[PDF]12 months to $1 million by Ryan Daniel Moran

[PDF]12 Months to $1 Million by Ryan Daniel Moran is a solid, repeatable 10-step roadmap for how to take a business from zero to one million in a way that builds a brand you can then sell for more millions in the future.

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“lam confident that it will inspire a new kind of entrepreneur”
—-GARY VAYNERCHUK, chairman of VaynerMedia


T |


How to Pick a Winning Product,
Build a Real Business, and Become a



Foreword by RUSSELL BRUNSON, Founder of ClickFunnels.com

Praise for 12 Months to $1 Million

“Ryan has been on my podcast several times, and I enjoy watching his
journey. As douchey as this title is, I am confident that it will inspire a new
kind of entrepreneur.”

—Gary Vaynerchuk, chairman of VaynerX and bestselling author

“T failed as an entrepreneur countless times before the idea for Poo~Pourri
came to me when I was 42. My first year of business I exceeded $1 million in
sales, and I couldn’t have done it without the lessons I learned from all my
prior businesses. I wholeheartedly believe those experiences are a necessary
part of success, and Ryan has used his own challenges—and the knowledge
of so many inspiring and successful entrepreneurs that came before us—to
outline a recipe that will make it so much easier to expand your business and
yourself. Pay attention and reap the benefits!”

—Suzy Batiz, creator and CEO of Poo~Pourri and supernatural

“Ryan is literally the person that I reached out to when I decided to start a
business. I’ve met and interacted with his students, and his success stories are
too many to name. His events are top of class, especially when I’m the
emcee. With the world as polarized as it is, it takes a special ability to present
a unifying message around business, money, and capitalism, and Ryan does
just that. I’ve never seen someone provide such a detailed playbook to hitting
your first million, and there is no one better to do this than Ryan Daniel

—JP Sears, comedian, author, and host of Awaken With JP

Case Studies

“Ryan’s strategies and education were an integral part to helping us grow our

business past the million mark within the first year. After crossing seven
figures, we continued to work with Ryan as we scaled from seven figures to
eight. After two and a half years of running our business, we were fortunate
to have an eight-figure exit. Today, we have the freedom to travel the world
and invest in exciting projects. To say that this formula has changed my life
would be a huge understatement.”

—Alex Upperman, Kansas City, MO

“Thanks to Ryan’s videos, podcasts, and live events, I am on pace to have a
seven-figure business this year—that’s a big number for an immigrant from
Ukraine! However, Ryan’s work has helped me see that the payoff is more
than financial. I’ve created a community under my brand, Travelization. I
realize now that my business can help me make a positive change. Personal
wealth happens automatically when you create unique value for others. This
is such a fun game—it has given me financial freedom and the ability to
impact people around the world.”

—Andri Sadlak, Vancouver, BC

“Today, I not only run my own business, but I also advise and speak on
stages about this business. None of this would have ever happened if I hadn’t
been open to starting something completely new. I worked hard—and I still
do—but now I have the freedom to call my own shots for life. I can directly
track my new life to the day that I discovered Ryan’s work. No matter where
you are on your journey, pay attention—this is a wild ride!”

—Yev Marusenko, Seattle, WA

“T was thirty-eight when I started my first product’s brand. I only dreamed of
having the success that it would have—with over $100 million in sales the
first year, hundreds of jobs created, and millions of customers affected
around the world. I wish this book had existed when I began my journey, as it
contains many critical tips and lessons I had to learn the hard way. It is a
must-read for every aspiring entrepreneur. Strap in—you’re in for a heck of
an adventure.”

—Josh Bezoni, BioTrust, Austin, TX

“This material quite literally helped make me a millionaire. If you’re an
aspiring entrepreneur and want the chance to ditch the traditional ‘work 40-—
50 years in a 9 to 5 job and then retire when you’re old’ path, you should
follow the formula that Ryan laid out and people like me have implemented
and changed our lives with.”

