[PDF]Wheels Of Light; Chakras, Auras, And The Healing Energy Of The Body Rosalyn Bruyere

[PDF]Wheels of Light explores the seven chakras, or energy centers, of the body with particular focus on the first chakra, which has to do with our basic life force, our physical bodies, and our sexuality.Drawing on scientific research, Native American culture, the ancient traditions of the Egyptians and Greeks, the philosophies of the Hindus, and the religions of the East, Rosalyn L. Bruyere presents a unique perspective on the value and healing potential of the chakra system. ROSALYN BRUYERE is an internationally acclaimed healer, clairvoyant, and medicine woman. Trained as an engineer, she was instrumental in the eight-year research on the human electromagnetic field conducted at UCLA.An ordained minister, she is the founder and director of the Healing Light Center Church now in Sierra Madra, California where she also offers a four-year training program for healers. CONTENTSI. Wheels of LightOne: The Ancient and Modern Mystery 17The "Mysteries" of the Chakras 28Two: Wheels of Power 33Legend of the Rainbow Warrior 33Wheels of Power 39Chakras and Their Traditional Components 40Wheels of Light 40Secondary Chakras 41The Seven Chakra Bodies 44The Body as a Microcosm 47Animal and Elemental Nature of the ChakrasReligious Perspectives of the Chakras 56Historical Perspectives 57History of Chakras in the West: Theosophists' Theory 57The Two Worlds of the Chakras 58Three: What Is an Aura 59Auric Field: Field of Life 59Vibration, Color, and Harmonics of the Aura 61Energy: The Basic Component of the Body 65Identical Nature of the Chakras 67Location of the Chakras 68The Flow of Energy Up the Chakras 69Direction of Spin of the Chakras 73Changing Frequencies: Interaction Between Chakras 76Relationships Between the Chakras 77Intake and Output 77Color Opposites, Color Therapy, and Empoweringwith Opposites 79The Male, Female, Androgyny, and Exogeny in theChakras 82Sustaining a Balanced Energy Field 84Maintaining Constancy 84Avoiding Chakra Displacement 85Alignment Exercise 88Four: The Chakras and Healing 91Scanning the Body and Transmitting or ChannelingEnergy 91Exercise: Feeling Energy 96Resistance to Being Healed 99Karma and Healing 100Definition of Health 100Meditation on the Chakras 101II. The First ChakraFive: Being Alive 107The First Chakra: Our Life Force 107Kundalini Energy: Keeping Us Alive 108Traditional Aspects of the First Chakra 108Astrological Sign, Physical Element, and Gemstone 108The Bee, the Dragon, the Horse, and the Serpent 111Snake Mythology: The Goddess Religion and the Power of the Undulate 118Ida and Pengali: Dual Male and Female Aspects of the First Chakra 128Initiation and the First Chakra 133Kundalini Initiation and the Siddhi Powers 133Greece: Initiation in the Tholoi 136Egypt: Initiation in the Pyramids 138The Eleusinian Mystery 139Modern Initiation 141Six: Kundalini: Seat of the Physical Body 143The Root Chakra 143Breath, Prana, and Mind 144Kundalini and the Nervous System 145The Kundalini Awakening 147Breathing and Exercises for the Kundalini 151Kundalini and the Mysteries 153Kundalini Energy: Working on Two Channels Simultaneously 154Kundalini, Nervous Breakdowns, and Meditation 155First Chakra Energy in the American Culture 156Suppression of the Life Force 156Addictions and the First Chakra 157Release of Suppressed Energies and Fixations 158Limitations of Too Little Kundalini 159Seven: Fire Power 161Power and the Kundalini 161Dual Qualities of the First Chakra: Powers of Spirit and Matter, Life and Death 163Kundalini Power in the Ancient and Modern World:Charisma and Humility 164Yin and Yang Principle: Withholding and ReclaimingPower 165Using Power Appropriately 167The Need for Power in Service 169Kundalini and Prosperity 169Eight: Sexuality, Kundalini, and Karma 171Sexuality: Exchange 171Orgasm: Empowerment and Mergence 172Orgasm: A Trance State 174Sexuality and the Spiritual: Mergence with Deity 175Sexuality and Service 176The Kundalini Center and Karma 178Nine: Science and the Chakras 179The Rolf Study 179Red on the Oscilloscope 182Red in Rolfing and Healing 183The DC Shift 184Traumas and DC Shifts: Access to the Subconscious 187Ten: Disease and Dysfunction 189Sickle-Cell Anemia and Cancer: A Question of Power 189The Cancer Cell 193 ,Cancer Treatment 194Arthritis, Colitis, and Alzheimer's Disease 197Inflammatory Disease: Anger, Fear, and Pain 199Hypertension and Heart Disease 201Genetic Disease 203Bacterial and Viral Infections, Broken Bones, and Scar Tissue: Healing with Red Frequency 204Treating Overdoses 205Gynecological Problems and the Effects of the Hysterectomy 205Opportunistic Viruses and Infections: Treating Sexually Transmitted Diseases 207Listening to the Kundalini 216Appendix I: The Rolf Study 219Appendix II: The Essence of Hopi Prophecy 234Appendix III: Electromagnetic Radiation and Its Spectrum 241Appendix IV: Electricity and Magnetism 249Glossary 253Notes 262Photograph and Illustration Credits 274Index 278

