[PDF]Poetry book. Published in 2010 by Chameleon Press, Hong Kong.
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A Chameleon Press book
ISBN 978-988-18623-1-0
© 2010 Mani Rao
Published by Chameleon Press
22/F, 253-261 Hennessy Road, Hong Kong
Typeset by Nicholas Gordon
First printing 2010
Artwork and photo credits
¢ The Ouroboros image used on the cover and in the book is courtesy Saki:
¢ The photograph of Mani Rao on the back cover is courtesy Tom Langdon.
Allrights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic
means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing
from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review. The
right of Mani Rao to be identified as the Author of the Work has been asserted as have
her moral rights with respect to the Work.
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chameleon press
hong kong
The author wishes to thank the editors of publications in which the
following poems previously appeared:
“Q” — Caravan magazine (2010) India.
“8” — Almost Island (2009) India.
“co” — Almost Island (2009) India.
“Address” — Quay Journal (2006) USA.
“Airing at a sniff” — XCP (2007) USA. Almost Island (2009) India.
“Auditorium” — Tinfish (2008) USA.
“Bird Union” — Kavya Bharati (2008) India. Softblow (2009)
“Calling” — Zoland Poetry (2007) USA. Indian Literature (2009)
“Catching up” — 91st Meridian (2006) USA.
“Choose” originally appeared as “Testament” — Wasafiri (2006) UK.
“Chorus” — 91st Meridian (2006) USA.
“Classic” — Indian Literature (2009) India.
“Drought” — How2 journal (2006).
“Ebri” — 91st Meridian (2006) USA.
“End of Scene” — Softblow (2009) Singapore.
“Epitaph” — Zoland Poetry (2007) USA. Chandrabhaga (2007) India.
“Five-word poem” originally appeared as “Mutations” — Cha (2007)
Hong Kong.
“Geocity” — Holly Rose Review (2010) USA.
“Grand Finale” — Quay Journal (2006) USA.
“Haul” — Wasafiri (2006) UK.
“India Song” — PENumbra (2006) India.
“Location” originally appeared as “En route” — Fourth River (2006)
USA. Chandrabhaga (2007) India. Asia Literary Review (2008)
Hong Kong.
“Mobius” — Caravan magazine (2010) India.
“Other” originally appeared as “Other Half” — Indian Literature
(2009) India.
“Pol Pot” — Washington Square (2006) USA. Asia Literary Review
(2008) Hong Kong. Kavya Bharati (2008) India.
“Pupa” — Tinfish (2008) USA.
“Re-incarnation kaleidoscope” — Filling Station (2006) Canada.
“Sequence” — Papertiger 05 (2007) Australia. Oxford Magazine
(2008) USA.
“Shorts” — Almost Island (2009).
“Shots” — Softblow (2009) Singapore.
“Slough” — Meanjin (2005) Australia. The Alphabet City Trash
anthology (2006) Canada. Asia Literary Review (2008) Hong Kong.
Kavya Bharati (2008) India.
“So that you know” — Fourth River (2006) USA. Indian Literature
(2009) India.
“Sporous” — Softblow (2009) Singapore.
“Star-crossed” — Meanjin (2007) Australia. Cha (2007) Hong Kong.
“Tensile” — Papertiger 05 (2007) Australia. Indian Literature (2009)
“Visited” — Washington Square (2006) USA.
“Void Plate” — Spoken-word version at 2006 New York PEN World
Voices and Cha (2007) Hong Kong. Almost Island (2009) India.
“Which way does the river flow?” — In Posse Review, webdelsol (2006)
USA. Asia Literary Review (2006) Hong Kong.
“Worker” — Tinfish (2008) USA. Almost Island (2009) India.
