[PDF]Good Health 1903

[PDF]Good Health, December 1903.

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Entered AT the Poet Office In Battle Orrr.h. Mich., as Scrond-clAM Matter.

December, 1903.

Fresh-Air Treatment.

Dress and Deformity — Illus¬

The Contagiousness of Health.

Exercises for the Trunk — Illus¬
tra ted.

The Children and the Holidays —
Illustrated .

The “Three P’s.”

Winter Hygiene in the Rocky
Mountains of Colorado — Illus¬

The Hundred Year Club.

Nature’s Methods in the Sick

Science in the Kitchen.


VOL. XXXVIII. Edited by J. H. KELLOGG, M. D. NO. 12

Fresh-Air Treatment

Packer s i

Pure as the Pin

The Best for the Nursery - The Best for the Toilet
The Standard for the Hair and Skin


1904 GOOD HEALTH 1904


rjhave prepared for the readers of Good Health for 1904 a feast
of good things quite surpassing the best which has heretofore
been offered during the longlifetime of this journal. For nearly
forty years this magazine has been standing for principles of hygienic reform.
Once unpopular, many of these principles have now come to be so popular
that in some instances they might almost be said to be fads.

Mighty strides
have been made within
the past few years in
the development of
great principles of cor¬
rect physical living.
The natural life, the
natural order in diet,
dress, and all that per¬
tains to daily habits is
recognized as the ideal

Good Health rep¬
resents this phase of
modern progress as does
no other journal. Dur¬
ing the year 1904 this
journal will deal with
all the various phases
of the great health move¬
ment, which is to-day
receiving more atten¬
tion from intelligent
men and women who

are alive to the needs of the world than any other phase of human progress.

In addition to the discussion of general topics, each number during the
year will deal in an interesting, comprehensive way with some special and
important question. TJie following program, dealing with the leading features
of the health-culture idea, will be faithfully carried out.

A glance at the following outline will give something of an idea of the
thoroughgoing way in which the health-culture idea will be dealt with in this
journal during the coming year.

Good Health for January : The simple life, as illustrated in the lives
of eminent men and in the customs and history of great nations. Interest¬
ing and instructive lessons will be drawn from the example of such men as
Pythagoras, Socrates, Seneca, John the Baptist, the Christ, Tolstoi, Priess-
nitz, Gladstone, William Cullen Bryant, the participants of the Brook Farm
Experiment, and various ancient and modern nations, especially the Per¬
sians, the early Greeks, the Hindoos, North American Indians, Japanese
peasants, the peasantry of Hungary and Ireland.

February : A temperance number, in which all the phases of the tern-

perance question will be discussed. The influence of alcohol upon the brain
and nerves and digestion. The hereditary effect of alcohol. Influence of tea
and coffee. Tobacco habit. Opium, cocain, and other drug habits.

March : The hygiene of the home. Sanitary housekeeping. Sanita¬
tion of the kitchen, the cellar, the laundry, the sleeping room. Death’s
lurking places in the home.

April : Mother’s number. The care of children. Hints to young moth¬
ers. Health culture in the home. Home gymnastics. How to feed a baby.

May: The out-of-door life. Health and beauty. Nature’s cosmetics.
How to have a healthy skin. The morning bath. Wholesome sports. Out-
of-door recreation. Nature study in the fields.

June: The vegetarian idea: its history, and development in modern
times. Was the primitive man a vegetarian ? Does vegetarianism pay ?
Vegetarianism and longevity. Diseases of animals. Relation of cancer to
meat eating. Some famous vegetarians.

July: Vacation days. How to recreate rapidly. The most profitable
health resorts. Phototherapy. Sunbathing.

August: Dress reform. The modern dress reform movement. The
beginning. The development of the modern hygienic dress. The best
models. Evils of the conventional dress.

September : Dietetics. Health foods. The Battle Creek system of
diet. The raw food diet. Fruit and nut dietary. The beefsteak fad. The
beef tea delusion. Horace Fletcher’s experiments and discoveries. The
wonderful discoveries of Pawlow. How much to eat in one day. The
example of Cornaro. Fasting as a remedy for disease.

