[PDF]99 Ways To Share The Meat

[PDF]WWII meat rationing brochure. Caption title "Revised May 1943"--Page [4] "Prepared by Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics, Agricultural Research Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture"--Page [4] "1943--O-528558"--Page [4]

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99 UHMfrJ

the MEAT

Point rationing in a new way and a fair way to share our food

Under point rationing every civilian in the United States — man.
woman, child — ho* a chance to buy an equal share of meat.

As meat shoppers we are free to buy at any store. We are free
also to use our meat ration coupons for whatever kind and cut
the market affords.


Any way you figure it there isn't enough meat to satisfy all appe-
tites during wartime. Not that supplies are less than in peace years.
Our meat production now is greater than at any time in history.
Working day and night, American farmers, ranchers, packers, proc-
essors, are pushing meat production goals higher. It takes time,
though, to produce meat . . . longer to "build" a good beef steer than
to build a destroyer.

Men in the fighting forces naturally have first call on our meat sup-
plies. Our fighting allies are often in desperate need of more meat.
And men and women working here at home for long hours on hazardous
war jobs have a special right to their share of the meat.

Point-ration arithmetic— Point rationed along with meats are cheese,
fats, and oils. This close partnership springs only from the fact that
they are all on the wartime scarce list. For though cheese makes a
good main-dish alternate for meat occasionally, fats and oils have quite
a different duty in wefl-balanced meals.

Each family is free to portion its own points for meats, cheese, and
fats. Should your family choose to follow the "average" of peace-
time eating habits, roughly two-thirds of your points will go for meat
and cheese, the other third for fats (including such fat meats as bacon
and salt pork) and oils.


For many families meat rationing calls
for few, if any, diet changes. Families
who have used meats more generously in
the past need to adjust menus carefully

Meat supplies six main food values in
goodly amounts :

PROTEIN of good quality


THIAMINE three of the B vitamins

If you have been relying heavily on
meat for these, make sure the meals you
serve using less meat still supply ample
amounts of the same food values.

For good protein, the B vitamins, and
phosphorus — call on poultry, cheese,
milk, eggs, fish, dried beans and peas, len-
tils, soybeans, and peanuts. Excepting
milk, fish, and cheese these are also good
sources of iron. For the B vitamins and
iron, stress also whole-grain and enriched
cereals and bread. Green leafy vege-
tables are rich sources of iron,

Domestic rabbit and game are still
other alternates for meat.

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Get the most from every bit of meet
you buy. Fight seen and unseen wastes—
from butcher's block to table.

1. Be open-minded about using different
cuts and kinds of meat. Try new ones,
especially those with low point values.

2. Know your cuts — and the best uses

3. Know what meat grades stand for.

4. Buy only as much meat as you have
plans to use — and ways to store.

5. I'm uncooked meat in a refrigerator

or other very cold storage space if you
keep it longer than a few hours. Cooked
meat also needs careful storage. Ground
meat, cooked or uncooked, needs colder
storage than un ground, cannot be kept
so long.

6. Cook meat the modern way — at mod-
erate heat until done and no longer. This
keeps cooking tosses low, and the meat
is more juicy and tastes better.

7. Cook according to cut and fatness.
Koast or broil a tender cut— in an uncov-
ered pan with no water added. Give tough
meat long, slow cooking in a covered pan
with water or steam. Or grind tough
cuts and cook as tender meat.

8. Vary the seasonings, especially when
you use the same kind of meat often. Try
a little onion, tomato, or green pep-
per ... a dash of herbs or spices . . .
to give a different taste.

9. Serve in many ways. Give stew new
appetite appeal, for instance, by serving
it in meat pies, as a filling for hot biscuits,
or scalloped with macaroni or spaghetti.

10. Save all left-over meat, drippings,
and gravy. Learn thrifty and tasty ways
to use them.


.Spread out the good meat flavor in
more me^ls by mixing meat with bulky,
mi Id -flavored foods. Try cereals, bread,
vegetables, sauces as "meat extenders."

11. Loaves and patties. Bind well-sea-
soned raw meat with boiled rice . . . bread
crumbs . . . white sauce . . . mashed pota-
toes . . . cooked corn meal, oatmeal,
cracked or whole wheat. Mold into patty
cakes for quick top-of-stove cooking . . .
or loaves for oven baking.

IS. Pot roasts. Add whole or halved
vegetables to pot roasts during the last
hour the meat cooks.

13. Stews. Add sliced or diced vegeta-
bles when meat pieces have cooked almost
if not entirely tender in water to cover.
Top with dumplings to spread flavor more.

14. Meat pies — family size or individual.

T«p a stew with pastry, biscuit roundn,
mashed potatoes, or corn-meal mush.

15. Meat broiled on toast. Toast bread
on one side. Then spread untoasted side
lightly with fat, sprinkle with salt and
pepper, and cover with ground raw beef
or lamb. Broil by direct heat.

16. Soups and chowders. Add pearl bar-
ley, macaroni, cracked or whole-grain
wheat, spaghetti, or noodles to soups and
chowders made from meat trimmings and
bones. For more variety, add vegetables.

