[PDF]Business Week 1955: Volume None, Issue Index.Digitized from IA1566413-07.Next issue: sim_business-week_1955-05-07_1340.Note:No volume number found
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How to Use this Index
Every article appearing in Business Week during
the first six months of 1955 is comprehensively
indexed in this volume. All articles are indexed
alphabetically by subject and by the names of
individuals, private businesses and government
agencies in all cases where such were either the
subject of the story reported or had a primary
relationship to the topi- covered. The following
paragraphs are offered as a guide to the index.
Business Organizations. industries are in-
dexed under their simple designations such as:
“Aviation,” “Shipbuilding,” “Textiles,” etc. In
addition, all articles having reference to a private
company, will be found under that company's
Labor. Generai labor news is indexed under
such broad headings as “Wages,” “Employ-
ment," “Labor,” and the like, References should
also be made to the various government labor
agencies and to individual companies. Because
the full names of many trade unions are not gen-
erally well known, trade union items are indexed
by parent organizations, under ‘American Feder-
ation of Labor,” “Congress of industrial Organ-
izations,"’ or “independent Unions,"’ and then in
turn under subheads by the trade or industry in
which they operate. There is one exception: the
railroad brotherhoods are indexed only under
“Railroads — Labor."
Government. The permanently established
departments of the Federal Government will be
found under “'D,” “Department of the Treasury,”
“Department of War," and “Department of the
Independent Commissions and Special
Emergency Agencies. These will be found ar-
ranged alphabetically by their established names.
In addition, they are also indexed under their
field of activity.
Advertising index. This section includes all
advertisers which have appeared in Business
Week during the first six months of 1955, Ar-
ranged alphabetically, this information gives the
dates of every insertion. For page numbers,
to issue indicated. .
Reference Dept. Many individual headings
suggest other entries (See also . . ."") which may
be consulted in looking for specific articles. If,
however, you cannot find a specific article, or you
would like any general information about material
which Business Week has published, do not hesi-
tate tc make direct inquiry by mail or telephone to
Business Week Library, 330 West 42nd Street,
New York 36, N. Y.; telephone LOngacre 4-3000,
extension 8297,
ACF Industries, Inc.
Each Road Wants Its Own (with illus) p27,
Now, Assembly by Machine for TV Sets p58,
AR.A, Mig. Co.
Sells an air conditioning unit for drive-in
theaters # p68, Jun.18
Strong suburban branches don't hurt perent
store pi, Feb5
Vantrol 5615, a new synthetic water-soluble
abrasive, leaves no hard deposit after use =
p44, Jan.1
winker driving # pee. Jan.1
Report deaths to children at
home by electrical “Secldonte "% piso, Mar.12
A Better Yardstick fer Costs? (with table)
ple2, Jan.15
Johns-Manville makes a brush-on adhesive
for installing floor tiie # p49, Apr.®
January-June, 1955
|. Editorial Contents
Rx for Radio: NBC it has the cure for
advertising losses » Mar.12
New York Radio and TV Stations Sign Code
Restricting Batt Advertising p68, Mar.19
Pittsburgh: How Var Is Legible? p60, Mar.26
The April Reader’ will be the first to
carry novertising @ plan Marae
Television's Gain Is Other Media's Loss: How
national are doing (with
table and 6 charts) p62, Apr.9
tices pal May 7 =
Ralph Demmiler believes securities adver-
a ee aaa re
Customers: Won't the Same p140,
May 21 They Won't Stay Pp
Gett A From the Peaks and Vi $
wy wen Se Oe Se
are flattening (with 8 charts) pl132, May 21
Se ee eS Sea
Oleo Ads Churn Up New Fight p70, Jun.11
AEKOPHYSICS Development Corp.
ete vatess eye ey &
AETNA Casualty & Surety Co.