October : School hygiene. What is best worth knowing ? Evils of
school life. Needed reforms. Care of the eyes. How a school teacher
may preserve her health. School gymnastics. The swimming school.
Out-of-door schools.

November: Hygiene for old people. How to grow old gracefully.
Causes of old age. How to live one hundred years. Old-age diseases and
how to prevent them. How to grow hair on bald heads. A cure for wrin¬
kles. How to preserve the sight. Exercise for old muscles.

December — The Midwinter Number: Christmas and New Years’
dinners. How to keep warm in cold weather. Cold weather hygiene.
Out-of-door life in winter. Winter health resorts for feeble invalids. A
winter sunbath indoors.

Home Remedies: Each number will contain instruction with reference
to the treatment of maladies incident to the particular season of the year.

Question Box : Each number will contain answers to scores of practi¬
cal questions asked by correspondents. Every subscriber has the privilege
of asking as many questions as he likes, to be answered through the journal
by the editor.

Editorial Department; Each number will contain several pages of
editorial comments upon live health topics. The editor will be able to give
more of his time to the conduct of the journal during the coming year than
for several years back.

Contributors: Mrs. E. E. Kellogg, who has for more than twenty
years contributed regularly to Good Health, will give a large part of her
time to the journal, and will contribute numerous original articles on
child culture, healthful home making, cookery, and other topics which are
her specialties. Many old and new contributors will aid in carrying out the
above program, so that subscribers may expect Good Health for 1904 to
be the very best volume which has ever been issued.

Good Health Pub. Co.,

115 Washington Ave., N. Battle Creek, Mich.




We will furnish any of Ihc following named supplies

in combina-

lion with one years subscription fnew or renewed) to GOOD HEAL TH

fo? the price set opposite each

Combination Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe, B

$2 00

a it << a t< u

2 25

Hot Water Bag, cloth insertion, two quart

1 75

4 4 4 4 (4 44 44

three quart

2 00

Spine Bag, 26-inch.

1 75

Stomach Tube .......

. 2 00

Natural Flesh Brush .......

1 00

Wet Abdominal Girdle.

2 00

Faradic Dry Cell Battery ......

8 00

Abdominal Supporter .

4 00

Perfection Douche Apparatus, complete .

2 25

Douche Pan.

1 25

Perfection Vaporizer.

3 00

Magic Pocket Vaporizer.

1 25

with bulb for ear treatment

1 75

Rectal Irrigator.

1 10

A Package containing Sanitarium Talcum Powder,

Massage Cream, and Antiseptic Dentifrice

J 15


Any of the above Combinations will be sent to separate addresses

if so desired . Address




fieaitb Literature

The following books, booklets, and leaflets are sold by the
undersigned for the benefit of GOOD HEALTH readers who
desire to obtain reading matter on all health subjects, and who
wish to gain a complete knowledge of the principles advocated
by our magazine.

HOME HAND-BOOK of Domestic and Rational
Medicine. 1690 pages. By J. H. Kellogg,
M. D. The Home Hand-Book tells in plain,
every-day language how to preserve health,
and if lost, how to regain it. It is written ill
the light of the most recent scientific investi¬
gations, by a physician of large experience
and acknowledged ability, and contains the
most approved methods for the treatment of
more than 600 diseases. Cloth, $4.50; li¬
brary, $5.50.

Kellogg’s Physiologies. For schools and home
study. First book, 174 pages, 40c; Second
book, 291 pages, 80c.

Social Purity, By J. H. Kellogg, M. D. 82 pages,
paper cover. A live, vigorous, and *' telling ”
little work, written in the interests of pure
morals. Chaste, concise, and effective. Price,

Nasal Catarrh, By J. H. Kellogg, M. D. . 25c

Healthful Dress Pamphlet* , . xoc

A Talk With Girls.10c

Natural Food Recipes(120 recipes) . , 10c

What Is the Matter With the American

9tomach ?.10c

Health Science Leaflets. 25 tracts on every

health subject.10c

The New Dietary..5c

Pork, or Dangers of Pork^Eating Exposed. 3c

Some Famous Vegetarians. ... 2c

Dietetics of Sugar.2c

How to Eat to Live a Century. . , 3c

Are We a Dying Race ? ... 5c

THE LADIES’ GUIDE in Health and Disease.

