[PDF]Business Week 1953: Index

[PDF]Business Week 1953: Volume None, Issue Index.Digitized from IA1566413-06.Previous issue: sim_business-week_1953-09-12_1254.Next issue: sim_business-week_1953-09-19_1255.

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How to Use this Index

Every article appearing in Business Week during
the first six months of 1953 is comprehensively

indexed in this volume. All articles are indexed:

alphabetically by subject and by the names of
individuals, private businesses and government
agencies in all cases where such were either the
subject of the story reported or had a primary
relationship to the topic covered. The following
paragraphs are offered as a guide to the index.

Business Organizations. industries are in-
dexed under their simple designations such as:
“Aviation,” “Shipbuilding,” “Textiles,"" etc. In
addition, all articles having reference to a private
company, will be found under that company's

Labor. General labor news is indexed under
such broad headings as “Wages,” ‘Employ-
ment," “Labor,” and the like. References should
also be made to the various government labor
agencies and to individual companies. Because
the full names of many trade unions are not gen-
erally well known, trade union items are indexed
by parent organizations, under "American Feder-
ation of Labor,” “Congress of Industrial Organ-
izations," or ‘Independent Unions," and then in
turn under subheads by the trade or industry in
which they operate. There is one exception: the
railroad brotherhoods are indexed only under
“Railroads — Labor,"

Government. The permanently established
departments of the Federal Government will be
found under "D," “Department of the Treasury,"’
“Department of War,"' and “Department of the

independent Commissions and Special
Emergency Agencies. These will be found ar-
ranged alphabetically by their established names.
In addition, they are also indexed under their
field of activity.

Advertising Index. This section includes all
advertisers which have appeared in Business
Week during the first six months of 1953. Ar-
ranged alphabetically, this information gives the
dates of every insertion. For page numbers, refer
to issue indicated.

Reference Dept. = Many individual headings
suggest other entries (‘See also. . ."") which may
be consulted in looking for specific articles. if,
however, you cannot find a specific article, or you
would like any general information about material
which Business Week has published, do not hesi-
tate to make direct inquiry by mail or telephone to
Business Week Library, 330 West 42nd Street,
New York 36, N. Y.; telephone LOngacre 4-3000,
extension 8297.



The Case of AD-X2: National Bureau of
its claims

Standards may have to prove
against the product p48, Jan.10

ne ey | Weeks removes Dr. Astin as head
, a the National Bureau of Standards # p34,

Test Case for Career stem: Secretar.
fires A. V. Astin (with 2 illus)

. Apr.ll


Speeding the Seedling piié, Jun.27
ABBOTT, Douglas

Speaks against U. S. tariff policy # pl6é6,

Lets loose a blast at v.. a rotectionism
at AMA meeting # p126,
ABRAMS, Norman

A Bussines Team in the Post Office (with
illus) p98, Jun.27


Sanding c be speeded on contoured sur-
faces with “flexible abrasive # p62, Mar.28


Freedom to Teach (Trend) p200, Mar.28

See also Safety

Traffic accidents cost the U. S. $3.6—billion
last year # pll8, Feb.14

Coal Mine Deaths: Miners Map Safety Drive
(with chart) p180, Feb.21

Taking the Skids Out of Winter Driving
(with 8 illus) p86, Feb.21

Tooth and jaw injuries cost industry more
than $12.2-million a year # pl38, Mar.7

General Motors wins its sixth consecutive
safety award pll2, Apr.ll

1952 fatalit
the lowest

rate on domestic airlines was
history # p36, Apr.11

Injury rate in factories last year was the
lowest on records # pl73, Apr.18

Important nit > now about liability in-
surance # pl Jun


N. Y. State sets up uniform accounting system
that must be adhered to by life insurance
companies in their reports # p130, May 2
ACE Engineering & Mfg. Co.

