[PDF]After 3 months of deep working and thinking about how I can share my experience and my passion,I found a way that explores that, I wrote a book,The simple book can help anyone who wants to change his life for the better,using his habits, talents, and lifestyle…I explain many interesting points that help you to find your OWN PATHDon’t miss any word from this book, You will need every single word and idea,If you are not ready to have financial freedom,

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mlatemyceleran ey-)(e)am-lalemaatchTalecolaavom awvolel nem) alemx-1mmY.el0le



Every one of us has a special thing or hidden talent that we didn’t discover
before or even not sure if it is our talent or something normal, we do usually,
or sometimes we do something that we do perfectly and didn’t know that is
our talent,

This talent is a key to our success in life, as we know
we learn when we were kids that we have to study
and get high grades and have a good job to prove
that we are successful in our life and our
community because we have this kind of mindset,
we still in our place, nothing change, no progress,
just routine Wake up 6 AM to start your job or
school and finish 3 PM to go back home and spend the rest of time with family
and friends if we still have time.

MN alcxerolarer-)olmo)m irom ell d{al-w-)alomual-m (ele) Me) mcy-lanl-melUlul-ow-la lem ech) coma at-) r-] om dale)
of endless spending of energy, until we die let us in the same place and same
things every day.


In this book, you are going to discover yourself and learn how

more in your life in the field that you like and more...

1 to make your talent and habits become money and achieve
I’m talking about rules we know and learned in our school 1+1=2

This rule is so simple and easy to understand,

Let’s say

Passion + Hard work = Success, and Achievement in our domain.

How do we know each part of this equation simply follow the structure of this
leXore) ar-Jale mel ale (=1acim-]alom=t-1e1am oy-|aeur-]aleMim\(elUm-]a-M ale) ma-r-lo\mconoal-lal-xem\elel a lii-miels
to better, go to the store to return the book!

This is a huge step you are going to do, change your lifestyle and your goals and
find your meaning in life, why you are here, why you do that, and why you can
still be more passionate and more motivated and get more success stories and

In this book, we will discuss 5 phases that help us find what we truly like to how
io ant-]

The process is very easy and you can feel the touch of the result in 3 months; |
know that’s a crazy thing, but yes, it is true you can if you follow the step in the
fatal mee \ are) alem ol=) [tei -maal- 1m cele mer- lame lomiar-lalemilalem ele] mugu(-mey-Killelamlamaatemr-|(-lals
you will discover.

Let’s start our journey by discovering our talent and gaining money from it.

Phase 1: Find what you like.

At the beginning of our session, we have to know and select what are the
id all aycacvar-] ale m at-]e)iecm (:4-] aa (oem) oe) a mmr- (eld hVA1 a1) ual-] Mm --] Rom a at-10 \VROM<) ol-1aleMelU] md iant=
working or doing, WITHOUT FEELING IN TIME.

These questions are the tips to finding what we truly like,
It is unnecessary to answer all these questions but at least try to find the right


Here you should remember what are the games that you love (
and make sure of all activities that you did in your childhood, _{


1- Remember what you loved as a kid!

see which one you were more talented with

Discovering this part of your childhood can help you to bring your talent to
shine again, and feel that is funny when you do it, and remember all the details,
write them on a paper.

2- Don’t think about money. %

NAVA aYeamvZol0 mual lal ar-]erel¥iaZel0) am al-] o)iacme) anvcol0] ar-(el dh 1 4(-\cym Blom aleve
think about money, WHY? Simply because it is just a
problem you put it in your face, WHY do we eliminate the
money from this equation? Because we will still hesitate
Fe] ole lUhmmeloliay:am dal icwm diate moyam at-]o)iqme-lalommel¥lamaaliaceccmuallal quantile
money is necessary to achieve any goals we want,

Jian) ©) \vaaalelal=\ acm [Ol] ar- im Kole) ave) and al im aat-] lam (o(-t-Mme)mmaal-mr-(old)ViaVare) an dal-Mat-leyianaar-le
we are looking for. Thing more simply as a child doesn’t have money what you
(of-Jamelom-aleMi iar le elU MIL Co

3- Ask your friends for feedback.

