[PDF]Business Week 1952: Volume None, Issue Index.Digitized from IA1566413-06.Previous issue: sim_business-week_1952-06-28_1191.Next issue: sim_business-week_1952-07-05_1192.
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How to Use this Index
Every article appearing in Business Week during
the second six months of 1952 is comprehensively
indexed in this volume. All articles are indexed
alphabetically by subject and by the names of
individuals, private businesses and government
agencies in all cases where such were either the
subject of the story reported or had a primary
relationship to the topic covered. The following
paragraphs are offered as a guide to the index.
Business Organizations. Industries are in-
dexed under their simple designations such as:
“Aviation,” “Shipbuilding,"’ ‘Textiles,’ etc. In
addition, all articles having reference to a private
company, will be found under that company's
name. ‘
Labor. General labor news is indexed under
such broad headings as ‘“Wages,"’ ‘‘Employ-
ment," “Labor,” and the like. References should
also be made to the various government labor
agencies and to individual companies. Because
the full names of many trade unions are not gen-
erally well known, trade union items are indexed
by parent organizations, under ‘American Feder-
ation of Labor," ‘Congress of Industrial Organ-
izations,” or ‘Independent Unions," and then in
turn under subheads by the trade or industry in
which they operate. There is one exception: the
railroad brotherhoods are indexed only under
“Railroads — Labor."
Government. . The permanently established
departments of the Federal Government will be
found under ‘‘D,"’ “Department of the Treasury,”
“Department of War," and “Department of the
independent Commissions and Special
Emergency Agencies. These will be found ar-
ranged alphabetically by their established names.
.In addition, they are also indexed under their
field of activity.
Advertising Index. This section includes all
advertisers which have appeared in Business
Week during the second six months of 1952. Ar-
ranged alphabetically, this information gives the
dates of every insertion. For page numbers, refer
to issue indicated.
Reference Dept. = Many individual headings
suggest other entries (‘See also. . .'") which may
be consulted in looking for specific articles. If,
however, you cannot find a specific article, or you
would like any general information about material
which Business Week has published, do not hesi-
tate to make direct inquiry by mail or telephone to
Business Week Library, 330 West 42nd Street,
New York 36, N. Y.; telephone LOngacre 4-3000,
extension 501.
ABC Stores
See Greensboro, N.C.
See Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.
sore taxes on business »-
Latin , e necessary
stimulate dovehopmens there # p110, Nov.29
ABEL Transmission Co.
Belt § is a ceeies for belts of in-
dustrial machinery # p72, Aug9
Readers Report: Taxes p8, Sept.6
Beltbrasive dressers # p136, Sept.27
New Job for Coated Abrasives. Two com-
panies promote abrasives p= "= alu-
minum aircraft skins p54,
Grinding Without nag ogg Engineers
working on machines to grind without a:
amonde p78, Oct.4
North Dakota's unsatisfied
runs into troube # p96, Ni
New fiber a
Ts ae fund
material devel
# p62, Jul.12 add
DPA Loosens Pay Strings p133, Jul.12
Rs a peutic Revolution (with 6 illus)
Torch-O-Matic is
air gas torch # p68,
ACF-BRILL Motors Co.
Merger with Foremost Dairies is called off
# pel. Jul.s
» Bs noes acetylene
a ge will make a
Pag =F, in Korea at the U
z pl
ACME-NATIONAL Refrigeration Co.
Squeeze in the Kitchen p58, Nov.22
Ser ag EN Society of America
Problem: to Make Jet Engines Quieter
(with 3 ius) plz. Dec.6
See Chemstrand, Inc.
