[PDF]Simboleography. Which may be termed the art, or description, of instruments and presidents

[PDF]Issued in 2 parts. Part 1 has title: The first part of simboleography [etc., as given above]; pt. 2 has title: The second part of symboleography, newly corrected and amended, and verie much enlarged in all the foure seuerall treatises. 1. Of fines and concords. 2. Of common recoueries. 3. Of offences and indictments. 4. Of compromises and arbitrements. Whereunto is annexed another treatise of equitie, the jurisdiction, and proceedings of the High Court of Chancerie ... likewise much augmented with diuers presidents ... With an addition of some necessarie exemplars to be vsed in His Majesties Court of Exchequer ... Hereunto is also added a table ... 1618 Partly in Latin. The first part is without pagination or foliation; the second part is foliated Signatures: v. 1. [par.], A-Z, Aa-Qq, Rr; v. 2. [par.] 2, A-Z, Aa-Xx, 6 leaves, unsigned (the 1st, 2d, 5th and 6th signed respectively Qq, Yy, Zz STC 25273

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Robert E. Gross

A Memorial to the Founder
of the

Lckdead Aiveraft


Business Administration Library
University 6 lier nia
Los Angeles
V v : -
xe Sy eee Delo yee D

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(^ — med the Art,or Defcription,of Ina.
j itruments and Prefidents, e

Collected by VV 115.14 V gs

of the Inner Temple Es o v 1 2 x. 1

And now newly augmented with diuers Prefidents 4
touching Merchants affaires. à

Alij multa perficiunt: Nos nonnulla conamur:
Illi poffunt : Nos volumus,

Ingeny cibus Studium, Indique diligentia.


Printed for the Companie of
Stationers, 1645;

ex « ry


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Viro Iurifprudentia , pietate , authoritate
preflantiffimo, Edmundo eAnderfon Militi,
Regiz Maieftati Iudici primario ciuilium a&ionum,
patrono fuo omni obferuantia colendo, W.Welh
tudicys d/u ac faliciter prafidere
CX anime optat,

E(quiannus iam e$: (vir orratilfime) ex
quo primum boc opus Symbolaograpbi-
J| cum opera curag,mea fub fauftillimis
Qf | nominis tui au|picijs in lucem feeliciter
eA AC I| prodijt. Cogitari certé quidem Vix pox
| est quanto hominum fiudio atque ap-
plaufu (te patrono) fuerit acceptum, aa
deo "pt nihil conquam eiu[dem generis
ipfis gratummagis aut. probatum baberetur. Veruntamen qué-
admodum alijs etiam in rebus cvfu venire af[folet nibil primo vt
nafcatur per fectum : Itidem et in boc negotio non potuit non con-
tingere, quin nonnulla nec plenenec accurate [atis polita atque
defcripta e[Jent : Quinimo plurima, partim quidem defiderata,
partim vero redundantia, partim etiam indigefta effent. Qui-
bus quidem incommodis ipfe aliquando mederi con{titueram ,
quod ue integere praStare potuerim , multa me etiam bactenns
impediunt. Nam (fi quod cverum efl libere fateri liceat) quam
primum Typographis exempla omnia priora([pe citius )disirax-
ifJet, ne fperatum inde lucrum diutius expectaret, me tandem ex
improuifo nil tale adbuc (omniantem, immo alio deftinatum, de
noua ctiain editione {atin ineunda fummonuit ypebementer ro~
q % g tans

