[PDF]Business Week 1962: Volume None, Issue Index.Digitized from IA1566407-03.Previous issue: sim_business-week_1962-07-28_1717.Next issue: sim_business-week_1962-08-04_1718.
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How to Use this Index
Every article appearing in Business Week during
the second six months of 1962 is comprehen-
sively indexed in this volume. All articles are
Indexed alphabetically by subjects and by the
names of individuals, private businesses and
government agencies in all cases where such
were either the subject of the story reported or
had a primary relationship to the topic covered.
The following paragraphs are offered as a
guide to the index.
Business Organizations. Industries are in-
dexed under their simple designations such as:
“Aviation,” ‘‘Shipbuilding,"’ “‘Textiles,"’ etc. In
addition, all articles having reference to a pri-
vate company will be found under that com-
pany'’s name.
Labor. General labor news is indexed under
such broad headings as ‘‘Wages,"’ “‘Employ-
ment," “‘Labor,"’ and the like. Reference should
also be made to the various government labor
agencies and to Individual companies. Because
the full names of many trade unions are not
generally well known, trade union items are -
indexed by parent organization, under ‘AFL-
CIO," or “Independent Unions,"’ and then in
turn under subheads by the trade or industry In
which they operate. There is one exception: the
railroad brotherhoods are indexed only under
Governmeny. The permanently established
departments of the Federal Government will be
found under ‘'D,"' ‘Department of the Trea-
sury,’ ‘‘Department of Defense,"’ and ‘Post
Office Department.”
Independent Commissions and Special
Emergency Agencies. These will be found ar-
ranged alphabetically by their established
names. In addition, they are also indexed un-
der their field of activity.
Reference Dept. Many individual headings
suggest other entries (See also...) which may
be consulted in looking for specific articles. If,
however, you cannot find a specific article, or
you would like any general information about
material which Business Week has published, do
not hesitate to make direct inquiry by mail or
telephone to Business Week Library, 330 West
42nd Street, New York 36, N. Y.; telephone
LOngacre 4-3000, extension 3297.
ACF Industries, Inc.
New aircraft navigation devices aid blind
landing, fixing position p80, Oct.6
See also Independent Unions; Labor; Dept. of
Labor; National Labor Relations Board; Wages
Washington institute begins courses for Latin
American labor leaders p78, Jul.7
Unions may strategy to fight joblessness: They
are looking more toward the White House for
= to the problem (with chart) p86,
CIO bloc complains its voice is muffled in
federation offices and functions p84, Aug.4
Meany still sees need for tax cut in lower
brackets despite jobless gains p58. Aug.11
Union leader goal: Be nicer to Kennedy p46,
AFL-CIO pushes drives for organizing, elec-
tions 488, Aug.18
Push for 35-hour week: AFL-CIO is preparing
to carry the fight to Congress p34, Aug.18
Dispute boils up between AFL and CIO blocs
over right to veto nomination p70, Aug.25
Why labor is pushing the 35-hour week
(Trend) p116, Aug.25
AFL-CIO zeros in on Southern California:
Federation prepares to launch a massive or-
ganizing drive centered on fast-growing Los
Angeles (with chart) p74, Sep.1
Neither is giving in: NAM’s Charles Sligh and
AFL-CIO’s George Meany continue to debate
fundamental labor-management issues without
convincing one another (with illus) p77, Sep.1
Reuther threatens to jolt labor unity: UAW
president has his executive board’s go-ahead
- yy AFL-CIO’s policymaking board p34,
Unions talk big, but worry — about meeting
1963 goals (wi illus) p56, Sep.29
Unions inch ahead in campaign to organize
= — mass of White-collar workers p164,
How labor rates the new Congress: AFL-CIO
analysts look for slightly more liberal tone on
Capitol Hill p55, Nov.17
How well can unions keep pledge on bias?