Shielding Radio Waves p130, Jun.6


How Ex—Office Holders Are Making Out (with
illus) p28, Mar.28


Readers Report: Houston pl0, Feb.28

ADAMS, C, F., Jr.

uy Arms Abroad to Build Up West Euro-
pe (with illus) pl54, May 16
ADAMS Service Products
Makes an easy--to—pack leather tie case #
p54, May 9

Sixteen freshmen are being trained to fill
executive ~ 9 through a work study
program # p64, Apr.25

# Short news item

January-June, 1953
|. Editorial Contents

ym P ae Comes to Call (with illus) pl4s,

Aeseas the World, b—~ | Chance of Peace Looks
tter——but new Problems face

u S. (with illus) n28, Jun


A premixed adhesive for putting up wall

paper is offered # p130, Jan.24

Unusual bond problems may be solved
with new epoxide resin adhesive made by
Borden Co. # p80, Mar.14

Formica Co. develo
hesive so househol
covering # p50, May
Large Molded Parts: The Big Promise in
Plastics p48, Jan.3

Boosts dealer markups on TV sets # p34,

Throws in $40 worth of kitchen cuioey with
its 9-cu. ft. refrigerator # p54, May 2

Report 57% increase in TV and appliance
sales for first quarter # p160, May 9
ADOUE, J. B., Jr.

Dallas: A Will—But No Way p97, Feb.7


See also Magazines; News: rs; Television;
Radio-Broadcasting ~—

Animated TV Ad p46, Jan.3

Readers Report: Ignorance Doesn't Pay p8,

Selling the Air: Pan Am hopes to promote
more package tours to Europe p26, ghn. 17

Fee i Chase “Humanizing” Campaign pl112,

“Savings” can't be used in odvertiaing, ty
commercial banks ia the State of N (+)
# p68, Jan.24

Stro atvestiing support ever given one
brand of is planned by Philip
Morris # yen 24

oa Congitiqnens: The Fight Goes On (with
illus) p43, Jan

National Better Business Bureau claims Ches-
terfield ads are misleading # p84, Feb.7

National Advertising Media: Hit a New
High (with table) p60, Feb.1

an easy—to—apply ad-
" can install its plastic

How to dan Ad A (with 2
illus) pl150, Feb.21 weird ,

52 advertising agencies are in the $10-million-
or-more class # p34, Feb.28

Mobiles Give Advertisers a New Medium
(with 6 illus) p46, Feb.28

Readers Report: Belated Credit p8, Feb.28

John Hancock Insurance Co.'s Prize-Winning
Ad (illus) pl94, Mar.14

Match books were used by over 257,000
advertisers in 1952 # p64, Mar.21

Peter Pan: aes Double as a Yee
Salesman (with 2 illus) p43, Mar.2

Parking Meter Ads (with illus) p50, Apr.11

Suter Bg f gechtome were discussed

oe ie ieee vertising Agencies # p5i,

Readers Report: Those Canny Scots (with
illus) p8, Apr 1 18 , (

Singer Sewing Machine paints signs on the
wae pay as the sides of trucks “(illus)

Traveling Ads: Theatrical agency hopes to
set oP roving stage shows for industry pS,

Advertising: Is the gs —_ Priming? The
Marketing Pattern p48,

Ladies Home Journal advertising rates are
going up # pH, y2

Detroit Free Press has the solution for a
reader who balks at answering a box-number
job ad # p36, May 23

Who's Going to Post the TV Bill? (with 4
charts) p43, May 2

British Beaver Launches Schweppes—U. 8.
Deal (with 2 illus) pl130, May 30

Decision for Papers p69, May 30

Ad agency executives are the biggest spen-
ders tor business entertainment # p43, Jun.13

Parking meter advertising hits trouble in
Philadeiphia # p65, 13

Readers Report: Ad Men Take Notice ps,

Buses are the newest advertising medium
# pl44, Jun.20

ADVERTISING Research Foundation

Men's place in the market is subject of new
project # p98, Jan.10

Releases study of the Des Moines Sunday
Register # p76, Mar.28

Suebillty Board of Economic Growth &

Eisenhower is firming up his anti-defla-
tion machinery. He's organizing a new ad-
visory agency # p38, Jun.20

Steering in One Direction: Eisenhower has a
new economic policy board to keep all govern-
= working on same line p33,

AEROJET Engineering Corp.
Company merges with Crosley Motors, Inc.
a, Apr


New company formed by merger of Crosley
Motors and Aerojet Engineering # p34, Apr.4

Develops a Slide Seal Coupling for quick
connection and disconnection of fluid- carry-
ing lines # pll4, Feb.28

AETNA Casualty & Surety Co.

