[PDF]The Sinatra Solution; Metabolic Cardiology-Stephen Sinatra

[PDF]Table of ContentsPraise for THE SINATRA SOLUTIONAcknowledgmentsAuthor’s Note to the Revised EditionIntroduction1 Integrative Cardiology2 Miracles in the Midst    Ejection Fraction3 ATP: The Miracle of Life4 The Spark of Life: Coenzyme Q10    Adverse Events Reported for Long-Term Usage of Coenzyme Q10 in 5,000 Patients5 L-Carnitine: The Energy Shuttle    What Are AminoCarnitines?    Potential GlycoCarn Benefits*6 D-Ribose: The Sugar of Life—The Missing Link    A Letter from a Medical Professional on the Benefits of Ribose Therapy7 Magnesium: The Unsung Hero8 The Sinatra Solution for Strengthening the Heart and BodyConclusionGlossaryResourcesReferencesAbout the AuthorFront Cover FlapBack Cover FlapBack Cover MaterialIndexboth formats are cleaned and bookmarked

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Revive, Rejuvenate, and
Revitalize Your Heart pai



M.D., FA.C.C., FA.CLN., CNS.

Introduction by James C. Roberts, M. D., FA.C.C..



Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D., FA.C.C.

Introduction by James C. Roberts, M.D., FA.C.C.



The information contained in this book is based upon the research and personal and profes-
sional experiences of the author. It is not intended as a substitute for consulting with your
physician or other healthcare provider. Any attempt to diagnose and treat an illness should
be done under the direction of a healthcare professional.

The publisher does not advocate the use of any particular healthcare protocol but believes
the information in this book should be available to the public. The publisher and author are
not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of the sug-
gestions, preparations, or procedures discussed in this book. Should the reader have any
questions concerning the appropriateness of any procedures or preparation mentioned, the
author and the publisher strongly suggest consulting a professional healthcare advisor.

Basic Health Publications, Inc.

28812 Top of the World Drive

Laguna Beach, CA 92651

949-715-7327 * www.basichealthpub.com

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Sinatra, Stephen T.
The Sinatra solution : metabolic cardiology / Stephen Sinatra.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-59120-216-5
1. Heart—Diseases—Alternative treatment. 2. Heart—Metabolism.
3, Energy metabolism. 4. Ubiquinones—Therapeutic use.
5. Carnitine—Therapeutic use. 6. Ribose—Therapeutic use. 1. Title.

RC684.A48S565 2005

Copyright © 2005, 2008 by Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D., FA.C.C.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other-
wise, without the prior written consent of the copyright owner.

Editor: Karen Anspach
Typesetting/Graphic design: Gary A. Rosenberg
Cover design: Mike Stromberg

Printed in the United States of America

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Table of Contents

Title Page
Author’s Note to the Revised Edition
Integrative Cardiology
Miracles in the Midst
ATP: The Miracle of Life
The Spark of Life: Coenzyme Q10
L-Carnitine: The Energy Shuttle
D-Ribose: The Sugar of Life—The Missing Link
Magnesium: The Unsung Hero
The Sinatra Solution for Strengthening the Heart and Body
About the Author
Front Cover Flap

Back Cover Flap
Back Cover Material


Dr. Sinatra has done a superb job explaining the fundamentals of
the emerging field aptly named metabolic cardiology, which integrates
the latest nutrition science with clinical cardiology. The complex
biochemical mechanisms underlying heart function and the critical role
of ATP are discussed in a very lucid yet simple manner. Dr. Sinatra
makes a compelling case for the importance of the nutrients coenzyme
Q10, carnitine, and ribose in the bioenergetics of the heart and for their
critical role in heart function, based upon solid scientific evidence.

—Hemmi N. Bhagavan, Ph.D., F.A.C.N.

Appropriately named, The Sinatra Solution contains very simple,
practical, and natural solutions for effectively dealing with some of the
most challenging chronic illnesses that patients and physicians face.
Conditions as diverse as cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure,
cardiac arrhythmias, angina, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, chronic
fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia are resolved, or dramatically
improved, by the natural nutritional solutions described here. I can say
this with certainty because I have seen these results in my patients with
these conditions using the same solutions.

—W. Lee Cowden, M.D., F.A.C.C.

Board Certified in Cardiology and Internal Medicine Coauthor, An
Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer and Longevity:
An Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide

The deleterious effects of aging on the heart is something all baby
boomers must know about to maintain their health and quality of life.
You can’t afford to miss this essential information presented by Dr.
Sinatra in an easily understood format.

—Vincent C. Giampapa, M.D, F.A.C.S.

Past President, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
Author, The Anti-Aging Solution

I feel this book can save thousands of lives and improve the quality
of life for millions of patients. I totally agree with and support the
concepts Dr. Sinatra so carefully validated with his own clinical
experience as outlined in the outstanding list of important references he
has provided to support this vital breakthrough in metabolic cardiology.
Finally, due to Dr. Sinatra’s leadership, many more patients will be
able to convince their physicians to deal with the causes and stop

treating the symptoms with dangerous and _ all-too-often largely
ineffective drugs.

