[PDF]Just look at it.
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A free publication for mankind.
Written by Frank Kelly.
Please repost this link wherever you can...thankyou.
Contact: fkellv.sw44(j5)vahoo.co.uk
Although the title is 'A World Without Money' - this is about PEOPLE.
Some people say that money is the root of all evil and in a sense you could say that they are right.
Man has striven to amass as much money as he possibly can. But with the collapse of world banking
systems and the rise in identity theft, is money really the safe option for the future?
Those dealing with financial matters and banking think that the future lies with identity cards
and 'electric money' i.e. credit/debit cards and chip and pin, but is this really the answer?
Many of the social problems which man is experiencing today could be eradicated if money did not
exist; but would this cause bigger problems and what would happen in society if money were taken
out of circulation?
I believe that the time has come to take a look at what the world could be like without money and
how society would continue if money were taken out of circulation.
Even if the idea seems ridiculous, I believe that it is a worthwhile subject just from the point of
view that as humans on the planet, we can choose our path; we can change our minds; we can do
something different, all of us, en masse, any time we choose - we have free will and intelligence.
But the idea itself will also act as a catalyst in throwing people into debate, not only about the issues
of money and it's causes and effects, but also about the real social problems that exist around the
world because of wealth, the lack of it, the social divide, greed, poverty, religion, class, family life,
education, employment, crime; in fact it will probably stir debate in just about every quarter.
So, for about 5,000 years, man has bartered and used various forms of money or currency to pay for
his needs and that really is the way things have been throughout our history on this planet.
However, have the think tanks of today, the clever people in our world; the boffins, the G8, G20
or the UN, even tried to find an alternative way of being that man could adopt in order to live, as a
world, in peace?
Have the leaders of the world ever sat down and spoke about anything that doesn't cost money or
involves a budget or a debt? Have they ever sat down and spoke about what is best for the majority,
or ways that might improve the quality of people's lives?
Originally, I believe that that was the intention of using money, to improve people's lives and
develop a fair and just system. However, that idea alone is fine; until you add man's greed, or man's
laziness, or jealousy, then you end up with a monetary system pretty much like we have got now.
You end up with haves and have not's and money becomes unfair and causes divide.
The world could be productive but at the same time enjoyable. Have we explored other ideas that
might give man more of a sense of freedom in order to make his life less stressful? Have these
people who are 'in-charge' ever even thought about a world without money?
That is my aim with this book; to dare to think about and explore that idea; whilst at the same time
exploring some of the issues that currently face man on this planet.
I personally think there could be something worth exploring given the way most people feel about
their daily lives. Wouldn't it be something quite different if working were a pleasant experience;
or if we worked out of choice, without stress or worry; for everybody and not for a small handful?
Wouldn't it be fantastic and a massive achievement for humankind, an absolute first, if all men had
financial freedom? Wouldn't it also be different if humans woke up in a morning and were excited
about the world they live in, eager to be alive.
Perhaps they do, but I think too many people are too busy to appreciate even the smallest things in
life, let alone the gift that life itself is. In physical and material terms, life is the ultimate prize.
Whether reincarnation is fact or not, who knows. What is for sure is that you aren't going to come
back as the same person that you are now, in this body and in this time, in your environment and
with the same people in it. This is it. This time is as much yours as it is mine. In physical terms, there
is only now.
Being alive and sucking air is the ultimate gift. It doesn't matter who you are, no amount of money
will buy you extra time if your time is up. And to throw away life, or treat life in any other way than
precious and with the utmost respect, is just a waste and unnecessary.
Questions such as reincarnation and whether as a mind, you continue on a journey after death or
not, are entirely irrelevant in this space and time. What matters is now. And I don't mean live for
today and do what the hell you like regardless of anybody or anything; I mean life, your life, matters
now; if there is life after death we can deal with that when that time comes. We should concentrate
on the lives that we are living and the way that we are being.
I wonder how many people; given their hectic lives get a chance to contemplate anything beyond
their daily lives anyway.
As a human being with free will, each and every one of us stands at the point of pure potentiality
at any given moment. In basic terms, we have the free will to think, say or do anything in a single
moment. We can create whatever we like and we do, all the time; mostly unconsciously without
even realizing it. It almost seems like everyone is asleep and on auto pilot. Well that's just not living
at all. That's just existing and living with the consequences of our unconscious actions, instead of
really living life by putting something worthwhile into it and living with the rewards of the conscious
decisions that we have made.
Why is there no time to appreciate even the smallest things? Why does it seem like human beings
are on a treadmill all the time? And how can man, using his free will, not only create a future worth
having, but find the time to even imagine what his world could be like.
I believe also that free will must go hand in hand with responsibility and to wield such a powerful
entity without responsibility is mindless and counterproductive; although many humans on earth do
exactly this.
Our bankers for instance wielding their free will without acting responsibly resulted in the collapse
of our financial system and now we will pay a hefty price for the collective greed and the credit
orientated culture that we have let develop; seemingly enslaving mankind further than he was
However, we were all happy at the time when money was plentiful and we were all enjoying the
But were we? Weren't most of us worrying about how we were going to pay it back; having had
it and spent it? Perhaps some were, but most were also living in the moment, carefree; and
responsibility was the last thing on their minds when they accepted the credit which was being
offered. So to totally apportion blame on the banks or bankers is unfair because without our
acceptance, they couldn't have done it. And therefore the responsibility must be ours too.
