are also indexed un-
der their field of activity.
Reference Dept. Many individual headings
suggest other entries (See also...) which may
be consulted in looking for specific articles. If,
however, you cannot find a specific article, or
you would like any general information about
material which Business Week has published, do
not hesitate to make direct inquiry by mail or
telephone to Business Week Library, 330 West
42nd Street, New York 10036, N. Y.; telephone
TV networks shrug off new competitors (with
cover, chart and illus) (Special Report) p90,
See also pee Unions; Labor; Wages;
Dept. of Labor; National Labor Relations
Labor’s early bid for 1972 votes p25, Mar.6
The unions set a minimum raise p101, Mar.27
AFL-CIO to help combat wage inflation # p27,
May 29
Hoffa’s exit opens new doors (with illus) p77,
June 12
A tougher tone in phone talks (with illus)
p78, May 8
TV carries a call for a phone strike (with
illus) p20, May 29
Japanese face suit for dumping TV sets (with
illus) p68, Mar.20
Letter Carriers
Postal reform faces heavy weather (with illus)
p81, Feb.13
Nixon will ‘use no hooks’ on dockers (with
illus) p66, Mar.20
Harry Bridges veers right (with illus) p50,
May 1
Machinists & Aerospace Workers
Negotiating with a hard-hit industry p98,
Office & Professional
Pickets cry ‘scab’ at UAW leaders (with illus)
p31, Mar.20
Postal Employees
The mailmen are muttering # p32, June 12
State, County, Municipal Employees
Mayor Lindsay's hot summer starts early (with
illus) p28, June 12
A warm-up fight for steelworkers (with illus)
p28, Jan.16
Steelworkers’ chief sees a bitter fight (with
illus) p16, Jan.23
USW whets its c-o-1 clause p82, Feb.20
The rumblings of a steel strike get louder
(with illus) p69, Feb.27
Steel neg as is off to a late start (with
chart) p39, Mar.13
Steelworkers set the price for peace p3l,
The steelworkers’ militant mood deepens (with
illus) p76, Apr.3
Unions spurn the inflation alert (with illus)
p72, Apr.24
District 50: A feud threatens its merger p23,
USW pattern holds some hope for 1972 (with
illus) p38, June 5
Steel settles in for some long talks (with illus)
p50, June 26
# Short News Item
January-June, 1971
Unions woo the college faculties (with illus)
p69, May 1
AMK Corp.
A wilting FTC suit # p30, Feb.20
ABBOTT Laboratories
Abbott’s solution # p34, Mar.27
Steelworkers’ chief sees a bitter fight (with
illus) p16, Jan.23
The rumblings of a steel strike get louder
(with illus) p69, Feb.27
The steelworkers’ militant mood deepens (with
illus) p76, Apr.3
Unions spurn the inflation alert (with illus)
p72, Apr.24
Steel settles in for some long talks (with illus)
p50, June 26
Abernathy’s war on repression (with illus)
p39, Apr.10
Parkinson: ‘The Law of Delay’ (with illus) p8,
Extra zip for atom smashers (with illus) p78,
No-fault plans hit more potholes (with illus)
p44, May 15
Accounting for premature profits (with illus)
p87, Jan.23
Why accountants need to 4 a fuller story
(with table and illus) p86, Feb.6
CPA in charge (with illus) p105, Feb.27
Readers Report: Auditing the auditor p4, Mar.6
Readers Report: More guts, fewer rules p4,
An electronic accountant Wall Street likes
(with illus) p52, Mar.20
Nixon: ‘I am committed to an activist policy’
pll, Jan.9
Social activists switch to proxy power (with
illus) p86, Feb.13
Readers Report: ‘Meaningful dialogue’? p4,
Campaign GM wins a convert # p42, Apr.17
With the volume lower, the issues are heard
(with illus) p21, May 1
Social causes * in HEW simmering (with
illus) p65, May 1
The moral power of shareholders (with illus)
p76, May 1
ADAMS, Walter
Steel negotiates to survive (with cover, chart,
table and illus) (Special Report) p92, May 15
ADDRESSOGRAPH-Multigraph Corp.
Change of Addressograph # p24, Jan.30
ADVANCED Digital Systems, Inc.
A peripheral’s peripheral # p89, Feb.20
See also Newspapers; Magazines;
A puff for magazines # p43, Jan.9
TV ads: shorter
itches at better prospects
(with illus) p88,
New dailies whistle past the graveyard (with
illus) p22, Jan.23
Cigarette ads go to the races p19, Feb.6
Cold shoulders for Andy, Effy, Clio (with
illus) p30, Feb.13
A new era: ‘creativity’ plus plain talk (with
illus) p72, Feb.20
The FTC zooms in on the ‘better’ buys (with
illus) p20, Feb.20
Readers Report:
Credit where it’s due p5,
Washington’s diet for food companies (with
illus) p28, Mar.20
TV networks — pe off new competitors (with
ag chart and illus) (Special Report) p90,
Why producers give TV programs away (with
illus) p41, Apr.10
Will the ad ban spread north? (with illus) p24,
May 1
Advertising that comes a la carte (with illus)
p44, May1
TV time sells out at premium prices (with
illus) p43, May 15
Admen policing clients? # p28, May 22
Cigarette makers do great without TV (with
chart and illus) p56, May 29
Readers Report: Advertising advice p7, May 29
Madison Avenue: Promise anything but (with
illus) (Special Report) p74, June5
Admen set up their own watchdog (with illus)
p56, June 12
An ally for admen against the FTC p39,
June 19
A new pressure on housing bias (with illus)
p38, June 1
Canada filters out tobacco ads # p42, June 19
ADVERTISING (Classified)
The New York Times trims some edges p17,
What’s behind the tombstones (with illus) p67,
The institutions discover the ad stocks (with
tables) p81, June 19
AERIAL Applications Technology, Inc.