672 pages. By J. H. Kellogg, M. D. A most
valuable work for mothers and young women.
Cloth, >3.00; library, #3. 75 -
Man, the Masterpiece, or Plain Truths Plainly
Told, about boyhood, youth, and manhood,
604 pages. By J. H. Kellogg, M. D. Cloth,
$3.00 ; library, $3.75.

The Stomach, Its Disordeas, and How to Cure
Them. By J. H. Kellogg, M. D. Tells in a
nutshell what every person ought to know
about the stomach — its functions in health,
the symptoms produced by disease, and the
best methods of cure. Cloth, $1.50; half
buffing, $2.

Shall We Slay to Eat? By J. H. Kellogg, M. D.
175 pages, paper cover. A popular presenta¬
tion of scientific facts which prove the natural
diet of man to be fruits, nuts, and grains, and
that the use of animal flesh is injurious, and
productive of grave physical maladies. Price,

Almost a Man. By Mary Wood-Allen 25c

Almost a Woman. “ u , 25c

Diphtheria— its nature, cause, treatment. 10c

How to Live Well on a Dime a Day. . 5c
Balanced Bills of Fare. .... 5c
The Daily Ration. ..... 5c

Plutarch's Essay on Flesh Eating. . . 2c

Death in the Milk Can. .... 3c

Ethics of Flesh Eating.3c

Starch and Its Relatives. ... 3c

Biblical Flesh Eating. • . . 3c

Social Purity Leaftets (Wild Oats, Words to
to Mothers, Novels, The Training of Girls)
per hundred. 40c


Battle Creek, Mich.

Subscription Offers

To any one sending us the largest number of yearly subscriptions at $1
each between this and February 1st, 1904, the number to be not less than
220, we will send one Regina Music Box with twelve tunes, value $220.

To those sending in the next largest number and not less than 200
yearly subscriptions during the same period, we will send one Wing Organ
as advertised in this journal, value $200.

For one hundred yearly subscriptions, we will send a Pulpit Bible, value $33,
Home Hand Book by J. H. Kellogg, M. D., library edition, value $5.50, one
Water Still, value $9.75, and one of our new Musical Photograph Albums,
value $9.50.

For 75 yearly subscriptions, one Pronouncing Parellel Bible, value $24.50,
one S. S. Teacher’s Bible, value $3.50, one Rapid Steam Cooker, No. 2, value $5.70,
and one Water Still, value $9.75.

For 50 yearly subscriptions one Home Hand Book by J. H. Kellogg, M. D.,
full Morocco, value $9, one Holman Self-pronouncing Teacher’s Bible, Persian Seal,
value $8.25, one new Musical Photograph Album, $9.50, and one Ladies’ Guide by J. H.
Kellogg, M. D., library edition, value $3.75.

For 35 yearly subscriptions one Pictorial Self-pronouncing Parallel Family Bible,
French Morocco, value $12. one S. S. Self-pronouncing Teacher’s Bible, value $3.50,
one Rapid Steam Cooker, No. 2, value $5.70.

For 25 yearly subscriptions, our new Musical Photograph Album, value $9.50,
one Holman Self-pronouncing S. S. Teacher’s Bible, value $3.50.

For 15 yearly subscriptions one Holman Self-pronouncing S. S. Teacher’s Bible,
Arabian Morocco, value $5, one Home Hand Book by Dr. J. H. Kellogg, half-
buff, $5, and The Stomach by Dr. J. H. Kellogg, cloth, value $1.50

For ten yearly subscriptions one Ladies’ Guide by J. H. Kellogg, M. D.,
library edition, value $3.75, and one Holman S. S. Teacher’s Bible, value $3.50.

For five yearly subscriptions one Ladies’ Guide* half buff, $3.50, or one Holman
Self-pronouncing S. S. Teacher’s Bible, value $3.50.

