[PDF]I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream: The Official Strategy Guide (Secrets of the Games Series)

[PDF]The official strategy guide to the game I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.

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Mel Odom



O r T H t CA M E 5*



The Official Strategy Guide



I H aue No Mouth,
and I Mast Scneam

The Official Stuategy Guide

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I Haue No Moath,
and I Mast Scneam

The Official S tnategy Guide

Mel Odom



Secrets of the Games and logo, and the Prima logo are trademarks of Prima Publishing, a division
of Prima Communications, Inc., RO. Box 1260 BK, Rocklin, CA 95677-1260.


I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream

© 1995 by Cyberdreams, Inc. and The Kilimanjaro Corporation. All rights reserved.

Unauthorized duplication is strictly prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without written permission from
Prima Publishing, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

Preface: "Apologia For Temptation" by Harlan Ellison. Copyright © 1995 by The Kilimanjaro
Corporation. All rights reserved.

"I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream" by Harlan Ellison. Copyright © 1967 by Harlan Ellison.
Renewed, copyright © 1995 by Harlan Ellison. Reprinted with permission of, and by arrangement
with, the Author and the Author's agent, Richard Curtis Associates, Inc., New York. All rights

Computer printouts for ”1 Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream" by Jeff Levin.

Copyright © 1987 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation.

Project Editor: Lothlorien Baerenwald
Designed by Prima Creative Services


Prima Publishing has made every effort to determine that the information contained in this book
is accurate. However, the publisher makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to the
accuracy, effectiveness, or completeness of the material in this book; nor does the publisher
assume liability for damages, either incidental or consequential, that may arise from using the
information in this book. The publisher cannot provide information regarding game play, hints
and strategies, or problems with hardware or software. Questions should be directed to support
numbers provided by the game and device manufacturers in their documentation. Some game
tricks require precise timing and may require repeated attempts before the desired result is

ISBN 0 7615 0359 5

Library of Congress Card Number: 95 70974
Printed in the United States of America
969798 DD 1098 76 5 4 3 2 1

This one's for Sherry, my lover and partner, and the woman I've
waited all my life to fall in love with.

I love you. Thank you for being here.


During the early days and weeks with the game, I couldn't have gotten along without the insight
and wisdom of my children. "Just kill it, Dad!" "No, not that door—aaarghhh—now you're dead,
Dad!" "I SAID the other way!" "It's okay, Dad, once you're over fifteen, you sorta lose your
reflexes fast!" "I promise, I can get you through this!"

Matthew Lane, Matthew Dain, Montana, and Shiloh, the best monster-butt kickers in the
business, and Black Belts in Special Attacks.

My friends and family who provided the technical support for keeping my computer system
running: Darrel Madden of SIMMTECH, and John Hunter of Planet Comics. “What do you mean
the C drive crashed? I wasn't going anywhere!"

A special word for Robbie Roberts, of Moore's own Movies, Etc., who got me interested in the
CD ROM industry first. "Mel, you wouldn't believe what they can put on those CDs."

My friends at Prima Publishing. Lothlorien Baerenwald, a kindred fire sign, who was a terrific
source of support and inspiration, and who never had a doubt in me. “The book is how long?" Brett
Skogen, whose enthusiasm has been a blessing. "Really, Mel, this is a kick-ass game. You’re going
to love it—no matter how many times it kills you." Paula Lee, who first pulled me in this direction.
Diane Joens, who kept the ink flowing, and is newly married. (My best to you.)

And to Hartley Lesser, whose opening comment to me was one of the most memorable I've ever
had. "So, Mel, do you think you're a damn good writer?" I gave it my best shot, buddy. Thanks for
the chance.



