[PDF]This is the 1734/5 Will and Inventory of James Steelman, of Egg Harbor Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey. James Steelman is the son of Hans Mansson and Ella Stille. James is the grandson of Olof Stille. James Steelman was married twice, and had children with both wives. His first wife was Susannah Toy, and his second wife was Katherine Ouster. This is a transcription I did of James' will and inventory. From: Carla Welsh
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Transcribed by: Carla Welsh,
the 7th great-granddaughter of James Steelman
*This is on file at New Jersey State Archives, File #182H.
*You can also look at this on FamilySearch.org. It is a locked record, so it can only be viewed from a
Family History Center or affiliated library. DGS #5650419, images 290-294.
*James Steelman was the son of Hans Mansson and Ella Stille. James is the grandson of Olof Stille.
*James Steelman was married twice. His first wife was Susannah Toy, and his second wife was Katherine
Ouster. He had children with both wives.
*James Steelman wrote his will 2 AUG 1734, and it was proved 10 JAN 1734. Inventory was taken 4
JAN 1734/5. So, James Steelman died in either 1734 or 1735, but probably 1734, in Egg Harbor
Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey.
James Steelman: 1734/5 Will and Inventory
Gloucester County, New Jersey
File #182H
In the Name of God Amen the second Day of August In the year of our Lord 1734 I James Steelman
of Egg Harbour, In the County of Gloucester, in the Province of West New Jersey, Gentleman, being
in perfect health of Body and mind and memory, thanks be Given unto God for it therefore Calling unto
mind the mortality of my body Knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die do make and ordain
this my Last Will and Testament That is to say Principally and first of all I Give and Recommend my Soul
into the Hands of God that Gave it and for my Body I Recommend it to the Earth to be Buried in a
Christian Like and Decent manner at the Discretion of my Executors nothing Doubting but at the Generall
Resurrection I shall Receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as Touching such worldly
Estate where with it hath pleased God to Bless me in this Life I Give Devise and Dispose of the same in
the following manner and form.
Imprimis I Give and Bequeath to Katharine Steelman my Dearly Beloved wife on half of all my
moveable Estate Excepting my Slaves and Servants and after all my Just Lawfull Debts are paid and
Legacies are paid then the said half of my moveable Estate I do freely Give to my said wife Katharine
Steelman and her Heirs and assigns forever also I do Give to my said wife Katharine Steelman of all my
Estate that is to say all my Lands and Cedar Swamps and Beaches with the use of all my houses,
outhouses, Barnes, mills, orchards, and all other things belonging or appertaining to the said Lands and
marsh and Cedar Swamp and beach or mill as Long as she the said Katharine shall Remain my widow and
no longer and also I do Give to my said wife Katharine the use of the other half of my moveable estate
with my slaves and servants as long as she shall Remain my widow and no Longer also I do constitute
make and ordain my said wife Katharine Steelman and my son John Steelman Executors of this my
Last Will and Testament.
Item: I Give and Bequeath to my son Andrew Steelman the sum of ten shillings Good and Lawfull
money and the Reason that I Give him no more is because I have Given him a plantation and many other
things of Considerable Value all Ready.
Item: I Give and Bequeath to my son Hance Steelman the sum of five shillings Good and Lawfull
money and the Reason that I Give him no more is because I have Given him a plantation and many other
things of Considerable Value all Ready.
Item: I Give and Bequeath to my son John Steelman at the Day of his mother-in-law Katharine
Steelmans Death or marriage whichever shall happen first all that Tract of Land and marsh which I
bought of John English whereon the mill stands together with his mill, houses, outhouses, orchards,
improvements, and all other profits as fully and amply as mentioned in the Deed of Purchase for the said
Land which Land and thereunto Belonging I do freely Give to my son John Steelman his Heirs and
assigns forever upon this Consideration he the said John Steelman paying the sum of ten pounds Good
and Lawfull money unto my Granddaughter Susannah the daughter of my son John Steelman when
the said Land shall come into his possession.
Item: I Give and Bequeath to my son James Steelman the 200 acres of Land and marsh where he now
Lives that is mortgaged in the Loan office which said Land and marsh I Do freely Give to my son James
Steelman to him his Heirs and assigns forever also I go Give to my son James Steelman the sum of five
shillings Good and Lawfull money.
