[PDF]Understanding ZOG 1 & 2

[PDF] A Summary Investigation into ZOG by Mutt Strawman © 2015   Part One of Two Parts Pg. 2 Secrets of Jewish Money Control by Brother Nathanael Kapner Fiat Money and Legal Tender Pg. 3 The Bank of Canada and Royal Canadian Mint  The Hudson's Bay Co. Pg. 4 Media Consolidation Pg. 5 STATISTICS       Secret Trillionaires Pg. 6 The World's Richest Got Poorer in 2015 Devon Pendleton and Jack Witzig  (31 December 2015)   The Richest Banks in the World (2015) Ranked By Assets Pg. 7 The Richest Banks in Europe (2013) The Richest Banks in America (2015) Pg. 8 The “Big Four” The Canadian Banking Industry The “Big Fiver” The Richest Insurance Companies in the World (2015) Pg. 9 The Richest Insurance Companies in America (2015) The Most Powerful People in the World (2015) Pg. 10 The Richest Royals in the World (2015) Pg. 12 The Richest Families in the World (2015) Pg. 13 The Richest Countries in the World (2015) The Richest Countries in the Asia (2015) NOTE: Countries with Nuclear Weapons Capability Pg. 14 World's Richest Arab Families (2014) Pg. 15 The Biggest Companies in the World (2015) The Largest Economies in the World (2015) Pg. 16 The Highest Paid CEOs of 2014 Pg. 17 The Richest People in the World (2015) The Richest Presidents in the World (2015) Pg. 18 Highest Paid Political Leaders in the World (2015) Pg. 19 The Richest American Presidents of All-Time The Richest People in Russia (2015) Pg. 20 The Richest People in Europe (2015) Europe is the home of 468 billionaires. The Richest Families in America (2015) The Richest Peoples in the United Kingdom (UK) (2015) Pg. 21 The Richest Politicians in America (2015) Kappa Beta Phi Pg. 22 The Richest People in Israel (2015) The Richest Jews in America (2015) The Richest People in Saudi Arabia (2015) Pg. 23 The Richest People in America (2015) The Richest People in Hollywood (2015) Pg. 24 The Sunday Times Rich List (2015) 15 Moguls who went from Rags To Riches Pg. 25 Canada’s Richest People (2015) Pg. 27 Canada’s Richest People (2014) On the Zio-Media Pg. 28 Who Runs the Media? By Dr. William L. Pierce Pg. 30 Big Money-Makers of Daytime TV Pg. 31 Who Owns What in the Canadian Media Landscape Concentration of Media Ownership in Canada Worst in G8 for TV Industry Pg. 32 Jewish Media Supremacy within Canada MK-Ultra Sex-Slave Miley Cyrus Pg. 33 On the Matter of Zionist Occupied Governments (ZOG) and Central Banking Propaganda Due Canada's Christian Zionists The Jewish-controlled Central Banks Bank of England; Bank of Canada; Reserve Bank of Australia; Reserve Bank of New Zealand; Swiss National Bank; Bank of Japan (Nippon Ginko); European Central Bank Pg. 39 The Federal Reserve The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families by Dean Henderson, 2011 House of Morgan; House of Rockefeller Pg. 41 Global Money Operations The International Monetary Fund (IMF) Pg. 42 The Bank of International Settlement (BIS) The World Bank Pg. 43 Three City States Control the World We are all the Chattel Property of the Crown American Hegemony Pg. 44 Who Controls the Central Banks? Pg. 45 The Big Four The Big Five Banks of Canada The European Central Bank Pg. 46 Masters of the Eurozone Goldman Sachs: Involvement in the European sovereign debt crisis Issing's Two Pillar Strategy Pg. 47 On the American ZOG Justin Trudeau wants a World Parliament     A Summary Investigation into ZOG by Mutt Strawman © 2015   Part Two of Two Parts   Pg. 2 A Brief History of ZOG The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia Kali's Thuggee Cult; The Bohemian Grove; Cremation of Care; Turkish Opium Pg. 3 Mathieu da Costa Jewish Slave Traders Pg. 4 Haym Salomon Funded American Revolution The Constitution Con (A Sad Tale of Parchment Idolatry) by Michael Tsarion Pg. 5 America's tax-exempt foundations So... Who are the Jews? Pg. 6 The Jewish Conquest of Great Britain The Jewish Conquest of Germany Pg. 7 The Jewish Conquest of America Amschel Mayer Bauer aka Rothschild Pg. 8 The Jewish Conquest of France The Jesuits, Adam Weishaupt and the Illuminati Pg. 9 David Sassoon and the Opium Wars Baron Maurice von Hirsch auf Gereuth Canada's North Atlantic Trade Company Pg. 10 Tycoons Invented the American Supereconomy John D. Rockefeller Woodrow Wilson - Pawn Of the Jews by Brother Nathanael Kapner (2010) Pg. 