[PDF]( 2nd) Mystery Erik Von Markovik The Original Mystery Method Venusian Arts Handbook 2nd Edition

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"The World's Greatest Pickup Artist."
— Saturday Night Magazine

"has single-handedly invented much of the jargon and tactics that men

around the world are using to meet women."
— The New York Times

"Desmond Morris, the British zoologist and sexuality expert, admits that
the Method is a shrewd compression of the phases of love. ‘One of the
great mistakes men make is not playing all the stages of courtship,’ he
says. Tt has to be done stage by stage if it's going to work."

- Elle Magazine

"Mystery's disciplinal Don Juans often describe the benef£ts of the
Mystery Method as augmenting not only their romantic pursuits but also
their lives in general. They find they become happier, more confident
people. Even Neil Strauss, the New York Times' music columnist and
author of an article on Mystery, has become one of the method's most
devoted followers. It's revolutionized my life, 'he says."

- Utne Magazine

"What is miraculous is that it works. In four hours, I watch Mystery
work his way into five separate groups of people in the nightclub, and
target a beautiful woman who wraps her limbs around him in less time
than it takes to say impressive. It also worked for his former students..."

- Marie Claire Magazine

"He's like a MAD GENIUS. He sucks women into his reality. It's
LITERALLY one of the most @%*ED UP phenomenons I've seen in
my ENTIRE LIFE. It's worth it just to SEE IT, let alone what it does to
your game. And the coolpart is, it's all LEARNABLE."

- Tyler D

"I was absolutely amazed. My jaw dropped with surprise by how well The
Mystery Method works and allows you to easily maneuver through sets to
isolate a hot babe and flow quickly from one set to the next."

— Papa

"I did something I thought would be IMPOSSIBLE to do. I
approached a set of 6 guys and l girl. Playedit by the book. The guys
even bought me drinks. I was then able to isolate and attract the hot
babe without any issues. I instant dated her immediately. Then, we
went to her place. That was my BEST pick-up ever. I never would have
dared approach a set like that. Now I can."


"I have never seen such a display of Alpha-ness in my life. Mystery had
the whole VIP lounge eating out of his hand. Guys were high-fiving him
and girls were coming up kissing him and getting their pictures taken
with him. It was amazing."

- Thundercat

"Saturday night I went clubbing with two other guys, and opened up lots
of groups — in fact, I was the leader of our group of three guys, and felt
myself generating social proof with every group I opened. I can honestly
say that Im now 500% more comfortable in bars than I was before.

- Trevor L.

"I took your workshop in LA two weeks ago.. .Last night, I ran the
tightest set. I followed your game plan EXACTLY. I went in with
intriguing opener, picked the target, got the group to love me,
negged/ignored her. I was the center of attention of the entire mixed 6 set.
Later, I isolated her, qualifed, demonstrated vulnerability, I always knew
all tin's stuff should work, but tonight I actually SAW it work in its entirety
for the first time. It was amazing that everyone in the group acted
according to the plan (group, HB, specific obstacles) Thanks Mystery.
Tins took my game to the next level. "

- Ryan C.

"Is it worth the money? Absolutely. Tin's was probably the single weekend
with the most impact on my life, ever. Life changing!"
— Veroxil

"Mystery had his students initiating sets with women all over St. Laurent
Boulevard and some over at the Jazz Festival which is being held currently
in town. There were massive improvements made with several of the
students who showed great changes in their skillset and personal
appearance in response to Mystery's suggestions about dress, presentation
and peacocking. There is a clever method to the madness and it was clear
that results were being achieved as the students got familiar with Mystery
Method. Mystery demonstrated his mastery Saturday evening when he
approached two women (10's) who completely and totally froze him out on
his approach. They gave him a reaction as cold and disinterested as any I
have ever seen. Mystery left them, waited a minute or so, went back into
the set, left, went back again, and again, and within 5 minutes tops these
two women were in rapt attention, fawning over him, the target with her
arm draped around his. It was completely masterful to watch."