—Chad Maghielse, Grand Rapids, Michigan/Luquillo, Puerto Rico

“Ryan and his methods helped me grow TruDog into the 39th fastest
privately held company in America. Right before we got our dream exit, our
stock was valued at $100 million! If Ryan can start with nothing and build
something—well so can I! Thank you, Ryan, for always being an

—Lori Taylor, Cincinatti, OH

“When someone claims to have a formula to make millions, it’s easy to be
skeptical. However, since we had heard so many great things about Ryan, my
husband and I took a chance on a workshop a year after starting our business
—and I’m so glad we did. Not only did we walk away with tangible
strategies to implement immediately, but, most important, Ryan inspired us to
THINK BIG. Two years later we sold our first company for eight figures, and
I couldn’t be more excited about the future.”

—Shauna Chadwell, Kansas City, MO

“From a job in corporate America ten years ago to starting an online
insurance agency, I always had a hunger for more. Today, I run several
seven-figure online businesses and a marketing agency and travel the world
to give speeches to other entrepreneurs. However, what excites me most is
that the freedom I now experience has allowed me to become a better
husband, father, and friend. Ryan’s content and the clarity that he provides
has been a big part of my growth.”

—Liran Hirschkorn, Long Island, NY

“My husband and I always dreamed of starting a nonprofit when we retired
from our medical practice. We always thought that it would be a twenty-year
project, but that all changed when we heard Ryan Daniel Moran give the ‘12

Months to $1 Million’ presentation for the first time. Not only has our
business gone from nothing to the mid-seven figures in just a few years, but
we sold our medical practice so that we can start our nonprofit more than a
decade earlier than we thought. Starting this business has been the craziest,
most fun, most challenging, and most rewarding thing that my husband and I
have ever done (besides having kids!).”

—Jenna Zigler, Austin, TX

“T became an entrepreneur because I wanted freedom. I knew that I was made
for something more than sitting at a desk all day. Ryan’s work gave me the
playbook for turning my dream into a reality. I crossed seven figures after my
first year, and three years in, I sold my business for a payday that set my
family and me up for life. This journey isn’t easy, but it’s worth it; not only
for the financial possibilities, but because of the person you become along the

—Chris Nowak, Dallas, TX

“T always dreamed of having freedom from a job and living life how I
wanted, but I never had a clear plan to make it happen. When I heard Ryan’s
‘12 Months to $1 Million’ plan at a live event, everything changed. It gave
me a roadmap to follow to grow my business, and we crossed the seven-
figure mark within about two years. Today, my wife, Katie, and I both get to
work within the business full-time. Being an entrepreneur isn’t easy—it takes
a lot of dedication and focus—but Ryan’s podcasts and videos have always
helped me when I needed an extra push. My advice to new entrepreneurs is to
‘go for it,’ because this plan works.”

—Devin Dorosh, St. Louis, MO

“Since discovering the ‘12 Months To $1 Million’ plan, I have proudly built
my first internet business beyond the seven-figure mark. It has allowed me to
be a full-time entrepreneur and to live life on my own terms. I work hard, I
believe in what we are creating, and I am passionate about growing every
day. Everything started with this playbook and my desire to succeed.”

—Justin Ray, Fort Collins, CO

“As of this past year, I am proud to say that our business crossed seven
figures; the ‘12 Months To $1 Million’ plans works, and I am proof of it! I
love being a full-time entrepreneur and am so proud of what we are

—Jason Franciosa, Element 26

“This book has lots of words in it, and I like that. Also, I really like the size
of the book. I can’t read yet, but I’m sure other people will like it.”

—Esther Moran, 4 Years Old



How to Pick a Winning Product,
Build a Real Business, and Become a



BenBella Books, Inc.
Dallas, TX



This book is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information about entrepreneurship. Neither
the author nor the publisher is engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services by
publishing this book. If any such assistance is required, the services of a qualified financial professional
should be sought. The author and publisher will not be responsible for any liability, loss, or risk
incurred as a result of the use and application of any information contained in this book.

Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as
trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book and BenBella Books was aware of a
trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial capital letters.

12 Months to $1 Million copyright © 2020 by Ryan Moran

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without
written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles
or reviews.


BenBella Books, Inc.