17. Stuffings. Make well-seasoned stuff-
ing to "space out" a boned mast, a pair of
sparerib sections, or small strips of meat
for braised "birds."

18. Meat and beans. Combine beans
simmered nearly tender with ground
meat well-seasoned. Cook slowly until
mixture thickens. For chile con carne,
add chili and other "hot" seasonings.

19. Meat sauce. Brown ground raw
meat, season with onions, peppers, toma-
toes. Serve over. cool
ghetti, noodles, rice, potatoes.

90. For barbecue sauce, simmer soup
bones, tomatoes, and seasonings both hot
and spicy — such as garlic, green peppers,
hay leaf— in water to cover. Cook sev-
eral hours, let set overnight, skim off fat,
strain. Serve hot.

21. Croquettes. Season ground cooked
meat. Bind with boiled rice, mashed po-
tatoes, white sauce. Shape. Fry or bake.

22. Baked stuffed vegetables. Use same
type mixture as for croquettes to stuff
pepperB, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant,

23. Turnovers. Fold a well-seasoned
filling of chopped, cooked meat in rounds
of pastry dough. Bake. Serve hot . . .
or in place of sandwiches in the lunch box.

24. Timbales. Bake a mixture of ground
cooked meat, white sauce, beaten eggs,
and seasonings in custard cups set in a
pan of hot water in a moderate oven.

25. Souffles. Mix ground cooked meat,
bread crumbs, white sauce, seasoning,
well-beaten egg yolks, folded-in beaten
egg whites. Bake in cups or dish set in
a pan of water in a moderate oven.

26. Creamed meat. Add chopped or
ground cooked meat to milk sauce.
Serve as shortcake filling for hot bis-
cuits . . . or pour over bread, toast, waf-
fles, potatoes, boiled rice, <

27. Hash. Mix chopped or mashed
cooked potatoes with chopped or ground
meat. Season to taste and fry in cakes or
in one big layer.

28. For southern hash cut cooked meat
in small pieces, brown in fat. Then add
diced potatoes, sliced onion and other sea-
sonings, gravy or meat broth, and cook
on top of the stove or in the oven.

29. Scalloped meat. Fill a baking dish
with layers of chopped cooked meat or
meat stew and cooked noodles, hominy,
macaroni, or cooked vegetables. Pour
sauce over all, top with bread crumbs, and

30. Baked with vegetables or fruit. Put

layers of sliced cabbage and apples in a
baking dish, lay fried sausage cakes on
top, cover and bake until cabbage and
apples are tender.

31. Sandwiches. For the lunch box, give
a "different" taste to meat by adding cat-
sup, chili sauce, chopped pickle, thin slices

32. Make hot open-face sandwiches by-
laying slices of cold or hot meat on toast,
bread, or biscuits. Top with gravy or
savory sauce.

33. For a French-toasted sandwich
spread ground cooked meat between
bread slices, dip in egg-and-milk mixture,
brown on both sides in a little fat in a
frying pan.

34. Salad. Combine cooked macaroni,
potato, or other vegetables, with cooked
chopped meat, and salad dressing, and
serve with lettuce, cress, or cabbage.

35. Chop suey and other meat-stretching
specials are in many cookbooks.


Liver, kidneys, brains, and other va-
riety meats usually are richer in iron
than the muscle meats — some are extra
good sources of one vitamin or another.
In protein, they rate about the same as
muscle meats.

36. Liver. Fry at moderate heat long
enough to change the color. Don't over-

37. Scallop browned slices of liver with
alternate layers of potato slices and a
little onion. Cover with milk, bake till
potatoes are tender. Or use cooked rice,
macaroni, or noodles instead of potatoes.

38. Make liver loaf from liver browned
slightly, then ground. Mix and bake as

39. For a sandwich spread make a paste
of liver broiled, fried, or simmered, then
mashed or ground and seasoned.

40. Kidney. Broil tender kidneys.

41. Make stew of less tender kidneys.

42. Heart. Simmer long and slowly.
Serve with onion gravy made from the
stew broth. Season well.

43. Fill a heart with tasty stuffing, cook
in a covered baking dish with water

45. Tongue. Simmer, serve sliced, hot
or cold, or "extended" with a white sauce.

46. Simmer, then bake in a covered dish
with sliced vegetables.

47. Sweetbreads. Simmer till tender.
Cool in broth. Then dip lobes in an egg-
and-milk mixture, and brown in fat.

48. Broil cooked lobes. Pour melted fat
over them and brown slowly.

49. Cream cooked lobes and serve over
toast or in patty shells.

50. Brains. Precook in simmering water.
Dip in an egg-and-milk mixture, then in
bread crumbs, and fry.

51. Cream cooked brains and serve on
toast or over waffles or biscuits.

51. Chop cooked brains and bind for

53. Scramble cooked brains with eggs.

54. Make a salad from chopped cooked
brains, chopped celery , and salad dressing.

55. Tripe. Simmer tender in water. Cut
in slices, dip in batter, and fry.

56. Dip tripe, cooked tender, in melted
fat, brown both sides in the broiler.

57. Cut cooked tripe in finger lengths,
serve in a seasoned medium white sauce
for creamed tripe.

58. Spleen and lungs. Simmer, then use
in stews. Lungs go well with heart in
stews and loaves.


Chicken, turkey, duck, goose, squab,
guinea— all make excellent main dishes.

