[PDF]Business Week 1969: Volume None, Issue Index.Digitized from IA1566407-05.Previous issue: sim_business-week_1969-04-26_2069.Next issue: sim_business-week_1969-05-03_2070.
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Business Week
How to Use this Index
Every article appearing in Business Week during
the first six months of 1969 is comprehen-
sively indexed in this volume. All articles are
indexed alphabetically by subjects and by the
names of individuals, private businesses and
government agencies in all cases where such
were either the subject of the story reported or
had a primary relationship to the topic covered.
The following paragraphs are offered as a
guide to the index.
Business Organizations. Industries are in-
dexed under their simple designations such as:
“Aviation,"’ “Shipbuilding,” “Textiles,” etc. In
addition, all articles having reference to a pri-
vate company will be found under that com-
pany’s name.
Labor. General labor news is indexed under
such broad headings as “Wages,” “Employ-
ment," “‘Labor,"’ and the like. Reference should
also be made to the various government labor
agencies and to individual companies. Because
the full names of many trade unions are not
generally well known, trade union items are
indexed by parent organization, under ‘‘AFL-
CIO,"" or “Independent Unions,” and then in
turn under subheads by the trade or Industry in
which they operate. There is one exception: the
railroad brotherhoods are indexed only under
Government. The permanently established
departments of the Federal Government will be
found under “D,” “Department of the Trea-
sury," ‘‘Department of Defense," and ‘Post
Office Department.”
independent Commissions and Special
Emergency Agencies. These will be found ar-
ranged alphabetically by their established
names. In addition, they are also indexed un-
der their field of activity.
Reference Dept. Many individual headings
suggest other entries (See also...) which may
be consulted in looking for specific articles. If,
however, you cannot find a specific article, or
you would like any general information about
material which Business Week has published, do
not hesitate to make direct inquiry by mail or
telephone to Business Week Library, 330 West
42nd Street, New York 10036, N. Y.; telephone
971-3298. .
ABS, Hermann Josef
Germany’s banks flex muscles (with table and
illus) p96, May 24
See also Independent Unions; Labor; Wages;
Dept. of Labor; National Labor Relations
AFL-CIO is concerned about labor legislation
# p90, Jan.4
Labor maps 1969 goals: A hi
and full employment head
priorities » Mar.1
er hourly wage
FL-CIO’s list of
Labor “yep may be in the making #
p76, Mar.1
Blue-collar es of words heats up: AFL-CIO
issues white per on UAW’s campaign of
accusation (with i illus) p76, Apr.12
AFL-CIO unions to counteract GE’s employee
communications # p100, May 3
AFL-CIO urged to reconsider withdrawal from
Internatio Confederation of Free Trade
Unions # p100, May 3
A successor to William F. Schnitzler # p56,
May 10
Labor chafes at Nixon pace p34, May 24
AFL-CIO weathers the loss: Withdrawal of
Auto Workers hasn’t hurt federation as much
as expected, but it has left some weaknesses
p77, May 31
Bottle Blowers
Glass containers are blamed for litter # p76,
Building & Construction
Building trades push for more p90, May 10
Carpenters fight the prefab war: Battle rages
over the installation of premachined doors at
an Air Force base (with illus) p90, Apr.19
Prefab precedent p48, Jun.21
Rival unions talk unity p80, Feb.8
Coalition fires opening salvo: New demands
drafted by 10 AF -CIO unions are only open-
ers for coming negotiations with Westinghouse
and GE (with illus) p72, Mar.15
Coalition talks in GE’s future p52, Jun.14
