[PDF]Business Week 1967: Index

[PDF]Business Week 1967: Volume None, Issue Index.Digitized from IA1566407-04.Previous issue: sim_business-week_1966-12-31_1948.Next issue: sim_business-week_1967-01-07_1949.

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Business Week

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ow to Use this Index

Every article appearing in Business Week during
the first six months of 1967 is comprehen-
sively indexed in this volume. All articles are
indexed alphabetically by subjects and by the
names of individuals, private businesses and
government agencies in all cases where such
were either the subject of the story reported or
had a primary relationship to the topic covered.
The following paragraphs are offered as a
guide to the index.

Business Organizations. Industries are in-
dexed under their simple designations such as:
“Aviation,” “Shipbuilding,” ‘‘Textiles,"’ etc. In
addition, all articles having reference to a pri-
vate company will be found under that com-
pany’s name.

Labor. General labor news is indexed under
such broad headings as ““Wages,"" “Employ-
ment,” ‘‘Labor,"’ and the like. Reference should
also be made to the various government labor
agencies and to individual companies. Because
the full names of many trade unions are not
generally well known, trade union items are
indexed by parent organization, under ‘‘AFL-
ClO," or “Independent Unions," and then in

turn under subheads by the trade or industry in
which they operate. There is one exception: the
railroad brotherhoods are indexed only under

Government. The permanently established
departments of the Federal Government will be
found under “D,"" “Department of the Trea-
sury,”” “Department of Defense,"’ and ‘Post
Office Department.”

independent Commissions and Special
Emergency Agencies. These wii! be found ar-
ranged alphabetically by their established
names. In addition, they are also indexed un-
der their field of activity.

Reference Dept. Many individual headings
suggest other entries (See also. . .) which may
be consulted in looking for specific articles. If,
however, you cannot find a specific article, or
you would like any general information about
material which Business Week has published, do
not hesitate to make direct inquiry by mail or
telephone. to Business Week Library, 330 West
42nd Street, New York 10036, N. Y.; telephone





See also Inde apeniens Unions; Labor; Wages;
a. of Labor; National Labor Relations

Can outcast “a come poms sepia? Pres-
sure grows to bring the strong independents
—- the AFL-CIO fold (with illus) p136,

Reuther break with Mean:

by letting him speak up. may pay oe p135,

Living costs get critical i come: Sharp .~
increases are putt: cost-of-living
bargaining tables (with chart) p62, Feb. li”

peng Fn labor’s fight means to business. Reuther
his targets. Labor Outlook p100, Feb.18

BG re bbe J House aides attend labor meeting

Labor’s top council sticks out its as neem
CIO takes a hard line on Labor

merger, revolt of Walter Reuther (with il illus)
p32, Feb.25

Meany is emphatic in denying that AFL-CIO
— any CIA funds for its programs p140,

Vote-theft charges, AFL-CIO trusteeship
weaken ttsbur; labor council’s influence
p140, Feb.25

Abel emerges as replacement for Reuther p50,

Labor maps a ‘ harder’ strategy: Walter
range resignation has prodd AFL-CIO

push harder for its programs (with illus)
piso. Mar.4

Wider spread of federal minimum wage law
costs some workers their jobs, Randolph
charges p156, Mar.4

Comeback trail bumpy for unions p54, Mar.18

Industrial Union Dept.’ & bn .
get: 900 employees —

migrant workers—of 50 yo Be growers
in Pennsylvania # p91, Mar.18

Teamsters and others worried ... by new
crime charges. Labor Outlook p96, Apr.8

Labor fears loss of clout at the polls p54,

mo Greenberg gets AFL-CIO post p160,

Why union affection for Johnson has cooled:
In certain utes, the President’s —~ go
contrary to labor’s ‘desires pl142, May 27

Reports labor has fared better than expected
; ~ B legislatures so far this year # p66,

Air Line Employees

Escaping a holiday air strike: Agreement be-
tween National and white-collar workers beats
deadline by two hours p$8, Mar.25


Aluminum workers and Steelworkers set up
== eliminate jurisdictional conflicts p1

Auto, Aerospace, Agric. Implements

UAW irons out master pact with 3. 1. Case,
winning three-year, $1 package for 7,000
p19, Jan.28

Reuther walks out— but doesn’t shut the
: Reuther-Me
UAW resigna'
posts (with illus) p66, Feb.1

Auto Workers win one phase of y= |; om
GM’s subcontracting po: a p92, Mar.