ACTIVITY Vector Analysis
Psychological Testing For Workers p82, Jul.19
ADAMS, Sherman
Eisenhow®r’s Cabinet: For White House staff
(with illus) p27, Nov.29
ADAMS, Sherman
will the job of special adviser to
Sannibeer % ‘with illus) Dec.6
Still has the whip hand in Germany # pl45,
full-dress defense of
N. opening
Operation Direct Mail p68, Jul.26
# Short news item
July-December, 1952
I. Editorial Contents
Adhesive Saves Mess (with illus) tien Sept.6
Decorative Formica plastic ma on a nom
be applied by amateurs at beeen # Sn eae
Analysts Overhaul Admiral. (with 11 illus)
p150, Oct.11
Will add home freezers, condi-
tioners, and dehumidifiers # P*pla2, POS
See also Magazines; Newspapers, Radio-Broad-
casting, Television
Advertising is next pet for Better Busi-
ness Bureaus # p44, 5
Calvert Distill ashington Tem-
perance Assn. MMhubooea (with illus) # p44,
Firth Carpet
rints an old ad. The Market-
ing Pattern (wi ul.5
th illus) p43, J
Find pickings, so Atlan-
tic Monthly and angers Te their ad-
vertising sales staffs p42, J
RCA Victor is the heaviest adver-
tising schedule in its ry # p46, Jul.12
Operation Direct Mail. p68, Jul.26
Stromberg-Carlson gtepts licy of pro-
moting ae product line a yeer Pd p50, Jul.26
finds out what people in
Schenectete lik 7: or dislike about the com-
pany # p Aug?
TV ove hurts magazines than
people te apeieaine Bureau
reports = p51, Aug2
rmy has an advertising appropriation of
Sicmituion to recruit nurses and other per-
sonnel # p44, Augd
Soap Box Derby: Hpenas Publicity Proj-
ect (with 4 iilos) poe Aug.
Advertising itures first half of
1952 ran 9% higher than 1 p52, Aug.16
W. R. Grace & ie eins 5 for control
of Foster & % Wielser # pao, A
Hershey Chocolate will run foint ad-cam-
paign with Durkee Co. # p48, Sep.20
National Shoes sues Schaefer beer # p36,
Policy, not products, is what A, E, Sieter
Mts. plugs in labor papers (with illus) pl
Ad Comet: Where It Came In (with 9 illus)
p136, Oct.1
Safeway continues fight oo - milk at
lower prices (illus) pl38, Oct
pe \ ay Kaverdaing Pu Pantientions new , publica.
How to See Geese with a Ralston
Purina Box ™ with S illus) p30, Oct.25
Magazine adve da the first nine
months hit a new # pi6, Nov.1
Murray Breese Associa‘ moves to West-
chaser County # pl24, Nov 1
FTC Cracks Down on Chesterfielf Ads p50,
Alcoholic bever: makers cut advertising #
pl36, Nov.22 =
Boston wool dealers plan advertising cam-
paign # p36, Nov.29
District judge dismisses FTC's false ad-
laint &
¥" pee pecs? against Liggett & Myers
Retailers os wm y a code of ad-
se ethics ps6,
Those Mergers on Madison Avenue?
Aechcles find themselves faced with increasing
demands from clients p43, Dec.6
FTC Will Fight. .
field cigarettes p80.
It's the Ad That Sells Cosmetics (with 2 illus)
p62, Dec.13
.court ruling on Chester-
, Dec.13
October #
Government workers who ther .- of their
obs after Jan. - Fog By 7 ae for ads run
y Philipp’s # p56,
Ad Council: Where It Came In (with 9 illus)
p136, Oct.11
See Atlantic Monthly
er is finish plastic coatin,
that sx . ive
resistant to —— abrasion,
pR.. »-. # p76,
Advertising volume hits an all-time high in
# p56, Dec.20
AETNA Insurance Co.
Blanket Insurance: New coverage protects a
manufacturer’s: property p68, Dec.6
AFRAN Transport Co.
Heavyweight a a (illus) p34, Oct.25
Aluminum Ltd, Montreal, starts tions
on the island of Kassa # p178, Oct.18
A A om. belt-bition dollar er and alu-
umn protest the Volta River is moving
a pos, “Nov 29
British-Dutch com y back air survey for
oll in East Africa p150, Dec.6
Giant Aluminum Plant Planned on Gold
Coast (with map) p150, Dec.6
North Africa: How Long Can U. S. Straddie
the Fence (with map and 2 illus) p110, Dec.20
~- an riculture; Dai In-
PackIng Rs te Livestock; Food:
Wheat: fw etc.
Congress Exits: Farm price supports p29,
Farm prices will continue to be supported.
