[PDF]Multidimensional Inventory of Dissociation

[PDF]This is the Multidimensional Inventory of Dissociation, or ‘MID’, a 218-item, clinician-administered, client self-report measure. The MID is intended for use only by mental health practitioners and researchers.the sheet protection password is "11g"

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Adolescent MID (Version 6.0) FAX: 757-626-3318
Paul F. Dell, Ph.D.

Instructions: How often do you have the following experiences when you are not under the
influence of alcohol or drugs?_ Please circle the number that best describes you. Circle a “O” if
the experience never happens to you; circle a “10” if it is always happening to you. If it happens
sometimes, but not all the time, circle a number between 1 and 9 that best describes how often it
happens to you.

Never Always

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. While watching TV, you find that you are thinking about something else.

2. Forgetting what you did earlier in the day.

3. Feeling as if your body (or certain parts of it) are unreal.

4. Having an emotion (for example, fear, sadness, anger, happiness) that doesn’t feel like it is

5. Things around you suddenly seeming strange.

6. Hearing the voice of a child in your head.

7. Having pain in your private parts (for no known medical reason).

8. Having another personality that sometimes ‘takes over.’

9. Hearing yourself talk, but you don’t feel that you are choosing the words that are
coming out of your mouth.

10. Forgetting errands that you had planned to do.

11. Feeling that your mind or body has been taken over by a famous person (for example,
Brittney Spears, Jesus Christ, Madonna, President Clinton, etc.).

12. Trying to make someone jealous.

13. Feeling as if close friends, relatives, or your own home seems strange or foreign.

14. Reliving a traumatic event so vividly that you totally lose contact with where you
actually are (that is, you think that you are ‘back there and then’).

15. Having difficulty swallowing (for no known medical reason).

16. Having trance-like episodes where you stare off into space and lose awareness of
what is going on around you.

17. Being puzzled by what you do or say.

18. Seeing images of a child who seems to ‘live’ in your head.

19. Being told of things that you had recently done, but with absolutely no memory of having done
those things.

20. Thoughts being imposed on you or imposed on your mind.

21. Pretending that something upsetting happened to you so that others would care about you
(for example, being raped, military combat, physical or emotional abuse, sexual
abuse, etc.).

22. Strong thoughts in your head that “come from out of nowhere.”

23. Having blank spells or blackouts in your memory.

24. Not remembering what you ate at your last meal---or even whether you ate.

25. Feeling like you're only partially ‘there’ (or not really ‘there’ at all).

26. Your mind being controlled by an external force (for example, microwaves, the CIA, radiation
from outer space, etc.).
27. Having no feeling at all in your body (for no known medical reason).

. Feeling divided, as if you have several independent parts or sides.
. Nobody cares about you.
. Hearing voices in your head that argue or converse with one another.

. ‘Losing’ a chunk of time and having a total blank for it.

. Strong feelings of emotional pain and hurt that come from out of nowhere.

. While reading, you find that you are thinking about something else.

. Having strong impulses to do something---but the impulses don't feel like they

belong to you.

. Feeling empty and painfully alone.

. Feeling mechanical or not really human.
. Things around you feeling unreal.
. Pretending that you have a physical illness in order to get sympathy (for example,

flu, cancer, headache, having an operation, etc.).

. Not being able to see for a while (as if you are blind) (for no known medical reason).
. Feeling that the color of your body is changing.

. Feeling split or divided inside.
. Hearing a voice in your head that tries to tell you what to do.
. Finding things at home (for example, shoes, clothes, toys, toilet articles, etc.), that you don’t

remember buying or being given.

. Feeling very detached from your behavior as you “go through the motions” of daily life.
. Feeling mad.

. Being unable to remember who you are.

. Talking to others about how you have been hurt or mistreated.
. Being in a familiar place, but finding it strange and unfamiliar.
. Feeling uncertain about who you really are.

. ‘Coming to’ in the middle of a conversation with someone and having no idea what you and

that person have been talking about---you didn’t even know that you were having a

. Talking to others about very serious traumas that you have experienced.
. Your thoughts being broadcast so that other people can actually hear them.
. Being told that there were times when you did not recognize friends or family members (for

example, asking your parent or your friend, “Who are you?”).

