[PDF]A Basic Grammar of Modern Hindi

[PDF]This is the official Modern Standard Hindi Grammar published by Central Hindi Directorate (under Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resource Developement, Government of India)

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भारत सरकार ES
केंद्रीय हिंदी निदेशालय
उच्चतर शिक्षा विभाग
मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय
नई दिल्ली-110066

A Basic Grammar
Modern Hindi

ए बेसिक ग्रामर
मॉडर्न हिंदी

डि Digital India

Government of India
Central Hindi directorate
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of Higher Education

© Government of India
Controller of Publications

© Central Hindi Directorate, Govt. of India
First e-edition, 2017

First print Edition 1958
Second print Edition 1972
Third print Edition 1975
Fourth print Edition 1983
Fifth print Edition 1994
Sixth print Edition 2011
Published by

Central Hindi Directorate

Ministry of Human Resource Development
(Department of Higher Education)
Government of India

West Block-VII, Ramakrishna Puram

New Delhi- 110066


केंद्रीय हिंदी निदेशालय, उच्चतर शिक्षा विभाग, मानव
संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार, 1960 में अपनी स्थापना -
के समय से ही, सरकार दवारा उसे सौँपे गए हिंदी के प्रचार प्रसार
के कार्य में पूर्ण रुपेण संलग्न रह कर निरंतर नई-नई दिशाओं
में प्रगति पथ पर अग्रसर है। निदेशालय के अब तक के अधिकांश
प्रकाशन तथा क्रिया-कलाप उच्च शिक्षा में हिंदी तथा भारतीय
भाषाओं को शिक्षा का माध्यम बनाने के लिए उपयुक्त सामग्री
उपलब्ध कराने के उददेश्य होते रहे हैं। सूचना संचार प्रौद्योगिकी के तेजी से बढ़ते
अनुप्रयोग को देखते हुए ए बेसिक ग्रामर ऑफ माडर्न हिंदी (A Basic Grammar of
Modern Hindi) पुस्तक का प्रथम ई-संस्करण उपलब्ध कराया जा रहा है। पिछले कुछ
वर्षों में जन सामान्य, छात्रवृद इत्यादि सब में डिजिटल माध्यम का प्रयोग बहुत बढ़
गया है। इस माध्यम की बढती लोकप्रियता तथा सरकार के डिजिटल इंडिया के संकल्प
को वास्तविक एवं व्यावहारिक रूप देने के लिए निदेशालय अपने लोकप्रिय प्रकाशन ए
बेसिक ग्रामर ऑफ माड्न हिंदी को ई-बुक के रूप A प्रकाशित कराने के साथ साथ
अन्य महत्वपूर्ण संस्करणों को भी ई बुक के रूप में प्रकाशित करने की योजना पर कार्य
कर रहा है।

मुझे इस ई-बुक को ऑनलाइन प्रकाशित करते हुए बहुत हर्ष हो रहा है। अब कोई
भी प्रयोक्ता अंग्रेजी माध्यम दवारा हिंदी की आधारभूत व्याकरण की जानकारी-इस
पुस्तक दवारा ले सकता है। भविष्य में भी निदेशालय दवारा तैयार किए जा रहे कोशो
को ऑनलाइन प्रकाशित करने की योजना है। मुझे आशा है कि ये कोश तथा पुस्तिकाएं
हिंदी - जानने एवं समझने की दिशा में प्रयोक्ताओ के लिए लाभकारी होंगी।

(प्रोफेसर अवनीश कुमार)
केंद्रीय हिंदी निदेशालय


Central Hindi Directorate, Ministry of Human
Resource Development, Department of Higher
Education, Government of India, has been fully
devoted for Propagation and promotion of Hindi since
its inception in 1960 and continues to make significant
progress in ever emerging fields. Most of the activities
undertaken by the Directorate during initial decades

were concentrated on making academic material
available for facilitating higher education through Hindi and other Indian
languages. In view of very fast application of Information Communication
Technology online edition of this book “A Basic Grammar of Modern
Hindi” is being made available. In the last few years, use of digital
platform has become very popular amongst general public, students and
virtually all sections of society. In view of popularity of digital platform the
Directorate is now launching e-book for its very popular publication “A
Basic Grammar of modern Hindi” and also working on the planning to
launch e-books form of other important editions. In this book any one can
learn Hindi Grammar through English medium online. In future it is
planned to add other dictionaries online. I feel great pleasure while
launching this e- book for making instant and easy availability of material
to users. I hope that in due course, Dictionaries of other languages shall be
made available to users through similar platform. It is also hoped that these
Dictionaries and books will be among the users.