Costliest GE contract? That’s what one com-
sw official fears as the outcome of upcoming
‘ormal talks (with illus) p132, Jun.28
ow destroyed in Unity House fire # p80,
the smoker to kick the habit (with
iltws) , Jun.28
Dock strike makes a few waves: Impact of
walkout at Eastern ports could become severe
>. ee on into February (with illus) p31,
New York’s striking longshoremen were due
to vote this Friday # p38, Feb.15
ay strike renews talk to tougher laws: Nix-
Administration looks harder at new ways
of dealing with eae emergency disputes
(with illus) p37, Feb.2:
Dock strike drags on in Boston and Texas with
— the stumbling point p42,
Peace comes to Boston: Shippers and
agree to end months-long tieup in last holds
out port p58, Apr.5
# Short News Item
January-June, 1969
IAM wins and fights on: Jurisdictional battle
between unions at McDonnell Douglas ends in
victory for Machinists p90, Jan.18
National fights to fly (with illus) p78, Feb.8
New top team due at Machinists as Siemiller
heads for retirement p108, Feb.22
Airline mechanics and eight major carriers
have been bargaining # p76, Mar.15
Mr. Smith goes to Washington for IAM (with
illus) p102, Jun.21
Marine and Shipbuilding
IUMSWA and General Dynamics signed con-
tract expiring 1974 p90, Jan.4
Deep-sea evewe aren’t clear of labor prob-
lems # p76, 15
Ship strike prospects lessened # p59, Apr.5
Four unions opened contract talks with ship
operators # p80, Apr.12
Shipping faces up to its next crisis p38, May 31
Maritime pacts shaping up fast (with illus)
p46, Jun.7
Meat Cutters
Do mergers need a union label? (with chart)
p86, May 17
Retail, Wholesale & Dept. Store
District 65 seceded this week # p46, Apr.19
Rubber Workers divided yearend bonuses #
p90, Jan.4
$3-million loan by the United Auto Workers to
= aia Rubber Workers repaid # p100,
Vacation bonuses went into effect Jan. 1 #
p90, Jan.4
United Steelworkers Ereident. I. W. Abel has
won re-election # p38, F
USW vote: faint praise for Abel: Unofficial
ive incumbent Steelworkers president
% of 7g in a light turnout (with
illus) p104, Feb.2:
Local 3657 wants the National Labor Relations
poses to exclude department heads # p59
oer aides go to labor’s
Steelworkers crusade in Canada p88, May 10
Lone Star Steel Co. and United Steelworkers
reached an understanding # p46, May 17
USW moves to police District 15 p88, May 17
AFL-CIO unions to pa Ze fine levied on
striking New York ye 4 # p38, Febs8
Teachers push a right-to-strike law # p80,
‘summit’ (with illus)
battle looms for strikebound American
Airlines and Transport workers # p40, Mar.8
Labor’s knottiest talks p96, Apr.26
© pee Will peace mean higher prices? p44,
AMK Corp.
How United Fruit was plucked (with illus)
p122, Feb.22
United Steelworkers Bresitent I. W. Abel has
won re-election # p38, F
USW vote: faint praise for Abel (with illus)
p104, Feb.22
Nixon aides go to labor’s ‘summit’ (with illus)
p38, Apr.19
Scientists on campus flunk in federal aid (with
illus) p76, Jan.4
Union teams up with black power (with illus)
p22, Apr.5
Charleston strikers gain clout (with illus) p39,
May 17
ABLE, Charles R.
McDonnell aamates § finds merger is magic
(with illus) p100,
Earnings per share must be audited # p132,
May 17
Earnings-per-share figures must be audited #
p96, May 17
Ackerman looks beyond the Post: After at
least doubling his money before folding the
famous old magazine, the astute financial deal-
er adds a broadcasting company (with illus)
p26, Jan.18
Holders of 35% of Curtis Publishing will seek
— meeting to elect new board # p40,
Perfect wants a better image (with illus) p100,
ACKLEY, Gardner
New Economists leave their last testament
(with illus) p102, Jan.18
ADDRESSOGRAPH-Multigraph Corp.
