[PDF]Epstein Report

[PDF] The true story of Jeffrey Epstein, billionaire and serial child predator with close ties to some of the richest and most powerful people in the world

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Epstein Report

The true story of Jeffrey Epstein, billionaire and serial child predator with close ties to some of

the richest and most powerful people in the world

Version 1.1
December 5, 2018

Jeffrey Epstein

- Jeffrey Epstein is a is well-known billionaire who made his fortune as
a money manager for the rich and famous.

- He is known to be very closely connected to some of the world’s
wealthiest and most influential people , from Bill Clinton to Prince
Andrew to Donald Trump.

- Epstein had two private jets, the largest single residence in
Manhattan, an island in the Caribbean, a ranch in New Mexico and a
waterfront estate in Florida.

- Once a regular at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago and an active supporter of the
Clinton Foundation, Epstein is a registered sex offender now living
in the US Virgin Islands.


2002: Trump tells New York magazine "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's
a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he l ik es beautiful women as much as I do, and
many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life."
2003: Vanity Fair reports that Trump attends dinner parties at Epstein’s 71 st Street mansion.
New York magazine reports that Trump is among the guests at a 2003 dinner party thrown in
honor of Bill Clinton; magician David Blaine entertains the “barely clad models” with card
tricks, but Clinton never appears.

2004: Court documents reveal Epstein’s address book, including 4 separate numbers for Bill
Clinton; 14 phone numbers for Donald Trump including emergency numbers, car numbers,
and numbers to Trump's security guard and houseman; 16 separate phone numbers for Prince
Andrew, etc.

2005: A woman contacts Florida's Palm Beach Police Department and alleges that her 14-
year-old stepdaughter had been taken to Epstein's mansion, where she was paid $300 to strip
and massage Epstein while he masturbated.

Police begin an 11-month undercover investigation of Epstein, followed by a search of his

Police allege that Epstein paid several escorts to perform sexual acts on him.

Interviews with 5 alleged victims and 17 witnesses under oath, a high school transcript, and
other items they found in Epstein's trash and home allegedly showed that some of the girls
involved were under 18 . At least four tapes containing more than four hours of footage are

2006: The FBI opens an investigation and begins interviewing potential witnesses and
victims from Florida, New York and New Mexico.

2007: Ultimately, the FBI receives accounts from 36 girls (most between the ages of 13 and
17) whose allegations of molestation and abuse by Epstein include overlapping details,
resulting in a 53-page federal indictment that could put Epstein away for life.

It is later reported that Epstein enlisted his victims to recruit other girls for him. One such
victim said “By the time I was 16,1 had probably brought him 70 to 80 girls who were all 14
and 15 years old. He was involved in my life for years”.

Then US Attorney in Miami, Alexander Acosta, enters into plea discussions with Epstein,
even as the FBI investigation is on-going and continuing to locate more witnesses and

Epstein is reportedly banned from Mar-a-Lago.

2008: While plea discussions are still on-going, federal prosecutors begin new grand jury
proceedings to review allegations that Epstein’s attorneys are harassing the victims .

The terms of the plea deal are finalized. Despite substantial evidence that corroborated the
girls’ stories, Epstein agrees to plead guilty to only one count of solicitation of prostitution
and one count of solicitation of prostitution with a minor under the age of 18. He
subsequently serves 13 months in federal custody, followed by a year of community
control/house arrest. He must also register as a sex offender.

As part of the deal , Acosta agrees to seal the 53-page indictment (later unsealed in 2015) and
he agrees, contrary to federal victim’s rights laws , to not notify the victims.

Amazingly, immunity is also granted to “any potential co-conspirators”.

Epstein’s victims only learn about the plea deal after-the-fact.

Two women each file civil suits against Epstein alleging that they were sexually assaulted
and raped when they were minors. These and several other lawsuits are eventually dismissed .


It is later reported that Epstein “received highly unusual treatment while in jail,” including
being allowed to serve much of his sentence in the county jail rather than a State prison, and
being permitted to leave the jail 6 days a week to work at home before returning to jail to

2009: Epstein is released. At the time of his release, he is registered in New York State as a
level three (high risk of reoffense) sex offender , a lifelong designation.