# Short News Item

January-June, 1967

Men with the skills get restive over pay:
Most noise comes from auto industry crafts-
men. But xd watch their dements (with
illus) p83, Mar.1

Supplemental jobless benefits softening
ary for workers hit by auto ‘cathe ps2,

UAW puts guaranteed annual income at B
of bargaining demands for 1967 p91, Mar.1

uae aide reports early retirement plan be;
965 has ented 50000 jobs p10b, Mars.

pee tage neces . vay ond five-month
strike Gomaing rom pay freeze agree-
ment p48, Apr

Trading blue ay ¥ for white: A guaranteed

annual wage, just like office workers, is the

_ Workers goal this year (with illus) p43,

UAW convention in Detroit next week will
* i ining goals for Big Three talks p160,

UAW out on two
gives ther A.

Big Three, and
(with table and inus p99, Apr.29

‘Gut = ol start to = te pale Detroit: C4 cmmmnen's
auto geen industry finds pr

“s or jor st e greatest since 1945 (wi ~~

High court. hints a softer tone p40, Jun.17

Road test for auto accord: Lg AD ne and
Canadian fears of domination —

= : _on pact (with chart and illus) pig

Wage polic wens for Reuther. Labor Out-
oat pl46, Jun 2

Mate: Auto in

’ Clothing

ILGWU wins 15% boost for 80,000 workers;
gest te affect talks covering 200,000 more p40,


New York Telephone workers back at the
ballots as CWA s to pe off union backed
by Teamsters p54, Jan.7


Electrical Workers withdraw from IUD non-
raiding pact in organizing dispute p168, Apr.22

Will scandal bk 7 ae fuse at IUE? Ape
irregularities in Distric: 3 finances threaten
Se A 44 (with illus) mI2L,

Farm Workers

Geteniing the farm: icultural giant Di-
a signs an O contract giving
its to workers at three California
toith illus) p164, Apr.22

i in Mexico help striking U.S. union by
web, May 20 ~t-. £., at home (with illus)
ILGWU says gains are largest ever p128, Jun.3
oe | — —— > penalize a “runawa:
shop requiring it to bargain with the =
it a "eft behind # p64, Jun.10


‘Divide and conquer’ isn’t so easy: Labor
worries that its strike strategy is being eroded
by employers’ pacts p59, Jun.10

Meat Cutters
Union says contract with major meatpackers

_— too costly for small independents p48,

demands 0
ulling out of AFL-CIO

Oil, Chemical & Atomic

Right to bargain and strike over layoffs hailed
by oil workers as major gain pl119, Jan.28


Union says contract with major meatpackers
y— Pee too costly for small independents p48,

Labor’s drive Ly Fs worries some . . . but
ay moved fast. Labor Outlook "p79,

a guaranteed 92.5% to 95%

when its members put in short
n’t work at all # p48, Feb.18

A push for blue-collar salaries: Rubber
workers push for increased status a

annual wage (with illus) p135,

Tire manufacturers set up strike insurance
ym Dees with W continue p160,

Union is seek:
of weekly
weeks or

poe nd oa the _—, <> sone:
ve my for to w— » "Tae
an str (with | nea} = Apr.29

Rubber strikes aren’t having serious impact
yet # p94, May 13

Unions mass for copper aooden: Rubber
walkout is stalema p156, May 20

fag ae Leng ~ try the boycott weapon: yy
is trying to break a six-week impasse

strike by asking for a boycott of retail eut-

lets (with illus) p121, Jun.3

‘Divide and Rap. af isn’t so easy: Labor
worries that its strike strategy is being eroded
by eae pacts p59, Jun.10

New management offers of a rubber contract
: ——, —— bargaining off dead center
, Jun.