(Professor Avanish Kumar)

Central Hindi Directorate

Preface to the first e-edition

The first e-edition of 'A Basic Grammar of Modern Hindi' is available on
time and ready to serve you as usual. This e-book depicts in brief and cross-
references all the logical conclusion and subtle differences in language use in the
field of Hindi Grammar and is, therefore, very popular in our country and
abroad. It is evident from the fact that along sixth print edition, it became
necessary to bring out first e-edition of this book due to huge demand in public.
Every language develops with the passage of time. So there was a need to revise
and update its Grammar as per the requirements of modern age. Minor
shortcomings have been removed and apparently unclear rules have been
modified and illustrated more clearly in this e-edition. We have given special
emphasis on standardization of Hindi script and spellings. Uniformity is adopted
all over.

1 am grateful to Late Dr. Narendra Vyas for his valuable suggestions.
Thanks are also due to the officers of the directorate for its expeditious and
faultless production. I hope this e-edition of 'A Basic Grammar of Modern Hindi"
will serve its purpose in understanding the technicalities of the Hindi language
for all and will be especially useful to non-Hindi speakers and foreign scholars
and students who are interested in learning and understanding Hindi. Directorate
will always welcome suggestions and comments received from various academic
quarters for further improvements in present work.

New Delhi Professor Avanish Kumar
01-Aug-2017 Director





Professor Avanish Kumar


Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Asstt. Director

Dr. Shalini Rajvanshi, Asstt. Research Officer

Language Experts



Dr. Aryendra Sharma, M.A. (Alld.), D.Phil. (Munich), Professor of
Sanskrit, Osmania University, Hyderabad-Deccan.

Dr. Suniti Kumar Chatterji, chairman, West Bengal Legislative council,
Emeritus Professor of comparative Philology, Calcutta University, and
President, West Bengal Rashtra Bhasha Prachar Samiti,

Shri M. Satyanarayana, General Secretary, Dakshin Bharat Hindi
Prachar Sabha, Madras,

Dr. Babu Ram Saxena, Professor of Sanskrit, Allahabad University,
Shri G.P. Nene, Secreatary, Maharashtra Rashtra Bhasha Sabha, Pune,
Late Dr. Narendra Vyas, Ex Chief Editor, Central Hindi Directorate,
New Delhi.

NY koh mb mh 4 Ao E ck m» qmi. ij
७ oo 3३७ ण > WH -


७ ता 9 छ > WH र?"

केंद्रीय हिंदी निदेशालय

दूवारा प्रकाशित/प्रकाशनाधीन
कोश और वार्तालाप पुस्तिकाएँ


. अभिनव हिंदी कोश
हिंदी-नेपाली कोश

. हिंदी-स्वाहीली-कोश

. हिंदी-अंग्रेजी कोश

. चीनी हिंदी कोश

. रूसी-हिंदी कोश

. फ्रेंच-हिंदी कोश

चेक-हिंदी कोश

. स्पेनी-हिंदी कोश

. अरबी-हिंदी वार्तालाप पुस्तिका
. हिंदी-तेलुगु कोश

. हिंदी-फारसी वार्तालाप पुस्तिका
. हिंदी-अरबी वार्तालाप पुस्तिका
. हिंदी-बोडो वार्तालाप पुस्तिका
. हिंदी-संस्कृत वार्तालाप पुस्तिका
. हिंदी-लेखक संदर्भिका

