[PDF]Round Function In Excel

[PDF]This document explains round function in excel (http://gyansangrah.com/gyansangrah/article/round_function_excel)

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Gyan Sangrah

Round function in excel

In this article, we will discuss round function in excel

What is rounding of numbers?

Rounding of numbers (decimal numbers) means replacing it with another value which is
approximately equal to the original value. For example

1. Rounding of .999 is 1

2. Rounding of .777 is .78

But the question is - why do we need rounding of decimal numbers. The answer is, the
value obtained from rounding of decimal number is easy to report.

For example, telling the HR of a company that your current salary is 49999.99 rupee is
more frustrating, but rather you can say that my current salary is approximately 50000

Round function

Purpose of round function is to round the decimal value.


= Round (number, number_digits)

In the above syntax

1. Number - Decimal number to round off.

2. Number_digits -.Number of digits to which decimal number is round off.




ROUND(number, num digits)



ROUND[number,. nurnjdigits)


=R0 UN 0(4.55555,31

R0UND[number r nuiin digits)

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