- Cliff

"I sincerely wanted to thank you for some of the keen insight and
guidance that you've provided me over the last lew weeks (especially
tin's past weekend)... frequently find myself laughing with pure
delight atyour genius. It's awesome!!"


"Fantastic weekend, I'm still assimilating the tilings you taught... you've
totally changed my game for the better. I can't possibly imagine how
much time and research you had to putin to tin's stuff."

-Mad Dash

"You totally rock. I can't tell you how much the weekend exceeded my
expectations. I really learned a lot more then I imagined I could, even if
most of it was from watching you guys inadvertendy steal all my girls ;-) I
have to admit I was very skeptical about paying the money for the
workshop - mostly because I had heard about most of the material before
and had tried it without REALLY understanding it at all. Now I KNOW it
works, and am starting to understand how working and internalizing a few
key understandings and techniques willreally take my game to an entirely
new level. I'm looking forward to applying tin's understanding to the 100+
sets a month I expect to continue to work!"

- Lance

"Mystery was very inspirational and I saw his method work right in front
of my eyes when he was kissing a girl (complete stranger) within 10
minutes of entering a bar. His method of approaching women (and
groups of people in particular) has to be seen to be believed. And I would
recommend anyone who is flunking of doing his workshops to do so .
fast. My skills and confidence has lifted up to a whole new level after the
last workshop with him. Not only do I now have the skills to approach
groups of girls, but also mixed groups (guys and girls) which I would not
have done before. His practical encouragement and methods are so easy
to learn that anyone who is serious about ha\ing LOTS of choice with
women must do his workshop. The best tiling about Mystery's workshops
is the small numbers they accept and the very specific one-on-one
feedback he gives you right on the spot to correct any mistakes. Since
coming back home, I have had so many amazing experiences with
beautiful women that it is almost like a dream. It's as if Mystery gave me
the wings to soar above all the other AFCs and take my pick ofall the
beautiful women out there, swoop down and carry them off at my leisure.
It's so easy for me now..."

- Pierre

"I attended the Mystery Sex Magic workshop in Sydney. The first day he
arrived at our pre-arranged meeting place, Mystery. . . stood out from the
moment he entered the room. Mystery KNOWS his stuff. This guy is as
good as anyone say he is. He was able to have HOT girls BEG him to
take his number. I have NEVER seen a girl beg someone to take a guy's
number after knowing the guy for 20 minutes! He was able to consistently
attract the honest girls in the largest group (with some intimidating guys
in the group) in the club. I could see myself improved DRAMATICALLY.
I was able to run full routines on girls (chickened out on kiss-closes
because I didn't have the particular routine to go on with - damn!) and
ended up with two meet-closes. I met one yesterday (something I wasn't
able to do before the AIM workshop) and will be meeting one on the
weekend. So all in all, it was worth the money spent. My game has
improved dramatically, and will continue to improve once I implement
Mystery's suggestions to my game. The very least is the realization that
the 20 minute PU is possible. I have seen it with my own eyes."

-Jeff C.

The Venusian Arts Handbook

A personal note from Mystery:

This book represents the culmination of my life's work, which is my only source
of income. It has taken over twelve long years to develop the theories described
inside, many of which I have previously posted for free on the internet. Over the
years, those posts have revolutionized pickup and seduction theory, and have
changed thousands of lives. The pickup community has been enriched by mv
ideas and mv teachings — that has been my gift to you. So to those with the
capability and inclination to pirate this book, I ask that you please do not.
This much respect I believe I have earned and am due. Thank you again for your
interest and maybe well meet someday in the field.



Copyright © 2005, Mystery Method Corporation

"Mystery Method" and "Venusian Arts" are trademarks used by The Mystery Method Corporation
LLC, all rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without
express prior consent. Ail violations will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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This book contains a basic and complete description of the Mystery Method. It is
intended to serve as a standard text and handbook for the practicing venusian artist.


e Mystery conceived the ideas and concepts in this book. It is ultimately a product of his genius.
e Substantial portions of the book are also written by Mystery's own hand.

e Lovedrop (bookcomments@mysterymethod.com) produced, co-wrote, and edited the book.
e Style contributed various articles found throughout.

e Content has also been included from Sinn (on compliance momentum), Wilder (on storytelling),
and Toecutter (on winging).