. भारतीय भाषा परिचय

. हिंदी-बोडो-अंग्रेजी कोश

. बेसिक हिंदी ग्रामर

. हिंदी सिंधी वार्तालाप पुस्तिका
. तमिल हिंदी कोश


1. बृहत हिंदी कोश
2. भारतीय भाषा कोश
3. नेपाली-हिंदी कोश
4. तिब्बती-हिंदी कोश
5. उर्दू-हिंदी कोश

6. कश्मीरी-हिंदी कोश

7. हिंदी चीनी वार्तालाप पुस्तिका

निदेशालय के अन्य महत्तवपूर्ण प्रकाशन भाषा द्वैमासिक
वार्षिक चंदा रु 125.00

एक प्रति रू 25.00
वार्षिकी साहित्य माला

संपर्क करें
सहायक निदेशक बिक्री
केंद्रीय हिंदी निदेशालय
पश्चिमी खंड-7, रामकृष्णपुरम
नई दिल्ली-110066

प्रकाशन विभाग
भारत सरकार
सिविल ace


Section 1- Letters and Sounds
Chapter I: The Alphabet 3
1 Script, 2 Vowel and Consonant letters, diacritical marks.
Chapter Il : Pronunciation : Vowels 6

Introductory Note : Production of speech sounds,
particularly vowels, classification of vowels. 3 Phonetic
values of Hindi vowels, nasalized vowels.

Chapter III : Pronunciation : Consonants 11

Introductory Note: Production and classification of
consonants. 4 The five classes of stops. 5 Gutturals. 6
Palatals. 7 Cerebrals. 8 Dentals. 9 Labials. 10 य. 11 x. 12
a. 13 व. 14 Sibilants. 15 श. 16 ष. 17 स. 18 ह. 19 ड़ and ढ.
20 Visarga. 21 क्र. 22. The borrowed fricatives ख, ग, ज्‌
and Ẹ etc. 23 @ १4 ग़. 24 ज. 25 फ 26 Borrowed fricatives
replaced by corresponding Hindi stops. 27 Grouping of
Hindi characters. 27-A. Voiceless Consonants.

Chapter IV : Mode of writing : Vowels 23

28 the inherent अ. 29 the "Hal" sign. 30-32. The Matras.
33 The Anunasika Vowels. 34 The Visarga and the

Chapter V : Mode of writing : Conjunct Consonants 25

35 Conjuncts. 36 Mode of representation. 37 Regular
forms. 38 The Exceptional forms. 39 Conjuncts and

Chapter VI : The Anuswara and Nasalization 28

40 The Anuswara and the Nasals. 41 Pronunciation of
the Anuswara. 42-43 The Anuswara and the Anunasika

Chapter VII : Accent 32

44 Accent, pitch, stress, syllable. 45 Syllabic division of
Hindi words. 46 Long, short, close and open syllables.
47 Accentuation of Hindi words.

Chapter VIII : Sandhi and Euphony 36

48 Sandhi. 49 Sanskrit Sandhis. 50 Hindi Sandhis. 51
The inherent अ. 51-A Sentence Sandhi.

Section ll-Nouns, pronouns and Adjectives
Chapter | : Introductory 49

52 Sentence : Subject and Predicate. 53 Extensions of
subject and predicate. 54 Verb. 55-56 Predicative words
and object. 57 Object, Transitive Verbs. 58 Intransitive
Verbs. 59 Predicative words referring to object. 60 Parts

of Speech. 61 Definition, Classification and Functions of
Noun; grammatical relations, Case. 62 Pronoun. 63
Adjective. 64 Verb, Transitive and Intransitive; Primary and
Secondary objects; Tenses and Moods. 65 Adverb. 66
Preposition and Post-position. 67 Conjunction. 68
Interjection. 69 Hindi words classified according to their
origin : Tadbhava, Tatsama, Semi-tatsama, Deshi and

Chapter Il : Nouns 59

70 Definition. 71 Proper Noun. 72 Common Noun. 73
Abstract Noun. 74 Material Noun. 75 Collective Noun.
76 Gender, Number and Case. 77 Gender : Masculine
and Feminine: Natural and Grammatical Gender; the
Neuter Gender in Hindi, Common gender.

