[PDF]Encyclopedia of Water Science Vol 3

[PDF]Encyclopedia of Water Science Vol 3

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water science

Volume 3

K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, Editors

Lawrence W. Baker, Project Editor


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U»X»L Encyclopedia of Water Science

K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, Editors

Project Editor

Lawrence W. Baker


Charles B. Montney

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Caldwell, Ann Taylor

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UXL encyclopedia of water science / K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, editors ;
Lawrence W. Baker, project editor,
p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 0-7876-7617-9 (set : hardcover : alk. paper) — ISBN 0-7876-7673-X (v. 1 : hard-
cover : alk. paper) — ISBN 0-7876-7674-8 (v. 2 : hardcover : alk. paper) — ISBN 0-
7876-7675-6 (v. 3 : hardcover : alk. paper)

1. Water — Encyclopedias, Juvenile. 2. Hydrology — Encyclopedias, Juvenile. I. Lerner, K.
Lee. II. Lerner, Brenda Wilmoth. III. Baker, Lawrence W.

GB662.3.U95 2005

553.7— dc22 2004021651

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Chapter 12
Environmental Issues

Acid Rain

Acid rain is a general term describing the pollution that
occurs when acids fall out of the atmosphere (mass of air sur-
rounding Earth) . The principal pollutants that produce acids in
the atmosphere are sulfur dioxide (S0 2 ) and nitrogen oxides,
like nitrogen oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (N0 2 ). These
compounds combine with water in the atmosphere to form sul-
furic acid (H 2 S0 4 ), and nitric acid (HN0 3 ). Acid rain has sig-
nificantly affected the waters that flow into lakes and rivers, as
well as the lakes and rivers themselves. In turn, the plants and
animals that depend on lakes, rivers and oceans are harmed by
acid rain.

When describing acid rain, scientists use the more precise
term acid deposition. Scientists distinguish between two types
of acid deposition: dry and wet. Dry deposition includes acidic
gases and solid particles containing sulfuric and nitric acid that
settle out of the air and land on the ground or other surfaces.
Dry deposition usually occurs very close to the point where the
pollutants are released. Wet deposition occurs when precipita-
tion, such as rain, sleet, fog, and snow, becomes acidic and falls
to the ground. Wet deposition can occur hundreds of miles
(kilometers) from the place where the air pollution originates.

Acid rain and the pH scale

The scale that is used to measure the acidity of a substance
is called the pH scale. The pH scale runs from to 14. If a mate-
rial has a pH of 7 it is neutral, meaning that it is neither acidic
nor alkaline (basic). Substances with pH values less than 7 are
acidic and substances with pH values greater than 7 are alka-


Art and Acid Rain

Acid deposition is extremely corrosive,
especially to soft stones. Many famous
buildings throughout the world show signs of
acid damage. For example, the Parthenon in
Athens, the Coliseum in Rome, and the Taj
Mahal in India have all been damaged by
acid deposition. Monuments in Poland and
stained glass windows in Sweden have also
suffered from corrosion. Several famous
cathedrals in England including St. Paul's,
York Minster and Westminster Abbey have
shown the effects of acid deposition. Most of
this damage is the result of dry deposition.

All of the acid damage on famous struc-
tures results in very high restoration costs.
In 1984 the Statue of Liberty in New York
harbor had to be dismantled at substantial
cost because of damage to its metal frame
and copper covering by acid deposition. A
study in England showed that if sulfur emis-
sions were reduced by 30%, the savings in
repair to these famous buildings could be as
high as $20 billion.

line. Distilled water is neutral, with a pH of
7. Lemon juice and vinegar are both acidic;
they have pH values of 2.3 and 3.3, respec-
tively. Baking soda, with a pH of 8.2, and
milk of magnesia, with a pH of 10.5, are both
alkaline. Combining an alkaline substance
with an acidic substance results in a sub-
stance with a pH value that is closer to 7 than
either of the original substances. This is
called neutralization.

A substance that has a pH of 3 is ten times
more acidic than a substance that has a pH of
4; a substance that has a pH of 3 is one hun-
dred times more acidic than a substance with
a pH of 5, and so on. Given their respective
pH values of 2.3 and 3.3, lemon juice is a ten
times stronger acid than vinegar.

Natural rain water is slightly acidic.
Chemical reactions between pure water and
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere result in a
weak acid. The pH of natural rainwater is
between 5 and 6. This acidity is useful
because when the rain falls to the ground, it
can dissolve minerals in the soil that plants
use to grow. Acid rain is anywhere from ten
to ten thousand times more acid than natural
rain, with a pH between 4.5 and 1.5.


Acid deposition: The collec-
tive term for dry deposition and
wet deposition of acids as a
result of air pollution.

Dry deposition: Acidic gases
and solid particles containing
acids that settle out of the air
and land on surfaces.

Wet deposition: Precipita-
tion that has become acidic as
a result of air pollution.

The major sources of acid deposition

Acid deposition forms from the burning of fossil fuels, which
are used in cars, factories, electricity generation, and other
industries. Fossil fuels were formed over thousands of years by
dead plants and animals. After these plants and animals died
they were buried under sediments (particles of sand, silt, and
clay). The intense pressure and increases in temperature under
these sediments chemically changed the dead plants and animals
into the fuels that are used to drive cars and generate electricity
today. When fuel is burned it not only releases the energy that is
used to power electrical devices, but it also releases chemicals,
such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides that form acid rain.

Car exhaust is a major source of the nitrogen oxides in the air.
A second major source of nitrogen oxides in the air come in smelt-
ing plants (factories that process metal), electrical facilities, and
factories. Factories and power plants are also the major source of


U*X«L Encyclopedia of Water Science

Acid rain and other pollution
scar a village monument in
Derby, England. © Chinch
Gryniewicz/Corbis. Reproduced
by permission.

sulfur compounds that cause acid rain. The U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) reports that about two-thirds of all sul-
fur dioxide and one-quarter of all nitrogen oxides in the atmos-
phere originate from coal burning electric power plants.