"I Have No Mouth,

and I Must Scream".xvii



Chapter 1: The Prisoners ...1

1. The Prisoners.2

2. Gorrister.4

3. Benny.5

4. Ellen.6

5. Ted.7

6. Nimdok.8

Chapter 2: Gorrister.11

1. The Guilt.12

2. Flirting With Disaster

Aboard The Airship.13

3. The Corridor.14

4. One Sheet To The Wind.15

5. Surrounded By Engines.16

6. The Locked Door.16

7. The Pistol.17

8. The Last Supper?.17

9. The Galley.18

10. The Air Bags.19

11. The Engine Room.21

12. Deflation.23

13. Sins Remembered At

The Honky-Tonk.24

14. Man's Best Fiend.25

15. Drink Up, Harry!.27

16. The Meat Locker.28

17. Basil, More Than A Seasoning.30

18. The Usual Suspects.31

19. She Ain't Got The Truth In Her.32

20. Logging In.33

21. Good-byes.34

22. Affairs Of The Hearts.35

23. This Is Your Captain Speaking.37

24. Caged.38

Chapter 3: Benny.39

1. Into The Breach.40

2. Where’s The Serpent?.41

3. The Caves.42

4. The Altar.43

5. The Fruit Tree.44

6. The Child.44

7. The Sacrifice.47

8. Tombstone Territory.49

9. Bagman.50

10. Another Sacrifice.53

11. Making A New Friend.53

12. The Final Sacrifice.57

13. Caged Again......58

Chapter 4: Ellen.59

1. The Mission.60

2. The Pyramid.61

3. Not One Drop To Drink.62

4. For Your Viewing Pleasure.63

5. Down Among The Dead.66

6. Material Goods..68

7. Belling The Sphinx.69

8. Operation!.70

9. Horus.70

10. Terror Strikes Again.71

11. Back In The Saddle.72

12. Anubis, You’re In My Power.73

13. Fearful Confrontation.74

14. Circuit City.77

15. Blueprints, And A Plan!.78

16. Talking Head.80

17. The Compact Disc.82

18. Ring Down The Curtain.82

19. The Sarcophagus.83

20. Same Old Bars, No Chord.84

Chapter 5: Nimdok.85

1. The Quest For The Lost Tribe.86

2. Prisoners Of War.87

3. Poster Boy.88

4. Incisions, Incisions.89

5. Beyond Recovery.91

6. Heat Wave.91

7. Up On Razored Barbs.92

8. The Boy.94

9. For Your Eyes Only.95

10. Prison Break.96

11. No Escape.98

12. The Laboratory.98

13. The Golem.99

14. War Crime And Punishment.101

15. The Afterlife.103

Chapter 6: Ted.105

1. The Challenge.106

2. The Room Of Dark.107

3. The Castle.108

4. So Many Secrets.110

5. The Cursed Princess.Ill

6. The Witch's Bedroom.113

7. The Scullery Wench

Makes A Tempting Offer.114

8. Evil Whispers.116

9. Witchcraft By Candlelight.118

10. Brimstone, At Your Service.120

11. The Locked Door.121

12. The Witch's Spell.122

13. Sleeping Ugly.122

14. The Wolf's At The Door.124

15. The Lies We Weave.125

16. Another Bargain In The Offing.126

17. Where Angels Fear To Tread.127

18. The Final Bargain.130

19. The Surface World.131

20. Familiar Bars.131

Chapter 7: AAA, What I Am....133

1. The Trinity.134

2. Nimdok: The Means And The End....135

3. Benny: Point Man Again.137

4. Ellen: The Program's The Thing.142

5. Gorrister: Steel Cowboy,

Acid Rain Sunset.143

6. Ted: Knight Without Armor

In A CyberLand.147

Chapter 8: Gorrister:

The Quick Trip.150

Chapter 9: Benny:

The Quick Trip.156

Chapter 10: Ellen:

The Quick Trip.162

Chapter 11: Nimdok:

The Quick Trip.168

Chapter 12: Ted:

The Quick Trip.172

Chapter 13: AAA:

The Quick Trip.178

Chapter 14: Adventure


Chapter 15: Character

Harlan Ellison lnterview.211


Prefatory Note


Harlan Ellison

I’ve looked everywhere, and I can’t find it. I’ll be damned if I can find
it. Makes me extremely embarrassed, not to be able to find it. Reminds
me of that wonderful line from Oscar Wilde’s 1895 drawing-room
comedy, The Importance of Being Earnest, in which Mr. Earnest
Worthing announces to a salon of the titled, cynical, and elite that he is
an orphan, and someone replies, “To lose one parent, Mr. Worthing, may
be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness.”


and I

Well, both my parents are dead, as well, but what I seem to have lost is
something that pertains to this introductory essay, not to the condition
of mom-dr-poplessness. What I seem unable to lay my hands upon is the
exact quotation and source I had intended to use to suck you into my
computer game, I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream. So I’ll simply have
to rough it, make do with good recollection, and hope for the best.