Chapter Ill : Number 62

78Singular and Plural, Honorific Plural. 79 Modified and
unmodified plural. 80 Rules for the formation of plurals.
Masculine Nouns, Exceptions. Feminine Nouns,
Exceptions. 81 Periphrastic Plurals. 82 Summary. 83
Plurals denoting indefinite number and quantity.

Chapter IV : Case 67

84Definition. 85 The grammatical relations. 86 Direct and
Oblique Cases. 87 The Direct Case. 88 The Oblique Case,
the Case-signs. 89 The unmodified Oblique. 90 Rules for
the formation of the Oblique. 91-93 Summary.

Chapter V : Case- The Direct Form 71

94 Uses of the Direct Form; subject and its predicative
word, inanimate object, animate object, primary object,
prediciative word referring to the object.

Chapter VI : Case- The Oblique Form 74

95The Case-signs (post-positions). 96 ने: Subject of past
transitive Verb, exceptions. 97 को : involuntary subject,
animate object, object in the neutral construction,
secondary object, object of incomplete Verb, Adverbs of
time. 98 3i : passive subject, indirect objects of कह, पूछ
etc., means, instrument or agency, manner, cause,
reason, origin, association, separation, starting point,
duration, difference. 99 में : location, duration, price,
comparison. 100 पर : location, time, sequence, cause,
object. 101 का : possession, relationship, material, worth,
measure, source, cause, subject, object, part, purpose,
characteristics. 102 The Vocative Case. 103 The Forms
of the Vocative.

Chapter VII : Pronouns 89

104 Definition and uses. 105 Number and Case. 106
Classification. 107 Personal Pronouns : मैं, हम, तू, तुम,
आप, वह, वे, यह, ये; honorific plural. 108 Demonstrative
Pronouns : वह, वे, यह, ये. 109 Reflexive Pronouns : आप
(ही), अपना, अपने, आप, स्वयं, खुद, अपने-आप, 110 Relative

Pronoun : जो.111 Indefinite Pronouns : कोई and कुछ; 112
Interrogative pronoun: कौन and क्या as relative pronouns;
exclamatory क्या; adverbial क्या.

Chapter VIII : Pronouns : The Oblique Form 100

113 Case-signs. 114 Oblique forms : इस, उस, जिस, तिस,
किस, किसी; इन, उन, जिन, तिन, किन, किन्हीं, तुझ, मुझ, मेरा, तेरा,
हमारा, तुम्हारा. 115 इसे, इन्हे, उसे, उन्हें, मुझे, हमें, तुझे, तुम्हें 116
oblique of आप.117 oblique of Reflexive आप (अपना).

Chapter IX : Pronouns : Miscellaneous 102

118 Compound Pronous : अपने-आप, आपसे आप,
आप-ही-आप, जो कोई, जो-कुछ, etc. 119 Miscellaneous
Pronouns : बहुत, अमुक, आपस, परस्पर, एक-दूसरे, फलाँ, फलाना,
120 The Reflexive अपना ,। 21. Periphrastic Plural. 122 Case
signs not to be tagged on.

Chapter X : Adjective 110

123 Definition. 124 Classification. 125 Pronouns used as
Adjectives. 126 Possessive Adjectives : का and रा forms.
127 Inflection. 128-129- सा. 130 जैसा, सरीखा, 131 कोई-सा,
कौन-सा. 132-35 Comparative and Superlative Degrees :
से, में, ('selective') की अपेक्षा, से ज्यादा, से अधिक, बढ्कर,
घटकर, 136 Adjectives used as Nouns. 137 Pronominal
Adjectives of Quality (ऐसा etc.), Quantity (इतना etc.), and
Number (इतने etc.) 138 Present and Past Participles. 139-