Both parties favor this # p23, Jul.1
bay Comes in With a Rush (with illus) p33,
—_ ee Battle Ag Sop Policy: cepems ot
a — o scale of price sup e
c a Rent in next
Conaneas pm
The farmer could tip the political scale in
parle will bi
November. Both
vote # p23, Jul
$1-Billion Drought D On (with illus)
p29, Aug® a
id high for his
The farmer is getting a smaller share of your
food dollar # p23, Sepé
rm Demand for Fortiieer Hits Peak (with
H “tables) p54, Sep.13
The Remaining Farm Problem: Eisenhowe:
and Stevenson stands (with 2 illus) pa,
Congress is cheskine into .the cost of market-
ing food # pl7, Sep.27
Out of your food dollar, ‘the farmer
48¢ # pl7, Sep.27 *” ed
Government price-support activities have been
increasing due to this year's big crops, and
slumping export markets # p18, Dec.13
Stocks Some Experts Like (with table) p142,
AIKEN, George
Chairman of Senate Agriculture Committee
(illus) p28, Nov.8
Claims too many promises have been made
4 scientists working on electronic computers
= p3%, 25
AIR Agitation
Giving, Refinery Fires the Air (with 5 illus)
p68, Nov.29
AIR Conditioning
GM Stock Cars to Offer Air Conditioner in
53 p32, Jul.19
A Sell-Out in ‘52: Manufacturers lost a lot
of sales this ee by setting production
too low p38, 29
Gateway Center is equipped with the largest
commercial air-conditioning unit in the wold
= p70,
Chrysler tests air conditioning for cars +
p36, Aug.23
Weather-Controlled Home 2.500
House-Hunters (with 4 illus) aes wang 33
Air Conditioner Tester (illus) p66, Sep.6
International Harvester will market a de-
humidifier and room air conditioners # p36,
Auto Air Conditioners: Spend $600 or so and
uu can have one in your Pa953 Cadillac (with
fitus? pl18, Sep.13
Miniature air conditioning system eliminates
fogging, freezing, and dirt-infiltration of air-
craft gunsights + . Sep.20
Readers Report: Weather-Controlled Home
plo, p.20
Westinghouse reports sales of its newest de-
humidifier are 50% above expectations £
p48, Sept.27
General Motors eg going all out for air con-
ditioning # p jl
Readers Report: Gassed Up pl2, Oct.18
A’ combination air conditioner and heating
nit is introduced by Mitchell Mfg. Co. + p56,
Home air conditioning looks to be coming
fast = 1953, reports David Hoppock # p62,
Carrier Corp. — a contract with Gunnison
Homes # p56, Dec.20 :
Cory Corp.'s Fresh'nd-Daire Division has a
unit that heats, cools and dehumidifies +
p48, Dec.27
AIR Pollution ’
Readers Report: Smog p10, Jul5
Battelle Memorial Institute will make survey
to find out what companies in Akron are
guilty of air pollution # p194, Nov.8
Try Putting the Smell to Work p64, Nov.8&
AIRCRAFT Industries Assn.
Plane reports on number of company-owned
planes and the number of hours flown #
p189, Nov.22
AIRCRAFT Production Board
Is the Brass Losing Out: Services may yet
irilager their aircraft buying plans p34,
AIRKEM, tne.*
Try Putting the Smell to Work p64, Nov.8
AKRON, Canton & Youngstown R.R.
Ohio Conveyor Belt Comes te Life Again p26,
Battelle Memorial Institute will make survey
# Short news item ;
to find out what companies are guilty of
air pollution # p194, Nov.8
Fast Move: % S. Richardson
to the board of B. F. Goodrich 102, = 3
omen fill one of every five Alabama man-
ee jobs # pl36, Jul.12
By; ing NLRB: Can a state court step in
enjoin an “unfair" labor practice p162, Sep. 3
‘Plants resume plant tours # p192, Oct.18
Alaska Gets Set for a Boom As Alcoa
Mushes into the Klondike (with 2 maps ond
chart) p30, Aug.20
lan for aluminum production in
hits a snag # p24, 6
ALASKA Freight Lines, Inc.
Barge Service on 2 Timetable . . . Alaska
Panama . . . Great Lakes (with 2 illus) p33,
Nedick’s takes over Ly t * peacacnes and
diners in Albany # p48,
Sells two suburban department stores to
Macy's San Francisco # p62, Nov.15
Lights Come First pl12, Nov.15
Alcohol production at Omaha's government-
cvaes plant is about to shut down # p36,
Switching Brands .
p78, Nov.8
——_ s
. of industrial alcohol
ALDEN Products Co.
Bulletins by Electronics (illus) p82, Oct.18
ALDENBURG, Thalmann & Co.