In White House ceremony, units representing
more than 10-million workers promise to end
discrimination (with illus) p54, Nov.24
Labor chiefs back off to avert split p56, Nov.24
Box score on ‘union democracy:’ Fund for Re-
public has studied nine big unions and found
they are reasonably democratic pl106, Dec.1
Building Trades Dept. cancels its traditional
legislative conference next year # p48, Dec.8
Expense-account life—union style: Most of
labor officials play it cool (with illus) p72,
Bargaining pressures in 1963 (table) p48,
Auto Workers, Machinists bare strike weapon
in aerospace industry contract talks p78, Jul.7
Pattern for peace in aerospace clash? Douglas
signs with two unions p90, Jul.2
Board offers terms in aerospace row p142,
Aerospace workers to vote soon on hot issue
of the union shop p60, Sep.29
UAW members vote on new Kohler contract
to end violent eight-year strike p92, Oct.6
# Short News Item
July-December, 1962
Is the union shop losing ground: At three big
West Coast aerospace companies, workers vote
down union shop requirements demanded by
UAW and IAM pl44, Nov.10
Profit-sharing pays off for auto workers:
First-year results of American Motors Corp.
plan (with table) p60, Nov.24
UAW leader is charged with conspiring to ob-
tain confidential tax records p82, Dec.8
Warning: Pay up or go. Douglas tells 1,400 it
must fire them if they balk at union’s agency
fee p80, Dec.8
Union men on trial: CWA holds hearing in
Washington hotel room for 22 local officials
accused of working for Teamsters (with illus)
p54, Aug.11
Teamsters mass against CWA, whose head op-
poses Hoffa in the federation p62, Nov.17
Leadership feud rocks IUE: Bitter clash be-
tween Pres. Carey and Secy.-Treas. Hartnett
is disrupting the union’s affairs (with illus)
p86, Aug.18
on Workers win yearend ‘bonus’ p78,
Delegates at convention vote to censure Secy.-
Treas. A. F. Hartnett # p48, Sep.22
Blouse manufacturer ordered to pay record
award of $108,761 p92, Jul.21
Dock strike shuts ports, but . . . Nobody ex-
pects any immediate threat from longshore-
men's walkout (with illus) p29, Oct.6
Settling of Fast Coast longshore dispute un-
likely before end of 80-day Taft-Hartley stay
p82, Dec.8
Auto Workers, Machinists bare strike weapon
in aerospace industry contract talks p78, Jul.7
Pattern for peace in aerospace clash? Douglas
signs with two unions p90, Jul.21
Teamsters’ victory in Gabriel Co. election
—— NLRB ruling on disputed votes p90,
Board offers terms in aerospace row p142,
Aerospace workers to vote soon on hot issue
of the union shop p60, Sep.29
Is the union shop losing ground: At three big
West Coast aerospace companies workers vote
down union shop requirements demanded by
UAW and IAM pl44, Nov.10
Lockheed pressured by IAM, Pentagon to hold
vote on union-shop issue p64, Nov.24
Kennedy invokes Taft-Hartley in strike at
Lockheed affecting missile program p36, Dec.1
Warning: Pay up or go. Douglas tells 1,400 it
must fire them if they balk at union's agency
fee p80, Dec. 8
Metal Trades
Wage hike, fringe gains end strike at nuclear
submarine plant p58, Aug.11
Petrillo steps down from podium of Musi-
cians’ local after election defeat by reform
candidate p78, Dec.15
Oil, Chemical & Atomic
Helping labor grow overseas: That’s the job
of American unionist aiding oil workers in
Near and Middle East (with illus) p136, Sep.8
Taking pay cuts to save jobs: Two out of
three unions accept this necessity to Keep
doors open in Southern meat-packing plants
p58, Dec.22
Railroad Telegraphers
Decisive fight on featherbedding? Outcome
could affect whole work rules dispute (with
illus) p90, Dec.22
Retail, Wholesale & Department Store
New York's long hospital strike settled
Rockefeller pledge p71, Jul.28
Dark clouds over 1963 bargaining
Screen Actors
Screen Actors pass up wage demands t
film makers back from abroad p64
Goldberg takes on fact-fiinding role in bit
U.S. - Canadian maritime feud p71, Jul.14
Rival unions in West Coast fight to re;
military transport seamen p126, Oct.27
Leftwing union feels the heat: Mine, Mill
Smelter Workers is still militant, but it’s
ing eroded by Steelworkers, especially
Canada p74, Jul.7
Kennecott strike averted as _ contract
reached after federal mediation p71, Jul.