“Writing to Stop” — 91st Meridien (2006) USA. Atlas (2007) UK/
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For your presence
So that you know
Trimming the overgrown silences of the night
Scissor beaks
It may be early unlit but the birds have begun to boil buds are
growing wings and the tree will rise featherborne
One row of birds like a stem bipinnate will curve nicely to the breeze
One large bunch will turn like a wheel and then somersault you will
see acrashing tree root fist twisting up cumulus head rolling
Blackbirds will burst a packet of tacks
A stork quadrant will appear with the mythical carpet
Chirping chandeliers will swing in from the sky in time for dusk
If everything is impermanent why do you want it
I don’t want anything for ever
You will disappoint everyone
Then you will be free
Hiding in a tree trunk
Looking through the hollows
Firs in new wedding gowns
Fire budding Christmas trees
It was the trees jangling interior bangles
Tigers striped past silently
Rugs on the floor of salvation wood
The first time I saw ginseng I understood body to be root
Until a slice of what I could only call steakwood
The river swears it’s blue
Will carry you across
Soon as you leap in
Fast moving coils
Who said the python’s dead
Where is the hatch
Somewhere here but giant roots flowed over
Is it sealed
Bloody me
Will we keep
Gone too far free out at sea why does the water wave as if pining for
the ties of Shiva’s braids
The tangles at the fountainhead
From here
The view of the dance
Fruit dump under the tree
Smarting tender
Under the sore why-me look
A drool bedding noodle soup
Worm hitch
Wriggling gone from the grass no winds frisk
Collecting dry rivers
The sea was no slake
Cracked continent’s crustaceous parts drifted upcreek
Said salt of the earth
Tastes like mud
Looks like chocolate
Outgrown the fish juts
Glacier not much more than a hat tipsy on a lite draught
Blood thirsty stalks faint streets
Air wavers at mouth
Toothless the well caves in
Lips do not blossom even if they meet
The speed with which air avages the plump
Yah Yah The eerious ways of god
Hot baker’s fleur de mal
Catching up
The orphan and the alien met. One adopted the other.
How did they meet?
Oh in exaggerated stories always ending with a rescue and two
Did you tell them they would have to forsake to save each other?
They step aside letting me clean their graves
There is a pagoda in the garden where they wait talking as I mourn
I hear a voice granting me this
That I can give up my life for anyone I wish brought back to life
But only one
Father of sacrifice needs no help to draw my pity
That is piteous
Mother of passion reigned over me
I resent that
Brother of empire I would re-instate
But why
Sister of sullenness I feel for
And ignore
Lovers of the moment I cannot deny
But they did not wait for me
Children of untold stories make the most promises
They will not fulfill
Mused at your breasts
Two at a time
Creator harvester of histories
Destroyer resident ghoul
You turn on the suck and flow but how
do you keep them away from the new one the rubbery
amniotic and chewy umbel as they loudly
gnaw and chatter how
the infant heart must be stocked with fresh f & b
and the gut
washed in milk
Drowning by Numbers
The retaining wall
Fell on the slope
Ran down the valley
Slipped to the beach
Dropped to sea
Laid the net
Blooming net
Closed in
We should have jacked up the foundation of our house and put back
the map where we found it
Crusty old cat’s cradle signed in blood
Engraved on leathery leaf
Our tetheredness
Fat star fell off a ring
Dotted lines re-aligned
Braying our battleship
Keeled over in a beerbottle
Down with the totem pole
Dinner at Davy Jones’
At the end it'll you and me saltface
Warm under waterquilt
Carnival of corals and fish
We'll be grateful for the fizzy water
Doe Ray Me Far Sew Lah Tea Do
Tooth for a tooth defang
Plucked feather mess
Ring formation around the precious gone
We the child of you and me
Two roots anchored each other
Each both tree and soil
Day and night : lips played at missing
Twilight a lasting a las t
Dyad caught in a snag
Vectors pulled
Two ends of a rope knew they were one when they tried to separate
Our future sense created a telescope
The telescope became a passage
Our passage
If it doesn’t have a passage I won’t call it a home
Easier to lose someone to death than to life
The present pollutes the past
The physical blocks the view