~~ Epiftola Dedicatoria. | |

gitans, rot teneram atq; informem iflam prolem, leto vultu
agno[cere fauore,ac ad Vite instar relambere non dedignarer.
Illius autem petitiont bonefl« certe, ( mili tamen tunc temporís
plurimis magil ipomenti ücgotijs implicato Hon fatis aque) non
potui affentire. Ex quo enim banc commentandi proumciam
femel fufcepiffem, nihil pror[us mibi potius tentandum videba-
tur quàm “vt in quo congerendo aliquantulum me iam elabora-
tum e[Ljn eodem etiam digerendo atque honeflando diutius ad*
buc immorarer jp[umque denuo typis excufum auctorem adeo-
que emendatiorem exhibere curarem. Que igitur tantillotem-
pore ad banc remconferre potuit mea tenuitas eaomnia libentif-
fime contuli Cumque in illa priore edirione Hebr«aaliquót, Gre-
ca autem non pauca inter[erui[Jemjlla nunc omnia ne imperitio~
rum fludia ac progre(}us,ob/curitatis [pecie linguarum ignoran"
tia removetur penitus fufTuli : iporum potius cvtilitati, quam
sea aSlimationi inferuiens. Nam vtg, [e res babet ,ex vfu "ubi
omnia effivsanda atque approbanda videntur. Quod cvero iam
poftremum atque omnium adeo maximum eft (vir iluflrifsime)
evt bos meos labores qualefcunquenon minores, quam illos in ge-
nus priores,benignitate excipere C? patrocinio iam fecundo tu-
sari elise etiam atque etiam rogo. Te denique ( Jurifconful-
tifftme) eteruus fndex non Anglicanotantum Regno, regieque
Maiestati (ereni(üma. (ed vniuerlis quoque vere Iurifpruden-
tie vere fPudiofis quam diutifime feruet incolumem. N'ale,Ro-
theramix,Maij octauo,

Tut honoris ftudiofiffimus —
W West. "b



28) The Table |
of Symboleography. Bak eral


F an Annuttic, "E


"ep ML

a "ic

DA. Se = eon

Gero &

pf e e DAD. ^^

Letterg of 2ttarnep to tabe Foz promotion of Marriage: 7274 542^f

top.AQ of yo:

Lettets of “Spmduiltration. Saud harmee eof nci mnes

650 bganctg.
Bs long as he [balbe parton band res

it bifchatge of an Sx Aduowfons,
$00 F 02 releafing. ws v
Sra buds. sot fa Deanric of a Collcbac. $02 Dinine fetuice. xs *
?Dpa1b 486 33 Pro feruitio,

D! the farme of a Benefice. Jn fee.
497 Graunt tbcrcot.

338 &oyongtr fonnes. dz
«97 Dave bpícoffo: in ble. i

jfo: creation monep of an Of aParfonsae. 332 RDarrant foz papmenttherof. -

-— ric. pa. Sta Ditbmnb m a Colledge $71 «eau
a Deputie, 335 Apparance, I
5 part of a debt, 49 OFa Slicarage. 334 Abe
Df recompence of Dower. 336 Wefore the ib. Counfell. 204 76774
49° Jn the B.wWeneb. 207 Lomi de
Of Exhibition moncy. #5 Annuitics; 3in tbt Common Place, 203 (..
Generall With a Pzoutlo.49 Qipon a Latitat, 209 (> Moe
QE o (auc barmelcfc. 1 Acquitance thereof. 484 De Pprats. TON tf Me
Forlands mozgaged. soo SFcgthepPeace. , ABE GAY me
$Df a legacic. ^t ibargaine and fale thereof. "7s.
DE money to repay mom ipa Bithop. 397 Appropriation. ae f
489 Sp 132
spun he ft ctogult, we Pro Confilio & auxilio; 307 DfaVarfonage. 339 r2 rie
+t 0n 49 312
Mf arent. 136 o bangbterg. 8a Affignement, E
Dia ten a. 488 TCobegmatterdeath. — 3:0 (bt Lellee (ball not affigne; ?
cca 497 311 311 s k
$t Tenthes. 494 Gu allowance of Dower. 485 s«Dfalebeanh Tenths. 432 Ya t rfi .
By a Vicar, 49; Gipon condition to clatme no uring minozitie. 454 psa
ery botpcr. 309 Df Stacutcs. 456 vd. Y
Adminiftrations, en 2B oral, | 3$! Dea werd. 4:5; 3^ V^
rauntg (hereof, 8,301 cares. 453 vor
By the Bred. of Canterb. With a pertice, ha E 01 f rie fe
652 fDutoftbc Pamper. — 375 Atrournement.
Bp the Brchbithop upobe Dut of lands. j20 tga
653 Moz terme of lite, 312 Defined. tinere