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“With ingenuity and grace, Rosalyn L. Bruyere connects the
physical realms of manifestation with the dimensions of the spirit...
A true healer’s healer." —Lynn Andrews, author of Medicine Woman

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Chakras, Auras, and the
Healing Energy of the Body



New Age/Health

“Rosalyn L. Bruyere has been one of the most important teachers of hands-
on healing in the world for many years. I will always be grateful for what I
have learned from her.”

—Barbara Brennan, author of Hands of Light


“Wheels of Light serves as a bridge between science and mysticism by pro-
viding, in well-researched and readable language, essential keys to under-
standing ourselves and our evolutionary journey.”

—Dan Millman, author of The Way of the Peaceful Warrior

“We ignore ancient wisdom at our individual and collective peril. Wheels of
Light literally helps us find the light. You will finish this book with a pro-
found respect for life.”

—Rita Mae Brown, author of Rubyfruit Jungle

"A most impressive blend of extensive research and expert personal obser-
vation, this book is an absolute must for anyone interested in this subject.”
—Meditation magazine

Rosatyn L. BRUYERE is an internationally acclaimed healer, clairvoyant, and
medicine woman. Trained as an engineer, she was instrumental in the
eight-year research on the human electromagnetic field conducted at UCLA.
An ordained minister, she is the founder and director of the Healing Light
Center Church in Glendale, California, where she also offers a four-year
training program for healers. She lives in Sierra Madre, California.

Cover design by Cherlynne Li
Cover illustration by Victoria Allen

A Fireside Book
Published by Simon & Schuster
US.$1 4.00 New York

ISBN O-671-79b24-0 Can.$19.00 04941400


Rosalyn L. Bruyere

‘edited by Jeanne Farrens

A Frresipe Book

Published by Simon & Schuster

New York London Toronto -Sydney
Tokyo Singapore


Rockefeller Center

1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10020

Copyright © 1989, 1991, 1994 by Rosalyn L. Bruyere

All rights reserved including the right of
reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

FIRESIDE and colophon are registered trademarks of
Simon & Schuster Inc.

Manufactured in the United States of America

10 9 8
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Bryuere, Rosalyn L.
Wheels of light : chakras, auras, and the healing
energy of the body / Rosalyn L. Bryuere.

p- cm.
Originally published: Sierra Madre, Calif. : Bon
Productions, ©1989.
“A Fireside book.”
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Chakras. 2. Aura. 3. Medicine, Magic,
mystic, and spagyric.
I. Title.
BF1442.C53B79 1994
133.8—dc20 93-38291

ISBN: 0-67 1-79624-0

Wheels of Light reflects the views and personal
experience of the author. This book is not intended
as a guide to independent self-healing or diagnosis.
No medical claim is made as to the effect or
outcome of the exercises described in this volume.

