[PDF]Business Week 1966: Volume None, Issue Index.Digitized from IA1566407-04.Previous issue: sim_business-week_1966-04-30_1913.Next issue: sim_business-week_1966-05-07_1914.
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How to Use this Index
Every article appearing in Business Week during
the first six months of 1966 is comprehen- .
sively indexed In this volume. All articles are
indexed alphabetically by subjects and by the
names of individuals, private businesses and
government agencies in all cases where such
were either the subject of the story reported or
had a primary relationship to the topic covered.
The following paragraphs are offered as a
guide to the index.
Business Organizations. Industries are in-
dexed under their simple designations such as:
“Aviation,” “Shipbuilding,” ‘‘Textiles,"’ etc. In
addition, all articles having reference to a pri-
vate company will be found under that com-
pany’s name.
Labor. General labor news is indexed under
such broad headings as “Wages,” “Employ-
ment," ‘Labor,’ and the like. Reference should
also be made to the various government labor
agencies and to Individual companies. Because
the full names of many trade unions are not
generally well known, trade union items are
indexed by parent organization, under ‘AFL-
CIO," or “Independent Unions,"’ and then in
turn under subheads by the trade or industry in
which they operate. There is one exception: the
railroad brotherhoods are indexed only under
Government. The permanently established
departments of the Federal Government will be
found under ‘'D," “Department of the Trea-
sury, “‘Department of Defense,"’ and ‘Post
Office Department."
Independent Commissions and Special
Emergency Agencies. These will be found ar-
ranged alphabetically by their established
names. In addition, they are also indexed un-
der their field of activity.
Reference Dept. Many individual headings
suggest other entries (See also . . .) which may
be consulted in looking for specific articles. If,
however, you cannot find a specific article, or
you would like any general information about
material which Business Week has published, do
not hesitate to make direct inquiry by mail or
telephone to Business Week Library, 330 West
42nd Street, New York 10036, N. Y.; telephone
971-3298. :
See also lent Unions; Labor; Wages;
os al of Labor; National Labor Relations
gaining weather: fair and mild. 1966 calen-
= = contract talks (with table) p37, Jan.1
Transit tie-up hurts labor’s fight on 14(b):
AFL-CIO leaders fear ute’s effect on pub-
may stiffen opposition to re-
-Hartley section (with illus) p31,
AFL-CIO unions’ clash with infegentene mey
bring test of Civil Rights Act p90, Jan.29
‘Frien Co. turns sour: With 14(b)
ho; OrAFL-CIO. sees threat of tough
anti- aws (with illus) p47, Feb.5
U.S. labor launches road show in Rio: Spon-
sorship of worker-to-worker pro; by La-
bor Dept. U.S. unionists chance to
explain’ their system (with illus) . , P98, Feb. 12
AFL-CIO heads for a clash: Federation
rejects formula to wags boost pressure
on guidelines (with “iilus) 7, Feb.26
anes coolness to Wirtz could backfire p48,
Unions press harder against the
Labor ideders make it plain that ye: ‘don't
feel t aes to 3.2% wage ouins (with illus) p117,
Johnson readies bill to ban strikes: Proposal
to curb walkouts that threaten national inter-
est has labor leaders worried pl17, Mar.12
Labor bills may os a break: Three contro-
bills — invo ——= site pick-
= ving = P A
minimum wage, ymen:
compensation have a good chance in Con-
gress p115, Mar.26
Labo: and Johnson gets oe A,
r groans, ge
safe target: building ies p63,
Boom gives labor its '67 leverage: Push will
be s. or big wage hikes (with charts) p40,
Power to ban labor law violators from Saas
contracts urged for agencies p69, May
nists try new tack: Instead of o-
cusing sole ey, St on yz OSG - rimination
unions, the for broader co-
or with AFL-CIO with, illus) pl140,
Where = labor turn? Its inability to get bills
forced labor to question its power
ae ye » support in the November
elections p29, Jun.4
Meany is under Administration pressure to lift
U.S. labor boycott of ILO talks p86, Jun.11
pening cents ot & ye: Renewed clash be-
tween this = over ILO
meeting orte i illus) p149, Jun.1
The New L~y- State AFL-CIO is dropping i its
Pose suns repeal of the state full crew law
Readers Report: A blow to rights p4, Jun.18
cee tee Biicly over labor
r have uu over
3 licy, other _ We between them
are 7 “emerge pl10, Jun.25
GE puts unity to test: AFL-CIO forms an
to fight Boulwarism, but the corpora-
—_-° (with table and illus) p94,
early retirements,
UAW’s plan spurs
jobs in autor, farm equipment
pba, Jans
# Short News Item
January-June, 1966
—_ worker's suicide spurs action to limit
rnishments and high-interest loan rates
er0s, Feb.12
Early retirement plan In_ the
first four months of program, eo ® 10,000
= under age of 65 have quit p120,
ied GER of bie > Comat robed to see if