The quotation was something pretty close to this:

“You may engage in a specific perversion once, and it can be chalked up
to curiosity. But if you do it again, it must be presumed that you are a

And I think it was Oscar Wilde who said it. Same guy who wrote what
was said to Mr. Worthing about his folks. Wilde was a helluva guy. Jerry
Falwell and Rush Limbaugh and Jesse Helms would certainly try to have
him lynched, were clever Oscar alive today. Luckily for him, he died
close to a hundred years ago.

What all this has to do with I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream is the
explanation to the question frequently asked of me, which is this:

Since it is common knowledg e that you don’t even own
a computer on which you could Play an electronic game
this complex , since it is common knowledge that you
hate computers and frequently revile those who spend
their ni ghts logging on to computer bulletin boards ,
thereby filling the air with pointless gibberish , dumb

questions that could’ve been answered had they

Pueface £

bothered to read a book of modern history or even this
morning’s newspaper , and meanspirited gossip that
needs endless hours the following day to be cleaned
up ; and since it is common knowledge that not only do
you type your books and columns and tv and film
scripts on a manual typewriter (not even an electric ,,
but an actual fin ger-driven manual^ , but that the
closest you’ve ever come to playing an actual
computer- or video-game is the three hours you wasted
playing Jurassic Park during a Virgin Airlines flight
back to the States from the U.K. ; where the hell do you
get off creating a hi gh-tech cutting-edge enigma like
this I Have No Mouth thing ?

To which my usual response would be, Yo’ Momma!

But I have been asked to attempt politeness, to write a few words
that will enable the publisher to sell this clue-book with greater ease,
so I will vouchsafe courtesy and venture some tiny explication of what
the eff I’m doing in here with all you weird gazoonies. Take your feet
off the table.

Well, it goes back to that Oscar Wilde quote about perversion.

They came to me in the dead of night, human toads in silk suits, from
this giant megalopolitan organization called Cyberdreams, and they
offered me vast sums of money—all of it in pennies, with strings
attached to each coin, so they could yank them back in a moment, like

someone trying to outsmart a soft-drink machine with a slug-on-a-wire—
and they said, in their whispery croaky demon-voices, “Let us make you
a vast fortune! Just sell us the right to use your name and the name of
your most famous story, and we will make you wealthy beyond the
dreams of mere mortals, or even Aaron Spelling, our toad-brother in

Well, as I said a moment ago, well, I’d once worked for Aaron Spelling on
Burke's Law, and that had about as much appeal to me as spending an
evening discussing the relative merits of butcher knives with OJ Simpson.
So I told the toads that money was something I had no trouble making, that
money is what they give you when you do your job well, and that I never do
anything if it’s only for money. ’Cause money ain’t no thang.

Well, for the third time, they then proceeded to do the dance, and sing
the song, and hump the drums, and finally got down to it with the fuzzy
ramadoola that can snare me: they said, “Well (#4), you’ve never done
this sort of thing. Maybe it is that you can't do this thing. Maybe it is a
fact of trueness that you are not capable of doing this here now thing.”

Never tell me not to go get a tall ladder and climb it and open the
tippy-topmost kitchen cabinet in my mommy’s larder and reach around
back there at the rear of the topmost shelf in the dark with the cobwebs
and the spider-goojies and pull out that Mason jar full of hard nasty
petrified chick-peas and strain and sweat to get the top off the jar till I
get it open and then take several of those chick-peas and shove them up
my nose. Never tell me that. Because. As sure as birds gotta swim an’



fish gotta fly, when you come back home, you will find me lying
stretched out blue as a Duke Ellington sonata, dead cold with beans or
peas or lentils up my snout.

Or, as Oscar Wilde put it:

“I couldn’t help it. I can resist everything except temptation.”

And there it is. I wish it were darker and more ominous than that, but
the scaldingly dopey truth is that I wanted to see if I could do it. Create a
computer game better than anyone else had created a computer game. I’d
never done it, and I was desirous of testing my mettle. It’s a great flaw
with me. My only flaw, as those who have known me longest will
casually attest. (I know where they live.)

Whether or not I did it...create the Greatest Computer Game in the
Universe...is unlikely. I ain’t that smart. But I had a couple of terrific
game-designers working with me, and they took very much to heart the
things that mattered most to me when I conceived the game. And those
secret desires were as follows:

• I did not want to build yet another stupid shoot-’em-up arcade

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