[PDF]The Christian's Money and the Bible

[PDF]Does God care about a thing as mundane ... as money? Who has rights to it? Is there a "first responsibility" with it? These are questions ,,, you may want to know the answers to.

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The Christian’s Money - an Email Response

Robin Calamaio 2008 - Edit 2019

I recently received this email about, “No Tithe for the Christian. ” It is important for several
reasons. It contains at least four mistakes concerning a Christian’s money and God’s teaching and
expectations on this subject. Can you pinpoint them?

“Robin, came across your ebook on tithing. Not that I disagreed with line of reasoning but you ...
really gave no solutions to people who honestly want to know what they should give .... it wasn't much
help for those who want to be faithful to God with their finances and yet be responsible to their
families as well.... I don't believe that I live under the law .... Yet, I personally find 10% a good
baseline, not as law, but as the only reference to what 'my first fruits' might be .... I guess I wished you
had given more direction to helping people decide how to give than just bashing the tithing. ”

I do believe these were sincere comments, but I am not at all sure he actually read my ebook. In
dismantling the current teaching that has put the label “tithe” on it, I did offer the actual Biblical
positions for Christians today. But this email has several elements in it that I have heard at varied times
and is worth address. Also, it did move me to write an article that concisely addresses, “Compliance
Directives for the Christian's Cash and the Bible.” I am really glad I wrote that one. It gives tremendous
direction to the individual and to any local church. So, ... the four errors?

Error One: “I personally find 10% a good baseline,.... ”

This sounds reasonable at first glance. But, it is rests upon the assumption that there are no
directives to Christians in the New Testament concerning one's cash. First, each Christian has full
control over all his/her money at all times (Peter stated that to the lying Ananias just before his demise
[Ac 5:4]). Second, God has full rights to everything in that Christian’s hands. In fact, He has “double
rights” - Creation Rights and Redemption Rights. As Creator: “Whatever is under the whole heaven is
Mine” (Job 41:11) and as Redeemer: “You have been bought with a price” (ICor 6:20) - the blood of
Christ. A Christian’s responsibility is to discern, as he/she moves through life, what God wants done
with what is His. If there is some kind of baseline, it starts at... 100%.

Error Two: who want to be faithful to God with their finances and yet be responsible to their

families as well. “

There is Bible folklore that goes something like this: “Godfirst, family second, job third, ... ”
and on down the line. These lists pit “faithfulness to God” and “responsibility to family” as competing
interests. The “and yet ...” in the statement quoted in the header above is evidence he sees these two
desires as separate, and competing, interests. Look at it again. The Pharisees did that with, “Corban, ” -
”... anything of mine you might have been helped by is Corban ... given to God” (Mk 7:11). This
sounds very commendable and yet Jesus soundly rebuked them as promoting a teaching that was
“invalidating/nullifying the word of God by your traditions ” (Mk 7:13). And while the Law ended with
the veil being tom from top to bottom, listen to this post-cross material. When discussing the pressing
matter of the care of widows, Paul made a remarkable assertion that goes to the heart of the Christian’s
responsibility with money. “But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his
household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever” (ITim 5:8). This is an incredible
verse. God’s first financial order is ... family provision. Anyone who fails in this financial ministry has

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“has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. ”

I can not think of a more dire consequence for any transgression anywhere in the Bible. This
rivals blaspheming the Holy Spirit (Lk 12:10). It is only by faith that anyone stands. And failure to
provide for one’s own (even beyond the immediate family) is denial of the faith. That is eternal trouble.
But, the warning does not end here. The non-provider ... is worse than an unbeliever! “But the
unbelieving... their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone” (Rev 21:8). The one
failing at proper family provision first... is worse than an unbeliever? Bible folklore may say your job
is number three on the list (or four, or five, or whatever is the current fad), but God doesn’t. In fact, you
may need to secure a second job so you can meet the first priority of your financial ministry - and thus,
be faithful to God. Once that ministry is under control, then God may call you to other financial fields.

I explore this passage in Timothy in much more detail in, “Cash Compliance Directives for the
Christian and the Bible.” This is a really good article.