Item: I Give and bequeath to my son Elias Steelman the sum of five shillings Lawfull money and the
Reason that I Give him no more is because I have Given him a plantation and other things of
Considerable Value all Ready.
Item: I Give and bequeath to my Daughter Susannah Kean five shillings Lawfull money and the
Reason that I Give her no more is because I have Given her many Valueable things all Ready.
Item: I Give and Bequeath to my Daughter Mary Blackman the sum of five shillings Lawfull money
and the Reason that I Give her no more is because I have Given her many Valuable things all Ready.
Item: I Give and Bequeath unto my well Beloved son Peter Steelman all the plantation I now Live on
from the East side Joyning to my son Hance’s place to the west side Joyning to my son Andrew’s
Land Bounding upon Pattcunks Creek with all his proffits and Immunities thereunto Belonging as
mentioned by Deeds of Purchase and former Surveys to him his Heirs and assigns for Ever also I Give
and Bequeath to my said son Peter Steelman all that Tract of Land containing 200 acres more or less
formerly Bought of James Adams and Judah Allen as appears more att Large By a Deed of purchase
for the said Lands together with all ye profitts and advantages thereunto Belonging to be Enjoyed by him
his Heirs and assigns for Ever also I Give and Bequeath to my said son Peter Steelman all my Cedar
Swamps and Beach to be Enjoyed by him his Heirs and assigns for Ever and also I do Give to my said son
Peter Steelman all that tract of Land and marsh that was bought of Peter Scull to him his Heirs and
assigns for Ever but my said son Peter Steelman is not to have any of the aforementioned as Long as his
mother Katharine Steelman Remains my widow but if his mother should marry before he the said Peter
should Come to age then to be put out for the use of the said Peter Steelman my son also I Do Give to my
son Peter Steelman six Cows and six sheep to be put out to the halves for the use my son Peter Steelman
Immediately after my Decease and also I Do Give to my son Peter Steelman the other halves of my
moveable Estate with my Slaves and Servants to him the said Peter and his assigns for Ever att the Day of
his mother Katharine’s Death or marriage which ever shall happen first and also it is my will that if my
son Peter Steelman should Die before he Comes to the age of 21 years of age then all the Lands,
Goods, and Chattles to be Equally Divided in Quantity and Quallity Between my surviving Sons and
Daughters and my Beloved wife to have an Equall share with them.
Item: I Give and Bequeath to my Granddaughter Susannah Steelman one cow and calf and one mare
and I Do also appoint my Loveing friend Nathan Lake to be a Trustee to for this my Last Will and
Testament performed And I do hereby utterly Disallow Revoke and Disannul all and Every other former
Testament, wills, Legacies, and Executors by me in any ways before this time Named willed and
bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my Last will and Testament In Witness
whereof I have here unto set my hand and Seal the Day and Year above Written.
Signed: James Steelman
Signed Sealed Published pronounced and Declared by the said James Steelman as his Last will and
Testament in the Presence of us the subscribers viz:
Signed: Nathan Lake
Signed: Edward Orser
Signed: Solomon Manery “his mark X”
Be it remembered that on the 10th Day of January anno dom 1734 before me Samuel Breskill Register
and Ordinary for the Western Division of the Province of West New Jersey duly commissioned he
personally appeared Nathan Lake and Solomon Manaring the persons whose Names are subscribed as
witnesses to the above and within written will who being duly sworn did depose that they were present
and saw the above named James Steelman the Testator sign and seal and heard him publish pronounce
and declare the within and above written Instrument to be his last Will and that at the Doing thereof the
said Testator was of sound and disposing Mind, Memory, and Understanding to the best of the knowledge
and Belief of these Deponents and that at the same Time also Edward Orser the other subscribing
Evidence was present and did subscribe his Name as a Witness to the said Will together with these
Deponents in the presence of the said Testator.
Sworn at Burlington the Day and Year abovesaid before me
Signed: Samuel Bustill? Regr.