Issues new. low-cost accident insurance for
car owners # pl68, Apr.1é
Carrying the for West: Construction
i puting 1 5. aid to work in
‘Atghanistan (with map) p54, Jan.1
See also Individual Countries
for the Sahara: France's in
ye Bt —
A for Africa (with 165,
£ power pian ( map) p
Ww. to ball at the
coming conference % ‘piss, Jan.
toa climax at meeting in Indonesia # pies,
India’s Nehru and Burma's U Nu will to
Riagt sas
See also Department of Agriculture
Fiso-uilllion for fiscal 1985 pase Jand
The Administration’
farmers will come 18, A 2 a
# pas, Jan.15
Farm land values in the U. 8. climbed a
iy i% from July 1 to Nov. 1 # pi,
gram for disposal abroad begins to
steam pll2, Jan.22 t
Restoration of h
up again # poe, Pee PO
Let’s Show the Russians (Trend) p196, Mar.1z
wont be overruled on handing farm
surpluses and price supports # p38, ]
Farm bloc-labor lobby coalition won't last
pl62, Apr.16
New Job for $ Dirt Stick
Together (with illus) ext |
Price Investment: of Food
Sill Growing (chart) p00, Aprié
Bomber’: hep to ened Sanne 70 be an.
folded shortly @ message Congress
p37, Apr.30
$ Problem .
a Soe oe Analyzed p8
Aid for the Farmer (Trend) pl#4, May 7
Emergency drought total $5-million
have sbeet,Yeleased ‘by ‘Prew ot a 5-3
Rigid 90% farm price supports were doomed
before action the Dem-
Straticbecked bill po?) May 7
Senate passes the Agriculture
New for a
(with map ) piv, May
1 Farm Get Still
Slimmer (with map) pas. May It
eg eee
ork weteatial with ibs ot the coun.
tots Sined Memeo a pie Jente
Peeters Ain ad" any
Manufacturers’ of Room Air Condi-«
tomons ton ta66 Cater) , Feb.12
Air-Conditioned Homew Getting Closer, But—
p46, Apr2
Trade-in-pian for room air
let Litehell Mfg. Co.'s dealers
$125 on old units @ p50, May 7
Auto maker sells car air conditioner
th Sears pi44, May 21
Evaporator Cooler piS0, JunA
ow, wa This Year Be? (with 2 charts) p41,
ARA. Mig. Co.
for drive-in-theaters
AM France
I ton with Air France, Field
a a iti =.
Equatorial Africa # pl
up to
one, Jun.18 ae
Alr Routes: Now Mexican flights come up
p32, Feb.iz
Alr France buys Super Connies pi44, Jun.11
AIR Pollution
An electronic eye counts germs or dust in the
alr # pi43, MarS
Anti- of seven nations
cir potion mg come up with some
to Clear the Air: Symposium reveals
See Civilian Defense
ATR Research & Development Command
The first 5 lane is to
fly AA - 3's. Faas
AM Transport Assn.
Alreraft nape to stast
Ane Ba .. A # - ae
traffic is getting so thick # pii0, ww tr
Air Travel: Into the Steepest
Yet (with chart filus) p80, JunA
AIR-WAY Industries, Ine.
The oer of Alr-Way grt stock
alt te aeckhaliene a industriee, bag —T patie ”
Anchorage: Flight Fight p55, Jan.8
ALASKA Alrlines
Anchorage: Flight Fight p55, Jan.8
See Du Pont (KE. L) de Nemours & Co.
ALCO Products, Inc.
Announces tts vacation shutdown will be
longer this year @ pi74, May 21
Makes a licens! with Austral-
fon ooo to” diesel-electries “down
under” piss, Jun.
ALDEN Electroale & Impulse Recording Equip-
ment Co.
A now mans _meage tebe on @
many as and signals
a 2 Ga Se al
Hew fo Tremper an Low Profits (with fiux)
p70, Jan.1
or Gust t in the air epi yeaa
France's troubles in North Africa mah tee
Sieae, Conter of the pocbiom ls Algeria # pe
ALGOM Urantum Mines
Weert Wow Bis o Bow
map and 2 ifhus) péé,
ALIEN Property
ey eRe
# Short news item ©
og Peedustion (with
the N. Y¥. Central cost the Y
control Alleghany over $1-million #
the com-
pany’s shares cf Investors Services
2 pt, Jan2
ICC rules it's a rail 4,
a i holding cornpany # pT
ALLEGHENY Ludlum Steel Corp.
Says its two new
duce mach
tions # pis
ALLEN, J. Clarence
ng costs in stecleutting applica.
Land of Cotton: Machines
ils} ~ & life on old plantation (with 4
ALLEN (Louls) Associates
experts move from a uttered “basement to
S"Rill-tume oles piss. iday di
ALLIED Chemical & Dye Corp.
Coneentrated Heat for Industry {with illus)
p86, Jan.22
New Plastic ...is a form of nylon p139, Apr.2
New Gives Plastic Dishes a Ceramic
Look (w, 4 illus) p54, May 14
ALLIED Electrical Products, Inc.