. Being rejected by others.
. Feeling the presence of an old man inside you who wants to read his newspaper or go to the


. Being unable to remember your name, or age, or address.
. Your moods changing so rapidly that you don’t know what you are going to feel from one

minute to the next.

. Feeling that other people, objects, or the world around you are not real.
. Being angry that your life is ruined.
. Being paralyzed or unable to move (for no known medical reason).

. Hearing a voice in your head and, at the same time, seeing an image of that ‘person’ or of

that voice.

. Nobody understands how much you hurt.
. Exaggerating the symptoms of a physical illness (that you genuinely have) in order to get

sympathy or attention (for example, flu, cold, headache, fever, pain, etc.).

. Finding yourself lying in bed (on the sofa, etc.) with no memory of how you got there.
. Being impulsive.


. Being so bothered by flashbacks that it was hard to get out of bed and face the day.
. Not remembering large parts of your childhood after age 5.

. Not being able to keep friends.

. Feeling disconnected from everything around you.

. Having to ‘stretch the truth’ to get your doctor’s (or therapist's) concern or attention.

. Not being able to hear for a while (as if you are deaf) (for no known medical reason).

. Feeling like you are often different from yourself.

. Feeling the pain of never being really special to anyone.

. Suddenly ‘waking up’ in the middle of doing something (that you were completely unaware

you were doing) (for example, cleaning your room, doing the dishes, doing homework,

. Hurting yourself so that someone would care or pay attention.

. Finding things in your backpack or book bag, which you don’t remember putting there.
. People think that you live “in a world of your own.”

. Feeling that pieces of your past are missing.

. Immediately forgetting what other people tell you.

. Not being sure about what is real (and what is unreal) in your surroundings.

. Being so bothered by flashbacks that it is hard to function at work (or it is hard to carry out

your daily responsibilities).

. Having difficulty walking (for no known medical reason).

. Switching back and forth between feeling like a teenager and feeling like a child.
. Hearing a voice in your head that wants you to hurt yourself.

. When something upsetting happens, you go blank and lose a chunk of time.

. After a nightmare, you wake up and find yourself not in bed (for example, on the floor, in the

closet, etc.).

. Not being able to remember something, but feeling that it is “right on the tip of your tongue.”
. Making decisions too quickly.

. Feeling very confused about who you really are.

. Feeling that important things happened to you earlier in your life, but you cannot remember


. Standing outside of your body, watching yourself as if you were another person.
. Feeling as if you were looking at the world through a fog so that people and objects felt far

away or unclear.

. Seeing or talking with others who have the same disorder that you have.
. Having seizures for which your doctor can find no reason.
. Going into trance so much (or for so long) that it interferes with your daily activities and


. Thinking about how little attention you received from your parents.
. Hearing a lot of noise or yelling in your head.
. Hearing voices, which come from unusual places (for example, the air conditioner, the

computer, the walls, etc.), that try to tell you what to do.
Words just flowing from your mouth as if they were not in your control.

100. Listening to someone and realizing that you did not hear part of what he/she said.

101. Sudden strong feelings of anger that seem to come from out of nowhere.
102. Feeling that there are large gaps in your memory.
103. Feeling as if you are two different people---one who is going through the motions of daily life

and the other who is just watching.

104. Feeling that your surroundings (or other people) were fading away or disappearing.
105. Having traumatic flashbacks that make you want to inflict pain on yourself.






. Going into trance for hours.
. Feeling like some of your behavior isn’t really ‘yours.’
. Finding something that has been done (for example, your homework completed, the dishes

washed, your bedroom cleaned, etc.), that you don’t remember doing---but knowing that
you must be the one who did it.

. Forgetting where you put something.
. Having dreams that you don’t remember the next day.

. Desperately wanting to talk to someone about your pain or distress.

. Feeling the presence of an angry part in your head that tries to control what you do or say.
. Your mind blocking or going totally empty.

. Feeling like time slows down or stops.

. Bad memories coming into your mind and you can’t get rid of them.

. Drifting into trance without even realizing that it is happening.
. Words come out of your mouth, but you didn’t say them---you don’t know where

those words came from.

. Hearing voices crying in your head.
. Suddenly finding yourself standing someplace and you can’t remember what you have been

doing before that.

. Something in your mind interferes when you think about things that you ‘shouldn’t’ think


. Daydreaming.