How to Teach Driving in a Classroom (with
11 illus) p28, Feb.28

Court Defines Sneeze As Industrial Accident
p170, Mar.21
AETNA Life Insurance Co.

Stockholders approve capital changes that
will permit er of a 50% stock dividend
a , Feb.21

Readers Report: All's
p8, May 2

Rear-Guard Action in Africa (with map)
p166, Feb.21

Uganda Ores Look Good to Prospectors (with
4 illus) pl66, Mar.14

Making a Continent a Research Project (with
map and 2 illus) p154, Jun.27

Well That Ends Well

AGOOS, Solomon

Leaves his estate to his loyal employees #
pl0l, Feb.28


Grows Roots Fast p72, May 16




pA, B. - ~
Packing Industry;

The decline in farm income this
be held to 5% or less # p38, Jan.1

During some winter month the Census Bureau
report will show fewer people w
farms than there are farms # pl7.
Farm income is about the only soft spot in
the nation’s purchasing power # p18, Jan.17

The government has close to $244-billion Sed
} ag en + ot p=
1952 # pis, Jan'at

A farm lem te buiding we Prices
4 Se re. linet 18, Feo?

anaes: Live-
Corn; ete.

ear will


A Less Prosperous Farm Econom He
Buy Less in 19537 (with. 6 charts) pee. Feb.7

Ezra Benson; Facing Up to Farm Forces (with
illus) p30, Feb.14

We now pore, fewer farm workers than farms
# pls, Feb.1

Decline of the Farms (Trend) p200, Feb.21

™4 butter situation is only the
of Eisenhower's farm troubles # p40,

products from abroad # p18, Mar.14

Uncle Sam now has a ) Speen stake in farm
surpluses # pil pls, Apr.25

Technol Takes Over the Farm—and the
Farmer (with 2 illus) pll6é, Jun6

Farm income is running nearly a billion
dollars under a year ago # pis, Jun.13

How Farm Laws Tie In with Politics (with
illus) p06, Jun.20

A hot fire is building up under Secretary
Benson # p40, Jun.27 ws

Farm exports for ear are about 30
Under ian year i pit, Sun27 *

Readers Report: Less Work for Farmers p12,


Foaming Plastic for Poured-in Strength (with
2 illus} p48, Feb.14

AIR Conditioning
(with 7

Keep Cool in the Desert States
us) D158, Jan.24

Houses: Builders to air con-
ohiee er-cost homes p31, Jan.24

Bryant Heater comes out with Command-
Aire twins # p127, Feb.7

To spread sales out around the year, GE
offers special prices and easy terms on air
conditioning for sores # . Feb.7

Re w We Make It or Buy It? (with illus) pl17,

raters ont paseo on its room air

How Hot Is Air Conditioning? The Marketing
Pattern p46, Mar

Air conditioning boom hits the South # le
Mar.21 =

Consider air conditi

your summer home
at the seashore # p168.

Worthington Corp. will make home air con-
ditioners # p178, Apr.11

Auto air conditioning is catching on fast #
pl08, Apr.25

Remington Corp. has a plan that lets share-
holders buy its room conditioners at discount
# p54, May 2

Salesman Poklar: One W
Conditioner (with illus) pl
Airtemp Div. makes an air-cooling unit for

homes where water cannet be used # p76,
May 16

# Short news item

to Sell an Air
May 9

Houston Service station gives a free shot of
air-conditioned air to cars (illus) p48, Jun.