Birth of a Bond Syndicate p32, Dec.20
See coatings
ALDRICH, Winthrop W.
Eisenhower names Aldrich Suemetes to
Britain (with illus) p28, Dec 6
Aldrich to London: 5 Sey to Chase National
(with illus) p48, 13
Out of - a Hit Record (with illus)
p96, Oct.
ALGONQUIN Gas Transmission Co.
Two-Way Fight for Gas Pipe: Algonquin has
pipeline built, but can't use it (with map)
p31, Dec.6
ALIEN Property
New Bids have been called July 23 for stock
of E. Leitz, Inc. # p36, Jul.12
Missouri Pacific's reorganization is up in
the air again # p92, Aug.2
Plans to issue up to $10-million in 10-year
5% debentures # p112, Sep.27
ALLEN, Frederick Lewis
1900 to 1950: The Big Change (with 9 illus)
p100, Dec.6
Readers Report: Looking Backwards p10,
Readers Report: Roped In p8, Sep.27
ALLIED Chemical & Dye Corp.
DPA eogroves tax write-off for new plant
= p36, 26
Sales increases are
reported for second
quarter # p48,
Is dickering for a loan from insurance com-
panies # p67, Jul5
Slick Shops Mark New Era .
Implement Field p52, Aug.23
A-C Squares Away for a Bigger Boom (with
4 illus) pl02, Sep.13
In Farm
Will supply combination ‘7 1} -pump units
for Hiwassee Dam # p36, Nov
Will make a reversible power unit for Hiwas-
see Dam # p76, Nov.29
Strenicor, a new P eae strength, npncorrotive
alloy # p96, Oct.
Lubricants for Alloys p54, Nov.1
ALLSTATE Insurance Co.
Auto Insurance: Up and Up pi52, Sep.13
ALLYN, Stanley C.
NCR's Stanley C. Allyn: Sales ideas can get
as obsolete as products (Cover) Aug.2
National Cash Register Teachesg;Old Theory,
New Ways to Sell p38, Aug.2
Self-Hitching Tractor (with illus) p119, Dec.13
Full Steam Ahead p158, Nov.22
Congress frowns upon aluminum from Canada
# p38, Jul5
GM develops Aldip, a new process for coat-
ing steel and other ferrous metals with alu-
minum # p60, Jul.12
New Plants Dot the Landscape as .. . Brazil
oosts Aluminum Production (with 2 illus)
p52, Jul.19
Telford Taylor proposed to several aluminum-
fabricating companies t that they organize their
own producing unit # p36, Jul
Aluminum Limited: Little preter Grows Up
(with map and 5 illus) p82, Jul.26
Aluminum gets its price increase, but the
supply situation is easing # p18, Aug?
NPA's plans for the first quarter of next
year + p23, Aug9
Readers Report: Power Aplenty pl2, Aug.23
Higher costs of aluminum may be added to
ceiling prices charged by processors # p36
Anaconda Copper announces Montana will
get its aluminum plant # p36, Sep.6
DPA will announce a third round of alu-
minum expansion. New producers Kennecott
Copper, Olin ar and Spartan Air-
craft # p36, 27
Concrete Machinery makes molds out of alu-
minum for park benches (with illus) p60,
Chattanooga—Aluminum Fadeout p130, Nov.1
e End Is in ns for Squeeze on Metals
(with table)
Olin’s Debut...as an aluminum producer
bry eo a fifth company in the industry
Giant Aluminum Plant Planned on Gold Coast
(with map) pl150, Dec.6
Cashing In on Cheap Power: Texas becomes
an men producer (with chart) p94,
Dec. J
ALUMINUM Co. of America
re an aluminum alloy eens. called
XA30 Brazing Sheet # p60, Jul
Ky with AFL for wage increase # p23,
Asks OPS for a 10% boost # p36, Jul.26
Alaska Gets Set For A Boom As.
- Alcoa
Mushes into the Klondike (with 2 maps ond
chart) p30, Aug.30
Alcoa's plan for aluminum gusdustion in
Alaska hits a snarl # p24, Sept.6
New reduction ae on the Columbia River
puts Washington in first place
of aluminum # p36, Sep.
New Le eaag | pm at Rockdale, Tex., stars
ill use lignite for power # p36,
in production
nen poe
Cashing In on Chea —_ Power: Texas bec