An electric way to spray crops (with illus)
p89, Feb.20
Moscow makes the going tough (with illus)
p20, May 8
Cans without seams # p102, June 26
Gulf Oil kneels to church wishes p39, Feb.27
AFTER Six, Inc.
A tuxedo maker promotes the casual look
(with illus) p66, Apr.17
AGEE, William
Boise Cascade shifts toward tighter control
(with chart and illus) p86, May 15
AGNELLI, Giovanni
The toughest auto market is in Europe (with
cover, table, chart and illus) p48, June 12
AGNELLI, Giovanni & Umberto
Changing Fiat with a fine Italian hand (with
illus) p58, Feb.20
AGNEW, Bruce A
Book Review p13, June 26
An electric way to spray crops (with illus)
p89, Feb.20
The showdown at Hilton Head (with illus)
p102, Apr.17
Bitter harvest in the Southwest (with map)
p22, Apr.24
U.S. cotton heads overseas (with illus) p142,
May 15
Chicanos campaign for a better deal (with
cover, map and illus) (Special Report) p48,
May 29
Readers Report
June 26
Strawberries vs. grapes p8,
Steel negotiates to survive (with cover, chart,
table and illus) (Special Report) p92, May 15
The crash program that is changing Detroit
(with cover, and illus) (Special Report) p78.
Courts get the air bag # p26, May8
AIR France
Airlines slash fares for
June 12
youth (with illus) p30,
AIR Pollution
Wild gray yonder # p24, Jan.9
Can pollution pay off? (with illus) p46, Jan.16
Cities as polluters (Editorial) p112, Jan.16
A polluter learns the hard way (with cover,
map and illus) p52, Feb.6
The world’s smokiest factory? (with illus) p54,
Sulfur is the major problem (with illus) p56,
General Motors
p80, Feb.6
pollution man (with illus)
Pure air: New r
ules make industry gasp p58,
Fighting social ills—in a recession (with
illus) (Special Report) p51, Mar.6
NOx is the next pollutant to go p108, Mar.6
Pittsburgh goes after the big polluters (with
illus) pl24, Mar.13
New York: a ban on cars? # p34, Mar.20
For some, pollution is the answer (with illus)
p25, Mar.27
1 + p34, Mar.27
Tough standards on smokestacks likely to stick
p27, Apr.3
Bad smells, bad policy (Editorial) p128, Apr.10
A pollution tax is boomeranging (with illus)
p40, Apr.10
A ventilator for city air # p65, Apr.17
The Clean Air Act cuts more teeth (with
table) p18, May 8
Polluters raise the cleanup ante (with table)
p46, May 15
The Environmental Protection Agency is bow-
ing to complaints # p27, May 29
# Short News Item
The high price of supplying power (with map)
p63, June 12
Motor fleets ride on vapor fuels (with illus)
p124, June 19
Closer to a deal to save the TriStar (with
illus) p37, Apr.10
Help wanted sign back at Lockheed p24,
May 29
AIRLIFT International, Inc.
Wobbly cargo line keeps its wings (with illus)
p36, Apr.17
Still pushing phosphates # p44, Feb.6
Japan corners Alabama's coal (with illus) p45,
May 15
The politics behind the new oil hunt (with
map and illus) p104, Mar.6
The North Slope boom is in a deep freeze
(with map and illus) p152, May 15
States race for the gold in primaries (with
illus) p66, June 12
Congress gets ready to battle Nixon (with
cover and illus) p66, Jan.9
ALDEN, Vernon R.
Boston Co.: A string of matched pearls (with
illus) p36, Feb.6
ALDRIN, Edwin E., Jr.
Mailer: ‘Of a Fire on the Moon’ (with illus)
p6, Jan.9
ALEXANDERS Markets, Inc.
Eating for ecology # p116, Feb.27
Algae face the eating test # p60, Feb.13
Algeria: A foreign legion routs the French
p35, May 8
France says ‘non’ to El Paso # p42, June 19
Ailing Whittaker tries to slim down (with
illus) p30, Mar.20
ALLEGHENY Airlines, Inc.