Air Conditioning: Biggest Year Yet p43, Jun.27

AIR France

Britain's Comet jetliner will be in use this
year # pl20, Jan.10

Grows Rocts Fast p72, May 16


Fight starts over whether a city has the ey
to put fluorides in its water supply #

Contracts on Springs p178, Jun.20


State-owned liquor stores pay off handsomely
# p72, Apr

Synthetic ice cream made from v
enienal fats is illegal # pl31, Apr.i8

Mobile: Blue Law Blues p56, May 9

Alabama Supreme Court upholds state blue
law plé8, Jun.6

A Border Peace pi74, Jun.13

ALABAMA Power & Light Co.
Announces financing plans # p106, Apr4

es cor a Catches a New Industry on the
Rise (with illus) piaa, Mar.21


er = President
save that . Sehipping “te- b aflecting

Hawai yn emer
p76, KK Fee

Alcoa Stalled in } Canada rejects plea
to. se rights to power Skagway smelter

ble and

the ina the possibiity ‘of bul of building @ lumber mill

# pide,
ALASKA Freight Lines, Inc.

Peas Say Reet Sealiie to Gt. Leute with
2 illus) pl08, May 9 '

Call It a Feud pl38, Mar.21

ALBEE, William

Watermelon Tires: Not Much Air...
Disregard for Obstacles p31, Mar.21


Not Critical Enough p100, Jan.17
ALBUS, Joanna

Readers Report: Houston pl0, Feb.28

Sells +r ft. of t to
194 Ape as plan Benson &

A Fine

Alexander Smith recuperates: Sale of Sloane-
Blabon should give Smith second wind p130,
May 23

ALIEN Property Custodian

Second Battle of the Scents (with illus) p47,
May 16

ALL American Engineering Co.

Signs lease for 76-acres at Sussex County Air-
port in lower Delaware # p64, Mar.14

A Business Team in the Post Office (with
illus) p98, Jun.27

ALLIED Chemical & Dye Corp.

Plans to offer $200-million be of _leng-torm
debentures to the public # p3,

Allied Chemical Drops an Old Taboo plli7,

Registers offe $200-milllon of new long-
term SS # pl33, Mar.21

| > nee Deal Unites Feuding Houses p142,

Stock option plan will be ormes to stock-
holders for approval # pll2, Apr.ll


Solomon Agoos Leaves his estate to his loyal
employees pl0l, Feb.28

ALLIED Social Science Assn.

Business Economist on the Prowl (with 11
illus) pl34, Jan.10

ALLIS-Chalmers Mfg. Co.

Pilot-plant stage has been reached in a new
method of concentrating taconite for iron ore
# pll0, Jan.31

Long-Term Safety: Under certain conditions,
says NLRB, auto unions with five-year con-
tracts can't be ousted pl49, Feb.28

Pattern Protests: Both the union and some
side, Yon 13 are trying to skirt GM-Ford terms

ALPHA Kappa Psi
Issues a check-list of the 100 books and

magazines it considers a “must” # pl%,

ALPHA Tool & Supply Co.
a hacksaw that can cut anywhere

without the ey frame getting in the way
# pli7, Jun.


One Way to Sell An Air Conditoner (with
illus) p156, May 9


Moves its ongert office from White Plains
back to New York City # pi94, Feb.21

Now There's a Trend Back to New York City
p192, Mar.14


Government approves fast tax writeoffs for
The Wheland Co. # p40, Jan.31

Readers Report: Chinooks Top Lone Stars p8,

Another : The government has lured
its fourth newcomer— land Co.,—into the
business of producing aluminum p29, Feb.7

Canada again will ship to U. S. 44-
million bo of aluminum slated for England
Bos . Feb.7

Second Chance at — After one false
stab, Harvey Machine facilities to
start making its pod bo (with illus)
pl22, Feb.7

Roun Down Their Market (with illus) p44,

National Metallurgical Corp. is formed to

produce aluminum-silicon alloys from clays
and domestic bauxites # p36. Mar 21

athapele itches a New Industry on the
Rise (with 8 illus) p182, Mar.21

works on method of pro-
ducing. aly alumina. = domestic clay-bearing

: A new “semi-commercial”
luce silicon-aluminum mixture

Premixed Allo
plant will
p50, Mar.28

High-Shine Aluminum (with illus) p54, Apr4


Aluminum Pipe is proving a natural for
irrigation ( with illus) pl132, May 9

Enterprise Wheel & Car has developed an
aluminum mine car # p 146, Jun.13

ALUMINUM Co. of America

Alcoa Stalled in Yukon: Canada rejects plea
for water rights to power Skagway smelter
p29, Jan.10

Announces plans for stock split # p120, Jan.17

Awarded a contract for a 20,000-ton extrusion

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