11 The Jewish Conquest of Russia FDR and the Jewish "New Deal" by Richard Breitman and Allan J. Lichtman Pg. 12 How the Holocaust was faked The Biggest Mass Murder in History The Dresden Bombing (13 February 1945) 500,000 German Refugees Burned Alive by Allied Forces in Dresden Pg. 13 The Real Holocaust of World War Two The Genocide of 15+ Million Germans by the Jews Sixty-Six Million Christians Murdered By Jewish Bolsheviks The Mass Murder of Russian Christians and the Destruction of their Churches Pg. 14 The Bilderberg Group Bernanke – The Rothschild Puppet by Brother Nathanael Kapner (2009) A Note Concerning the Money-Power Food Chain Pg. 15 A Basic Understanding of Zionism Israeli Prime Ministers who were Terrorists and War Criminals 9-11 Pg. 16 Who got America into the Iraq War? Pg. 18 The Jewish Oligarchs of Russia Boris Berezovsky; Vladimir Gusinsky; Mikhail Friedman; Mikhail Khodorkovsky; Alexander Smolensky; Vladimir Vinogradov; Vladimir Potanin Pg. 20 Vladimir Putin International Banking By Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show Pg. 21 The Game Plan for Building a New World Order The European Debt Crisis Greece; Spain; Russia; China Pg. 23 China Orders Banks to Stop Purchasing U.S. Dollars A Collapse Far Worse than the 2008 Shemitah is Coming Conclusion The 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement The Shoahoax Lie Pg. 24 Group of 7 (G7) Nixon Shock and the End of the Bretton Woods System Do Jews Rule America? By Brother Nathanael Kapner (2011) Pg. 25 Safety and Security Guidelines for Lone Wolf Mujahideen Pg. 26 Jewish "rape" of Mother Russia Jews and Israelis in global money-laundering probe By Isabella Ginor, Ha'aretz Correspondent and agencies (1999) Has Putin Really Killed the New World Order? The man who married Putin’s daughter By Jack Stubbs, Andrey Kuzmin, Stephen Grey and Roman Anin Pg. 27 Kirill Shamalov Pg. 28 The BRICS Bank: The Next Stop on the Road to a World Currency by Anthony Migchels (2014) BRICS… Breaking the Jewish Money Power By Brother Nathanael Kapner (2014) Pg. 29 The BIS employs the Sun Tzu Strategy of “Death’s Ground” The Devil is in the Detail BY Eric Jon Phelps (7 July 2013) Top Shareholders of Monsanto by Christina Sarich (6 June 2015) And with a One-Two Punch the IMF is Screwing Ukraine Pg. 30 A conclusive report on the undeniable & self-evident Jewish creation of the EU EU Founding Fathers Pg. 31 The Genocidal EU Plot and the Jews Behind It by Sven Longshanks (Daily Stormer, 17 April 2014 Pg. 32 White Genocide Jewish Antichrist Pg. 33 Jewish Population Statistics (2012) Jews are Less than 0.2% of World Population (2012) Pg. 34 The World's most Influential Jews Israel is a shadow government for the banks (2015) Pg. 35 The 5 biggest organized crime groups in the world by Chris Matthews (2014) Pg. 36 How the Rothschild Dynasty Operates By Brother Nathanael Kapner (2008-2010) 5 Things the Media Won't Report about the Refugee Crisis By Paul Watson Pg. 37 George Soros is the Enemy of Sovereign People and Traditional Values Soros’ List of Don’ts Soros’ List of Dos Major donors consider funding Black Lives Matter Activists for the protest movement are meeting in secret with liberal funder club by Kenneth P. Vogel and Sarah Wheaton (13 November 2015) Pg. 38 Liberal Billionaire funds Ferguson protests Blacks are Violent and Racist The “25 Most Dangerous Neighbourhoods in the U.S.A” All Happen to be Black Pg. 39 Black-on-White Crime Statistics It’s Time to Call Out Black Racism Pg. 40 Visible Minorities and White Genocide The Yellow Peril Pg. 41 The International Sikh Youth Federation (ISYF) Pg. 42 The Inter-Culturalistic Death of the Canadian Identity Top Ten Soros Targets in 2016 by Wayne Madsen - Infowars.com - 4 January 2016 Genocideugenics: Eugenics and the Depopulation Agenda Pg. 43 Shemitah Year Events of the Twentieth Century The rising up and the falling of empires. The Calm Before the Storm The "Unpredictable Nature of the Stock Market" Pg. 44 The Samson Option "Velocity" World War III Is Inevitable By Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show Pg. 45 The Infinite Growth Paradigm Modern Money Mechanics Pg. 46 The Syrian War is a Proxy War   ͜varwirt bloðruaða-uncynn heist usiċþēod The history of your ancestors is your culture... anything else is a lie  