Usually, when you do something, you show
it to your friends and the people around
your close circle and ask them about how
do they see it, their feedback, and other
questions you may ask, in this part take a
fate lume) MAW ZaT- 1 MaYe10] am ol-t0) ©) (-mY-hVar-]alemm ale\warele)
they think you should improve your habits
or talent.

Show them an example of your secret habit that you do and how you are
amazing with, make them judge you and take all the feedback, good and bad
one, everything you hear is good. To improve your habit to make it better or

Another side of this part you have to understand if your friend sees that habit
as a new thing they see from you, and the part of judging that they will do it is
just a part of the study, do not affect with them, take it as a case study.

4- Read through a university courses catalog

Some of you went to university and registered for some courses that you would
like, so here is the point of the courses that you register for, which course
attract you more, or the course that made you happy and satisfies and creative
in the course.

5- Who is your Idol?

We ask this question to know and
understand the habit or the talent
that we are working in, and see
what do they deliver what is their
content, when we see that and
understand the meaning of their
content, we can know really what we should make and do,

Make a study of the titles and the talents that they have and know how we can
do the same and better than them, follow their news and their activities, make
yourself like them, you are special not normally think in this way.

MALeKioer aan @LUr-] laters halelammar-luncelemal=r-1ep

Four main titles that can determine the level of your talent, habit,
1- Skills, Do | have the skills that help me in doing it?

Choose and select the skills that you have and that you didn’t have. Where you
(or-} alan) ©) ceZ=m'Zel0] am -x-] oM-]ale Mil | maal=M-\eare)m’Zol0) a ar-] o)imr-lalom-leldhViaVe

2- Knowledge. .)

You need to know and learn everything related to
your habit, maybe the history of your talent, and
what are you doing, the base of it maybe! And the
way of doing it, all questions that you ask and hear
about it.





1 |

3- Practice.

an. Mi at-waateysil ian) oXe)ae-lalm oy-] ame) m\Zel0]mal-]e)imme) m'Zel0] me] (-1a) ame (onze) 0)

want to improve it? so do practice on it, train with

professional or with anyone interested in it, or even alone,

idat=MmaateliaMm ian) oXe)ae-]al au al-]a-mm Kome( om o)a-loud(o-Wr-lalomm lanl e)ae)\(-m\Zel0| 6
level in doing it. And try to bring yourself to a professional
level of it.

4- Environment.

Have a look at your environment and see if it is good and if there is a

good element that helps you to focus and be more creative! And help you get
all your dreams come true or not!

Put the successful people around you and choose the
people that they work on their passion even
they are not in your domain, learn from them,
and get more experiences and improve your life
skills from them, make yourself a copy of them.

when you work, you will see the result so fast and you can then change what
you want, you will feel more successful person, besides the routine of your life
will change, and you will be more creative and more understanding of the
surrounding things.

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Tale M Ub

Nowadays everything is open, open-source in specific,
you can learn what you love even if you don’t know-
ate) VA

You can learn it,
You can get it,
Just do a lot of training and study how and what and why then ask yourself
many questions to know really how much you love it.

Then you see that you work on it 24/7 and you don’t feel the time, why that?
Because you love and admire it.

MM al cM Maal om Xey-] eo) md al-MerolUlaX-MmilaloM Valle elm MaUINVAl| money.

Phase 3: How to create your

Create the product that you can sell and make it more personal, it’s you...

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Besides the services that you can give to people and can solve their problem,
ale Micelle Meola mm aaloim e)ae)e)(-1aa me) md alm ol-le) 0) (--lalemaat-].
services the right solution, to encourage them to buy and
helps to distribute in your market.

2- how to customize your P/S

After studying the similar product and services from
other competitors you should focus on the special of your product and the
value, you are special remember that each business is special, but how can
show this specialty, it’s your challenge, take your business as a game if you play
it right, you get a successful result.

Your business should solve your community and your audience for their
problems, not just a thing people will buy and spend their cash on your
products, it’s a value you sell, a story you express, not only P/S.