Taking on Xerox with a fast copier: Addresso-
ey aph has had its troubles produc-
- s _ t work. Now it hopes to make
e with one that’s also a duplicator
Ceith illus p78, Apr.26
Why the U.S. must sell more overseas (with
tables, charts and illus) (Special Report) p40,
ADMIRALTY Enterprises
W. R. Grace & Co. to .- “a Line, Inc. to
Admiralty Enterprises, # p38, Feb.15
ADVANCED Manned Strategic Aircraft
New bomber runs into old flak (with table
and illus) p43, May 3
See also Newspapers; Magazines; Radio;
No smoking on the air? p36, Feb.8
The ads are kooky, and they sell (with illus)
p50, Feb.15
Will TV take to drink? p33, Feb.15
Ogilvy & Lyd to handle advertising for
Hershey Foods Corp # p66, Feb.22
Straus Broadcasting Bn a severe restric-
tions on cigarette advertising over its four
stations in New York state # p66, Feb.22
Media line up for share of tobacco dollars
(Marketing Outlook) p102, Mar.29
Clearing smoke from the airwaves (with illus)
p38, Apr.5
Admen groove on underground press: The
medium may be grubby, but far-out news-
papers find support in record companies (with
illus) p84, Apr.12
Schenley is putting into print ads showing
Daniel and Dickel together # p88, Apr.26
CBS Inc. cut back its record advertising #
p71, May 3
Quitters build up a market (with illus) p154,
May 24
Fight looms on cigarette ads # p38, May 31
FTC is reading the auto ads (with illus) p27,
May 31
A puncture in tire ads # p46, Jun.7
Caution: Regulators may be hazardous p52,
Playboy puts a glint in the admen’s eyes (with
illus) p142, Jun.28
Ad leader joins trend p28, Apr.5
Public attitudes influence corporate profits #
p71, May 3
Women’s pet peeves about grocery products
# p7il, May3
Agencies merge on global scale p42, May 17
re > thrive by thinking small: ‘Hot’ new
agencies pull in more of the ad business (with
illus) p May 17
LaRoche, toni & McCall going public #
p156, May 2
ADVERTISING (Classified)
ro need a director, try placing a want ad
th illus) p72, Jan.18
ADVISORY Council on Executive Organization
Updating the executive branch p178, May 10
— up Se maze in Washington: Nixon
orm: to revamp the bureaucracy,
poy its —. (with illus) p163, Jun.21
AETNA Life & Casualty
Partnership pitfalls pose pe for agree-
ment in real estate # p44, Apr.12
AGENCY for International Development
AID raises weeds in Thailand corn deal:
Saree wy must make good on $7.5-million loan
banks (with illus) p78, Mar.22
Nixon faces opposition to foreign aid p67,
AGNEW, Spiro
The President-elect sets his own style (with
illus) p80, Jan.18
Agnew baffies SBA officials with statistics p54,
U.S. agribusiness shows the way: American
companies are putting agricultural and mar-
ke skills to work in poor lands (with illus)
p52, Jan.18
Goniemaeins under the gun (with illus) p27,
AIMS Group, Inc.
Putting one’s own house in order: A New
York consulting firm helps aT handle
their money (with illus) p124, Jan
Readers Report: Executive’s will p5, Feb.8
AIR Canada
Air travel in Canada was disrupted at mid-
week # p36, May 3
AIR France
Allies fight over Berlin air routes (with illus)
p148, Jun.21
AIR Pollution
Smog over auto accord: Car makers’ a
ment to pool research and data on contro.
pollution draws antitrust suit p28, Jan.18
# Short News Item
Air pollution has been licked by the auto in-
dustry # p44, Apr.12
Fight swirls over pollution p86, Jun.28
AIR West, Inc.
Hughes may fly again (with map) p32, Jan.11
AIRCO Vacuum Metals
Purer steels for tougher jobs (with illus) p80,
AIRLIFT International, Inc.
Readers Report: On hijacking p5, Jan.11
AISHTON, Preston
Executives rush to exotic retreats (with illus)
p118, Mar.8
Alabama bank squabble # p48, Jun.21
Alaska strikes it rich: Beneath the poenen land
(with cover, map and ius) ek Hebd
Construction surveys on a pipeline to deliver
crude to a Southern Alaskan port # p38,
Readers Report: Making terra firma p5, Mar.15
Readers Report: Take it easy in Alaska p5,
Sportsmen find Utopia in Alaska p93, May 3
noma is testing system to —_
teract disastrous effects of summer thaws in
Alaska # p170, May 10
Alaska’s natural gas treasures # p54, Jun.14
ALCO Standard Corp.