Sues RCA for $2%-million # p34, Feb.26
ALLIED Stores Corp.
Plans New $300-Million Chain of Suburban
Shopping Centers p62, Jan.15
i shopping centers # pie, harae
ALLIS, Barney
(with 2 Mush pal, Maris pee See See
Earnings estimates for 1954 # p61, Jan.1
Ctpctthatdess of Gleuner Wervester
the independence company & peu
QAM demands rnd t arm eupmen
Robert 8. Stevenson is elected president. suc
ceeding William A. Roberts # p59, Apr
varanteed wage will be sought VAW
$ ao. Apes ”
New Furnace for on ee | Carboloy’
vaccum melting furnace p146, P
raise of
5 eae
tit for the West is proposed
“le # p48, Jan.29
La St Sate
Civilian ith chart
Clin Wares Caine Up (w )
Aluminum 18,
cane goes along getting records # p
Alcoa and
pig aluminum ¢
An aluminum
by Reynolds
Government releases 150-nillion Ib. of alu-
minum from the stockpile # p139, Ror
Say acer
tightness in aluminum must be blamed
yt y- Ay PY
Striving to Meet Demand (chart) pl124, May 14
is being diverted from le
ae 3 8 SS. SSE
over it # pls, May 28
Sepert’due pai Muay 3 ,
Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal and St. J
ae Oe © SES os Cs Pat ©
Wide aluminum sheet will roll from Alcoa's
newest mill # p68, Jun.11
ten p06, dun.i6
Strips of colored aluminum roll continnouty
from line of Fromsom Orban
Co. # Jun.18
ALUMINUM Co. of America
Will build a 100-in. cold mill for
i oes cet & Ce =
Considers a 10% boost in its
out primary eluminum
Alcoa Faces U:
3 illus) pé2,
9 Hew Ge & Gig >
Even the blue chips bounce # pl19, Mar5
AMERICAN Airlines, Inc.
Uses an electronic memory unit to record and
—- — oO about flight conditions,
of arrival, and departure of all flights
to and trom New York @ pil, Jan2®
fete on BOS ene one ee SS
# pia, Feos
Air Routes: Now Mexican flights come up
p32, Feb.i2
Gives contract to to make its 400-
mph. medium size transport
Answer: Fewer Farmers
Inston, ‘ct gher Prices (with illus) p28,
AMERICAN Bankers Assn.
yy boom is warning sounded
ae Committee # pli2,
en cinta, sieisdy Gail dada
# ps6, Jun25
Where Experts Untangle Business Laws
(illus) pi30, Jan.8
: Texas = ges
eT te Gene a ae
AMERICAN Chain & Cable Co.
Tough wire being turned out by
company # pia, Janz
-Guty shuts wih net boosh
Mthe weld # pa. Ate
AMERICAN Cyanamid Co.
The Plastics and Resins Div. will build two
thermoplastics plants # p48, Jan.29
New Job for Chemicals
Together (with illus) p76, Apr.
nee Qa ee in proces-
~~ p13, Wrfy
AMERICAN Depositary Receipts
Green Pastures Overseas: Mary U.S. Investors
Think “Good” Stocks Are Cheaper in London
(with chart) p130, Juné
AMERICAN Economic Assn.