For three yearly subscriptions, The Stomach by J. H. Kellogg, M, D.,
cloth $1.50, and Shall We Slay to Eat, Colonial cover, value 25 cts.

For two yearly subscriptions, one No. 12 Rollman Food Chopper, value 75 cts.

We will accept the equivalent in six months’ subscription for all of the
above offers. Catalogues or circulars descriptive of the above mentioned
Bibles, books, albums, etc., will be sent on application.


115 Washington Ave., N. Battle Creek, Mich.


The best of all means for
cleaning the teeth and puri¬
fying the mouth. Prepared
from pleasant and non-poi-
sonous antiseptics.


Moisten a tooth-brush, then place upon
it a sufficient quantity of Dentifrice.

Price Per Tube, • • $ 25

•' Half Doz. Lots • - I 00


11.5 Washington Ave., N. Battle Creek, Mich.


Please note that the combination
mentioned under Special Offers of
Good Health and Field and Firesde
should read Good Health and Farm
and Fireside , also that of Good
Health and Conkey's Home Jour¬
nal , appearing wider the head of
New Offers has been discontinued
as the last named journal is no
longer published.



Pub. Price

GOOD HEALTH and Tick’s Magazine - - $1 50

44 44 44 44 44 and Housekeeper 2 10

44 44 44 Inter Ocean ( weekly) • 2 00

New or Renewed

Our Price

$1 00
1 15
1 00

Until December 31, 1903 only we will combine Good Health and the National Maga¬
zine for $1.00 Publishers price $2.00.

Last but not least we offer Good Health and Youth’s Companion for $1.75. Pub¬
lishers price $2.75. This offer is only for new subscribers to Youth’s Companion. We
will forward renewed subscriptions for $2.35. All can be sent to different addresses if de¬
sired. AddreSS^


115 Washington Ave., N. Battle Creek. Mich.





With one year's subscription (new or renewed) to Good Health, we make
the following astonishing offers : —

Vest Pocket Self-Pronouncing Dictionary, by James P. Boyd,

A. M., size 2*6x4#, easy to read, from $ 75 to I 75

Thumb index, 10^ extra. Six bindings.

Pocket Self-Pronouncing New Testament, authorized ver¬
sion, nonpareil 32mo, size 2*6x4# inches, from 75 to I 75
Six bindings.

Holman Self-Pronouncing New Testament, agate 32mo,
size 5*6x3#, from 75 to I 75

Five bindings. Same, minion 24mo, size 3*6 x5#
x # inch. Five bindings. 85 to 2 00

Any of the above with Psalms, 10^ additional.

Bible for the Little Ones, size 4x5#, three bindings, 90 to I 50

Holman Self-Pronouncing Teachers’ Bible, (Low-priced minion

16moedition), 4*6x6#, four bindings, 2 00 to 2 75

Horizontal thumb index, 50^ additional.

Holman Self-Pronouncing Teachers’ Bible, Ideal Bourgeois edi¬
tion, size 5# x7#, seven bindings, 2 00 to 5 00

Horizontal thumb index, 50^ additional.

Holman Comparative Self-Pronouncing Sabbath-School Teachers’

Bible, linear parallel edition, containing in combination
the authorized and revised versions of the old and
New Testaments, printed on the finest linen rag paper.

Absolutely the only Bible giving a true comparison
of the two versions. Three bindings, 3 50 to 6 00

We also have a fine line of family, home, and pulpit
Bibles, besides albums. Family Bibles furnished in
the German, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, and
Finnish languages.

Our illustrated catalogue for 1903 describes the Bibles, Albums, etc., we handle,
showing styles of type, size, binding, retail price, etc. Agents wanted. Lib¬
eral terms. Address


115 Washington Ave., N. * • Battle Creek, Mich.


The Oldest Exponent of Healthful Living

Ambitious boys and girls can
make good money selling this
journal. We will furnish sam¬
ple copies with which to be¬
gin work. Write for sample
and terms. Address


115 Washington Ave ., N. Battle Creek , Mich.

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