The author has made every effort to contact the
proper copyright holders of certain material
included in this volume, but has not in all cases
been successful. If you believe that you are one of
the copyright holders, please contact the author in
c/o Simon & Schuster.


The publisher wishes to thank the following for permission to reprint se-
lections and illustrations in this book.

Valerie V. Hunt, Ed.D. for material from Project Report: A Study of Struc-
tural Integration from Neuromuscular Energy Field, and Emotional

HarperCollins, New York, for material from The Great Initiates by Edward

HarperCollins, San Francisco, for material from Mystery Religions in the
Ancient World by Joscelyn Godwin.

Lucis Publishing Company, New York, for material from The Rays and
Initiations by Alice Bailey.

The Philosophical Research Society, Los Angeles, for material from The
Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manley P. Hall.

State University of New York, Albany, N.Y., for material from Ancient
Wisdom and Modern Science, edited by Stanislav Grof, M.D.

The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, II1., for material from Talks
on the Path to Occultism by Annie Besant and C, W. Leadbeater, and from
Theories of the Chakras by Hiroshi Motoyama.

Penguin Books, New York, for illustrations from Book of the Hopi by Frank
Waters, with drawings and source materials recorded by Oswald White Bear

Timeless Books, Porthill, Ida., for illustrations from Kundalini Yoga for the
West by Swami Sivananda Radha.

Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian. Santa Fe, N.M., for illus-

trations from Navaho Figurines Called Dolls by Roger Kelly, R. W. Lang,
and Harry Walters.


To all the students of seventeen years
who asked, ‘‘What’s an aura?”

To all my teachers, the kind elders who said,
“You're all right, kid, but you sure are slow.”
And in loving memory of Hugh Blake,
who supported this work even in passing.


‘Te are many whose talents, efforts, and gen-
erosity have contributed to the creation of this
eocccece book. From its inception to its completion, I
have been fortunate to be assisted by the kind and dedicated
support of those many who gave so graciously and lovingly.

I am grateful to Dr. Valerie Hunt for her inspiration, for
providing me- with the first opportunity to have my personal
experience of the chakras tested and corroborated scientifically,
and for her kind permission to include results of that research in
the text and Appendix of this volume; Lyle Brady for his critical
evaluation and valuable suggestions; and Terry Oleson for his
support. I wish to thank Gloria Orenstein and Karen Segal for
their astute observations and critiques and for sharing their schol-
arship with me; Orville McKinley, M.D. for contributing his
knowledge of Navaho ceremony and teachings; Maria Bauer Hall
for sharing her convictions and the insights of work that has
spanned nearly half a century; Grace Fogg at ARE, Michael King
at the Theosophical Publishing House, and Rebecca Lang at the
Liverpool Museum for their kind and prompt assistance; and
Jaime Dunaway for his critical eye and enthusiastic encourage-


also gratefully acknowledge Charlotte Kaiser for her draw-
ings, and Debbie West and Paulette Kelly for their willingness
to do whatever was needed to prepare this manuscript for pub-
lication. I am grateful to my researchers, Stephanie Roth, Shelby
Hammit, and Jeanne Farrens, for their long hours and excellent
abilities; to Kristen McCall, who cheerfully and tirelessly tran-
scribed over three thousand pages of lecture material; and to Ken
Weintrub for generously assisting me to hear my words as others
will when they read this book. I wish to further express my
gratitude to Robert E. Williams for his time and beautiful pho-
tographic contributions; my deep appreciation to Susan Roths-
child, who can work miracles with light and a camera; and
grateful acknowledgment to Karen Haskin for her generosity, her
remarkable talent, and her exquisite illustrations. I am pro-
foundly grateful to Margie M. Smith for her computer drawings,
for her technical assistance, and, most especially, for having trav-
eled the path before me and for possessing the expertise to have
brought this book to publication.