Can companies and Steelworkers pc
talks pending new studies p92, Jul.21
Indiana University to offer courses in
ism for steelworkers p71, Jul.28
Who pays the tab? (Trend) p100, Sep.1
Dark clouds over 1963 bargaining p90, Oct.
USW wins ‘sabbatical’ leaves for long-servic«
workers in can industry p92, Oct.6
‘Sabbaticals’ become a major goal: Steelwork-
ers and other unions will seek to spread three-
month vacations won in can industry p106
USW certified at Canadian nickel plant
wing rival plans court appeal p164, Oct.20
Peacemaker for steel: The labor-n
Human Relations Committee p52,
Readers Report: A year at Fuji p6, }
Readers Report: Labor’s sabbatical p6
Why steel needs an early agreement: It
head off an inventory buildup (wit!
p76, Dec.8
Splitting cost cuts: New incentive
worked out by Kaiser Steel and USW
an industry pattern (with illus) p20
Pittsburgh scents an early start for steel
bargaining p30, Dec. 29
Television & Radio Artists
‘Labor row silences WNDT: Educational
station and union are at odds p95, Sey
TV ‘nonpros’ will decide by election whethe
they want ties with union p92, Oct.6
Labor Board rules company cannot close plant
just because workers opted for union p126
Oct.27 ‘
Tufted carpet workers in South hand textile
union its first victory in poll p78, Dec.15
AMF Pinspotters, Inc.
Antitrusters sue AMF and Brunswick, charg-
ing restriction on bowling pin setters p38,
American Motors comes to fork in road:
fein sales may dictate a change in course
(with illus) p130, Jul.14
AMC girds for post-Romne
nethy, Cross in top posts p
era with Aber-
» Nov.24
With few dissenters, economists forecast: no
boom, no slum with chart and illus 23,
Oct.13 os dis
ACADEMY of Food Marketing
Full-fledged aetemy of Food Marketin
opened up on Philadelphia campus p77, Sep28
An accountant to guide you through tax maze.
Where pros can help most p73, Dec.22
Proper accounting treatment for the 7% tax
credit, enacted into law makes problems for
a. gf teeming Principles Board # pl54,
How to report investment credit: Accountants’
group lays down some guidelines (with tables)
p56, Dec.15
ACME Uniform Rental
Profiting from dirty linen: National Linen
reaches into 53 market areas p66, Oct.27
ACUSHNET Process Co.
Rubber-like suspension eliminates need of
springs in bucket seats p118, Oct.20
Few coins to jingle: Shortage of nickels and
pennies is getting acute as Christmas season
nears p32, Nov.24
ADDRESSOGRAPH-Multigraph Corp.
Electronic brains get eyes: Computers with
optical scanners (with illus) p56, Aug.4
See also Germany
Adenauer wins in France, but weakens at
home... ause of coalition rule p95, Jul.14
Adenauer’s iron rule eases: Cabinet resigns
after national discord over role of Defense
Minister Strauss in Spiegel Affair (with illus)
p27, Nov.24
Will Adenauer try a ‘Black-Red Grand Coali-
tion’? p93, Dec.8
Two machines use adhesives instead of stitch-
ing to close bags p138, Sep.29
ADLER, Morton
Virginia-Carolina’s stock swap plan draws fire,
but may succeed p56, Sep.15
ADMIRAL Plastic Corp.
Men who cash in on impulse: The rack job-
bers depend on impulse buying (with illus)
p170, Nov.10
ADOULA, Cyrille
Moderation in the Congo: Need for trade may
force settlement (with illus) p45, Jul.21
See also Magazines; Television; Radio; News-
Commercial TV isn’t cricket for Britons: A
government-appointed committee blasts pro-
Fasming on ‘independent’ networks p38,
‘Silicon epitaxial etc.’, Motorola woos the mo-
torist by startling him (with illus) p72, Jul.21
For a $30-million budget: TV obliges a friend.