displaced workers get aid p129, Mar.12
Appeals court, in about face, denies union's
right t to = members who cross picket line
UAW wound up 1965 with a record net worth
of over $60-million—up 14% for the year
p148, Apr.9
Laid off Ford workers are due for federal aid
pany U.S.-Canada duty-free auto pact p134,
Will increase its board from 25
oan i with a new member e
Some GM workers face three-day weeks, but
a en 90% of regular weekly wages
Pp yl
Auto union maps road for future: UAW =
vention sets wage parity with Canada
a salaries as its goals (with illus) piss,
a * - at top for labor’s women: O
M. Madar, UAW’s new vice-president,
a a handful in major union offices p62,
ay 28
Auto labor goes multinational: Unions here
and abroad are seeking a —_ coalition
as a counter-force to the of
business abroad (with illus) p74, Jun.11
to 26 mem-
be a woman
Whipsaws that drive building wag : Con-
struction wages are tithe “filus) p150,
The new goal: weekly salaries for workers
p75, Apr.30
a lition to = a 2 A eee of —
unions w a
General Electric (with ‘iitus) pl22, Mar.12
GE clashes with electrical workers’ union over
in IUE’s barga'
‘outsigiers’ ining group pil62,
May 21
GE puts uni to test: AFL-CIO forms
alliance to it x (with table ond
illus) p94, Jun.25
Hatters, Cap & Millinery
Union gets no satisfactory bid for Merrimac,
so it will continue to run hat company
FA cape to speed Saigon shipping p34,
Strik lo wy local in Philadelphia
gets ‘slapped with a $100,000 daily fine fine p44,
Do upgrades the apprentice: Tough on-
the-job program will in eo for
fast-changing aerospace needs p80, Jan
Olin Mathieson strike settlement ite close,
4 - + fated is produced again or Vietnam
Machinists and five na? be down
in new contract poe BC
Readers Report: College on the pe p5, Feb.5
IAM approves pay raises for a
50¢ increase in per capita tax p60, Feb
Boeing and union have accepted federal medi-
ators’ proposals of a formula for layoffs
p82, Apr.30
Labor feels its oats: Machinists’ deadlock with
airlines is just one symptom of a growing
militancy (with illus) p90, May 14
What a union does to fill a shortage: A
union-run school is making seamen into engi-
neers to fill a need that could become critical
(with illus) p105, Apr.2
Steel contract puts Abel on spot: Union dis-
satisfaction would interfere with new presi-
dent’s efforts to unify Steelworkers (with
illus) p97, Jan.22
Steel's jobless press for relief: Steelworkers
from mills shut down in Monongahela Valley
descend on Wash: m to p subsidy pay
plan (with illus) , Jan.22
Kaiser-USW pact will give workers sPigeer
share in cost-savings plan pl22, Mar.5
Marvin Miller doffs uniform of USW to call
signals for Baseball Assn. p129, Mar.12
Rasies of cost-saving sharing plan are —. poe
by Kaiser and Steelworkers P56, Mar.1
Wage parity with U.S. will be Canadian issue
(with illus) p153, Mar.19
Record output, plus strong rein on costs, mean
secure! benefits for Kaiser Steel workers p128,
Abel finds a broader role Me = a. F He
works with Sasuteer, and serv a unify
factor in AFL-CIO (with illus) ps7, May 28
Steel giants face a blast on bias: U.S. Steel
and United Steelworkers are targets of dem-
tak and complaints on discrimination
union. will seek mills in North warned that
union ll seek 15% wage-fringe boosts p69,
Arbitrator upholds firing of wife who covered
husband’s absence; his job saved p86, Jun.11
Boston loses its new spaners, finds ee Sepenens
in the strike (with illus) p120,
AMF Thermatool, Inc.
— ae high-speed brass welding mill
~ Fae improves quality of tubing p170,
See also AFL-CIO — Steel
Steel contract puts Abel on spot: Union dis-
satisfaction over changes ay A skilled
workers could interfere with new president's
= to unify a (with illus) p97,
os help on economic guideposts: Presi-
dent has reactivated labor-management ul]
(with illus) p42, May 14 ~
USW’'s Abel wants labor to raise
portal-to-portal pay, salaries,
pl62, May 21
Abel finds a broader role ff 4 Bf He
works with Reuther, and serv a unifying
factor in AFL-CIO (with ‘itus) ps7, May 28
ts, seek
Oil tool specialist uses own reci for space
metals (with illus) pl16, Feb.26 =
Study of stresses on automobile drivers to use
space medicine techniques p99, Feb.19
Crash hits a com : Thermo King lost some
executives and dealers in Japanese air
crash (with illus) 46, 12
Electronics find that using the taxpayer: Tax con-
sultants fin using computers to figure
returns sav —and makes money (with
illus) p67, “Maar 26 :
SEC prods accountants: The regulatory agenc
has carved notice that it wants speedier pore
on modernizing financial reports p102, Jan.15
They Lng I a bridge to Washington: 1 The —
= top lawyers are influ broke:
oon, business and government (with illus)
pas 5. Apr.23
ACKLEY, Gardner
See also Council of Economic Advisers
The sli th of prosperity: Economists
are wersyita Fibout how to combine growth
with full emp! _ and stable prices (with
illus) p70, Jan.