€; into E

" ‘The Table.
‘Bnoozrced: | 382 for patment of Aublidy trto: Comaked Bointure. 142
Smith Linericotfeiin, 552 — neg. 631 - 14$
Dé tenant fog life. 383 NA t Co make an eftate. 144 '
"^q niners tenants. 38$ Conditions of Obligation; oz turtheraffmrance. 146
- “epee of Httognement. 384 and Recognifances. Sor making ofalcafe. 147 -
— 38$ Defined... 1:0 Go perfozme an exchange.
Phas ALO pap tuoncp at acertaime 148
Bargaine and fale, Dap.. 111 QLotcenfco&e. 149
Bt two barca. .113 ‘Cograunt Ynauitie, 15°
oF Anunnitic. 397 Topsy Monep and deltace Co lurrendce culomarp lads
De Copphold lands. 4or — $p00.l, ; 113 151
Defined. 393 Sorthefarme of thine, e re- Comakea Lost. 1$2
"ginrolico. 39; vclíuctic of tbtim, o2 money. Tomake an citate of landes
xDtisnds. 395 114 _ bp Gine. 15
. Dia Manns. 296 Co redeliuer Heep fox money Ceomake reparations ¢ (cn:
Dia Dpeluage. 394 . 11$ (t3. : 154
' Dia Warfonage. 400 Co pap monep,opknowieoge Co warrant Lwd,12 anp ibe
MfaaeucrGon, 398 a ftatnte (Lapic. 116 — thing.’ 154
199 oe pap moncp bp a dap, 02 to To Warrant the fale of a hop
- MDETpmber. 494 ypecidtoan arrcft. MZ - 16$
Antrut of Wiles, 484 @ao pap monep fog achatncof Coenfsplands quietly, 157
Dfayardhip. - 4o2 tolo bpon difcené of landes 159
Dt wheat. 403 _ tohis wile. 118 Peaceabip to entop Cozne 02
DF wood. 405 Copapattercuiction. 119 | Orafle, 158
qo5 Copap monep ater return? €o (uec one toeniop landes
from 35.120. 121.8t Dig re: recovered. 150

SceAlienationsandleafes. — returne,martiage oz death. Tolaucharmelefle, 16x
| 122.123, Ghat landes bec oifcharged.

Bills. $0 pay chilveens pacto. 124 162
oa 2bifbop. 102 @opap arent. 115 Codefend the title oflandes
With dapes of papment, and CopapanAnnnitte,andnok Tecoucied, and to pap the

apenaltie. 102 ftoíüca Replegiare,&c.!26 — Coca tbercof. 163
Defined, ; 100 (0 papmoncp recciuco with Copay money for marriage.
jinocnteo. tor a8jDnunticc. — 7 117 164
«o Merchants. 102 (Lobeluer Ffagots. . 128 Cobequeath qwds to B wife,

^ Fo? money lent. Yor Coptil and (cll Wood, make € 16$
115 p one to one. iorroz — deliicr ffagots. 128 Co get the afte of the Court’
aut:ttout a penaltic. 101 Co dehuse Covfifh. 130 6©Of Wards toletiands. 166
. . Rote Queene. 102 Bia of Salmon, 13: fo? the orcipation of tio
Renonncing Hancuarpand Dice. 132 25908 andecrtaine Pets.
pzorecion. 102 Heab. — 132 167
oa Hberife. 101 Épaitifopapinontp. ^ 1314 &ropurcbafeanbfcll, 168
fo? things ient. ioi Plate lente 15; IMotto purfac anappealt.yó9
Ap thace to toast. * iot Cozne, _ 336 Fst to profecute anp action”
102 137 w(pitttuall Court, 170
bp tivo to two. ioi (oles, — 138 Wo perfozme coucnantg, 171^ St
| 102 (Eo catríc coleg: 139 ALoperfozimeanamarb. 172
$Df fale, 413 Lo féak an Dbligation wiih Co perforce an award of
afurefic. — c 140 lanbg,anotó Hew cuibans
; Certificate, «Locaufconeto fealgan dDb- — ccs. 172
» OF torali affcnt, $74 -ldtganon. — tar Chat apzentice fal not Walk
+ Dla tatate. £o$ Torcicate, Fe. i4» Bismatecs goods, — 174