—G.F. Gordon, M.D., D.O., M.D.(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

Another definitive book on heart disease from a respected
colleague who I have long recognized as America’s premier voice for
complementary cardiology.

—Ronald L. Hoffman, M.D., C.N.S.

Fantastic! Dr. Stephen Sinatra writes like Frank Sinatra sings. The
Sinatra Solution is a must-read for anyone wishing to prevent or treat
heart disease effectively.

—Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
Author, The Better Memory Kit

The Sinatra Solution answers all your questions about coenzyme
Q10, L-carnitine, D-ribose, and magnesium, and more important, how
these work together so that you can both prevent and treat existing
heart disease. This book is a must-read for clinicians, patients, and
anyone who wants to achieve optimal cardiovascular health, vitality,
and energy!

—Shari Lieberman, Ph.D., C.N.S., F.A.C.N.

Founding Dean, NY Chiropractic College’s MS Degree in Clinical
Nutrition Coauthor, The Real Vitamin & Mineral Book

The Sinatra Solution presents a new approach to the use of
important nutraceuticals in treatment and prevention of heart disease
and related conditions. I sincerely believe that the application of
nutritional medicine to the treatment of vascular disease will prove to
be a major advance in medicine in the twenty-first century. This book
contains a great deal of valuable information for physicians, scientists,
and patients who are interested in treatment and prevention of vascular

—Kilmer McCully, M.D.
Author, The Heart Revolution

This innovative approach offers another opportunity to halt the
ravages of heart disease and keep the most poetic of our organs healthy.

Mehmet Oz, M.D.,
Professor of Surgery

Director, Cardiovascular Institute Vice Chairman, Cardiovascular

The Sinatra Solution provides powerful information for presenting
and treating heart disease supported by the leading edge of medical
research. Dr. Sinatra’s program is comprehensive and effective while
remaining user-friendly.

—David Perlmutter, M.D., F.A.C.N.
Author, The Better Brain Book

This remarkable book proves that, once again, Dr. Sinatra is at the
forefront of cardiologists delivering solutions that prevent and treat
heart disease. Thanks to this groundbreaking research focusing on the
combination of three super nutrients—coenzyme Q10, L-carnitine, and
D-ribose—a new generation of metabolic cardiology has been
launched. With heartwarming, memorable case histories and clear,
scientific explanation, The Sinatra Solution proves that it may well be
the single most important book on cardiovascular therapeutic
intervention in print.

—Nicholas Perricone, M.D.
Author, The Perricone Promise and The Perricone Prescription

Written for healthcare professional and laymen, for the healthy and
the sick, The Sinatra Solution is a must-read. Dr. Sinatra details in
clear, understandable language exactly how you can create more
metabolic energy so you’re better able to enjoy your life. As Dr. Sinatra
writes, “...think ENERGY, ENERGY, ENERGY!” That’s what this
book’s all about—detailing how you get it and how you keep it.

—Louis Rinaldi
Nutritionist, Park City, Utah

Steve Sinatra wrote the book on cardiology, health, and nutrition—
and it’s called The Sinatra Solution. If you’re interested in keeping
your heart healthy and young for decades, you need to read this book.
Steve’s my go-to source for everything to do with heart disease, and I
know of no cardiologist in the country who knows more about nutrition
than he does.

—Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S.
Author, The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth

The Sinatra Solution is a must-read for all healthcare professionals
as well as all individuals who are concerned about enhancing health

and longevity. Dr. Sinatra is the consummate physician not only in
cardiology, but also in nutrition, prevention, and antiaging. The
research and clinical data in this book will help millions of people.

—Frederic J. Vagnini, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.C.C.

Medical Director, Heart, Diabetes & Weight Loss Centers of New

If you have heart problems and use the safe, effective, research-
proven natural metabolites discussed in Dr. Sinatra’s book, you'll
really notice the difference and add years to your life! Highly

—Jonathan V. Wright, M.D.
Medical Director, Tahoma Clinic

Author, Natural Hormone Replacement for Women Over 45

This book is dedicated to all my patients who placed their trust
and faith in me to help improve the quality of their lives. Many of
you have shared your life-and-death stories in this book, and I
want you all to know that you have touched my own heart on
multiple occasions as I’ve personally witnessed the suffering you


This book could not have been done without the assistance of
Clarence Johnson, Ph.D. Dr. Johnson, with his biochemical
background, was extraordinarily important in the research, writing, and
editing of this book. His expansive knowledge on ATP metabolism and
D-ribose was invaluable.

Jan Sinatra, my wife, editor, co-author of multiple books, and most
important my best friend and partner in life, I cannot thank enough.

Jo-Anne Piazza, my invaluable assistant and most important
advisor, continues to be the most steadfast confidante I could ever hope

To Step Sinatra, my son, an invaluable and trusted advisor.