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“Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture!”

A Summary Investigation into Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG)

© Mutt Strawman, 2015

There is today, here in Canada and around the world a “sense of palpitating urgency” with respect to the growing threat to all democratic
nations and institutions by the alien force known as Political Zionism. Due to its inordinate power to infiltrate and subvert representatives of all
governments thanks to the enormous wealth and media control which it controls in an absolute fashion once sovereign nations like Canada no
longer find themselves in control of their own destiny but rather, find themselves in the unenviable position of being nothing more than front
nations for the State of Israel and the Rothschild cartel that created and owns that illegitimate bastard child of the World Zionist Organization.
One-by-one the independent countries outside of Israel have fallen to the Zionist lobby which, via subterfuge, undue influence and the
machinations of those government representatives who have succumbed to the Zionist rhetoric both politically and spiritually (“Christian”

Zionists) long ago taken control of Canada’s parliament and judiciary to a blatant extreme.

The Zionists are here and they control of our

government and our institutions and our media. Only a fool or someone in deep denial would argue against that assertion. They gained the
ground they did by cooperating and working together. If we want to win back our nation then we’d bloody well sit up and pay attention and stand
up against them and do likewise for ourselves - after all "God helps those what help thaimselves."

Part One of Two Parts

Secrets of Jewish Money Control
Brother Nathanael Kapner

Whoever creates money controls it. The Jewish financial network has
created money in the English speaking world for two centuries. In 1694 the
Bank of England was established. Among its influential shareholders were
Sephardic Jews who represented the practice and continuity of Jewish money
lending. By 1815, with the Battle of Waterloo, the Rothschilds gained
dominant control. It was the original Federal Reserve. Same Jewish
proprietorship, same swindle. Both today are safely in Jewish hands. They hada
secret: They knew that the world was becoming corporate - like the
East India Tea Company - and industrialized. They knew that such a world
cannot exist without government fiat money - inconvertible paper money made
legal tender by a government decree. They knew that bullion and private
bank money were not enough. Such an expanding economy needed more
money to survive on than just commodity money or local currency. Other people
didn't know this and most people still do not know this secret of successful
money. But the Jews know it and do everything in their power to promote
unsuccessful commodity money. That's why they love the Jewish-inspired
Austrian School which promotes private bank money which ultimately ends
up in Jewish hands. The Jews pretended their Bank of England money was all
backed by gold... when actually it was a mix but predominantly fiat. People
bought it. Their shill, Adam Smith, helped them out by pretending that fiat
money was not real money. Smith hated the paper fiat money- "Scrip"- created
by American colonial government that Benjamin Franklin and _ the
successful colonists used. Karl Marx and the Austrian School also helped fool
people into believing that fiat money was just made from thin air and
would soon collapse. Their followers have been saying this for 200 years and
it still hasn't collapsed.

The Jews had a second secret: Their secret was to buy politicians with the
money they created and then blame government for the evils they were
committing. This way they make sure that people will hate government instead
of the Jews and won't let it regulate their banking crimes.

Their third secret was to bribe parliament - either through share
distribution or other means - into borrowing the fiat money they created at
interest... money that the government could have created itself for nothing. Since
the invention of coined money by governments in 600 B.C. all
governments have had the sovereign power to create their own
money debt free. Along with the right to tax and make war - debt-
free money creation is the most fundamental sovereign right of a

Jewry's fourth secret is to pretend the government issues money instead of
them. It's really impossible because the government can't issue money and then
have debt to itself. Most politicians and economists still think the government
prints our money because the government's name is on it and it says ‘federal.’