Error Three: "... bashing the tithing. ”

Anyone who bashes the tithe is not a legitimate teacher of the Bible. If you find anyone doing
this, walk away from that false message/messenger. The tithe was invented by God and is a
tremendous teaching. I believe in the tithe - and fully teach, and support it. In fact, it is quite likely that
any “tithe-basher” ... will be bashed by the God of the tithe. Similarly, that same God will bash those
who hijacked the word, “tithe” - and placed it on this “new teaching” in Christendom calling it, “the
tithe. ” I bash, and will continue to bash, this unholy concoction. It is extortion in the Name of Jesus
Christ. If you find anyone calling the tithe, “ten percent of your gross income required to the local
church (or anywhere) for life, ” walk away from that false message/messenger, too. This is either
“doctrines of demons ” (ITim 4:1), or has been penned by flesh. I intend on bashing the life out of this
fabrication, but, in reality, that is impossible. It has no life. God retired the tithe when He ripped the
veil of the Temple from top to bottom (Mt 27:51).

The tithe which I support and teach, is the tithe of the Bible. It was never cash money and Jesus
Himself never tithed as a carpenter under the Mosaic Law. Neither did Peter as a fisherman, or Paul as
a tent-maker. Of course, you probably know that, but here is an article called “Who Tithed in the
Bible” . It details what occupations required the tithe and what ones did not. This actually shocked me!

I love teaching the actual tithe of the Bible - who was to give, who was the recipient and why it
was given to them, where it was to be taken, the tithe cycle - it is quite a dynamic in the Law.

If the person who sent me this email actually did read my ebook, then he belongs to the, “one-
foot-in ” and “ one-foot-out ” group. Many, who know there is no tithe for the Christian, still can not
fully repent of this extortion. They replace God’s Word with “ Biblical principles ” - and ignore the
actual New Testament directives from God about our cash and financial ministry before Him. Most
“Biblical principles ” are teachings (or practices) void of clear scripture - or else are composed of
misapplied Bible materials in an attempt to buttress the particular teaching/practice. It is then presented
as though it has authority from God. For example, on this tithe subject, Abraham and Jacob are cited as
pre-Law examples of tithing. Then under Law, ten percent was required (some say up to 30% ... yet
they leave out it was never cash), and now, as Grace exceeds Law, God expects at least 10% from the
Christian “as the baseline for giving. ” But somehow ... The Jerusalem Council missed this when
instructing the Gentiles on the basics so they might “do well” (Ac 15:23-29). And all the New
Testament writers missed this to - including the One who inspired them.

But this is nothing new. When confronting the “Bible scholars ” of His day, here are portions of
one exchange: “ ... 'in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of man.' Neglecting the
commandment of God, you hold to the traditions of men .... You nicely set aside the commandment of
God in order to keep your traditions ... invalidating the word of God by your traditions which you have

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handed down; and you do many things such as that” (Mk 7:6-13 portions). If the Lord let's me live
long enough, I must write an article called, “The Boss of the Church and the Bible. ” How many of our
church organizers recognize Him as “The Boss ” of that local body? The phrases, “Head of the
Church ” or “Lord of the Church ” or even “King of the Church ” just does not rattle the conscience. But
“The Boss ”? He thought up and birthed the Church through a Roman cross - and He is its lone
foundation and the lone Boss. He warns each one who seeks to build upon that foundation to “be
careful how he builds upon it" because each builder will account one on One to The Boss at The
Judgment. There is a lot of capital letters going on in these last sentences. (Read ICor 3:10-15).