. Being able to remember very little of your past.

. Not recognizing yourself in the mirror.

. Feeling hurt.

. Re-experiencing body sensations from a past traumatic event.

. Part of your body (for example, arm, leg, head, etc.) seems to disappear and doesn’t

re-appear for several days.

. When something upsetting starts to happen, you ‘go away’ in your mind.

. Telling others about your psychological disorder(s).

. When you are angry, doing or saying things that you don’t remember (after you calm down).
. Exaggerating the symptoms of a psychological illness (that you genuinely have) in order to

get sympathy or attention (for example, depression, bulimia, posttraumatic stress
disorder, memory blackouts, being suicidal, etc.).

. Being able to do something really well one time---and then not being able to do it at all at

another time.

Being unable to recall something---then, something “jogs” your memory and you remember

Feeling like you are ‘inside’ yourself, watching what you are doing.

Not being able to remember important events in your life (for example, your last birthday,
your grandmother’s funeral, taking your final exams, etc.).

Feeling distant or removed from your thoughts and actions.

Things around you seeming to change size or shape.

Having traumatic flashbacks that make you want to die.

Feeling that you have multiple personalities.

Being bothered by how much you ‘trance out.’

Hearing a voice in your head that calls you names (for example, wimp, stupid, whore, slut,
bitch, etc.).

Suddenly realizing that hours have gone by and not knowing what you were doing during
that time.


. Having to go back and correct mistakes that you made.
. Poor memory causing serious difficulty for you.
. Feeling that your vision was suddenly sharper or that colors suddenly seemed more vivid or

more intense.

. Reliving a past trauma so vividly that you see it, hear it, feel it, smell it, etc.

. Your thoughts and feelings are so changeable that you don’t understand yourself.

. Going into trance several days in a row.

. Not feeling together, not feeling whole.

. Having other people (or parts) inside you who have their own names.

. Discovering that you have changed your appearance (for example, cut your hair, or

changed your hairstyle, or changed what you are wearing, or put on cosmetics, etc.) with
no memory of having done so.

. Thoughts coming into your mind that you cannot stop.
. Being told about things that you did---that you don’t remember doing and would never do (for

example, swearing like a sailor, being very mad, acting like a young child, or being very

. Having trance-like episodes during which you see yourself being taken into a spaceship and

experimented on by aliens.

. Being bothered or upset by how much you forget.
. Exaggerating something bad that once happened to you (for example, rape, physical or

emotional abuse, sexual abuse, mistreatment by others, etc.) in order to
get attention or sympathy.

Reliving a traumatic event so totally that you think that a present-day person is actually a
person from the trauma (for example, being home with your partner, suddenly reliving
being raped by your alcoholic uncle, and actually thinking that your partner is your
uncle---that is, you see your uncle in front of you instead of seeing your partner).

. Thinking about nothing.

. Feeling like you are not the same kind of person all the time.

. Hearing a voice in your head that wants you to die.

. Suddenly finding yourself somewhere odd at home (for example, inside the closet, under a

bed, curled up on the floor, etc.) with no knowledge of how you got there.

. Feeling as if there is something inside you that takes control of your behavior or speech.
. Totally forgetting how to do something that you know very well how to do (for example, how

to drive, how to read, how to use the computer, how to play the piano, etc.).

. Hearing a voice in your head that keeps talking about AIDS and homosexuals.
. Feeling that part of your body is disconnected (detached) from the rest of your body.
. Wishing you Knew why you feel and behave the way you do.

. Hearing sounds from nearby as if they were coming from far away (for no known medical


. Going into trance and being possessed by a spirit or demon.

. Having snapshots of past trauma that suddenly flash in your mind.

. Feeling no pain (when you should have felt pain) (for no known medical reason).

. Discovering that you have a significant injury (for example, a cut, or a burn, or many

bruises), and having no memory of how it happened.

. Hearing a voice in your head that calls you a liar or tells you that certain events never


. Feeling as if part of your body (or your whole body) has disappeared.
. Suddenly finding yourself somewhere (for example, at the beach, at work, in a nightclub, in

your car, etc.) with no memory of how you got there.

. Feeling that there is another person inside you who can come out and speak if it wants.


Being willing to do or say almost anything to get somebody to feel that you are ‘special.’
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