The Table.

Sor s (eruantozappzentice. ions204.at the Seflions. Coles, — 263
‘ 175 205 366,285

dot to vifadnuil a Tetter of Coappearcatthenert Hef: f
Stturney toreceiuc debts — fiong. 206 CopiesofCourt roll. — ^
176 Co appeare in the ds 25 enc

For Lands. 177 _foztie peace, 207 Wargaine and fale of Copps

Covperfozme a Gill 178. and fro? belauiog , and nottore: bolblanbg. 40or
fauehirmeicfle the execu= fogttob cbligas jamie 203 Qubata Coviholper ig. 603
torsthercof. = 179 ‘Woappeare ona iLatítat.iio Disconfcffion, — 61?

Hot to mevble With exec: o rerurme cattel! repleuicb. -fPeoffement thereof. 245
torhip. 18e 211 Bllurcd bp fine 76

Hot tovoc any ed agexecus Chat Wprats Mall appeare Co tb: jufbanb anb Wifedz9
- tox Swithourcoalent of his — athert gaole delinerie 212 3nfrustiong foz making of

coerecuter. 181 Dtarecoguilance fox 252cio» ~ ther, 6o;
Motto feil Hands buttethe — ing 213.214 Foztwolines. ^^^ É6rg
obligct fo a fum certaine. Dian Weboufe keeper 2:5 45pamanandbig Seife, 622
182 @oufind meat, tati, anb o- ticleafe bp Copter. 628
TChatamanswifefhalciam ther neccMaries ouring tfe Cut cematnper, 620
no dower, burrelzale bpon 219.220 Chetenant repayzing, 626 .
vequelt. 183 Coleanehis Wife Wozih ac. P. ftite oer 604
batancatcis good, and 224222 SWadebp the Surucpor. 62
Sahat the wile Mali clatme Co lier bis Wwifetomake a ue Lor to ind tiber 62:
no Dower. 184 Mou 223.02 to gine certain ctibere the Heireis admitted
Hot to be furctíe. 185 80008 Düttag her fife, 224 625
$2ot to plap at pice. 186 Qo paile an. account » £2202 QD fan admittance in fee, 607
(Co pap mony ozfancharmes — curc oulcharge for a Dye: aerer a letfure. 6to
- fefcofaticcognifácr. 187.— rife. 225 Gn fee bp the Logd. 61%
QC c fauc barmcicile ofabond. Jfoz executing of a 2Baph Xu aunctent demeine. — 6i 4
As veuubeo 6o. 158. > Micke. q 226.227 61s
Dé a bonn fo? the peace. 189 Corcligne a Cticarage. 223 3n taile with Remapnoers.
To fauc acmcleffc a tarctic ‘Co renew (ureiicg, arg . 616
inthe Gu lobail. igo &oalicr vies, 273-274 Sce Surrender, i
Coditcharge bts batles in P
Rings Wench 19I - Corfirmation. Couenants,