Acid deposition in lakes and rivers

Under natural conditions, rainwater, which is slightly acidic,
runs through the soils near a lake. These soils often contain

Acid Rain


limestone or calcium, which is alkaline and neutralizes the
acid. The water in a healthy lake usually has a pH around 6.5,
which allows for the growth of a variety of plants, invertebrates
(animals without a backbone), and fish.

When acid rain falls on the ground and runs into lakes, ini-
tially it is neutralized by the alkaline substances in the soils.
Eventually however, these substances are used up and the water
that runs into lakes and rivers is extremely acidic. This causes
lakes to become acidic as well. This acidity is highly damaging
to the plants and animals that live in lakes. For example, at pH
values lower than about 6, crustaceans, mollusks, snails,
salmon, rainbow trout, many insects, and plankton cannot sur-
vive. At pH values lower than about 5.5, small fish such as
whitefish and grayling will die. At pH values lower than about
4.5, all but the hardiest life dies.

In addition, as more acidic water passes through the soils,
chemical reactions occur in the soils that cause harmful miner-
als such as aluminum to be released. These minerals run into
the lake where they are taken up by plants and invertebrates.
The plants and invertebrates are then eaten by fish, which are
consumed by birds that live nearby. Because the birds must eat
so many fish in order to survive, the aluminum is concentrated
in their bodies. High levels of aluminum cause the birds to lay
eggs with very fragile shells. Often the eggs break or become
dry inside. Other times, baby birds are born with physical

The EPA completed a survey of one thousand lakes in the
United States in areas where acid deposition is suspected to be a
problem. They found that 75% of the lakes surveyed did suffer
from acidity. In addition, nearly half the streams sampled
showed evidence of acidity. The major places where acid depo-
sition was found to be a problem in the United States were
Adirondacks and Catskill Mountains in New York State, the
Appalachian mountains along the east coast, the northern
Midwest, and mountainous areas of the Western United States.
The report also mentioned that air pollution in the United States
contributed to acidification of lakes and streams in Canada.

Acid deposition in oceans

Because of its chemical composition, the nitrogen and sulfur-
based acids that cause acid deposition in fresh water lakes and
rivers do not have a strong effect on the acidity of the ocean.
However, carbon compounds in the atmosphere are responsible
for increased acidity. Burning of fossil fuels releases carbon diox-


U*X«L Encyclopedia of Water Science

ide (C0 2 ) into the atmosphere. Carbon diox-
ide levels in the atmosphere are currently the
highest they have been in 55 million years.
When it combines with seawater, this carbon
dioxide produces carbonic acid, which makes
seawater more acidic. This acidity will have a
very negative effect on all marine organisms
that make shells out of calcium carbonate,
such as corals and mollusks, because it
reduces the availability of calcium ions (the
building blocks of shells) in seawater.

Acid deposition in forests

The ways that acid rain harms forests are
complicated and interconnected. Acid rain
harms both the soils that trees use to grow
and the trees themselves. As acid rain falls on
the soil in a forest, it washes away nutrients
such as calcium and magnesium that are
needed by trees to grow. In addition, acid rain
releases from the soil toxic (poisonous) min-
erals such as aluminum that are then
absorbed by the plants' roots. This causes
severe damage to the trees' roots and weakens
the trees. As acid rain falls on the trees them-
selves, it burns the needles at the top and at the tips of branch-
es, which are then shed. This reduces the ability of the trees to
make food from photosynthesis (process of converting the ener-
gy of sunlight into food) and to grow. Trees are then more vul-
nerable to environmental stresses like disease, drought
(prolonged periods of dry weather), and insects. A tree that is
exposed to acid rain will absorb extra alkaline substances from
the soil, making the soil acidic. This means that the acid rain
falling on the soil makes the soil even more acidic, compound-
ing the problems of acid rain.

Decline in forests due to acid rain has been a serious prob-
lem throughout the Northern Hemisphere. In the 1990s sur-
veys of the Black Forest in Germany showed that half of the
trees were dead or dying as a result of acid deposition. Between
1970 and 1998 nearly half the red spruce trees in the north-
eastern United States died. Many sugar maples in Canada and
the United States are also dying. Throughout Scandinavia,
forests are dying because of acid rain. Most of the acid rain that
affects these countries travels hundreds of miles (kilometers)
from its sources in other parts of Europe.

Acid rain damage in a
German forest. © Boussu
Regis/Corbis Sygma.
Reproduced by permission.

Acid Rain


Corrosion due to acid deposition

Acid deposition damages most surfaces on
which it falls. In particular, dry deposition
etches the paint on cars, corrodes metals, and
deteriorates stone. In particular, buildings
made of limestone and marble contain a lot of
calcium carbonate. The acid in dry deposi-
tion, reacts with the calcium carbonate to
form a powder. This powder is easily washed
away when it rains. A variety of famous build-
ings and sculptures, especially in Europe,
have been damaged by acid deposition.

The acid rain program

In 1990 the EPA established the Acid Rain
Program as part of the Clean Air Act. The goal
of the program is to reduce the emissions of
sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Much of
the work in this program involves creating the
correct economic incentives for factories and
electrical plants to improve the quality of the
materials they release into the air. Companies
decide how they want to achieve emissions
reductions. Some may choose to install spe-
cial devices on their smokestacks that cleanse
the pollutants out of the emissions. Others
may use fuel that is less polluting or may use
renewable energy sources. Finally, companies
can trade for emissions allowances (the amount of pollutants that
can be legally released) from companies that have already

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