Nets turn out top stars and officials for sales
meeting of Alberto-Culver Co. (with illus)
p28, Aug.4
# Short News Item
What kills a medium? The Marketing Pattern
p78, Aug.18
Florida frozen orange juice processors hand
over $3.5-million to the Florida Citrus Com-
mission for big promotion campaign # p50,
List prices are dying out: All but a few ap-
pliance makers are abandoning them p48,
Oil account goes back to pros: Clark Oil &
——. will no longer handle its own adver-
tising, it decides p50, Aug.25
TV aims at Broadway: Westinghouse dickers
to back plays, show rst nights — and adver-
tisers are warm to idea p48, Aug.25
United Fruit Co. has revived “Chiquita Ba-
nana” radio trademark # p50, Aug.
Ad agency with yen to go public Senge its
prospectus at SEC’s behest p144, Sep.8
Music to sell by hits $18-million note: Pro-
ducers of melody for TV and radio commer-
cials say theirs is truly a growth industry
(with illus) p68, Sep.8
Is it really junk? Direct mailers fight “junk”
label, rate rises p120, Sep.22
Ideal Toy Corp. cited in FTC charge for de-
ceptive TV commercials p60, Oct.6
Industry goes to the movies: At home and
overseas films are pioneering ways to put
companies across (with illus) p94, Oct.6
Group to study impact of advertising # p36,
Oct. 13
Toning down Yule toy ads: FTC, + * cra
act to curb claims on TV p70, Oct.
Hassle over cooperative ads: Apparel makers
and retailers wrangle over who is to blame
for discriminatory allowances at FTC hearing
p60, Oct.27
Map of Mid-Manhattan offers art as well as
promotion gimmick (with illus) p174, Nov.10
Ad men boost demand for California olives —
and put themselves out of work p68, Nov.17
Advertisers and ad agencies decide to make
their a pitch to TV performers’ unions p62,
Can a sponsor quit TV? Attempt to break con-
tracts with ABC is only one question in storm
over Hiss (with illus) p29, Nov.24
Los Angeles S&L ordered to halt ad are
for accounts up to $110,000 p100, Nov.2
Ad agencies will be space brokers again if
Colorado newspaper has its way p52, Dec.1
S&H won't budge on ad Claim: It —e
to shout that its stamp plan is best —in de-
fiance of New York’s BBB p48, Dec.1
Ad roles shifting for agencies and clients:
Changes sought %, some on both sides are
slowly bringing different working relationship
(with illus) p53, Dec.8
New York forages for news: But stores feel
few effects yet from ad blackout as strike
closes nine dailies (with illus) p36, Dec.15
United States Testing Co. agrees to ban on
use of its name or seal in ads p38, Dec.15
Getting news to New York: With newspapers
struck, radio-TV try to fill in, and others pass
the word (with illus) p18, Dec.22
One brand name in place of four: United Bis-
cuit will get one national name — but in a
step-by-step shift p40, Dec.29
ADVISORY Committee on Labor-Management
See Labor-Management Advisory Committee
AERIAL Photography
See Photography
AEROJET-General Corp.
Auto Workers, Machinists bare strike weapon
in aerospace industry contract talks p78, Jul.7
Martin Marietta wins me contract for pow-
erful Titan III space ster p38, Aug.
Aerojet sets up automatic sorter for St. Louis
rail terminal p52, Nov.24
Company directories wr a leaf from the tele-
phone book p132,
Company held a three-day conference for 16
ossible contractors for big boosters p45,
AEROJET-General Nucleonics
Nuclear plant in a package: Mobile unit can
be used at remote sites, _— power source
for spacecraft p71, Sep.
AETNA Insurance Co.
Connecticut General uses trust fund to save
$1.8-million in taxes each year p104, Dec.8
Latins set out to win amigos: Mexico and
onus are forging new economic ties p68,