Buckl Down to Problem Solving (with
illusy pl04, Jan.8
Employees in Morristown, Tenn
Textile Workers # pl09, Feb.26
AMERICAN Federation of Labor
See also Dw. < Labor; Congress of
of Indus-
trial Organizati nena Unions: Na-
tional Labor Relations Board; Labor; Employ-
tiing Dirt Stick
. reject CIO
N “Catastrophe” Benefits; Unions :.axe an
eftort to expand health to include
protracted illnesses p58, Jan.1
Files two petitions aimed at Nevada's
Tint te work iow & pan done
Union Merger: It’s still on. Lawyers ere draw-
ing up contract now pl47, Jan.15
Unions Woo Support in Congress: What they
for (with table and 2 illus)
Reds one-
two punches from
labor leaders pi44,
A New Era—and A Added Punch: A AFL and CIO
sures, to merge (with chart and 2 illus) p25,
Eyes Welfare Funds: Executive coune!l
to guard against abuses (with
illus) p09, 26
Complicating the Merger: Mike Quill raises
a fuss; dream of unity may be broken (with
Mus) pl02, Feb.26
Merger Interest Spreads: Firemen & Engine-
men may be first rail brotherhood to tie up
with merged AFL-CIO pi34, Mar.12
In the Near Future... AFL-CIO merger will
be about set pl62, Apr.16
constitution Lay
illus) pi6é2, May
Siosing te on Welle Punto: Bem AFL and
: eee ew ae disclosure of
fata "on fund receipts and dispersails pi76,
AFL Aluminum Union Joins Drive for GAW
pl75, Feb.19
Union is determined not to be forced into a
aes he eras Auto Workers # piés,
Seattle bakers are back in union # p58, Jan.1 |
Taft-Hartiey revisions will be sought union
# pi28, Jan.29 by
demand will be made this year by
nen bullding trade unions in Chicago #
# Short news item
Machinists and CIO Auto Workers gang up on
independent craft group p134, Mar.12
Caen See to: tapes of) ee tae '©
Wage demand will be made on Sept. 1 with
Big Four # pla2, Apr2a
Rival Meat Unions Map Joint Policies (with
illus) pl70, May 21
A union-conducted
federal wagering taxes wus =
Paper Makers
Will seek a 32-hour work week # p174, May 21
processing faces izing drive
by and Ainalonvnated’ $a Meat Cutters
& # p58, Jan.1
The: Big Unions Are Getting Higher: Union
invests Montgomery Ward p56, Jan.1
A no-raid pact between teamsters and CIO's
il, Whoiesale & Store Union
ee a ee oe
Chifago union buys bus. to be furnished free.
trips for crippled
children. “net pee Jan's “
Anbther $1-mil $1-million investment in ronmer?
Ward common stock was reported by
#/pl36, Jan.22
adjustments in
ee pay lives or seme
= a day ea eee eet petlod & pise
poe on union assets # pi2z4, Feb5
| Joins GAW groups # a Feb.12
: e Too Tete
cum setting tp a study grown to modern
methods ng Mar5
Long Pittsburgh Strike Ends...Last hold-
outs in department store walkout return p107,
Mar 26
en ere: A Wave. Teamsters are likely
foster father for the dock union pil. Mar 26
peg Il! Street talks about influence of
of Wolfson-Avery fight # p18, Apr.2
a Potesetier # pt
Wood, Wire & Lathers
Saeisoenr laa!
The Battle Gets When M Fall
Out (with'? illus) pal Mars em
AMERICAN Iron & Steel Institute
Danerena kepada * hme
AMERICAN Locomotive Co.
CIO's Steelworkers ratified a strike settle-
ment with company p108, Mar.26
Picks Rear. Adm. Wilson D. ar., as
vice-president of engineering pas, Apr.2
AMERICAN Louisiana Pipe Line Co.
Supreme Court the efforts of Pan-
handle PA — he oy A construction of
Loulsiana-Michigan pipeline # p34, Jun4 i
Se ee eee
Mes comeieie’ ylame
for completion
p¥4, Feb.12
Will build a “
reactor for
nuclear research
in 18 months #
9! 4 7 nuclear
Memorial. # 86, Feb.12
Home craftsmen should look into the Float-
Lock Mity 7 vise # p180, Feb.19
Annewmone _potininesy — ev for com-
poe! ~} onigment to kill
sprouting for 1 a Apr.16
en Keeping Industry Alive
, Apr.ié6
Gen, Wether Babe Bet wep bead wp Al
Atomics, Ine. # pl28, Apr.30
Gets contract to design and { cigarette
plant in Pakistan # piSé, May 140°
AMERICAN Management Assn.
Reports Donmegs,_ and pensions
haldta company officer directors # p75,
Reports on executive salaries in Canada #
New Tools: West Goat conte be hears how
computers and math dish up data quickly
ce ala
Seiten sports ot AMA'S fink oom
ference on. electronies business # pM,
WF lems Gece tow pateties & thy ©
p88, Apr.2
Getting He Biessnge Acsces Without Guatie - :
takes a total, yooh ay Re!
is akan ae win ius) oa. Ape ss
= vis, May r
Management is
fiving large ehurike of, Ks time’ to conferences
Reports on middle management eatery # pts,
to Range. The
Reting Pattern, pal, dun28- AMERICAN Medical Assn.
Cigareties: On Trial Again p31, Jun.11