The clatter frightens the presence
When shutter sprang
We captured our stuffed animal
Stiff gloat of headstones
Horripilation on the plum tree
One sudden fruit and tiny impoverished seed inside
Those days of bottoms-up hourglass
Now the reverberations the deepwalking
We took our shoes off and walked. The fender became a reef a
garland of shells. Crabs closed their eyes like a loud wish
pretending to have disappeared when we went closer. I watched
as you waited a little longer. The high tide closed in quickly
around your feet covered the bare sand and picked up the
You hold on to this cloud I hold on to that
Shouting the shapes over each other’s voices
Everything turns to water darling
The riddle of the moon has busted
Tell me why
Insatiable shift
Why we take to terraces gardens
Wherever we can fly silhouettes
Turning our heads slightly in love
Try on the moonring
It never fits
Your face the shadow of a witch
Sleep on the flatbed of stars
Sleep on history
Sleep in the shape of Pegasus Orion Aquila Cygnus
Heaving net
Someone always playing at Vega
Red September path covered in kisses
Autumn abandon
Abandoning what you ask as your teeth strip and gnaw my flesh
Bruise-clouds flambéed for days
Stained as if I had gone berserk in a perfumery
Trying on too much
Every evening the trees inhale birds
Swirling back home a warm shawl
But I still wait for my perch in your arms
I would peg so lightly the sheets of your night flights
We would travel in one mind your old lands my new skies
And every morning you would breathe me fly
Five-word poem
Those love cannot leave alone
Love those cannot leave alone
Cannot love leave those alone
Leave those cannot love alone
Those cannot leave love alone
End of scene
We don’t see each other any more
Was it art for art’s sake
or did we get some poems out of it
“Until part do us death”
Until we exhaust all endings
Finally singing sol o
Was supposed to give you the white kiss
But the bloody roses
At the lorist
Dragons with pretty eyes
Your body suits you best
Conducted like a plant
All pores at once
Posture of trunk of leaves the
Petrifaction moment
Your uality
Careful as you shape the air
Where my breasts used to be
Inhabitation’s a habit
I arrive on the 18th
2 days is what we have
Same as 20
Spring upon your fingertips
Pert buds
Bee balanced on proboscis
Uh oh in a spool
Now the tips are green
Now the tips are pink
Now the tips are white
Airing at a sniff
Easy in the envelope of your hands
Rewinding to the memoir
The glyph in your graze
Easy I said to the deaf habit of a jawdisc
What’s the hurry
The season sprawls
My fiber was coarse
All five: flavor color odor vibre texture
We ran amok dusting air unsettling
And now bereft jumped on the moon
What else to do but ruminate
Come graze ghost bees
About time
Grand Finale
That we are scarecrows presiding over tracts
Does not stop crows from placing feathers in our caps
And cracking up
Or stop termites pinching our feet
The powdery husk of their voices carries in the wind
Look there poor dog pissing in the breeze again
Chasing she who does not know fidelity
Last year’s clothes are deluged by sand
In the hourglass of my body is there time
Before upside down
I’ve lined my pockets with the fat satin of gluttony
I’ve toned my thighs on charity walks
Maybe the highway robbers will have a special smile for me
Our greedy pens gorge on trees
What when we cover all the trees and nothing
Stirs the chrysalis
Re-incarnation kaleidoscope
The young wife got up
left the room and came back a dyke
The chase was abruptly called off
The child went into meditation
emerged warrior and waited
for the child-snatcher to show up again
Abra macabre
Spell it out to break the spell
Shatter light
Was in the ear foyer
Stray voice
Now sleeps on the bed
House pet
Diver followed the curve of floor
Did not see the sudden lunge
If we met now I would surely die
And I would surely if we didn’t
Everywhere you are not
Your exact absence
Where does it hurt
Are you cold or hot
Suspicious at the goat’s steady eyes and reminded of an early lesson
the executor stayed his hand
If the eyes are not rolling in fear the heart may be found missing
Could be a priest in disguise
Some deaths are well-dressed
Butterflies neatly folded
Some have banners
One ragged wing banging in the wind
One by one the petals bowed
Such polite timing
We gave each its due
Now uncapped
The smiling pod seedy teeth
The old bitter-gourd