Signed: Nathen Lake
Signed: Solomon Manwaring “his mark X”
On the Day and Year last abovesaid before me the officer above named personally appeared Catherine
Steelman and John Steelman the Executors in the written Will named who being duly sworn did
depose that the within and above writing contains true last Will and Testament of James Steelman
deceased the Testator therein named so far as they know and believe and that they will well and truly
perform the same by paying first the Debts of the Deceased and then the Legacies in the said Will
specified so far forth and the Goods Rights and Credits of the said Deceased will thereunto extend and
also make and exhibit into the Registry of the prerogative Court in the Secretaries office at Burlington a
true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods, Rights, and Credits of the said Deceased that
shall come to their Hands or possession or to the Hands or possession of any other person or persons for
their use and likewise render a just accompt when thereunto lawfully required.
Signed: Catherine Steelman “her mark C”
Signed: John Steelman “his mark J”
Sworn at Burlington the 10th Day of January 1734 before me
Samuel Bustill?, Regr.
New Jersey Egg harbour January 4th day Gloucester
This is a tru and Parfect Enveytorey [Inventory] of all the Goods and Chatles of James Steelma [James
Steelman] late decesed [deceased]:
Monney and wearing cloathes [Money and wearing clothes] = 11 pounds, 8 shillings
To one neigro man and 3 Indin sleaus [negro man and 3 Indian slaves] = 55 pounds
To 8 Head of Cattell and 26 Head of Sheep [8 cattle, 26 sheep] = 12 pounds, 2 shillings, 4 pence, 4
To four bede and furniture [4 beds and furniture] = 16 pounds
To leather and Hides = 3 pounds, 3 shillings
To 5 fatt Cattell [5 fat cattle] = 12 pounds, 5 shillings
To Candill Stickes, potts, caldrens, and shuchlike [candle sticks, pots, cauldron] = 7 pounds, 5 shillings
To a fire Shousell and tongs, frying Pans, Grid irons = 3 pounds, 8 shillings
To 10 horses and mears = 30 pounds
To 2 Carts = 1 pound, 10 shillings
To 2 Cornows = 2 pounds, 12 shillings
To one pair of Stilerds = 1 pound
To swine = 6 pounds
To ould Puttar = 1 pound, 5 shillings
To ould Lumber = 4 pounds, 5 shillings
To 3 Saddles and Bridles = 4 pounds
To Plow Eirns and Chains and ox yoakes = 2 pounds
To one Grindstone = 5 shillings
To 4 guns and a blunderbuss = 3 pounds
To Totobackho [tobacco] = 1 pound, 10 shillings
To 4 bedstids = 1 pound
To a table and chests and chairs and looking glass = 1 pound, 16 shillings
To 3 silver spoons = 15 shillings
Monney upon bond due to Estate = 30 pounds
Book Debts = 2 pounds, 14 shillings
To Glass Bottels = 4 shillings
To Cloth and Cards and Spining Wheile = 3 pounds, 5 shillings
The Totell is: 327 pounds, 14 shillings, 4 pence
To about six pound of feathers that came to view after appraisement finished = 9 shillings
This Enuoit [Inventory] was Truly taken _ According the Praisors [appraisers] valued the goods and
Chattels whose names ar under written Ye wase qualified According as the Law derects
Signed: Nathan Lake
Signed: Solomon Manaring “his mark X”
Nathan Lake and Solomon Manwaring the appraisers of the within Inventory being duly sworn did depose
that the Goods Chattels and credits in the within Inventory _ and specified were by them appraised
according to their just and respective _ and values after the best of their Judgement understanding and
that they appraised all Things that were brought to their View for appraisements.
Sworn at Burlington the 10th Day of January 1734 before me
Signed: Samuel Bustill Regr.
Catherine Steelman and John Steelman Executors of the last Will and Testament of James
Steelman late of Egg Harbour in the County of Burlington [wrong, that should be Gloucester] Yeoman
deceased being duly sworn Did depose that the within writing contains a true and perfect Inventory of all
and singular the Goods and Chattels Rights and Credits of the said Deceased so far forth as has come to
their knowledge or Possession or to the Hands or Possession of any other person or persons for their Use.
Sworn at Burlington the 10th Day of January 1734 before me.
Signed: Samuel Bustill, Regt.
Signed: Catherine Steelman “her mark C”
Signed: “his mark J”