10440 N. Central Expressway, Suite 800

Dallas, TX 75231


Send feedback to feedback@benbellabooks.com

BenBella is a federally registered trademark.
First E-Book Edition: May 2020

Library of Congress Control Number: 2019051641
ISBN 9781948836951 (print)
ISBN 9781950665143 (electronic)

Editing by Gregory Brown

Copyediting by Elizabeth Degenhard

Cover design by 99designs/TopHills and Sarah Avinger

Text design by Publishers’ Design & Production Services, Inc.
Composition by PerfecType, Nashville, TN

Proofreading by Christine Florie and Michael Fedison
Indexing by WordCo Indexing Services, Inc.

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For Esther.
You were born for such a time as this.

—— NOTE ————_

At examples, podcast interviews, and case studies can be downloaded for
free at www.Capitalism.com/best.

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—— CONTENTS ————

Foreword by Russell Brunson
Preface: Don’t Read This Book


The Landscape of Opportunity

The Mindset of a Seven-Figure Entrepreneur
Step One: Choose Your Customer

Step Two: Develop Your First Product

Step Three: Funding Your Business

Step Four: Stack the Deck

Step Five: Launching Your First Product

Step Six: Growing to Twenty-Five Sales a Day
Step Seven: Build a Million-Dollar Brand

Step Eight: Getting to $100k per Month and Beyond
Step Nine: Putting It All Together

Step Ten: The Big Payday

Conclusion: The Adventure Never Ends
About the Author


Your one funnel away.”

These words are my promise to entrepreneurs.

My name is Russell Brunson, and I lead a community of entrepreneurs
who build simple and profitable businesses. We call ourselves “funnel

I have personally seen thousands of women and men create businesses
with nothing more than an idea and a drive to succeed. To date, we have
more than 600 community members in our “two-comma club”—individuals
who sold at least a million dollars on our software platform, ClickFunnels.

None of us come with silver spoons in our mouths. We don’t have big
teams, and we don’t cheat by raising money from venture capital firms; if
anyone does invest in us, it is usually a few thousand dollars from someone
who believed in our crazy dreams. We don’t begin with unique skills or
previous experience. We don’t come from families of business moguls. We
are simply passionate business builders who can’t do anything except be

Why’? Because above else, we desire freedom.

We desire the freedom to give more to our families, our communities, and
our churches, and we desire to leave the world better than how we found it.
We desire the freedom to give our kids the advantages that we did not have.
We desire the freedom to see the world and live life on our own terms.

I believe that every person is one funnel, one idea, or one breakthrough
away from their version of freedom. You are one funnel away from the life
that you want. One funnel away from a seven-figure business (if you want it

to grow that big). One funnel away from the life that you desire most.

There are thousands of us, and we are changing the world.

As successful as we may be, our family of “funnel hackers” is just one
drop in the wave of entrepreneurship that started blossoming after 2008. Until
then, entrepreneurship was risky; who wants to take a risk when you can have
a cozy, cushy job?

But once the idea of a safe and secure career came crashing down with
the economy, dreamers like us decided that we might as well take a shot at
creating life on our own terms. If it was possible to lose everything in an
economic collapse, then we might as well take a small risk to be happy and
free for the rest of our lives!

That was when pioneers in our industry started breaking the mold.
Entrepreneurs who had been sitting on the sidelines started to find ways
around the system, and together, we broke all the rules of business.

As a result, the floodgates of opportunity blew wide open. People who
had never owned a business before started getting into the game.

Opportunities like social media, crowdfunding, Amazon, funnel hacking,
drop shipping, and other new technologies made it possible for anyone to
start a business. Even the “average” person could create a product (or sell
someone else’s) and become a full-time entrepreneur.

Some people became millionaires. And it continues to happen every
single day.

While entrepreneurship used to be weird, it is now a popular and desired
career. Kids across the world want to grow up to be entrepreneurs. That’s a
good thing because we are the ones who create jobs, create opportunity, and
(as Ryan likes to put it) create change.

We are still in the second inning of this wave of entrepreneurship. More

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