In another way, your product or service should be simple, not complicated so
simple as much as you can, study the courses that help you in creating products
Tale Mie) avd (e=\opare (OM-I o) a= |] akcine) daa miinal eX=re)e)(of product, listen and learn, build your mindset with the right concept of
content and services, with high quality.

Phase 4: Find your market and your

mLeNVamkomilarem\celelmaat-1a.<-iar-lalem cele) amal(eat=¥g

It is difficult but it is easy, with following a similar
LOKI [alexccwr-] Alem Ul alel-lecie-lalellal-maal-mee)aic-lalmeymVelele
competitors, and the status of the country that
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Location: where you will sell the P/S
Select the country or the city that you want to sell your product and services,
depending on the statistic that you get and collect from Meta and other

Age range: What are the ranges of ages that you want to reach? When you
know and get the right age range, you will find easy your niche in the country
idat-]mvZol0 X=) (-leunclo pur] ale Mor] ame | alel-)acie-) alo dal-m-<-1al-1e-14 (0) ame) maalom 0) ae)-) ol -lelnce

Interest: what is the interest of your prospects?

You have a lot of answers you can choose but it is not efficient to select over 3

Phase 5: How to sell + Marketing Strategy

First of all, we have to select the platform that we will work on, Website,

Social media platforms, (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Telegram,

We select the right platforms depending on the niche
and the target that is selected,

After the study the target and knowing where they exist,
we can start working on preparing to sell and promote
(ol 0] ame) aele [Ul olm-lalemy-1 alec

The MARKETING strategy should be related to the mindset of the target to get
them from lead to clients and go to the phase of paying CASH,

The right strategy or we can say the best way to express the products and
services that you will sell, is the ONLINE MARKETING that depends on social
media and websites,

In this age of technology, we are connected and everything is easy to get access
on, using the internet, even you now reading this E-book online or you
downloaded it,

So, everything is online now, what we have to do, after ‘ofan’
(oh aXoXos}[ahomnalom =] e-4-1m-lalemaal-mal(oal-meariem elem lal mrolmyelels :
business, you are going to choose the right platform that
lat=){ ome] KomJar-]a-M\Zel0] maelalc-lalar-lalem e)gelel elem

WiVZ= eka

Social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn, etc....) These
sell your products and services to your prospects and potential customers,

Starting from a website that you can sell online using and share your experience
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in advance to express more people who may like your habit and your content,
to go to the next step buy what you are selling.

Each part of this tool has a specific study that
should be correct to work professionally and have
a well present, the visitor and reach will be
sensitive, if you don’t know how to create
attractive content, go to learn how NOW,

i MVLoLUmcX=1] RolU | aii acw-] alo mel (o)aal-tym\ol0 mel) |-4amual-laem-lale
create your style, okay that’s great, but why should
buy from you, not from your competitors!

Simply you have to know the following strategy that helps you to attract and
do marketing to your products and services better:

4 Ps Marketing

NV/FeT a dei dl aya cee) r=] oko] Uh amo) ge) aato) aj al-mdal-malcdaim olgotel0\oim-)mdal-matcdaiaola(acMlamaalem alae

these 4 Ps need to be kept in mind throughout the entire marketing process,
they are:



Feces a gelaatolaleyal


the product is what the company is trying to sell to customers.
idal=m o)geyol UL olan) alol0] (om ol-MUlalie[U[-m-lalemeoliac-la-lalalama-)ana we)

Features >

syeeyalem \telaal=

Product variety

Packaging, return, etc...

Price: the price is how much the company should charge for
idal=mo)qeyol 0 Loi m

the price depends on how much it costs to make the item as
well as advertising costs, distribution costs, overhead costs,
competitor's pricing, etc...

Promotion: it aims to serve two objectives.
1- it informs the potential customers about your product. 2- it
persuades them to buy your product.

the main elements of the promotion mix are:

Personal Selling Public


Direct Marketing

Publicity -social media, Print, etc... Sales

Place: The physical distribution of the goods deals with the
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