U.S. lends a hand to end rubber strike p150,


NAACP wins United Steelworkers’ backing
pny quiet | es for jobs in Pittsburgh area

USW board member William J. Hart named to
labor post in Pennsylvania's cabinet p54, Jan.7

Labor melts a link with its fiery past:

of a labor war of the 1890s, the ce
Workers merger into the the USW ends an era
(with illus) p109, Jan.28

Pe. toughens metal unions: Smelter
Wor oin Steelworkers to give nonferrous
metal ions bargaining strength p104, Jan.28

New slices for Kaiser’s melon? Both compan
and Steelworkers see flaws in plan by which
workers share in cost savings (with table and
illus) p149, Mar.4

Aluminum Workers and Steelworkers set ui
lan _ eliminate jurisdictional conflicts pies,

Unions mass for oper showdown: They

threaten strike June unless che One

— big’ in defense-critical area pl

USW signs holdout: After 30 years, steel
union signs Mesta Machine Co. p66, Jun.10

Steelworker who backed Abel and now seeks
his defeat loses post in USW local election
p152, Jun.24

Television & Radio

What — strike cost? Labor troubles a
oa up on sched Management
e microphones (with illus) p27, ages

Network newsmen go back to work at base
salary of $300 a week yas commercial fees
(with illus) p160, Apr.1



Eight hundred union members walk out on
strike at Western Felt Works # p92, Mar.11

Can AFL-CIO win its textile siege? Ap og
leaders will ask President Johnson’ x *,
ee mill workers (with illus)
p94, M

ABACO Fabrics Corp.

How to create your own TV show: Portable
video tape recorders are helping ————

from executives to short-order cooks (with
illus) p128, Jan.7

ABEL, I. W .
Abel F aaa as replacement for Reuther p50,

Can AFL-CIO win its textile siege? Rodeestion
leaders will ask President Johnson’s h y hy
a Southern mill workers (with illus)

Steelworker who backed Abel. and now seeks
his defeat loses post in USW local election
p152, Jun.24

AMC puts money men at wheel p40, Jan.14
ACADEMY of Management

Academy of Mangement issues list of top five
management books published in ’66 p113,
May 27


CPA calls for stricter standards and fewer
footnotes in annual reports p126, Jan.21

ACKLEY, Gardner
See aiso Council of Economic Advisers

New slant for the guideposts: Economic Report
says that some profit margins should come
9 to help meet the rising costs of wages

that ae —_— stay on prices
(with illus) p29, Jan.2

LBJ’s economics meets the critics: Skeptical
congressmen on Joint Economic Committee
- indicate they will oy President’s programs to
hard test p32, Feb.

Ackley finally finds something to crow about
ps3, Apr.22

. Ackley wants new role for Business Council
p56, Apr

Congress pushes White House for economic
reading p49, Jun.17

ACME Industrial Co.

Two Supreme Court decisions buttress NLRB
authority in ruling on unfair practices p136,

ACME Visible Records, Inc.

Turning deaf ear to rich suitors: Small but
thriving mightily, Acme Visible Records says
it isn’t for sale — yet (with illus) p148, Jan.14

ACTION-Housing, Inc.
Finding a profit in slum streets: A Pittsburgh
group: called Action-Housing thinks there’s

money in rehabilitating slums (with illus)
p52, Feb.4


How they won the West — and more: Phillips
Petroleum has grown up (with illus)) p178,

ADAMS, Thomas B.