I extend heartfelt appreciation to my editorial staff, Maria
Bartolotta, Susan Brown, and Jeanne Farrens for their dedication,
talents, and generosity, and sincerest gratitude to them for their
continued support, affection, and friendship. I would like espe-
cially to acknowledge Jeanne Farrens, for her love of both lan-
guage and healing; her encouragement and commitment, more
than that of any other, assisted me in completing this work.
Finally, to those who lovingly supported me throughout this proj-
ect, and to all who patiently waited for this book, thank you.



] Wheels of Light

One: The Ancient and Modern Mystery 17
The “Mysteries” of the Chakras 28

Two: Wheels of Power 33

Legend of the Rainbow Warrior 33
Wheels of Power 39
Chakras and Their Traditional Components 40
Wheels of Light 40
Secondary Chakras 41
The Seven Chakra Bodies 44
The Body as a Microcosm 47
Animal and Elemental Nature of the Chakras 51
Religious Perspectives of the Chakras 56
Historical Perspectives 57
History of Chakras in the West: Theosophists’
Theory 57
The Two Worlds of the Chakras 58

Three: What Is an Aura? 59

Auric Field: Field of Life 59

Vibration, Color, and Harmonics of the Aura 61
Energy: The Basic Component of the Body 65

Identical Nature of the Chakras 67

Location of the Chakras 68

The Flow of Energy Up the Chakras 69

Direction of Spin of the Chakras 73

Changing Frequencies: Interaction Between Chakras 76



Relationships Between the Chakras 77
Intake and Output 77
Color Opposites, Color Therapy, and Empowering
with Opposites 79
The Male, Female, Androgyny, and Exogeny in the
Chakras 82
Sustaining a Balanced Energy Field 84
Maintaining Constancy 84
Avoiding Chakra Displacement 85
Alignment Exercise 88

Four: The Chakras and Healing 91

Scanning the Body and Transmitting or Channeling
Energy 91

Exercise: Feeling Energy 96

Resistance to Being Healed 99

Karma and Healing 100

Definition of Health 100

Meditation on the Chakras 101

Il The First Chakra


Five: Being Alive 107

The First Chakra: Our Life Force 107
Kundalini Energy: Keeping Us Alive 108
Traditional Aspects of the First Chakra 108
Astrological Sign, Physical Element, and
Gemstone 108°
The Bee, the Dragon, the Horse, and the
Serpent 111
Snake Mythology: The Goddess Religion and the
Power of the Undulate 118
Ida and Pengali: Dual Male and Female Aspects of
the First Chakra 128
Initiation and the First Chakra 133
Kundalini Initiation and the Siddhi Powers 133
Greece: Initiation in the Tholoi 136
Egypt: Initiation in the Pyramids 138
The Eleusinian Mystery 139
Modern Initiation 141



Six: Kundalini: Seat of the Physical Body 143

The Root Chakra 143
Breath, Prana, and Mind 144
Kundalini and the Nervous System 145
The Kundalini Awakening 147
Breathing and Exercises for the Kundalini 151
Kundalini and the Mysteries 153
Kundalini Energy: Working on Two Channels
Simultaneously 154
Kundalini, Nervous Breakdowns, and Meditation 155
First Chakra Energy in the American Culture 156
Suppression of the Life Force 156
Addictions and the First Chakra 157
Release of Suppressed Energies and Fixations 158
Limitations of Too Little Kundalini 159

Seven: Fire Power 161

Power and the Kundalini 161

Dual Qualities of the First Chakra: Powers of Spirit and
Matter, Life and Death 163

Kundalini Power in the Ancient and Modern World:
Charisma and Humility 164

Yin and Yang Principle: Withholding and Reclaiming
Power 165

Using Power Appropriately 167

The Need for Power in Service 169

Kundalini and Prosperity 169

Eight: Sexuality, Kundalini, and Karma 171

Sexuality: Exchange 171

Orgasm: Empowerment and Mergence 172

Orgasm: A Trance State 174

Sexuality and the Spiritual: Mergence with Deity 175
Sexuality and Service 176

The Kundalini Center and Karma 178

Nine: Science and the Chakras 179

The Rolf Study 179
Red on the Oscilloscope 182
Red in Rolfing and Healing 183



The DC Shift 184
Traumas and DC Shifts: Access to the Subconscious 187

Ten: Disease and Dysfunction 189

Sickle-Cell Anemia and Cancer: A Question of
Power 189

The Cancer Cell 193 '