RE ofauc his baile Dartmeleftz, |
anb renber hinfcife prifo. SOf an Qf nnuítie in allowance Che v26 thercof, 58

ner if cc. 192 Ofbotocr. 458 Wetweene too anb two, 58

$ Coflauc harmelefle of coue- Wy tbe Wilbop, Deane, and apctipcene thee and thzee.g8
|. maànts fozthefaleofiwmos Chapter. 447 Wetweene Erecutozs, ^ so
193.0fa tccogotfance 194. Defined. 457 @oluc Statutes. 60

of dcbts anditgacies 105, 3ufec. 457 Tovileharae crecutozs, and
r96fromfuirgsiniaiv. to7 Wp the SDibinarit and 42a- — paecure iR clca(c, é1
Co kecpethepeace, and aps tron. 459 Toprolecate fait. 62
\ pearetothe x3. Councell. DE the office of the keeper of a To furrender Copiholn land.
198 =parke,bapitfe,and Goward. 63

CTokeepethe peace 199. and 457 Touching tbaffiqnement of

^ tobe of good abearing 200. erecutozfbtp. 64.
TN. 17,2032 Conucyances. Fo02 fpecote tríall, and quiet
For apparanec inthe R.bech occupation in meane time.
and good abcaring 2o: , ur Jot Hithoue confent of Fne 65

the Commonplace. ^20, babítants, i289 Comake effarance, 66

Togine mre -¢ againt Fes Gpontrutk, 284 Co allure lava to lane harms

€ 4 Icfe

~The Table.

softRécognifances. 67 96.¢that the conufee all Chat celly que vfe fhait bifs
tsar ota intaile grantthelanvs intatleec. pote the pofits fo? coucatis

. ' ! the fcoffozs chilogcn.
«. after a fine Bnowiedged. 63 ; 97; 0no 1 2
yt to (cll but tothe benbec. Limiting bfes of fines € re panic
| 69.412 uer d Fs bata $t to s 02 ertinguifh Res
take apnantage of torclirainthe iibertpthecs — mainberg. 269
won coucnants,íflanps ^ of. 98 Chat (eoftecg ín ble thall boc
ailcend not. 70 ALimíting bles in taile notto — noad tofruffratevfeg.270 |

Tothew eniocmceg to uaim- be difcontinuen. —— 97.99 Chat the teller map lop wars

ersinterell. 71 Coagree bpon an action. 65 313
Ee belner Ratings bpon Co do fuether acy. 63 ‘Chat the telloz map enter and
notice of fait. 72 KLobiuibc parts byonagrec= - make fallowes. 314
Coleaue Fron milsfurnih}- — ment. Chath icfte Mail not affigne,
ed in defantt of paptiicnt.73 Lo Land bound fo? accomp: ‘ 315
QLobcfofentotbuícoficffeg ^ Hübmentofac. — — — 6o Wy theleMetodepart. 316
performing couenants: 74 Cobcarecharges in pzofecus
Dan VUinderMhertitocrecnte - ting. 62 ; os Debs
his office, anb to faue the Cochargelands. 60 REbpiteo bpon a fafe con:
high Dherife harmeles.75 Co keepe a Court. 68 bu. 325

fomakea teale foz pears bp &[ o dentie (02 Kucs,o2 peares.
fine of coppbolb lands, 76 82 Defeafances,

Bhat the fcoftoz hath bone no Co occupic grate in common Vidon bargaine and fale.408
act but that pc (o feifed,and 6; ' Co make a Leale accozs

fo voiil centinue. 77 eine Hap. 65 Ddingtoanoldieafe, 232
Motto lellands butto TAB. Meither partie to hurt other. Dfan Dobiigation. 230
without bis licence 65 Dla Kecoguifance. 231
ABettocene the Waller of the Jor dticharginig of Jucum: fa rent by obtapning effatc
Courtofwacds, anb ther» — bianceg. 66 ínlanog, 407
spon linerie to bee fuco. for quietinioping. 78.305 fa ttatut (apte. 25 s.hmnosos

3o ‘till monep paped. 288 ledgedbefoze the chief Jus

Dl AParriage,and Jopnture Copurchalciands totheba: ice, ec. 234
tobemade, 81.82,85.86. iueof,aec. 265 See Sratute Staple,
87 Co fauc harmeteffe.501.0f le:
Mfmartiageofa ing. 83 gacies. $9 Exccutors,