Big Steel ups prices but avoids a row: Selec-
b am increase averts new ttle between in-
and the Administration (with illus)
oon an.8
gees ay baitle past a milestone: They meet
praise Employment Act of 1946— and de-
bate e its current application (with illus) p138,
Six characters in search of a posture: Eco-
nomic Commentary (with illus} pl152, Mar.5
The oe. dilemma: ao ay began 1966
momy covld e spending
plane in stride. Now that inflation looms,
Pressure for stro measures is building up
(with illus) p33, 19
New role for CEA: economic fireman. Presi-
dent’s top economists are now troubleshooters
= ‘wage and price policies (with illus) p30,
yee into a loo -glass world. Economic
mmentary (with illus) p136, Apr.2
Administration talks to on prices, profits.
ing on Guilepests
Goal: to Fad labor
p47, May7
Stocks skid KJ Ackley speech renews investor
fears of a tax increase p148, May7
What does the plunge portend p35, May 14
Steam to spare in the economy p39, May 21
ADAMS, John G.
tials, subsidies (with intus)” piso, ‘Feb.26
ADLER, Richard
Styles to suit the Mustang market (with illus)
p80, Feb.19
The show goes on—and production perks:
Admiral’s new TV_plant pays its Wertines to
watch a pep-up musical (with illus)
piz2, Age. 6
See also Newspapers; Magazines; Radio;
ecm pact nails prime time, top cash p17,
CBS-TV considers flat rate for advertising to
replace complex discount system p42, Jan.22
score 2 av comeback: One-
shot entertainment spec as oo favor with
industry (with illus)’ pf ps6, Feb.12
Prodded by its new chief, FDA seizes
alleged to have been falsely advertised
oO & Mather with 350,000-share issue
af age a hay ney LE |
aid Sam: consumers’ champion. Wosicgen
for more
industry fe feelin the presure with la}
# Short News Item
Amusement parks ride to boom—or bust:
Some — have seen their ¥~+ but sur-
viving thrive — such as Palisades in New Jer-
ou. Aor! ive on smart promotion (with illus)
The Assn. of National Advertisers favors the
existing method of compensating advertising
agencies # p52, Apr.16
Shin: up to a European market: American-
polishes spread Prestone brand name on car
and antifreeze (with illus) p190,
NBC joins TV network moves to placate Hart’s
probe of mae discrimination p54, May 21
How to ge the doorway:
Culligan’s sp lacy — salesmen ahead of
roduct (with illus) ds plug sa
the sales pitch blurry: Mutual funds
Keeping de by suvere SEC rules before they
can advertise on TV (with illus) p129, Jun.4
Glacial change in ry ad agencies.
Marketing Outlook Pol. » &.
Adman with a difference: Norman H. Strouse
}— 3% us ue talents to the task of trans-
alter Thompson (with cover and
inu) 1S is. Jun.18
Much more money for same old diet: Net-
works will set new spending records (with
illus) p42, Jun.18
Probes of XB-70 crash may tighten strings on
promotional photos for contractors p52, Jun.18
ae Women of N. Y. Foundation,
Wowing the ladies: Housewives return from
plant tours with ie message for consumer
conference: ‘“‘We didn’t realize that business
really does care” (with illus) p90, Mar.26
AERO Commander Co.
Light-plane makers finally get airborne (with
illus) p158, Apr.30
AERO-Dyne Corp.
Helping to shore up small business p146, Jan.22
Happier Se ahead for Soviet air travel-
ers: Aerofiot is modernizing Moscow airports
(with illus) p130, Apr.2
AEROJET-General Corp.
Preparing to go past the moon: The U.S. suc-
cessfully tests a nuclear rocket system to be
pw ot for deep space probes (with. illus) p136,
Purification unit uses reverse osmosis principle
to ralize water for California oilfields
p170, Jun.4
Sonar beam keeps vi in cab (with illus
p140, Feb.19 _ el )
See also Individual countries
Is pan-Africanism still strong pll4, Mar.5
The ‘oem take over in black Africa p113,
Mar ,
AGENCY for International Development
Brazil: some success, much to do (with chart
and illus) p61, Jan.22
Farm and food research aims at new q
new protein sources, new plastic raw ma
p106, Mar.5
ipo Giovanni
Le oj fuel to Ford’s future (with
iifus) p34 p34, J
See also Dept. of Agriculture
Readers Report: Down on the farm p5, Jan.22
Johnson would gear U.S. farm it to the
cooks cl Gna mae uae ee
A lab that stuffs the U.S. larder: The Belts-
research center is
ville rese a, Key (element in
illus) p62, Feb.26 r
Farm and food research aims at new grains,
new protein sources, new plastic raw materials
p106, Mar.5
Readers Report: In the field p5, Mar.19
Farm union reaps first California victory:
Independent union, in triple triumph, gains
toehold on farms for organized labor (with
illus) p158, Apr.16
Prosperity scatters its seed: The demand for
new farm equipment is so high that it ex-
ceeds — ly and manufacturers are predict-
ing a 15% rise in sales for 1966 (with chart
and illus) p38, Apr.30
Co set on shift to hike output 2,
—~ ps
AILES, Stephen
They build a bridge to Wetomen: The ca