Cancer Treatment 194

Arthritis, Colitis, and Alzheimer’s Disease 197

Inflammatory Disease: Anger, Fear, and Pain 199

Hypertension and Heart Disease 201

Genetic Disease 203

Bacterial and Viral Infections, Broken Bones, and Scar
Tissue: Healing with Red Frequency 204

Treating Overdoses 205

Gynecological Problems and the Effects of the
Hysterectomy 205

Opportunistic Viruses and Infections: Treating Sexually
Transmitted Diseases 207

Listening to the Kundalini 216

Appendix I: The Rolf Study 219

Appendix II: The Essence of Hopi Prophecy 234

Appendix IIT: Electromagnetic Radiation and Its
Spectrum 241

Appendix IV: Electricity and Magnetism 249
Glossary 253
Notes 262

Photograph and Illustration Credits 274

Index 278


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The Ancient and Modern

question I can count on every new student to ask
is ‘“What’s a aura?” From antiquity there has been
a myriad of literary and pictorial descriptions of the aura. Some-
times it has been depicted as a luminous radiation surrounding
the body. Frequently, it has been pictured as a kind of light around
the head—which some religious traditions call a halo. Most of
us are familiar with paintings of haloed Christian saints. In earlier
Chinese and Japanese art, a single and sometimes a triple halo
surrounds the head of images of the bodhisattva or Buddha. In
ancient Egyptian culture, the aura was often depicted as wings
enfolding the body. In Native American tradition, the radiant
aura of the buffalo has given rise to the legend of the white buffalo.
When Matthew (17:2) describes the transfiguration of Christ, he
says that Jesus’s face ‘did shine as the sun,” and “his raiment
was white as the light.” Luke (9:29) adds that Jesus’s raiment
was “glistering.” This is a Biblical description of Christ’s aura,
which the Apostles Peter, James, and John were able to see when
they were taken by their Master to a mountain just prior to his
People who are able to see auras have often reported seeing

|: my twenty years as a healer and teacher, the one

“e 17°


a kind of luminous radiation surrounding an individual, usually
consisting of one or sometimes several colors. We now know that
the aura, or auric field, relates to the electromagnetic field, which
emanates from all matter. This field of energy, which usually
extends five or six inches around the body, is outside the range
of normal vision and in what is sometimes termed the realm of
psychic sight. But even those who can’t see the aura can still
have an experience of it. The aura is what keeps us from bumping
our shopping carts into one another in the supermarket. It’s what
allows us to sense another’s presence in a darkened room, and
it’s what makes someone turn to look at us across a crowded

This implies that the aura is not just a reflection of light,
as might have been assumed from the literary descriptions and
paintings of old. It is an emanation, a luminous radiation, a field
of light or energy that extends beyond the body to interact with
our external environment. It is an energy system that keeps body
and mind alive and healthy, and may in actuality create them.

The aura itself is generated by the spinning of smaller vor-
tices of energy located within the body. Different religious tra-
ditions have called these subtle energy centers different things,
but the word most commonly used is chakra from the Sanskrit
word meaning ‘wheel of light.” These seven chakras are who
and what we are, what we feel and how we think and change.
They are how we express ourselves and how we create. Although
we as Westerners have no cognitive awareness of its energies, the
chakra system is precisely the means by which we gain aware-
ness. It is how we experience life, how we perceive reality, and
how we relate to self, others, and the world, It is life itself.

As we explore the aura and the chakras, it is important for
us to view our journey not as revolutionary, but rather as very
traditional. Chakras, as well as auras and electromagnetic fields,
are as old as the earth itself. The chakra system, in fact, is a part

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