@€o mabe Fopnture, 88 Co find neceffaríeg, 424.426
Mf marriage, Etoleute a fine, Foz quiet occupation, 109.66 SEc Conditiens,
anb fufferarecoueric 88 xDf$Dartner(pip. 10
«Lopapconbitonallp. — 89 (Corcenter for defauit of iftue Executions,
Co lead the vic of afine, anb — male. 68 See Couenants.
to lenie the fame. go Ko bepart bpon repapment.
@Toleuicafine, and fottiabe 316 Exchange,
other conuetances to conti: Go and feifen.77.foz befanit 9 arant thereof. 511.513.5914
nuc the lanbdes tn bis firs of iffue. 81 Oranges inexchange, — $12
name, 91 Sot to trauell,ec. 66 Délands. 515
Himntting the ble of a Gngle Coicauc his wife Worth, ec...
fine UN bp tbcbufbano à 82 Fee farme,
anb zite. 92 (Lbatrent ceale bpo caítion TI DAdostgage. - 410
That bpon agreement to (ell, EU Rec re 4210
eneffate[ballceafe. — 9; Chat tbeic(Tos may enter.and
Colenicafine bpengraunt — fallow. 446 Feoffemensss
_ and render. 94 RWbich map be vledinicales Juasnctent oemeine 246
Tolenica fine,te9s. to vies 450 DE Copphoid lanbg. I

BU : TheTable;

fDfatettfé. —- 7 $39 "Cru c "966 Dfa teticrfióm 251,202.302;
Defined. | 255; Dian dutnegcoifiip: 343 tothe 2.255. renocabie bp
Bp executors. — 341 Ofa Walpintcke, 345 ^ tender 68>, 296
$n fee 238. in fee farme, Of Libertictoa Wondman, Dfarent charge 305, Soit a
420 330.381 From ne 39 cne, a0
- or maintenance of gb 3n Capite, Us? RES
Wates. 389 DF oftices of @hainibertetire pe a fto og cbiefe: tent swith
Dian Bundzed.- | 243 oftbe Cechequer, Faflice ^ Homage andfcruice. 317
To the Hulband end wife. in Pablo yc ria DE iRecettier and Durtepos
ate. 350 th fees, — 377
Deiands pefcended. 236 ot “the Cierke-Hip- of Abe £Dfafafeconotid. 235
Df lands purchated. 237 pace, 347. of the Hamper. DF Soteivarbfbip 340. of a
cul a Letter1. 238 Ot a Col ations” 337.354. ting pleafure:
‘$n London. 242 356 Dfa- Beribe orit egiftet 348
Dfa Panoz recouercd. ae DF a Cemmonzs:. for theepe DF Du-ueposlhip. 3291364
294 Dfturbarie. 293.374.
Cintill monep be paped. os Of a ConfFable,end amafkce DEUnderkeWardihip. 342 .
Gow foznenpapinent 265 ofa fozett. 363 Diawarohip, - mae
Dflands giuen by teftatent, Dia Corvdte.- 324 Wwithirage.
, 1240 fDfCuflosrotuloritm. |^ 246 Fy hife Sithout imde:
Ad. incentionem refcoffandi: Defined. 290 | ofaft.- n
247.248 MFExcchanges srt Fa warren,
£02 bifcharge of Gerco and DF a Favre. 361 Dfa (pecialiiuerte goutterte
Fitternes ec. 289 DlaFellowhtp. 376 ~~ - mame. 39%
Fu trut to vfes. 289 DFGmds. 425 .
‘To bles — by the feofe DF herbage ano pannage oe " -Yndentuies, -
' fog. 271 parht.
DF an Foeot 365. it s Foz a Prentice. ($8248
Gifts, : lant [m
DF the pate io ata Jnuentarie,
I$; Frankmariage. 258 Mowne, 390, bpthe king.
fgmbS. =. 2364 24.425. 392 £Df goods.
426 DF the tuition of a foras «Lo Ppibitt an "Nisi

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