The sky’s the limit for Allegheny (with map
and illus) p118, Apr.17 :
ALLENDE, Salvador
Allende’s unorthodox road to socialism (with
map and table) p88, Apr.1
Some tips for hayfever sufferers p79, June 12
ALLIANCE for Labor Action
Firm support for a shaky alliance (with illus)
p97, Mar.6
ALLIED Chemical Corp.
Sign of the times # p24, Jan.30
ALLIS-Chalmers Mfg. Co.
White frees Allis in record stock sale p25,
Allis: The turnaround got stuck (with chart,
table and illus) p96, Mar.13
Cigarette makers do great without TV (with
chart and illus) p56, May 29
The world’s smokiest factory? (with illus)
p54, Feb.6
ALPHA Omega Computer Systems, Inc.
Readers Report: Grecian earnings p4, Jan.2
Metal men tune up for homebuilding (with
illus) p42, Jan.9
Aluminum peddles its own recycle (with table
and illus) p21, Jan.30
Aluminum from alunite # p60, Feb.13
The crunch in metals (Editorial) p94, Apr.24
Nonferrous metals start to live a little (with
chart) p39, June 5
Aluminum from alunite # p60, Feb.13
AMERICAN Airlines, Inc.
Unfriendly skies # p25, Jan.23
AMERICAN Assn. for the Advancement of
The painful struggle for relevancy (with chart
and illus) p38, Jan.2
AMERICAN Bankers Assn.
A tighter rein on the Eurodollar (with illus)
p17, May 29
AMERICAN Cyanamid Co.
Curing Florida’s strip-mining ills (with illus)
p43, Jan.2
Sutures that go away # p60, Feb.13
A chemical light ‘wand’ # p120, Mar.13
AMERICAN Economic Assn.
Business cycle is back again (with chart)
p47, Jan.2
The unconventional becomes respectable (with
illus) p62, Jan.9
AMERICAN Educational Films
Distributing anti-drug information # p86,
May 1
AMERICAN Express Language Centers
Learning the lingo for that overseas plum p96,
AMERICAN Home Casualty Assurance Co.
Under a plan offered by American Home Cas-
ualty Assurance Co. through Pan American
World Airways, you can collect when it rains
# pl08, June 19
AMERICAN Motors Corp.
The UAW agrees to settle for less p34, Apr.17
American Motors’ road looks bumpier (with
illus) p23, Apr.24
AMERICAN National Insurance Co.
Shock waves rock a Texas insurer (with chart
and illus) p84, Jan.16
Readers Report: Haas on Anico p5, Feb.6
AMERICAN Revolution Bicentennial
A dispirited '76 for Philadelphia (with illus)
p108, Jan.16
AMERICAN Statistical Assn.
Consensus sees mild upturn, but it’s often
wrong p7, Jan.2
AMERICAN Stock Exchange
The Amex promotes from within (with illus)
p24, May 29
AMERICAN Telephone & Telegraph Co.
Why Bell System wants higher rates (with
table and illus) p36, Feb.27
The satellite men struggle for space (with
table) p26, Mar.6
AT&T’s plea for permission to lay a sixth
transatlantic cable # p27, Apr.3
’ A tougher tone in phone talks (with illus)
p78, May 8
The FCC opens up data lines # p24, May 29
Federal Communications Commission hearings
on a requested phone rate hike # p51, June 5
Cable vs. satellite in an FCC showdown p29,
June 1
RCA switches on its Videovoice (with illus)
p120, June 19
AMERICAN Telephone Consumers Council
Why Bell System wants higher rates (with
table and illus) p36, Feb.27
AMERICAN Telesports Network
A ‘Fight of the Month’ # p65, Jan.30
AMERICAN Union Investment Fund
A mutual fund for unionists only p71, Jan.9
Readers Report: Statement of policy p4, Feb.13
The TV networks shrug off new competition
(with cover, chart and illus) (Special Report)
p90, Mar.27
Memorizing more on tape (with illus) p65,
Ampex buys its own in semiconductors (with
illus) p24, Apr.24
Land deals that take cash and caution p82,
Royal Little’s second career (with illus) p42,
See National Railroad Passenger Corp.;
Anaconda turns to a money man (with illus)
p24, May 22
Anchorage: On the oil frontier (with illus)
p156, May 15
Investment —¢" g 50-50 in East Europe (with
illus) p41, Jan.16
A quiet gamble on a steel house (with illus)
p108, Feb.27
ANHEUSER-Busch, Inc.
New head on Anheuser-Busch #
ANIMALS (Laboratory)
# p32, May 1
The rush to raise animals for labs (with illus)
p146, May 15
Treasury ruling on antidumping spurs new
moves p52, Mar.13
See Rockets and Missiles
Drugstore antiques # p44, Feb.6
ANTITRUST Laws and Enforcement
p24, Jan.9
White Motor roadblock # p24, Jan.30
The health market gets a new giant (with
chart and illus) p38, Feb.20
A setback for antitrusters #
Congressional antitrusters for breaking up U.S.
corporate giants # p47, Feb.27
Protection from prosecution extended to busi-
nessmen testifying before a grand jury # p51,
Japanese may file antitrust suit p52, Mar.13