59. Young, tender poultry. Broil plump
young birds at moderate heat. Turn
from time to time. Baste frequently.

60. Fry plump young birds in shallow or
deep fat.

61. Stuff and roast young well-fattened
poultry. Keep oven temperature moder-

62. Older birds or lean young poultry.
Stuff and braise in a covered roaster.

63* Or brown cut-up fowl in a frying
pan, then finish cooking in a casserole
with added water and chopped raw vege-

64. Old. lough birds. Stew or steam to

make tender. Cool in broth.

65. Plus dumplings or noodles. Cook
dumplings or noodles in a gravy made by
thickening broth from stewed chicken.

66. Cream and season stewed poultry
cut from bones. Season, and serve with
rice, noodles, in patty shells, on crisp
toast or waffles.

67. Or use chopped cooked chicken as
the basis for meat loaves, croquettes,
souffles, limbales, chop suey,

68. Cook giblets tender in a little water
or broth. Thicken slightly. Serve piping
hot with potatoes, toast, or rice.

69. For a giblet sandwich chop tender
cooked giblets up fine, Combine with
salad dressing or a little fat, and season-
ing. Spread on bread.

70. Cook cut-up livers of young chicken
in a frying pan in a little fst. Cook just
long enough to change color of the liver.
Serve with the drippings.


Buy fish and shellfish of local v
when possible and don't be shy about
trying new kinds.

72. Cooked fish stripped from the bones
is good in cakes, scalloped dishes, loaves,
croquettes, chowders, salads. Space it
out with rice, mashed potatoes, spaghetti,
white sauce.

73. Salt or smoked fish, when and if
available. These may be used in most of
the same ways as fresh Ash — except that
it is necessary to soak or parboil the fish
first to remove part of the strong salt or
smoke taste.

74. Oysters and clams. Serve in stews or
chowders. . . . Try clams chopped fine,
mixed in fritter batter, fried in well-
flavored fat. . . . Dip oysters in egg and
crumbs and fry. . . . Scallop oysters
with cracker crumbs, with rice, or other
bulky food. . . . Heat oysters, then sea-

75. Shrimp and crab. Serve hot or cold,
alone or together. . . . Crab meat is
good made into small flat cakes and
browned in fat. Creamed shrimp and
crab meat are excellent on toast, rice, or


* *

Cheese . . . eggs . . . dried beans . . .
peanuts . . . soybeans, like meat, all make
a good basis for stick -to -the- ribs dishes
around which to build a meal. They all
contain protein, plus one or more of the
other food values found in meat — and
usually extra food values of their own.


76. Make it eggs and cheese in fondues
and souffles.

77. Melt American cheese in while sauce
. . . pour over cooked macaroni, spa-
ghetti, or noodles for a hot casserole dish.
Use this same sauce for vegetable dishes.

H. For a rabbit, combine grated Ameri-
can cheese, white sauce, egg. Serve over
toast or bread.

79. For a main-dish sandwich, toast
cheese on bread in the oven, under the
broiler, or in a frying pan. Dip in egg-
and-milk mixture, then fry for a French-
toasted sandwich.

80. Serve cottage cheese "as is," sea-
soned to taste—and in salad and sand-


81. Serve eggs as eggs ■ — soft-cooked
hard-cooked, deviled, poached, fried,
baked, scrambled. For best results keep
heat moderate when you cook eggs.

82. For a hearty baked dish, mix hard-
cooked eggs, cheese sauce, macaroni, or
spaghetti, and top with bread crumbs.

83. For egg sandwiches, fry an egg firm,
or combine sliced hard-cooked eggs with
salad dressing. . . . Mix scrambled eggs,
hot or cold, with catsup o

84. Make a c

eggs, cooked c

, pudding from beaten
i, milk, and seasonings.


85, For plain cooked beans, soak, sim-
mer slowly in a covered pan. Flavor with
something salt, sour, fresh, crisp, bright,
or spicy.

M. Bake beans long and slowly. Good
seasonings are molasses, mustard, salt

87. For a baked loaf or croquettes com-
bine mashed or chopped cooked beans,
milk, beaten eggs, bread crumbs, and sea-

88. For better bean soup, add finely
chopped peanuts . . . tomatoes . . . car-
rots ... or a few slices of frankfurter
or bits of cooked ham or sausage.

89. Hearty bean sandwich fillings. Com-
bine baked beans with onion, pickle, rel-
ish, or catsup. . . . Moisten with salad
dressings. . . . Combine chopped peanuts
and baked beans.


90. For a loaf or croquetles, mix chopped
roasted peanuts with carrot or other
chopped vegetables. Bind together and

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