By September, at least a dozen civil lawsuits have been filed by women who allege they were
molested, abused, and/or raped by Epstein when they were underage.

Mark Epstein, Jeffrey’s brother, testifies that Donald Trump had flown on Epstein’s plan at
least once. Trump is subpoenaed in a case involving victim Virginia Roberts, who claims she
was recruited as Epstein’s sex-slave while working as a $9-per-hour locker room attendant at
Mar-A-Lago in the 1990s, and subsequently pimped her out to various friends of Epstein,
including Prince Andrew.

2010: Flight logs from Epstein’s private jet, the “ Lolita Express. ” are obtained and published
during civil lawsuits against Epstein. Records show an assortment of politicians, academics,
celebrities, heads of state and world leaders flying on Epstein’s jets in the early 2000s.

Among them:

o former President Bill Clinton (flew at least 26 times between 2001 and 2003,
including 5 flights without Secret Service detail)

o former national security adviser Sandy Berger
o former Colombian President Andres Pastrana
o lawyer Alan Dershowitz
o actor Kevin Spacey

Epstein and his friends frequently fly to his Caribbean island, which becomes known as
“ Orgy Island ”.

It is reported that Epstein’s house and plane are filled with hidden cameras (e.g., inside
clocks , bathrooms and toilets , etc.). A Jane Doe in one of the many civil suits filed against
Epstein confirms that his mansion was wired with hidden cameras secretly recording orgies
involving his prominent friends and underage girls, for the purpose of blackmail.

Epstein is asked under oath if he has “ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of
females under the age of 18”. He pleads the fifth .

2014: A federal civil suit is filed in Florida against the US for violations of the Crime
Victims' Rights Act by the Department of Justice's agreement to Epstein's 2008 plea; the suit
also accuses Alan Dershowitz of sexually abusing a minor provided by Epstein.

2015: A woman anonymously files suit in a Florida court alleging that Epstein has loaned her
out to rich and powerful friends as an underage “sex slave,” and that she was repeatedly
raped by Prince Andrew when she was a minor.

2016: A lawsuit is filed in California by a woman using the name Katie Johnson, claiming
that she was sexually assaulted multiple times by Donald Trump, including having been
violently raped at a party at Epstein’s Manhattan mansion in 1994 when she was 13 years
old. Trump and Epstein both categorically deny it ever happened.

The lawsuit is dismissed over technical errors and the plaintiffs failure to pay the cost of the

She files another lawsuit in Manhattan under the name Jane Doe. This lawsuit is withdrawn 3
months later, apparently without being served on the defendants.

The case is then re-filed again by Jane Doe in New York.


The plaintiff is scheduled to appear at a press conference 6 days before the 2016 election, but
cancels the event, claiming that threats to her life kept her away. She drops the lawsuit 2
months later.

2017: Trump nominates Alexander Acosta as labor secretary .

Acosta is questioned about the Epstein case during a Senate confirmation hearing and says of
his decision to offer Epstein “As part of any plea, it is not unusual to have an indictment that
says these are all the places we can go, yet at the end of the day, based on the evidence,
professionals within a prosecutor’s office decide that a plea that guarantees that someone
goes to jail, that guarantees that someone register generally, and that guarantees other
outcomes is a good thing.”

Acosta is confirmed by the senate .

Court records show that Epstein paid out $5.5 million to settle lawsuits with 3 women who
alleged he had sexually assaulted them when they were teens. He then settles roughly two-
dozen additional lawsuits.

2018: The Miami Herald identifies nearly 80 women who say they were molested or
otherwise sexually abused by Epstein from 2001 to 2006.

A state civil lawsuit by attorney Bradley Edwards against Epstein is set to be heard and the
trial is expected to provide victims with their first opportunity to make their accusations
publicly. However, the case is settled on the first day of the trial, with Epstein apologizing to
Edwards; other terms of the settlement were confidential.


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