Ad agency en | from Chevy’s shadow
(with illus) p94, J



Building a bridge to Bonn: Adenauer’s fun-
eral gave Johnson an opportunity for talks
with German leaders on three vital policy
issues p35, Apr.29


See also Newspapers; Magazines; Radio;

Preparation H_ advertising, famous for its
— claims, is banned by FTC p74,

## Short News Item

When sniffles can be beautiful: Sales of Con-
tac cold remedy have been ee hed to the top
by heavy promotion (with illus) p69, Jan.14

Clash over tax exemptions p46, Jan.21

More blue in Braniff’s yonder: A hard-driving
president and a hard-thinking ad agency
— more growth (with cover, map and
llus) p102, Jan.21

Association sets up nonprofit foundation to
endow chairs of advertising in graduate busi-
ness schools p64, Feb.4

_ prescribes a bitter pill: It complains

— co: —— ads fail to detail drawbacks as
well as advantages of some medications (with
illus) p58, Feb.4

Highbrow TV with no ads on the way. Mar-
keting Outlook p73, Feb.11

The adman who plays with paper airplanes:
Howard Gossage has built his West Coast
ms — fun-and-games ideas (with illus)
pa, Fe

New watchdog for the admen? Antitrust

Chief Turner charges ads don't tell consumer
enough, and calls for system to do the job
(with illus) p94, Feb.18

Publishers hit Post Office bid to lift mass-
circulation and nonprofit rates p98, Feb.18

The truth about women: BBDO believes most
marketing men have been misled by myths
p188, Mar.11

Ad agency roup says conflicting accounts
can be handled if products don’t compete
p134, Mar.18

FTC charges ‘executive search’ organization
with false advertising, misrepresentations
p160, Mar.18

Watch the commercial go by: Ford is running
the longest advertisement in TV history on
its Easter showing of The Robe (with illus)
p82, Mar.25

Bill aims at big food advertisers p45, Apr.8

Study financed by advertising group belittles
— that some ads harm competition p88,

TV advertisers load up on buckshot: One-
minute, scatter-plan commercials will a
companies’ message to a broader range
= this fall with table and illus) p74,

Defending the big advertiser: A new study

contends that the advertising and suasinoting

power of the big companies does not threaten

—— (with tables and charts) p98,

New keeper for Esso’s tiger? p48, Apr.22

Madison Avenue finds a friend in government
p56, Apr.29

Now ad men plug their own wares: In-
creasingly, Madison Avenue turns to self-
promotion to bring in new accounts (with
illus) p178, May 6

Study claims TV commercials in color make
stronger pitch than those in black and white
p187, May 13

Outdoor advertisers will get chance to test
agg 4 of billboard messages on public p72,

It’s the old Moxie: Little soft drink com-
pany that once outsold Coke but fell into a
deep slump is trying to buck a $2-billion mar-
ket (with illus) p42, May 20

A select list for advertisers p92, May 27

Advertising discounts fade away. Fast re-
action from the TV networks. Marketing
Outlook p87, May 27

Ad agency emergin eo from Chevy’s shadow
Campbell-Ewald, with 65% of its billing still
GM, seeks diversified accounts (with

ius) p94, Jun.3

Admen Sry | need catchier commercials in
68 as NAB narrows time tunnel for TV
blurbs p104, Jun.3

‘Dodge Rebellion’ campaign to be pees at
end of 1967 model year piz7, Jun.10

zue kooky creator of antic advertising: Satir-
t Stan Freberg’s ads tickle the consumers
while Madison Avenue burns (with illus) p76,

‘Hot new ad agency gets job of giving Ameri-
can Motors new fire p93, Jun.17

Why the scenic route can’t be seen: A small
but efficient lobby has been working to
weaken billboard control legislation (with
illus) p106, Jun.17


Jet stream to Vietnam via Miami: Airport
engine plants keep busy overhaulin; ne planes
for speedy return to combat (wi illus)
pll12, Jan.14

AEROJET Delft Corp.

Medical electronics takes a deeper look:
Low-cost X-ray machine for detecting breast
cancer p86, Fe

AEROJET-General Corp.

Suit hits two-way buying: Antitrust suit

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