Error Four: The “Firstfruits” Point

Originally, I was going to let this go. Why? Because even though this commanded offering was
literally the first fruits of the Jew's produce from their land, this word does appear several times in the
New Testament in clearly “non-food” ways. It is always singular, but we have “the first fruit of the
Spirit” (Ro 8:23), Epaenetus and the household of Stephanas were “firstfruit” Christians in their local
area (Ro 16:5 and ICor 16:15), Jesus is the “first fruit” from out of the dead (ICor 15:20, 23), and
Christians are the “first fruit of His creatures ” (Ja 1:15). So, in a misguided attempt to appear
magnanimous, I was going to let this slide ... looking at our cash as our produce - thus, a possible first
fruit offering could be envisioned. But, the more I thought about this, I couldn't let that go. Actually,
when editing this for the last time, that phrase I had determined to gloss overjumped out of the page.
That is really why I started thinking about it again and investigated this idea more closely. So, I now
suspect... God was not going to let me let that slip by. Here is why. If He had no clear directives for
our cash, such a spiritualization may have a place. But He does have extremely clear directives. The
“first fruit” of our cash is to be applied to our own family responsibilities - maybe even the most
urgent of true needs. So, at times, we may never progress past those responsibilities with the cash in
our hands. So forget the calls of, “firstfruits giving” or “ sacrificial giving” or “get in the habit of
giving” or, “you can't out give God” - etc., etc., etc. Do not deny the faith and even become worse than
an unbeliever.

So, here are the real principles for the Christian and his/her money.

First: The Christian's first duty is one's own household financially covered. This is God’s first
priority - and it is not a suggestion. And that is a moving target as one's household changes. Really ...
read my cash compliance article:) . It's free, but if I could pay you to read it... I would.

Second: The Christian is not to be in debt. “Owe nothing to anyone .... ” (Ro 13:8). If real
assets exceed debt, then God may not consider that one to be in debt. To owe 100K on a home that
would sell for more (thus, be in the black), God may see as investment in an appreciating asset - not
enslaving debt. But, if possible, pay everything off. Personally, I have no debt. I want all my brethren
to be able to experience this. Other needs are easier to fund (health insurance, house insurance, etc.),
taxes are less of a burden, emergencies are easier to weather, and economic downturns are not as big a
threat. The wolf... is further from the door. In fact, I instruct potential donors to my website to take
what they want to send me and apply it directly to their debts (if any). That is the best financial blessing
my brethren could give me. This is one instance I believe Paul’s admonition to his Corinthian brethren
strikes a parallel. A famine had been raging in Israel. Christians in Antioch “in proportion that any of
the disciples had means, each of them determined to send a contribution for the relief of the brethren
living in Judea. And this they did... ” (Ac 11:29,30). But, to some in Corinth who “lacked means, ”

(i.e., were under pressure to fulfill God’s first requisite of family), Paul said, “if the readiness is

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present (the desire to give), it is acceptable, according to what a man has, not according to what he
does not have” (2Cor 8:12). Wow! This is a time ... when the thought does count!

For a fuller discussion on this, get that Christian's cash compliance , article!

Third: If we sow sparingly, we will reap sparingly. Conversely, if we sow bountifully, we will
reap bountifully. “Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under
compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver” (2Cor 9:6-7). Additionally, “let our people also learn to
engage in good deeds to meet pressing needs, that they may not be unfruitful ” (Tit 3:14). Giving is a
learned activity based upon personal judgment, personal evaluation, and personal volition. A Christian
is to invest in things he/she discerns to be true Kingdom expanding work.

Fourth: As much as possible, give “in secret” (Mt 6:4). This is a true act of faith - believing
God sees, knows ... and will reward.


After you have fulfilled your first financial calling (immediate household and legitimately
needy extended family members), then you can branch out. Who knows - God may want you to invest
50% in your local church. Or, Fie may direct investments into a Children’s Flome, Street Gospel
Mission, or Christian Drug Rehabilitation program. You decide - before Flim - how much to invest,
where to invest, when to invest... and if you continue to invest.

I know that I replaced the word, “give” with “invest. ” But, in this case, they are synonyms.
Giving to God’s true agenda (and we need wisdom from Flim on this) is actually an investment - with
Judgment Day the maturity date. That is not really ... that far off.

God expands ones mind - and experiences. Whether you want info ...
on the Tithe, Love

or what the Bible teaches about Death, you can find these and other free ebooks at


Just hover over the “ebooks” tab and there is a drop down menu!

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