This PDF created in 2005

I have dedicated my life to
exploring and understanding

The Mystery Method is my humble

yet ambitious attempt to solve the

greatest mystery in the universe:

This work is compassionately
dedicated to four much loved

Christa, Martina, Shalyn &Kaitlyn.

Table of Contents

GMC Structure and the Game 37
MnO EYE Me The Game is played in the Field 37
Tordre viti The Mystery Method Newbie Drill 35S
The Ultimate Purpose of Life 1 Calibration and Internalization 3S
The Penultimate Purpose of Life 2 Process over Outcome 39
Your Purpose in this Life 3 The Sexual Relationship 40
Dynamic Social Homeostasis 9 Courtship 41
A Biological Machine 10 Attraction 42
Survival and Replication Value 11 The M3 Model 48
Alignment Il The Four M3 Sequencing Mistakes 50
Pair Bonding 12 Gaming Locations 63
Rejection and Approach Anxiety 13 Location Changes 64
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs 14 The Nine Phases ofthe M3 Model 65

Social Status and Behavioral Circuitry 21 Fung á Al togeier a

Women selectfor survival and replication Al: The Approach 69
l 22
aes The Meeting Location 69
Identity 24 =
Proximity 71
Image 24
8 The 3-Second Rule 72
Pegcockins 2) Social Proof 73
Creat Sentiment 26
oon of ranges Tips in the Venue 74
Social A 27
Sangre The Protection Shield 75
Intuiti Analysi 2
Gii eee fits ls 2 Canned Material 77
Congruence Tests a0 Proper Delivery of Material 78
Investment 31 a
Opinion Openers 79
Di t and C tati 32
conor an onjremanon False Time Constraints 86
F d Stimulati 32
P R een How to Open Seated Sets 87
Women are Dangerous Creatures 33 How to Open Moving Sets 89
Rating W 33
A What most people do wrong when
Cat Theory 34 approaching 90

Boyfriends 35

A2: Female-to-Male Interest 93
Indicators of Interest (IOIs) 93
Neg Theory 97
Demonstration of Higher Value (DHV)104

Group Theory 105
Multiple Conversational Threads 107
Winging 112
Storytelling 115
Locking-In 119
Role-Playing 121
False Disqualifiers 121
Various Group Scenarios 124
Pawning 127
A3: Male-to-Female Interest 131
Frame Control 132
Hoop Theory 134
Role-Reversal 136
Having Standards 138
Screening 139
Intermittence 140
Kino Escalation 141
Takeaways 145
Compliance 146
Token Resistance 151
Qualifiers 152
Compliments 153
Bait - Hook - Reel - Release 154

C1: Comfort and Conversation

The Freeze-Out

Comfort Building Locations

The Five Location Types for Gaming
The Cl Location

Moving to CI

Conversational Rapport



Punishment / Reward
Jealousy Plotlines


Mid-Game and End-Game

The Seven Hour Rule

The C2 Location

The Bounce

The Time Bridge

Phone Game


The C3 Location

The Sex Location

Moving from C3 to SI
S2: Last-Minute Resistance
S3: Sex


Sticking Points



"Mystery, one ofthe most admired
men in the world of seduction."

~ The New York Times
Who is Mystery?

Mystery is the alter-ego of entertainer Erik von Markovik. He is the
world's foremost expert in the art and science of social dynamics. His
exploits have been covered by publications such as Elle, The Montreal
Gazette, Las Vegas Life, Saturday Night, Marie Claire, and The New
York Times.

Exploding onto the seduction community in the late 90s, Mystery
quickly gained underground fame for his groundbreaking contributions
to the art. Mystery was the first to pioneer and offer live, in-field
instruction, and he has trained thousands of students all over the world,
including a Who's Who of the most respected pickup artists in the


"If you can't attract a woman,
you are, by dictionary
definition, sterile."

~ Mystery


Nature will unapologetically weed your genes out of existence if you
don't take action and learn how to attract women now.

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