The final Jewish secret is to start wars and run up huge government
debt- - to them. And by expanding and contracting credit they run up the
peoples’ debt. Your mortgage and credit card makes you a slave to Jewish
bankers. In 1913 the Jews bribed U.S. officials to set up the Federal
Reserve to borrow fiat money from them... which we could have created
ourselves for nothing. It's the biggest scam on earth. Immediately they
created the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and America's entry into WW1 to
enslave the U.S.A. with debt... and a tyrannical collection agency.
America is a conquered nation. Jews are the victors. Americans constantly do
evil for the Jews - they destroyed Iraq for Jewry's plan for a Greater Israel.
America wants to topple Assad for them - who protects Christians. and has
made Putin, a builder of Christian revival in Russia, their enemy - all for the

Jews. How can they get out of this enslavement? Monetary reform. It's the
mother of all reforms. Without it, all reforms are doomed. There's only one way.
Do what the Jews most want us not to do, what they fear most: Taking back
money creation by our national government. If we don't, Jews will remain in

Karl Marx is the father of communism. He wrote about the Hegelian
dialectic - a conflict between thesis and antithesis that resolves in synthesis. The
dialectic embodies the spirit of the Jewish Talmud that what appears to be
contradictory has a hidden resolution. Keep focusing on some conflict and
attention is pulled from the real solution. Enter the Jewish capitalists, Warburg
and Schiff, who funded the Communist revolution. Bolsheviks were
Jews. But isn't there a conflict between capitalism and communism? not for the
Jews. It's kabuki theater for the 'goyim' to distract them from seeing who's really
pulling the strings. Jews manage conflicts like people breathe air. Grasp this
and you'll stop thinking of Democrats and Republicans as two opposing parties.
What flavor of Jewish 'dialectic' do you want? Control both sides of the
war and you'll always win. Jews control money-creation too. "Das Kapital"
and "Wealth of Nations" say nothing about how money is created. That's the
Jewish dialectic at work, hiding the real issue. But if they do talk about money,
it's to bamboozle you.

National currencies are really a tool used by the government and the
financial sector to leach away your time and your freedom by stealing your
purchasing power. Aristotle said that money is determined by
government law, not by intrinsic value. Sovereign governments create
money by fiat backed by law. Aristotle's word for money, "nomisma," is derived
from the word law, "nomos." Only fiat money can sustain an expanded
society... and the Jewish money masters know this. That's why they promote
‘metalism' (the false idea that money must have intrinsic value) in order to
confuse you. The way to tell the best money is to see what the Jews hate most.
It's not gold.

Fiat Money and Legal Tender

Fiat money, in short, simply means "money by decree." When U.S.A.
was under the gold/silver standard, gold/silver was fiat money. The Gold
Standard for the Canadian Dollar was officially abandoned on 10 April
1933. This is not to be confused with the U.S. gold standard, which was
officially and completely removed in 1971 by President Richard Nixon.
During the period of 1933 to 1970 the Canadian Dollar was left to either float
freely in foreign exchange markets or was left to be pegged to the U.S. Dollar;
since 1970, however, the Canadian Dollar’s currency value has been floating.
Today, all currencies around the world are fiat currencies, and not one single
currency is backed by gold or silver.

A fiat currency simply means a currency that is not truly backed by anything
tangible like gold or silver. Instead its value rests on the confidence that the
citizenry of that country places in its. In other words, a fiat currency is a piece of
paper with a number and two signatures. The faith of the people give it its real
value. Although declared by local government to be “legal tender”, this fiat
bank note is what we must use under the law for a medium of payment.

The history of fiat money, to put it kindly, has been one of failure. In
fact, every fiat currency since the Romans first began the practice in the first
century has ended in devaluation and eventual collapse, of not only the
currency, but of the economy that housed the fiat currency as well.

The doomsters see a collapse of so called fiat money, i.e. money as we know it
and an economic and social breakdown will follow. Gold and bullets are to be the
only currency. According to this line of prediction, we should all be rearing

chickens in anticipation and ready to grow bean shoots in our closets for food.
While you are at it, get some plans to create a stealth smokehouse. Forget
zombies; the marauders of the future financial collapse are going to be real
people. Woe on us, prepare! This prepper-view is nonsense. The view that
fiat money is going to disappear is mad and silly. Fiat money is going nowhere,
except down in value.