Conglomerate chief on a fast track: Horse
fancier Tinkham Veale II builds } FL Stan-
dard by following a aan: ly acquire
winners (with illus) “pl
A new science tries to keep old balance (with
illus) p64, Feb.15
Next step will be the first (with illus) p78,
May 31
Political row
(with illus) p20,
Choices signal Nixon bid to ‘New South’ p44,
i over fair employment
Upper Manhattan to get big department store
3 a discloses plans for unit p46,
Alexander's is looking for a new chairman
# p88, Apr.26
Algeria hunts for Rd investo:
fore companies to aid industrial
is acting less hostile (with illus) p52, Apr.12
To place on aoe oo auction the Al, oil
interests of Sinclair Mediterranean Oil Co. #
p62, May 17
styled re yolutionary Saul Alimeky starts school
revolutio: 00)
to train others to organize a new breed of
‘have nots’ — suburbanites ond alienated ex-
ecutives (with illus) p44, Feb.8
ALLEGHENY Airlines, Inc.
Where o- mot ms in peat ont: Alle; ster
Airlines fin ci a 5 “¥
air taxis do aS ob (with ius) p90, Mar.
ALLEN-Bradley Co.
wet discriminating becomes not enough: Panel
case involving Allen-Bradley rules that
cana with government con’ must
actively seek marty group workers (with
illus) p88, Jan.1
Allen-Bradley Co. is hiring blacks # p56,
May 10
ALLEN, Sir Peter
Stans tries to take the reins on trade (with
cover, table and illus) p114, May 10
ALLIANCE for Labor Action
To new team gets on the road: Alliance
for Labor Action Teamsters and UAW
in social and organizing drives (with illus)
p76, May 31
ALLIED Chemical Corp.
How Allied Chemical breaks with its past:
Some executives —— = - t, - Connor breaks
down long-standing barr to better control
and pl. (with teble. ‘on “Onns) ps0, Apr.5
ALLIS-Chalmers Mfg. Co.
The battle for Aiie-Coataeess: ; Comme) s new
a. besieged =.8 omerate, is
blazing with all guns ( th illus p92, Mar.8
FTC acts to flag down Allis-Chalmers = r,
citing lessened competition # p42,
ALLSTATE Enterprises Stock Fund
Sears, Roebuck formation of Allstate Enter-
prises Stock Fund, Inc. # p44, May 24
Aluminum stocks find some rooters (with
chart) p68, Jan.4
How Alcoa sweetens its success (with cover
and illus) p38, Jan.18
Where the price pire gets that extra twist
(with chart) p18,
Sparks fly in aluminum war: Kaiser president
wan ue ee Bey © i 2 Alcoa ansubs
his ‘30¢ philosophy’ (with illus) p49, May 10
ALUMINUM Co. of America
How Alcoa sweetens its success: The No. 1
aluminum maker reshapes its selli —_
to boost margins (with cover and ) pas,
pA 18
Aluminum gets a run in the powder derby
(with illus) p152, May 10
Homes by Alcoa # p54, Jun.14
ALUMINUM Powder Metallurgy
gee gets a run in Sad ngwies derby:
Two producers diniese os in mee
that will cut costs in oe emkion (alte ike
p152, May 10
AMBERG, Richard J.
The new line on antitrust (with cover
and illus) p120, Jun.21
CAB opens Hawaii to five more U.S. airlines,
ot - - snarled in a Presidential veto #
Pp. an.
battle looms for strikebound American
tts es and Transport Workers # p40, Mar.8
AMERICAN Assn. for the Advancement of
Highlights at the AAAS p78, Jan.4
AMERICAN Bakeries Co.
American Bakeries sales-carnings ratio sags
and — vote 5-4 to oust chairman #
p37, Jan.4
AMERICAN Bankers Assn.
Craw! toward new flexibility (with illus)
p38, Tue ot
AMERICAN Bar Association
Bar gro » ee key chairmen into govern-
seen Un Ded. P apr26
AMERICAN Brands, Inc.
Tobacco plows new fields p38, May 17
AMERICAN Cement Corp.
American Somat purge of four top men
ots lead to a springtime proxy fight # tt DIB.