A heartfelt thank-you goes out to Stan Jankowitz who pulled this
project together. And to Ken Hassen, Ph.D., Raj Chopra, and Thomas
VonderBrink as well as to Norman Goldfind of Basic Health
Publications, Inc., Karen Anspach, my editor, and Gary Rosenberg,
graphic designer.

I also wish to thank the Sinatra Heart, Health, and Nutrition
newsletter franchise team, especially Tom Phillips, the founder of
Phillips Publishing and a dear friend. Thank you for helping me to get
my message out to an enormous number of people. Thanks go to Kevin
Donoghue, Ed Hauck, Robert Austen, Erica Bullard, Roger DiFato,
Gail Diggs, Judy Brandon, Melissa Mintz, Lynn Nopper, Elisa Novak,
Sue Peterson, Michele Raynor, Steve Farmer, Ruby Sherman, Cindy
Champion, Tom Ehart, Bob Kroening, Tony Cornish, Pam Simons,
Rachel Dorfman, Debi Schenck, Jamie Whaley, Martin Zucker, and
anyone I failed to mention.

To Richard Passwater, Ph.D., for his insightful comments
regarding genetic vulnerabilities in reductase pathways.

And last but not least, I want to thank Elizabeth Walsh for her
meticulous and endearing cover photographs.

Author’s Note to the Revised Edition

It gives me enormous gratitude to know that since the first edition
of The Sinatra Solution was published in 2005, thousands of readers
have benefited from learning how to implement metabolic cardiology
solutions into their lives. Since writing the first edition, it has been
nothing short of a joyful experience for me to hear from doctors, their
patients, and my monthly newsletter subscribers from all over the
country who’ve approached me to share their success stories. They
have confirmed my experience that employing metabolic cardiology
solutions really works!

You see, many healthcare providers like myself are well trained in
the “traditional mode” of cardiology—drugs and surgical interventions
—but have become frustrated with the limitations of the conventional
approaches. Despite incredible advances, our patients still continue to
suffer while we search for even more options.

Despite all the medical advances in the last fifty years,
cardiovascular disease still remains the number-one killer of both men
and women. That’s a horrifying statistic! And because the first
symptom of cardiovascular disease will be sudden cardiac death for
approximately one half of all people who will suffer a heart attack, I
believe that prevention is our best solution. The problem with primary
preventive measures, however, is in how we apply them.

It’s my firm belief that the reason we become ill—whether it be
heart disease or any other condition—is really more about the about the
integrity of the cellular membrane of each and every cell in our bodies
than anything else. Simply stated, a healthy cell wall or membrane
allows nutrients in and toxins out.

To be healthy, the cell’s membrane must be able to “breathe” as it
ushers in the nutrients that support its metabolism, and safely expels the
waste products of those chemical reactions back out of the cell to be
excreted. So, driving enzymatic and biochemical reactions in a
preferential direction that revitalizes the life of the organism is key.
This is the concept behind metabolic cardiology. Supporting the
biochemical changes in living cells by which energy is provided for the
vital processes and activities of the cell is the solution. The metabolic
cardiology solutions that I use include targeted nutraceutical supports
that not only help to preserve precious mitochondrial function, but also
help drive the metabolic machinery in the right direction. But some of
the best “medicines” we have known thus far, i.e., pharmaceuticals,

actually BLOCK these important metabolic/enzymatic reactions,
instead of preserving and assisting them. Beta blockers, ACE
inhibitors, and statins—mainstays of traditional cardiology practice—
directly impede these key metabolic pathways.

The Secrets in the Cell

The importance of supporting energy production in individual heart
cells, and the preservation of the mitochondria in those cells, will be the
focus of a new and innovative field in cardiovascular prevention. I’ve
nicknamed this phenomena the “New Cardiology.” Let’s face it,
whenever individual heart cells are low on L-carnitine or coenzyme
Q10—necessary elements to protect and support inner mitochondrial
membranes—there can be serious defects in energy production. And
when energy production fails, cells can suffer and die prematurely. We
know the heart generates 60 to 70% of all the energy it demands from
the metabolism of fatty acids.

But without adequate nutrients onboard, like L-carnitine, to
transport fatty acids into heart cells and shuttle the toxic metabolites
out, cells will work inefficiently. The same is true of deficiencies in
coenzyme Q10. After measuring and tracking blood levels of coenzyme
Q10 levels in hundreds of patients for almost 20 years, I know that this
nutrient is down to dangerously low levels in many more people than I
would have ever dreamed possible! (and statin drugs block the
synthesis of this vital nutrient, so I predict that major deficiencies are
only going to become more common, not less)

For example, if you’re a pure vegetarian (no meat or fish), then
you’re not getting enough coenzyme Q10 from your diet. And should
you be taking statins, beta blockers, oral hypoglycemic medications or
tricyclic antidepressants, then your blood levels are going to be low; all
these synthetic drugs inhibit your body’s natural production of
coenzymeQ10. Most importantly, our coenzyme Q10 levels decline

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