Rome’s coinage of the time, was, essentially, pure silver at the beginning
of the 1‘ century A.D. By A.D. 54, Emperor Nero had entered the scene, and
the denarius was approximately 94% silver. By around A.D.100, the denarius’
silver content was down to 85%. Emperors that succeeded Nero liked the idea of
devaluing their currency in order to pay the bills and increase their own wealth.
By 218, the denarius was down to 43% silver, and in 244, Emperor Philip
the Arab had the silver content dropped to 0.05%. Around the time of Rome’s
collapse, the denarius contained only 0.02% silver and virtually nobody accepted
it as a medium of exchange or a store of value.

The French have been particularly unsuccessful in their attempts with fiat
money. John Law was the first man to introduce paper money to France. The
notion of paper money was greatly helped along by the passing of Louis XIV
and the 3 billion livres of debt that he left. When Louis XV was old enough to
make his own mistakes, he required that all taxes be paid in paper money. The
currency was backed by coinage... until people actually wanted coins.

Now comes the ‘intrinsic’ bamboozle - this ‘intrinsic’ smokescreen is all
about hiding the real money that Jewry hates: government-created fiat
money. Adam Smith, the father of Capitalism, also hid real money for the
Bank of England. He claimed that it was necessary to affix a public stamp on
certain metals used to purchase goods. Yet the Bank predominantly used fiat
with only a mix of metal. Marx hardly talked about money either and when he did
he had the same 'metalist' idea. This is the Talmudic dialectic. The thesis is
capitalism. The antithesis is communism. The synthesis is Jewish control like
fiat money created by Jews lent to the government... at interest. That's the real
problem. The power of fiat in the hands of the Jews... not Aristotle's
"government and law."

The new paper currency rapidly became oversupplied until nobody wished to
own the worthless junk anymore and demanded coinage for their currency. After
making it illegal to export any gold or silver, and the failed attempts by the locals
to exchange their paper currency for something of actual value, the currency
collapsed. John Law became the most hated man in France and was forced to
flee to Italy. Napoléon stepped on the scene and brought with him the gold
franc. One of the good things that Napoléon realized is that gold is the way of a
stable currency. In the 1930s, the paper franc took only 12 years to inflate their
currency until it lost 99% of its value.

Post-World War I Weimar Germany was one of the greatest periods of
hyperinflation that ever existed. The Treaty of Versailles was
essentially a financial punishment placed on Germany supposedly to
make reparations. The sums of money to be paid by Germany were enormous,
and the only way it could make repayment was by running the printing press.

The Bank of Canada and Royal Canadian Mint

The Bank of Canada has negligible gold reserves. It currently stands, at
3.4 tonnes, in 80" place in the world in terms of countries with the most gold in
reserves. Even countries like Mauritius, Nepal, Macedonia, and Sir Lanka have
more gold than Canada. The gold share of national foreign exchange reserves
is 0.3%. In other words “zero.” The majority of Canadian reserves are in U.S.
Dollar and other foreign currencies.

3.4 tonnes is 109,312.54 troy oz of gold. At today’s gold price of $1,730/oz,
Canada’s value of gold in reserves is approximately US $189,110,694.20 (189.11
Million). The Canadian Dollar is not physically backed by gold; it is a fiat
currency, and underlying true backing is the confidence of its people. The
Canadian central bank also possesses an insignificant amount of gold in foreign
exchange reserves to back up the monetary system. Talk about a no contingency
plan in the event of a currency crisis.

The original decision to offload the gold was made in the 1980’s, at the hight
of the last gold bull market. This was carried out under Brian Mulroney,
Prime Minister of Canada from 1984 to 1993. Gold selling by the Bank of
Canada continued until the early 2000’s; today, despite its official gold reserves
by the Bank of Canada, there is even rumours that this gold has been leased out to
bullion banks.

Legal tenderis a medium of payment recognized by
a legal system to be valid for meeting a financial obligation. Paper
currency and coins are common forms of legal tender in many countries. Legal
tender is variously defined in different jurisdictions.

Alllegal tender money is fiat money whether it is lumps of any metal or
computer bytes. The problem is not fiat money and never has been. The problem
is that the government made Federal Reserve Notes, privately issued money legal
tender, i.e., fiat money which is issued as debt. No law makes checks or
computer bytes legal tender, but they are generally accepted as such. It is the

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