40 Predicative uses of Adjectives. 141 अति, अतीव, अत्यंत,
महा etc. 142 Comparative and Superlative endings -तर
and -तम.

Chapter XI : Numerals 118

143Definition and Classification : Cardinals, Ordinals and
Multiplicatives. 144 The Cardinals. 145 Numerals denoting
quantity. 146 ‘Collective’ Adjectives of Number : जोडा,
जोडी, चौकडा, पंजा, दर्जन, बीसी, कोडी, सैंकडा 147 Fractions.
148 'Fractions' of hundred, thousand etc. 149
Approximation: कोई, लगभग, प्रायः, एक . 150 Approximation
: दो-एक, दो-तीन, तीन-चार etc. 151 अकेला, एकाकी, दुकेला.
152 Certain Numerals affected by gender etc. 153
Indefinite Numerals: कुछ, बहुत, थोड़े, कई, अनेक, सब, सारे
etc. 154 Repeated Numerals. 155 Aggregatives. 156
Multitudinous. 157 Ordinals. 158-59 Multiplicatives. 160
Pronominal Adjectives of Number. 161 Units, tens,
hundreds, etc. 162 प्रति, प्रत्येक, फी. 163 एक-8 certain.

Section lll-Verbs
Chapter | : Verbs: Introductory 135

164 Definition, 165 Kinds: Transitive and Intransitive,
Incomplete, Original Passives. 166 Causatives. 167
Helping Verbs, Aspect, Compound Verbs. 168 Auxiliaries.
169 Forms of Verbs: Aspect, Voice, Mood, Tense,
Construction. 170 Aspect : Terminate, Progressive,
Iterative, Intensive etc., Terminate and Progressive forms.

171 Voice: Active, Passive, Impersonal. 172 Mood:
Imperative, Indicative, Subjunctive (Optative, Potential,
Contingent, Presumptive). 173 Tense: Present, Past,
Future, Present Perfect, Habitual Past and Past Perfect.
174 Construction: Subjectival, Objectival and, Neutral. 175
Representation of the "Forms"; Finite and Infinitive Verbs;

Chapter Il; The Imperative Mood 150

176 Introductory. 177 Meaning of the Imperative. 178 The
Imperative restricted to the Second Person. 179 The
Present forms of the Imperative. 180 The Future forms of
the Imperative. 181 The Exclamatory Imperative. 182
Present Imperative referring to future; the Prohibitive.

Chapter IIl: The Indicative Present 156

183 Meaning. 184 Formation. 185 The Present Participle.
186 Modifications of Present Participle. 187 The present
forms of Substantive Verb. 188 Present Indicative forms
of चल. 189 Construction. 190 Aspect. 191 Formation of
the Negative. 192 The Interrogative form. 193 The
Terminate and the Progressive.

Chapter IV : Indicative Past 161

194 Indicative Past and Participle. 195 The Past Participle.
Formation. 196 Modification of Past Participle; Past
Indicative Forms of चल; Exceptional Forms. 197 Past

Participle and Indicative Past. 198 Construction, the ने
forms. 199 Exceptions: ला, भूल, बक, बोल, समझ, लड, डर
मिल do not take ने. 200 The neutral construction. 201
The Intransitive Verbs छींक, खाँस. 202 Indicative Past and
Habitual Past.

Chapter V : Indicative Future 168

203 Formation. 204 Future Indicative Forms of चल . 205
Exceptional Forms; Honorific Forms. 206 Construction
and Aspect.

Chapter VI : The Present Perfect 171

207 Meaning. 208 Formation. 209 Present Perfect Farms
of चल, 210 Construction. 211 The Neutral Construction.

Chapter VII : The Habitual Past 174

212 Meaning. 213 Formation. 214 Habitual Past Forms
of जा. 215 The Frequentative Past. 216 Aspect. 217
Construction, the negative and the interrogative forms.

Chapter VIII : The Past Perfect 177

218 Meaning. 219 Formation. 220 Construction, Verbs
with and without ने. 221 The Neutral Construction. 222
Aspect. 223-224 Summary of Chapters III-VIII.