As is the responsibility for everything else that happens on our planet; but it works both ways, from
the individual to the collective. You can see how it works in all areas of human life.
Take punishment and children; teachers, police officers etc, all had the power to smack/hit children
and to deliver instant punishment for the smallest of reasons.
Now had those teachers etc only delivered punishment for legitimate reasons, instead of whenever
they felt frustrated with that child/person and the situation was out of their control; controlled,
reasonable discipline in schools would still exist; and many people would say good, that's what some
of these young people need.
However, there were teachers who I think actually enjoyed throwing a board rubber at your head
or dragging you from your chair by the hair at the nape of your neck; and quite frankly they abused
their power and deserved to lose it. But you can see that what happened on an individual basis,
(irresponsible teachers abusing their power and their pupils) also affected the collective; and our
actions then created the future that we are now living: a discipline-less culture where free will is not
accompanied by responsibility and louts get away with beating up their peers, lawlessness and other
anti-social activities.
By the same token, parents that don't know whether they are on their backsides or their elbows
because of life's pressures and demands, react in exactly the same way; when children and young
adults start to make demands; and they do from the moment they are born, fact; we as parents
can become frustrated because of our inability to deal with things in a thoughtful, constructive
and peaceful way. We become anti-social and we forget patience and understanding; we see the
demand as immediate and needing our attention when in reality we have much more pressing
things to deal with. We don't make the best relationships that we can with our children; not the
kind that we might if there were more time in a day with less stress and pressure. If we did deal with
life in a more patient and less controlling way, the result of that might be that families are more
balanced and lead less destructive and violent lives, less stressful etc.
So in parenthood, where is the line between necessary and just punishment and impatient,
unnecessary violence. Do we even need to smack at all? And if we do, what example are we setting
for our kids to live their lives by. It's a vicious circle; and it doesn't have to be.
If, every time you get frustrated with your kids you react by hitting them, it is easy to see that in life,
every time that child comes across someone who is frustrating him or is difficult to deal with, he will
react in just that way. If as a parent you ask your child to stop doing something or it will result in a
smack, is that not the same as saying, in life, if anyone refuses to do what you say, hit them? Can you
see how we could quite easily and unconsciously, create unreasonable, impatient individuals?
Children simply copy what their carers do. They do not learn by being told, they learn by what they
are living; watching what is happening in their environment and listening to everyone around them;
they learn by the exact example that their parents/families/carers/teachers/communities/leaders
etc have set.
And you only have to look at the world and the state that it is in, or even down the road in your own
street, to see what kind of examples are being set.
So it is up to us, the adults, to set a better example so far as young people and children are
concerned and to teach our example responsibly.
Free will without responsibility is as futile and just as bad as freedom without self control.
The fact of the matter is that when we are born, we grow up as products of our environments; and
when we reach the age where we are making our own way, we live as we have lived, we do what we
know and mostly we take that into our adult lives and continue the cycle with our own children; no
matter how destructive, un-necessary or wrong it might seem to everyone else.
So why are we setting these examples? Why are people living these kinds of lives? Perhaps it is
because we are quite literally products of our environments and we don't know any better. And
if this is so, how do we get from the victim status to responsible, creative adults with free will?
Furthermore, how do we get to the point where we realize what we are creating beforehand?
I would say that on a world basis, individuals and world leaders need to think about the process
of learning; think about the examples they are setting and the legacy that they are leaving for not
only their children, who are tomorrows adults, but for themselves; their successors and the people
of today who will be tomorrow's elderly and tomorrow's children, who will be their grandchildren.
And this has got to happen on all levels; we must start taking responsibility for the examples we are
setting and the future that we are creating for the future generations which will inhabit and inherit
this planet.
Or just do it for the present and future generations of your own family, if there is suffering or abuse,
or injustice - put a stop to it... make a positive mark on your future by making a positive mark on
someone else's. ..do it in your own families and take responsibility for their future's.
This lesson I learned through experience and it has been a hard lesson to learn, but particularly
harder for the other people involved more than myself. To give an honest explanation when I was
younger and growing up, if I fell out with my girlfriends; and then later my wife, I would become so
irate and bad tempered, so irrational and furious, that I would lose my temper and hit them.
I wasn't taught this as an example as I was growing up, I believe that it may have been hereditary
perhaps, I don't know for sure, but such was my behaviour.
My lack of control first cost me my relationship with my first daughter's mum, then my second
daughter's mum and almost with my third and fourth daughter's mum as well, who by then was my
My behaviour continued through these relationships for probably about 15 years until one day, a
light switched on in my head and I realized what I was creating for my future based on my actions in
the present; but not only for my future, but for my daughters and perhaps even my grandchildren
who hadn't yet been born.
It occurred to me that should I continue behaving and acting like this, it was very possible that my
daughters would attract similar partners when they were older and should it happen that he hit