Chapter IX : The Subjunctive Mood 181

225 Meaning. 226 Forms classified; Optative, Potential

Presumptive and Contingent. 227 The Optative; meaning
and formation. 228 Usage and Construction. 229 The
Potential: meaning and formation. 230 Usage and
Construction. 231 the Presumptive meaning and
formation. 282 Usage and Construction. 233 The
Contingent : meaning and formation. 234 The First Form.
235 Usage and Construction.

Chapter X : The Infinitive 193

236 Definition and formation, 237 Modification as a Noun,
uses. 238 Modifications as an Adjective, uses.

Chapter XI : The Participles and the Absolutive 197

239 Participles defined. 240 Formation and Modification.
241 The Present Participle as an Adjective, Adverb or
Noun. 242 The Past Participle as an Adjective, Adverb or
Noun. 243 The Absolutive : Formation. 244 Significations.
245 the बाला forms

Chapter XII : Causative Verbs 204

246 Nature and form etc. 247 The Second Causal: True
and "false". 248 The original passives. 249 Formation of
the First and the Second Causals. 250 The subject and
the object of a causal. 251 'Substitute" causals.

Chapter XIII : Compound Verbs 215

252 Formation : Main and Subsidiary Verbs. 253

Signification : Aspect. 254 Classification. 255
Construction. 256 Bare root as the main Verb;
Subsidiaries: आना, जाना, उठना, बैठना, लेना, देना etc. 257
Infinitive as the Main Verb: unmodified and oblique. 258
The Unmodified Infinitive: Subsidiaries: चाहना, पड़ना, होना,
चाहिए, 259 The Oblique Infinitive; Subsidiaries: लगना, देना,
पाना. 260 Present Participle as the Main Verb; Subsidiaries:
जाना, रहना, आना, बनना. 261 Past Participle as the Main
Verb; Subsidiaries: आना, जाना, पड्ना, करना, etc.; The Aspects
in Hindi. 262-83. The Progressive Form: रहना, 264 Verbs
Compounded with Nouns or Adjectives. 265 The
important compounding Verbs. 266 The Verbs होना, आना,
लगना and रहना. 267 The Verbs देना and पडना. 268 Passive
Verbs denoting "action". 269 Exceptional compounds
पड़ना, दीखना, मिलना. 270 पड़ना, होना, चाहिए and आना

Chapter XIV : The Passive and the Impersonal 243

271 The Passive: Definition etc. 272 Formation of
Passives. 273 Subject of Passive. 274 The "Original" or
the "Natural" Passives. 275 होना 85 Passive: 276 erm, मिलना
and दीखना as Passives. 277 चाहिए, 278 The Impersonal
Voice. 279 Passive and Impersonal distinguished.

Section IV-Adverbs, Post-Positions, Conjunctions
and Interjections

Chapter । : Adverbs 254

280 Definition and Meaning. 281 Classes. 282 Pronominal

Adverbs. 283 Pronominal Adverbs of Time, Place,
Direction and Manner. 284 The Emphatic Particle ही, 285
Special uses of certain Pronominal Adverbs. 286
Pronominal Adverbs used as Nouns. 287 Pronominal
Adjectives used as Adverbs. 288 Adverbs other than
Pronominal. 289 Certain Adjectives used as Adverbs. 290
Certain Nouns used as Adverbs. 291 Certain Verbs used
as Adverbs. 292 " Original" Adverbs classified as of Time,
Place, Manner and Degree. 293 Adverbs of Affirmation
and Negation. 294 Particles: ही, भी, तो, तक, भर and मात्र
295 भर,

Chapter II : Post-positions 276

296 Definition; Prepositions and Post-positions. 297 Post-
positions attached with or without Case-Signs. 298 The
nature of post-positions. 299 Some important post-
positions. 300 Certain post-positions placed before

Chapter Ill : Conjunctions 281

301 Definition and Classification : Co-ordinating and
Subordinating: 302 Some important Conjunctions

Chapter IV : Interjections 285

303 Definition. 304 Uses. 305 Some Important
Interjections. 306 Certain Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives
and Verbs used as Interjections. 307 Certain Interjections
used as Nouns.

Section V-Syntax
Chapter । : Miscellaneous 288

308 Determination of Gender. 309 The Honorific Plural.
310 Use of को. 311 को and में. 312 Special uses of को. 313
से. 314 का. 315 के or 1, 316 मुझे-मुझको etc. 317-319 Use of
the reflexive अपना, 320 Use of the Progressive Aspect.
321 Present used as Past and Future; Negative present
as Volitive. 322 Past used as Future. 323 Future used
Proverbially, or as Imperative, Presumptive etc. 324 Use
and meaning of Present Perfect. 325 Use and meaning
of Habitual Past. 326 Progressive form of the Present
Participle. 327 Past Participle with हुआ and गया.

Chapter || : Concord: Voice and Construction 301

328 Construction in the Active Voice. 329 Construction
in the Passive Verbs signifiying "Experience". 330
Construction in the Passive Voice. 331 Construction in
the Impersonal Voice. 332 Number, Person and Gender
of Verb. 333 Two or more subjects. 334 Subjects summed
up by दोनों and सब. 335 Pronominal subjects of different
persons. 336 Two or more objects.

Chapter Ill : Order of Words 308

337 The Normal order. 338 Adjectives. 339 का and रा
forms. 340 Adverbs. 341 Nouns having से. 342 Nouns
with में or पर. 343 नहीं, न and मत. 344 The Particles ही, तो,
भी etc. 345 Change in the Normal Order. 346 क्या.

Section VI-Appendices
Appendix I : Prefixes and Suffixes 313

1 Prefixes. 2 Sources. 3 Tatsama Prefixes. 4 Tadbhava
Prefixes. 5 Arabic and Persian Prefixes. 6 Suffixes. 7
Classification: Primary and Secondary. 8 Primary Suffixes.
9 Secondary Suffixes. 10 Certain Persian Suffixes.

Appendix Il : Gender Forms 335

1 Determination of Gender. 2-7 Formation of Feminine
Nouns. 8 Independent words as Feminine forms. 9
Masculine Nouns derived from Feminine Nouns.

Appendix Ill : Compounds 341

1-2 Formation. 3 Modification of the first member. 4
Classification. 5 Co-ordinate Compounds. 6 Determinative
Compounds. 7-8 Dependent Determinatives. 9-12
Descriptive Determinatives. 13 Adverbial Determinatives.
14 Possessive Compounds. 15 Possessives and
Determinatives formed with Prefixes. 16 The same
compound as Possessive or as Determinative.

Appendix IV : Miscellaneous 354

1-2 Marks of Punctuation. 3 Days of the Week. 4 Months
of the Year. 5 The Era. 6 Weights. 7 Linear Measures. 8
Areas. 9 Time.

Appendix V
Appendix VI
Appendix VII :

Appendix VIII:
Appendix IX :

: Standard Devanagari Script
: देवनागरी वर्णमाला : लेखन विधि

Indian Languages in amplified

Standardisation of Hindi Spelling

Glossary of Grammatical Terms :








1341 CHD/11—3A

1341 CHD/11—3B



1. The Hindi language, in common with Marathi, Nepali
and many north Indian dialects, is written in the Nagari
(or the Devanagari) script which is also the accepted
all-India script for Sanskrit.

Recently, this script has been standardized by Central
Hindi Directorate, Ministry of H R D, Deptt. of Higher
Education, with a view to bring about uniformity in writ-
ing and improving the shape of some of its characters.
This ‘Standardized Devanagari' can be seen at Appen-
dix V.

2. Thealphabet consists of 11 vowels and 35 consonants,
as follows :-
(a) Vowels :
अ, आव, gi, $i, उ ७, BU, ऋ 1:, ve, tai, ओ o, ail au
Note $

() ©? (Anuswara) and ‘:’ (Visarga) are often included
in the list of vowel-letters (and are usually written
as अं and अः). But, so far as Hindi is concerned,
they are consonants. See below under (d) and (e).

(i) The vowel क्र occurs only in Sanskrit words
borrowed into Hindi.

(b) Consonants :

* ka, ख kha, ग ga, 4 għa, ङ na

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